107 resultados para high-strength and high-modulus fibres


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Purpose : This study examined whether a community-based progressive resistance strength training programme could improve muscle strength and functional activity in a group of adults with cerebral palsy with high support needs.

Method : Using a single group pre-post clinical design, 10 adults (7 males, 3 females; mean age 47.8 SD 5.7 years) with cerebral palsy and high support needs completed 4 weeks of introduction and familiarization, followed by a 10-week progressive resistance strength training programme in a community gymnasium. Participants were measured for muscle strength, locomotion speed and timed sit-to-stand.

Results : After establishment of a stable baseline from weeks 2 to 5 with no systematic change and a high degree of association ( r  > 0.86), participants increased leg strength by 22.0% ( p  = 0.02), arm strength by 17.2% ( p  = 0.01) and improved performance of sit-to-stand ( p  = 0.02) during the 10-week strength training intervention.

Conclusions : This study adds to the accumulating evidence that strength training can be beneficial for people with cerebral palsy by demonstrating benefits for adults with cerebral palsy and high support needs who are subject to decline in physical function associated with the ageing process.


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This qualitative study investigated personal and psychological aspects of big wave riders. A cross-sectional design with non probability purposive sampling was used to gain personal interviews with 32 elite surfers who regularly ride big, life threatening waves. Each athlete was asked three open questions: 1. What do you think are the most important qualities and attributes a surfer needs for riding big waves? 2. What type of mindset is best for riding big waves?, and 3.What motivates you to ride big waves? Content analysis of the taped interview transcripts revealed seven key qualities and attributes including having a thrill seeking, confident and goal oriented personality, a high level of mental strength and control, and an intimate relationship with the ocean. The best mindset included an individually defined arousal level, a committed attitude, and a simple, yet highly aware, focus. Motivations were primarily intrinsic, though drives indicative of a behavioral addiction to the act of riding big waves also emerged. Evidence of common developmental stages for riding big waves also arose from the interviews. Optimal mental approach and preparation techniques are discussed that will enable big wave riders, and other extreme athletes, to more safely and successfully manage extreme situations.


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This work investigates the tensile behaviour of non-uniform fibres and fibrous composites. Wool fibres are used as an example of non-uniform fibres because they're physical, morphological and geometrical properties vary greatly not only between fibres but also within a fibre. The focus of this work is on the effect of both between-fibre and within-fibre diameter variations on fibre tensile behaviour. In addition, fit to the Weibull distribution by the non-brittle and non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres is examined, and the Weibull model is developed further for non-uniform fibres with diameter variation along the fibre length. A novel model fibre composite is introduced to facilitate the investigation into the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. This work first confirms that for processed wool, its coefficient of variation in break force can be predicted from that of minimum fibre diameters, and the prediction is better for longer fibres. This implies that even for processed wool, fibre breakage is closely associated with the occurrence of thin sections along a fibre, and damage to fibres during processing is not the main cause of fibre breakage. The effect of along-fibre diameter variation on fibre tensile behaviour of scoured wool and mohair is examined next. Only wet wool samples were examined in the past. The extensions of individual segments of single non-uniform fibres are measured at different strain levels. An important finding is the maximum extension (%) (Normally at the thinnest section) equals the average fibre extension (%) plus the diameter variation (CV %) among the fibre segments. This relationship has not been reported before. During a tensile test, it is only the average fibre extension that is measured. The third part of this work is on the applicability of Weibull distribution to the strength of non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres. Little work has been done for wool fibres in this area, even though the Weibull model has been widely applied to many brittle fibres. An improved Weibull model incorporating within-fibre diameter variations has been developed for non-uniform fibres. This model predicts the gauge length effect more accurately than the conventional Weibull model. In studies of fibre-reinforced composites, ideal composite specimens are usually prepared and used in the experiments. Sample preparation has been a tedious process. A novel fibre reinforced composite is developed and used in this work to investigate the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. The results obtained from the novel composite specimen are consistent with that obtained from the normal specimens.


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The abalone Haliotis laevigata Donovan is commercially exploited in southern Australia; Haliotis scalaris Leach is a smaller, noncommercial species. This thesis describes the early life history of both species and other aspects of the fishery biology of H. Iaevigata required for fishery management. Both abalone species recruit onto a crustose coralline substratum variously from spring to winter. After settlement the growth rate of both species Is linear for a number of years (1 .7mm/month for H. Iaevigata and 1.1mm/month for H. scalaris) . Crustose coralline algae are the main food during the first year of life but thereafter the diet switches largely to drift algae and seagrass. Survival of newly-settled cohorts differed between years and between species. Overall, it appeared to be density Independent at low densities but density-dependent at high densities, Recruitment strength (measured at 2-1/2 - 3 years of age) and natural mortality of adults in a closed population was measured over 17 years at West I. There were sequences of strong and weak recruitments, but no relationship with presumed spawning stock size was apparent. Adult natural mortality rates ranged from 0.02 to 0.86 and were strongly density dependent. Stingrays were a major, and octopuses a minor, cause of mortality. The fecundity of H. Iaevigata was investigated at a number of sites and was adequately described by linear regressions of fecundity on total weight. Fecundity ratios and growth rate differed between sites and fecundity appears subject to phenotyplc and genotypic variation. The short and long term movement of H. laevigata was also examined, !n short term studies sexually mature Individuals aggregate during the spawning season but disperse randomly at other times of the year. In the longer term the amount of movement depends on availability of crevice space and size. Movement is also directional and, at one site, was toward that of the approaching swell. A method is described for estimating density of abalone by using a free-range search technique and adjusting for individual variation in power and efficiency of different divers and in differing degrees of habitat heterogeneity. The method is useful for estimating recruitment strength and density of abalone in surveys of abalone stocks.


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Advanced polymeric materials and their respective composites are fast becoming one of the world's most frequently used engineering materials. They find application in the manufacture of e.g. boat hulls, high performance motor vehicles, aircraft components and sports goods. Their high specific strength and specific stiffness give them the edge in applications where weight savings are critical, but their long-term durability is often questioned. These materials are susceptible to environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. There is also a lack of relevant data, due to the long time-scales required for testing. In this study, the Raman technique has been used to monitor the degradation of two composite systems, namely: a rubber toughened vinylester material used in the marine industry and a high temperature bismaleimide/carbon fibre aerospace composite. Preliminary Raman studies show that the toughening rubber particles dispersed in the cured vinylester resin are leached out during hygrothermal ageing. The weight gain during ageing suggests that this leaching process occurs concurrently with the absorption of water molecules. An increase in the degree of cross-linking is observed when bismaleimide/carbon fibre composite is aged at high temperature. This cross- linking tendency decreases with increasing depth within the carbon fibre bundle.


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Introduction and Purpose: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and physical inactivity contribute to the development of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). There appears to be an association between BDNF and risk factors for MetS, and the effects of resistance training (RT) on BDNF and metabolic risk in middle-aged individuals with high and low numbers of metabolic risk factors (HiMF and LoMF, respectively) are unclear and are the focus of this research.

Methods: Forty-nine men (N = 25) and women (N = 24) aged 50.9 ± 6.2 yr were randomized to four groups, HiMF training (HiMFT), HiMF control (HiMFC), LoMF training (LoMFT), and LoMF control (LoMFC). Before and after 10 wk of RT, participants underwent tests for muscle strength and anthropometry, and a fasting blood sample was taken. Data were analyzed using Spearman correlations and repeated-measures ANOVA.

Results: BDNF was positively correlated with plasma triglycerides, glucose, HbA1C, and insulin resistance. BDNF was elevated in HiMF compared with LoMF (904.9 ± 270.6 vs 709.6 ± 239.8 respectively, P = 0.01). Training increased muscle strength and lean body mass but had no effect on BDNF levels or any examined risk factors.

Conclusion: BDNF levels correlated with risk factors for MetS and were elevated in individuals with HiMF. RT had no effect on BDNF levels or other risk factors for MetS. As RT has an effect on muscle strength and lean body mass, it should be added to other nonpharmacological interventions for middle-aged individuals with HiMF such as aerobic and/or diet.


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In the present paper an effect of severe plastic deformation (SPD) on the microstructural evolution and properties of a plain C-Mn steel was investigated. The SPD was accomplished by the MaxStrain system which deforms material along two perpendicular axes while the deformation along the third axis is fully constrained. The applied amounts of true strains were 5 and 20 in total. Deformation was conducted at room and 500°C temperatures. Some samples deformed at room temperature were subsequently annealed at 500°C. A microstructural analysis by SEM/EBSD was used for recognition the low- and high-angle grain boundaries. It was found that the collective effect of severe plastic deformation (true strain of 20) and further annealing promotes the formation of high-angle grain boundaries and uniform fine grained microstructure. The refinement of ferrite microstructure results in a significant increase in strength and hardness.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the relative contribution of peak muscle force (isokinetic peak torque) with surrogate estimates of muscle force, including leg lean tissue mass (LTM) and vertical jump height (VJH), on bone mass, geometry and strength in healthy prepubertal girls (n = 103).

Total leg and FN BMC and leg LTM were measured by DXA; the hip strength analysis program was used to assess FN diameter, cross-sectional area (CSA) and section modulus (Z). Isokinetic peak torque of the knee extensors and flexors (60°·s-1) were used as direct measures of peak muscle force. VJH was measured as an estimate of neuromuscular function. Total leg length or femoral length was used as a surrogate measure of moment arm length.

All estimates of muscle function, except VJH, were positively associated with leg BMC (r = 0.72 - 0.90) and FN BMC, geometry and strength (r = 0.35-0.65) (all, P < 0.001). Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that leg LTM and isokinetic peak torque were independently and equally predictive of leg BMC and FN BMC, bone geometry and strength, explaining 8 to 28% of the variance in each of the bone traits after accounting for moment arm length. When isokinetic peak torque was corrected for both leg LTM and moment arm length, it remained an independent predictor of BMC, CSA and Z, but only accounted for an additional 2 to 5% of the variance.

Conclusion: These data suggest that DXA-derived leg LTM can be used as a reasonable surrogate for isokinetic peak muscle forces when assessing bone strength in relation to muscular function in healthy pre-pubertal girls.


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In the current study, a novel approach was employed to produce a unique combination of ultrafine ferrite grains and low temperature bainite in a low carbon steel with a high hardenability. The thermomechanical route included warm deformation of supercooled austenite followed by reheating in the ferrite region and then cooling to bainitic transformation regime (i.e. 400-250°C). The resultant microstructure was ultrafine ferrite grains (i.e. <4μm) and very fine bainite consisting of bainitic ferrite laths with high dislocation density and retained austenite films. This microstructure offers a unique combination of ultimate tensile strength and elongation due to the presence of ductile fine ferrite grains and hard low temperature bainitic ferrite laths with retained austenite films. The microstructural characteristics of bainite were studied using optical microscopy in conjunction with scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques.


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Based on the thermo-mechanical controlled process, the effects of Si on microstructural evolution, tensile properties, impact toughness, and stretch-flangeability of ferrite and bainite dual-phase (FBDP) steels were systematically investigated. The addition of Si from 0 to 0.95% promoted the formation of fine and equiaxed ferrite grains, and high Si (0.95%) also resulted in the formation of blocky martensite islands and retained austenite. Yield and tensile strengths, and uniform and total elongations all increased with increasing Si content. Therefore, the tensile strength and ductility balance was improved by Si addition due to the increasing strain-hardening rate. The fractured morphologies after hole-expansion showed that the excellent stretch-flangeability of FBDP steels was associated with the micro-cracks propagating through in ferrite phase as well as the elongated ferrite grains along the direction perpendicular to the crack. 0.95% Si steel had a similar high combination of tensile strength and impact toughness to 0.55% Si steel, and especially 0.95% Si steel exhibited an excellent combination of tensile strength and stretch-flangeability.


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Background : Active transportation has the potential to contribute considerably to overall physical activity levels in adults and is likely to be influenced by neighborhood-related built environment characteristics. Previous studies that examined the associations between built environment attributes and active transportation, focused mainly on transport-related walking and were conducted within single countries, limiting environmental variability. We investigated the direction and shape of relationships of perceived neighborhood attributes with transport-related cycling and walking in three countries; and examined whether these associations differed by country and gender.

Methods Data from the USA (Baltimore and Seattle), Australia (Adelaide) and Belgium (Ghent) were pooled. In total, 6,014 adults (20–65 years, 55.7% women) were recruited in high-/low-walkable and high-/low-income neighborhoods. All participants completed the Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Generalized additive mixed models were used to estimate the strength and shape of the associations.

Results Proximity to destinations, good walking and cycling facilities, perceiving difficulties in parking near local shopping areas, and perceived aesthetics were included in a ‘cyclability’ index. This index was linearly positively related to transport-related cycling and no gender- or country-differences were observed. The ‘walkability’ index consisted of perceived residential density, land use mix access, proximity of destinations and aesthetics. A non-linear positive relationship with transport-related walking was found. This association was stronger in women than in men, and country-specific associations were identified: the strongest association was observed in Seattle, the weakest in Adelaide. In Ghent, the association weakened at higher levels of walkability.

Conclusions For cycling, consistent correlates were found in the three countries, but associations were less straightforward for transport-related walking. Moreover, the identified neighborhood environmental correlates were different for walking compared to cycling. In order to further clarify the shape of these associations and reach more specific international guidelines for developing walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, future studies should include even more countries to maximize environmental variability.


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Magnesium-zinc alloys with and without rare earth metals were examined. Particles form when rare earth metals are present and these affect the development of the internal structures in the alloys. Finer, more numerous and more uniformly distributed particles result in alloys with the best combination of high strength and ductility.


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Recovery of team sport athletes during multiple competitive games is an important area for strength and conditioning coaches to monitor as it facilitates for athletes to be ready to perform (11,13). Utilising athletic performance data in conjunction with self-rated reporting measures can help determine if in fact a player or team has recovered sufficiently or shown a trend towards recovery prior to a competitive match (11). Positive improvement in recovery variables can provide confidence in the effectiveness of recovery methods used and assist in determining the training schedule in order to positively manipulate the fitness-fatigue relationship (3).

Various methods of analysing the recovery of athletes have been reported in the literature and are available to the strength and conditioning coach. These include subjective, self-rated scales and perceived level of recovery questionnaires (11,12,13). Athletic performance measures during exercises such as the counter movement jump (CMJ) have also been analysed, predominantly utilising force plates to obtain kinetic data. (5,13,14). However, such equipment can be difficult to transport, requires continual calibration and is costly to purchase. A linear transducer can provide important information on CMJ variables in the assessment of athletic movements and due to its size and portability could serve as a valuable tool to assist strength and conditioning coaches, (8,10), and potentially enable the monitoring of recovery.

Previous studies have investigated the fatigue effects of competitive games in various sports (11,13,14) including Australian Rules Football (AFL) at the senior elite league level (5, 6). To the authors’ knowledge, however, there is yet to be a study investigating the recovery response in AFL players, specifically in players 18 years and under competing in the National Under 18s Championships. Australian Rules football is an extremely physically demanding and fatiguing sport where players participate in games time exceeding 120 minutes duration, covering large distances (~12-18km, position dependent) with many high intensity efforts performed at random times throughout the game (2,6,16). Hence, it would seem pertinent to analyse the fatigue effects of competitive matches in an Australian Rules Under-18’s National Championship and the subsequent recovery from these games.

The aim of this study was to analyse and compare two self-rated subjective measures of recovery; they being muscle soreness (MS) of the lower body, overall perceived total recovery (TR), and the performance measure of peak velocity (PV) obtained from a CMJ analysed with a linear transducer. Data collection occurred between rounds four and five of the Australian Football League Under-18’s National Championship, representing a four-day recovery analysis period between matches.


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Polyacrylontrile nanofibre yarns have been successfully produced from an electrospinning setup composing positively and negatively charged spinnerets, a rotating funnel and a yarn winder. Through hot drawing, yarns show compact morphology and improved uniformity and have a significant decrease in both yarn and fibre diameters. The hot drawing has improved the molecular orientation and crystallinity of the fibres. The yarn drawn to 5 times of its original length has been found to have the highest tensile strength and modulus.


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Staple entanglement in mohair fleeces occurs when adhesions form between longer and faster growing fibres and shorter and slower growing fibres. This results in accentuated crimp of the longer fibres and an "apparently" reduced staple length. The appearance in the fleece of Angora goats of staple entanglements can lead to the downgrading of the mohair to poorer style and shorter length grades, resulting in up to 60% price reductions. This study examined how staple entanglement score (SES) is related to lifetime factors of Angora goats, and how this relationship can be explained by variations in animal size and fleece attributes. SES was scored using a five-point scale: 5, long free fibres easily separated as no adhesions; 4, some adhesions between fibres; 3, some effort to separate fibres as many adhesions; 2, many adhesions, staple fibres entangled, shortening of staple; 1, very entangled and shortened staple. Measurements were made over 9 shearing periods on a population of Angora castrated males (wethers) goats representing the current range and diversity of genetic origins in Australia, including South African, Texan and interbred admixtures of these and Australian sources. Data on genetic origin, sire, dam, date of birth, dam age, birth weight, birth parity, weaning weight, live weight, fleece growth and fleece attributes were recorded. Two restricted maximum likelihood (REML) models were developed to relate SES with age, animal lifetime factors, fleece quality attributes and live weight. One model allowed fleece quality and live weight traits in the model and the other excluded these traits. Staple entanglement was almost eliminated in mohair harvested from goats shorn every 3. months but was common in mohair from goats shorn twice or once per year. SES was less in goats of Texan genetic background, and was generally less in winter grown mohair. SES was higher for mohair with low fibre curvature (FC, 10°/mm) and a high clean washing yield (CWY, 90%) compared with mohair with low FC and lower CWY (80%), and compared with all mohair with high FC (18°/mm). The response of SES to shearing regime, genetic background, shearing season, age of goat and a response to dam age were almost identical whether or not an adjustment was made for CWY and FC. There was a moderate amount of variability due to sires and individuals. We can conclude that a large part of these effects observed, namely breed, dam age, sire, and a component of the FC and CWY effects, are genetic. Mohair producers can manage the genetic effects by careful selection of sires, especially avoiding those with low CWY or high FC, and avoiding sires with higher levels of staple entanglement or that have produced progeny with higher levels of staple entanglement. Also, unidentified environmental effects are affecting staple entanglement, although a lack of a live weight change effect on entanglement indicates that this effect might not be due to nutrition. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.