102 resultados para connectedness


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Strategies to combat the many effects of mental illness on individuals and families need to go beyond psychopharmacology and institutional care. Evidence has been mounting for the healing and treatment role of art in clinical and health care settings. Art, in its many forms, has also been suggested as one valuable tool in addressing social exclusion in people with many forms of disability including mental illness.
This paper draws on Masters Research findings to present a discussion of the historical and the current landscape of Art for Health Programs with special emphasis on art programs targeting people with chronic mental illness. Recent studies in the UK and Scotland indicate that participation in the arts can enhance recovery, social connectedness and cultural inclusivity.


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This paper, the final paper in the Keeping Connected special issue, presents the key findings of the overall study and focuses on the challenging process of re-imagining a hospital setting as a community of learning for young people in light of these findings. The paper focuses on young people as learners within the overarching themes emanating from the Keeping Connected research such as normalcy, diversity and communication. Taking up Slee's notion of ‘the irregular school’, we describe how one setting in a large urban paediatric hospital in Victoria, Australia, is transforming the way in which children and young people are supported to maintain their connectedness to learning. We reflect on the evidence of the Keeping Connected project to inform the ways in which a hospital can respond to young people's needs as learners and offer a model of inclusion as a form of cultural change in this important out-of-school setting. Directions for future research are also offered.


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One of the strongest trends in Australian historical writing over the last two decades has been a drive to emphasise the nation’s connectedness with the rest of the world. Across a range of historical genres and topics, we have seen a new enthusiasm to explore entanglements between Australian history and that of other places and peoples. The history of travel has been an important contributor to this line of inquiry, but it is at the more intellectual, imaginative and emotional levels that the greatest gains are sometimes claimed for the study of what has become known as ‘transnationalism’. This trend to emphasise international networks in history has been drawn on by historians in the essays that follow. It reflects and contributes to an international flourishing of histories emphasising mobility in the context of empires and globalisation. But where does this leave the idea of ‘the nation’ as a factor in thinking through post-white settlement Australian history? And are some of the claims made for the explanatory impact of transnationalism exaggerated? In a recent article on the ‘transgressive transnationalism’ of Griffith Taylor, Carolyn Strange nodded to the ‘path-breaking’ recent works of Australian historians who have led a ‘transnational turn’, but her conclusion was partly corrective: ‘whether or not transnational thinking was transgressive, strategic or otherwise in the past, and whether or not our historical subjects were progressive or regressive are questions for contextual analysis, in which the nation will continue to matter’.

In March 2012 a number of historians gathered at a workshop in the Alfred Deakin Research Institute, Deakin University, to discuss the standing of nationalism and transnationalism in Australian historical writing. All of them had been involved in the production of transnational history in various ways and they took the opportunity to both reflect again on their own work and to critically examine current debates. This collection has been developed from papers presented at that workshop. The five articles here are deliberately short and, hopefully, punchy. Rather than offering a detailed survey of this large field, they seek to stimulate debate and to suggest future intellectual directions.


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This book contains contributions from social work educators from Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. They reflect on how best to prepare students to put health and well-being to the forefront of practice, drawing on research on quality of life, subjective well-being, student well-being, community participation and social connectedness, religion and spirituality, mindful practices, trauma and health inequalities.


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The paper presents a summary of the study that examined the relationship between school design and adolescent identity formation. Reviewing theories and empirical studies of identity development, three major processes involved in adolescent identity formation were identified: (1) separation or individuation process, (2) social integration or relational connectedness, and (3) developmental exploration. Two key characteristics of schools that support these identity formation processes were proposed: (1) having a supportive environment addressing needs for individuation and social integration, and (2) providing opportunities for developmental exploration. Implications of these characteristics for school design were studied through a review of research and practices of learning space design. Four secondary schools in Australia which represented an innovative approach to learning space design were then examined to provide insights into these design-related implications and better understand issues and challenges associated with them. The paper concludes with proposing five design principles which supports adolescent identity development through contributing to processes involved in identity formation.


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This paper provides discussion of learning experienced by Applied Learning Educators in a workplace context where everyday teaching activities can involve undertaking unfamiliar tasks to the extent that the concept of ‘crossing boundaries’, or acting outside ‘comfort zones’ becomes ‘normalised’. This perspective arises from consideration of extensive interviews with Applied Learning Educators who work in the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), a senior years’ pathway in Victoria. The pathway is available in settings of schools, Adult Community Education (ACE) and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and designed to support the engagement of young people in education and their subsequent transition into further study or meaningful work. VCAL Educators use Applied Learning pedagogy in the development of curriculum content that promotes employability skills, connectedness to community and has grounding in student interests and needs. Subsequently student learning in VCAL occurs in and out of classrooms. Applied Learning Educators frequently navigate institutional boundaries in the process of negotiating and developing partnerships with industry and community organisations to enable learning to be undertaken in meaningful and relevant environments. In this paper Boundary Crossing is used as a concept for discussing the wide-ranging nature of VCAL educators’ everyday practice as they respond to the needs of the cohort and requirements of the curriculum. Collegial learning is considered using the notion of Communities of Practice.


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It has been asserted that schizotypy has a negative relationship with subjective well-being. By employing a multidimensional measure of spiritual well being with 400 British College students we report a more complex relationship. The Multidimensional Inventory for Religious/Spiritual Well-Being and Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief Version were used and analysis made use of Canonical Correlational Analysis. Results suggested that two distinct relationships emerged between schizotypy and spirituality. First, a positive association between cognitive/perceptual features of schizotypy and spiritual connectedness emerged. Second a more global negative relationship between feelings of spiritual isolation and despair was found for all aspects of schizotypy. These findings challenge the previous literature based on one-dimensional subjective well being measures which have found only a negative relationship. However, the positive association between connectedness and cognitive-perceptual aspects of schizotypy raises import questions about the possible benefit of certain types of schizotypal experience.


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Research fostering intergenerational interaction often promotes attitude change toward the other, social connectedness, service activities for younger adults, and older adults feeling purpose and valued. Research articles reporting projects designed using nonfamilial, reciprocal intergenerational interaction were systematically reviewed. Thirteen papers published between January 1990 and February 2012 in peer-reviewed, English-language publications met inclusion criteria. The review concluded that reciprocal giving needs to be structured into the methodology of future intergenerational studies for the full developmental opportunity of identity formation in younger adults, generativity in older adults, and psychosocial benefits for both generations to be realized.


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This study used the Resilient Families baseline survey to examine associations between the connectedness of parents within the school and parents' rules regarding their children's use of alcohol, prior participation in parenting education, and parents' demographic characteristics. The study involved parents of Year 7 students (mean age 12 years) at secondary schools in Melbourne, Australia (N = 1,238; 2004). Most parents (54%) had no connections with parents of other children in their child's school year. Allowing children to have sips of alcohol or drinks on special occasions was reported by 23% and 6% of parents, respectively, but neither was significantly associated with parental connectedness. Copyright © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Western culture over the last two centuries has become significantly ecologically 'dis-embedded', with nature increasingly reduced to resources for human use. The consequence is global environmental degradation, including accelerating climate change. Much recent research supports associations between nature contact and human health and well-being, and between feelings of nature-connectedness and pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours. The oft-cited Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (WHO, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, 1986) emphasises human-environment inextricability; however public health discourse and response has not fully engaged with this recognition. This qualitative study explored the attitudes, motivations, and experiences-including formative influences-of six individuals whose behaviour was congruent with recognition of human-nature interconnectedness; such individuals may be understood as ecologically embedded. Key aspects of participants' experience, identified through grounded theory thematic analysis, were (i) connecting with nature (especially in childhood); (ii) seeing the threat and taking it personally; (iii) the nature of reality; (iv) dedicated beyond the ego-oriented self; and (v) sustaining the eco-centric self. The findings highlight the necessity for cross-sectoral advocacy at all levels of government policy development focused on recognition of human-environment connectedness, especially bridging health, planning and education policies affecting children. Only thus will both population health and ecological health on which population health depends be possible.


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The international University of the Third Age (U3A) embodies the principles of lifelong learning and personal fulfilment amongst members. The research reported in this article focused on the Choir of the U3A Hawthorn, Melbourne, Australia and the benefits perceived by members undertaking this active music engagement in non-competitive choral singing. This small-scale phenomenological qualitative case study is part of a wider study of active arts engagement by older people that began in 2008. This study was undertaken in 2013 and revealed that participants decided to join the group for a range of factors including a positive attitude to singing, convenience and a desire for social connectedness. Those interviewed considered ongoing choir membership an effective use of leisure time that also provided opportunities for shared learning and personal validation. The data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and are reported under two themes: music engagement and social connections. Membership of the Hawthorn U3A choir provided participants opportunities for friendship, companionship, happiness, a sense of belonging and acceptance.


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 In precolonial times, equal socioeducational recognition accorded to local languages played a key role in promoting inter-ethnic harmony, co-existence and 'connectedness' between linguistically and ethnically .diverse people of Sri Lanka. This history should motivate policy considerations in postcolonial situations in the country. This chapter has its focus on educational issues surrounding the promotion of local languages for interethnic harmony in Sri Lanka, where the promotion of Sinhala among minority Tamils, and Tamil among the majority Sinhalese has been the subject of many current political, policy and popular discourses. Proficiency in the local languages was encouraged actively through policies and practices during precolonial times. However, despite popular thinking that there is an acute need to promote Tamil, its manifestation as a classroom subject in school education curricula for the majority Sinhalese and minority Tamils in post-war Sri Lanka has been lost in the public and policy discourses. Using archival records and opinions expressed in newspapers as data, this chapter explores these ambiguities in attitudes, policies and practices from precolonial times to the present day.


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This study analyzes arts attendance of six ethnic communities in Australia using social inclusion as a theoretical lens. Qualitative data from 20 interviews and 6 focus groups (N = 37) were examined. Respondents were from established (Italian, Greek), moderately established (Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian), and newly settled (African) communities. Four themes were identified that are linked to social inclusion: (a) social connectedness; (b) link with home culture; (c) link with host and other cultures; and (d) inclusive initiatives. All ethnic participants shared views on social connectedness; Vietnamese, Chinese, and Indian participants expressed a strong need to maintain links with their home culture and develop links with the host culture. Italian and Greek respondents focused on developing links with host and other cultures. African respondents wished to maintain home country links. The study advances arts marketing literature and cross-cultural marketing initiatives using a social inclusion lens to explain arts attendance by ethnic communities.


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The objective of the study wasto identify factors associated with use of services for adolescent mental health problems in an Australian community-based sample. Logistic regression analysis was conducted on data collected from 636 parents and their adolescent child to identify individual and family variables predicting parent report of service use for mental health problems in the adolescent 12 months later. The services most reported by parents to have been accessed were schoolbased ones. Multivariate analysis found that the following were associated with service use 12 months later: the adolescent being female, parent report of peer problems and hyperactivity, single-parent household, the parent being Australian born, and prior service use by the adolescent. Parental overcontrol was associated with reducedlikelihood of service use at followup. No association was found between service use at follow-up and parent gender, socioeconomic status, number of siblings, parent psychopathology, family social connectedness, and prior service use by the parent. No association was also found for family environment factors, parental attachment, or for the adolescent’s emotional competence or use of social support. The results indicate that families provide a potential target for interventions aimed at increasing use of professional services for adolescent mental health problems.


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BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) prevalence is increasing rapidly worldwide with a significant increase in young adults. There is limited information about psychosocial and service needs of this group. AIM: To explore similarities and differences in how psychosocial factors impact on Australian and Danish young adults with T2DM and to identify unmet support needs during life transitions. METHOD: A qualitative approach was adopted using thematic content analysis of 26 in-depth semi-structured interviews. An inductive descriptive content analysis was undertaken using a comparative coding system. FINDINGS: Eligible participants were from Australia (12) and Denmark (14), aged 19-42 years who had T2DM for more than 10 months. In general, they reported diabetes management was difficult during transitions and diabetes self-care routines had to change to accommodate life changes. The underpinning sense of 'uncertainty' initiated by life transitions caused guilt that often resulted in low self-worth, anxiety and depression, which in turn had a negative impact on social and professional relationships. The participants emphasised the importance of connectedness to social networks, particularly with T2DM peers, and the need for flexible access to health professionals, age-specific tailored support and lower costs for Australians. Australian participants were more concerned than Danish participants about the cost associated with diabetes care and their ability to stay employed; hence, they were reluctant to disclose diabetes at work. CONCLUSION: T2DM had a similar impact on life transitions of Australian and Danish young adults with T2DM, suggesting health care needs to encompass managing life transitions. Participants had to cope with uncertainty and the impact of people's responses to diabetes, particularly at work and in relationships. Health professionals are urged to integrate these factors in care plans and education, which must be individualised and focus on the psychosocial aspects that operate during life transitions.