100 resultados para World health


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The increasingly diverse needs and wants of Australia's ageing population, like those in many other societies, are drawing attention to aged care as an increasingly important area of broader health and social policy. Active qgeing and a focus on enabling people to remain living in their own homes in the community are two of the key components of this policy shift.

The policy shift towards active ageing recognises and aims to support the desires of older people to remain active members of their communities as they age. Active ageing is 'the process of optimising opportunities for physical, social and mental wellbeing throughout the life-course, in order to extend healthy life expectancy, productivity and quality oflife in older age' (AIPC 2008: 26).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the rights, needs, preferences and capacities of older people should be central to active ageing policies, and these should be framed by a life-course approach to ageing (WHO 2002). The development of age-friendly communities, social inclusion and engagement are emerging as key policy issues in the context of an ageing population.

Recent research demonstrates the importance of a sense of belonging in maintaining a sense of identity and increasing the wellbeing of an individual. The sense of belonging that comes about through community engagement also plays a role in successful adjustment to ageing, including prolonging good health and reduced risk of entry into residential aged care.


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Objective : To investigate the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and reported perceptions of quality of life (QOL) in a cross-sectional population-based analysis of a representative sample of Australian men.

Methods : In 917 randomly recruited men aged 24–92 years, we measured QoL in the domains of physical health, psychological health, environment and social relationships, using the Australian World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF). Residential addresses were cross-referenced with Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 census data to ascertain SES. Participants were categorised into lower, mid, or upper SES based on the Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Advantage (IRSAD), the Index of Economic Resources (IER), and the Index of Education and Occupation (IEO). Lifestyle and health information was self-reported.

Results : Males of lower SES reported poorer satisfaction with physical health (OR=0.6, 95%CI 0.4–0.9, p=0.02), psychological health (OR=0.4, 95%CI 0.3–.7, <0.001) and environment (OR=0.5, 95%CI 0.3–0.7, p<0.001), although not social relationships (p=0.59). The poorest QOL for each domain was observed in the lower and upper SES groups, representing an inverse U-shaped pattern of association; however, statistical significance was only observed for psychological  health (OR=0.5, 95%CI 0.4–0.7, p<0.001). These relationships were similar for IEO  and IER.

Conclusions : Men from lower and upper SES groups have lower QOL compared to their counterparts in the mid SES group.


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Areal bone mineral density is commonly categorised into normal bone mineral density, osteopaenia and osteoporosis on the basis of nominal thresholds recommended by the World Health Organization. However, bone mineral density is a continuous variable and there is a strong association between lower bone mineral density and greater risk for fracture. Fracture risk is not negligible in persons with moderate deficits in bone mineral density. Although absolute fracture risk is greatest for individuals with osteoporosis, more than half of the fractures arise from those with osteopaenia, and even normal bone mineral density, a probable consequence of greater numbers of individuals at risk in these categories. However, areal bone mineral density measurements used commonly in clinical practice do not detect differences in bone tissue properties, geometry and microarchitecture, which contribute to bone strength. Newer technologies such as high-resolution peripheral computed tomography have the advantage of assessing trabecular and cortical components of bone separately, in addition to geometric characteristics of the skeleton. Quantifying these parameters and considering clinical risk factors that affect fracture risk independent of bone quantity and quality, may better discriminate between high- and low-risk individuals. This would improve the decision-making for targeting appropriate interventions, either lifestyle or medication, to reduce thepublic health burden of fractures.


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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is rated as a leading cause of disability by the World Health Organization (1996). OCD is a heterogeneous and complex anxiety disorder characterized by the occurrence of repeated and distressing intrusive thoughts, and compulsive actions that are performed in order to lessen distress or prevent the negative outcome associated with the intrusions. Over the last several decades, cognitive behavioral treatments (CBT) of OCD have dramatically improved the prognosis for the disorder. However, a significant proportion of individuals presenting with OCD may still fail to benefit from treatment. In this paper, we present current CBT treatment models of OCD. We then propose several ways of enhancing CBT for OCD by targeting clients' attachment anxiety and dysfunctional self perceptions.


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The World Health Organization has recently focused attention on guidelines for night noise in urban areas, based on significant medical evidence of the adverse impacts of exposure to excessive traffic noise on health, especially caused by sleep disturbance. This includes serious illnesses, such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction. 2Loud? is a research project with the aim of developing and testing a mobile phone application to allow a community to monitor traffic noise in their environment, with focus on the night period and indoor measurement. Individuals, using mobile phones, provide data on characteristics of their dwellings and systematically record the level of noise inside their homes overnight. The records from multiple individuals are sent to a server, integrated into indicators and shared through mapping. The 2Loud? application is not designed to replace existing scientific measurements, but to add information which is currently not available. Noise measurements to assist the planning and management of traffic noise are normally carried out by designated technicians, using sophisticated equipment, and following specific guidelines for outdoors locations. This process provides very accurate records, however, for being a time consuming and expensive system, it results in a limited number of locations being surveyed and long time between updates. Moreover, scientific noise measurements do not survey inside dwellings. In this paper we present and discuss the participatory process proposed, and currently under implementation and test, to characterize the levels of exposure to traffic noise of residents living in the vicinity of highways in the City of Boroondara (Victoria, Australia) using the 2Loud? application.


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Background and objectives: 

The World Health Organization (WHO)’s monitoring of risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) does not include ’upstream’ monitoring of many aspects of food environments that influence population diets. INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity/NCDs Research, Monitoring and Action Support) is a global network of public-interest organisations and researchers that aims to monitor, benchmark and support public and private sector actions to create healthy food environments and reduce obesity and NCDs. This monitoring of public and private sector policies, and their impacts on the healthiness of food environments, seeks to complement existing WHO monitoring efforts.

Monitoring areas are divided into process, impact and outcome modules. The two process modules focus on monitoring and benchmarking the policies and actions of the public and private sector. The seven impact modules focus on monitoring and benchmarking the impact of those policies and actions on key aspects of food environments, such as food composition, labelling, promotion, provision, access, availability, affordability, and trade and investment. The three outcome modules focus on monitoring and evaluating changes in behavioural, dietary, physiological and metabolic risk factors, as well as health outcomes. Some aspects of these outcome components are being developed by WHO as part of their global NCD monitoring framework.

The development of protocols and pilot testing is planned for 2013-2015. The monitoring framework will be trialled in large and small, and high- and low-income countries globally. Within five years, it is expected that all countries will be invited to collect their own data and contribute those data to a global database for benchmarking food environments. 

Benchmarking data and good practice exemplars will be communicated to policymakers, civil society and the food industry with the aim of stimulating improvements in the healthiness of food environments.


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There is broad consensus that diets high in salt are bad for health and that reducing salt intake is a cost-effective strategy for preventing chronic diseases. The World Health Organization has been supporting the development of salt reduction strategies in the Pacific Islands where salt intakes are thought to be high. However, there are no accurate measures of salt intake in these countries. The aims of this project are to establish baseline levels of salt intake in two Pacific Island countries, implement multi-pronged, cross-sectoral salt reduction programs in both, and determine the effects and cost-effectiveness of the intervention strategies.

Intervention effectiveness will be assessed from cross-sectional surveys before and after population-based salt reduction interventions in Fiji and Samoa. Baseline surveys began in July 2012 and follow-up surveys will be completed by July 2015 after a 2-year intervention period.

A three-stage stratified cluster random sampling strategy will be used for the population surveys, building on existing government surveys in each country. Data on salt intake, salt levels in foods and sources of dietary salt measured at baseline will be combined with an in-depth qualitative analysis of stakeholder views to develop and implement targeted interventions to reduce salt intake.

Salt reduction is a global priority and all Member States of the World Health Organization have agreed on a target to reduce salt intake by 30% by 2025, as part of the global action plan to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases. The study described by this protocol will be the first to provide a robust assessment of salt intake and the impact of salt reduction interventions in the Pacific Islands. As such, it will inform the development of strategies for other Pacific Island countries and comparable low and middle-income settings around the world.


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Medulloblastoma is curable in approximately 70% of patients. Over the past decade, progress in improving survival using conventional therapies has stalled, resulting in reduced quality of life due to treatment-related side effects, which are a major concern in survivors. The vast amount of genomic and molecular data generated over the last 5-10 years encourages optimism that improved risk stratification and new molecular targets will improve outcomes. It is now clear that medulloblastoma is not a single-disease entity, but instead consists of at least four distinct molecular subgroups: WNT/Wingless, Sonic Hedgehog, Group 3, and Group 4. The Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013 meeting, which convened at Bunker Bay, Australia, brought together 50 leading clinicians and scientists. The 2-day agenda included focused sessions on pathology and molecular stratification, genomics and mouse models, high-throughput drug screening, and clinical trial design. The meeting established a global action plan to translate novel biologic insights and drug targeting into treatment regimens to improve outcomes. A consensus was reached in several key areas, with the most important being that a novel classification scheme for medulloblastoma based on the four molecular subgroups, as well as histopathologic features, should be presented for consideration in the upcoming fifth edition of the World Health Organization's classification of tumours of the central nervous system. Three other notable areas of agreement were as follows: (1) to establish a central repository of annotated mouse models that are readily accessible and freely available to the international research community; (2) to institute common eligibility criteria between the Children's Oncology Group and the International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe and initiate joint or parallel clinical trials; (3) to share preliminary high-throughput screening data across discovery labs to hasten the development of novel therapeutics. Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013 was an effective forum for meaningful discussion, which resulted in enhancing international collaborative clinical and translational research of this rare disease. This template could be applied to other fields to devise global action plans addressing all aspects of a disease, from improved disease classification, treatment stratification, and drug targeting to superior treatment regimens to be assessed in cooperative international clinical trials.