135 resultados para Tobacco Use Disorder


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A major proportion of the disease burden and deaths for young people in developed nations is attributable to misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs. Patterns of substance use established in adolescence are quite stable and predict chronic patterns of use, mortality, and morbidity later in life. We integrated fi ndings of systematic reviews to summarise evidence for interventions aimed at prevention and reduction of harms related to adolescent substance use. Evidence of efficacy was available for developmental prevention interventions that aim to prevent onset of harmful patterns in settings such as vulnerable families, schools, and communities, and universal strategies to reduce attractiveness of substance use. Regulatory interventions aim to increase perceived costs and reduce availability and accessibility of substances. Increasing price, restricting settings of use, and raising legal purchase age are eff ective in reducing use of alcohol and tobacco and related harms. Screening and brief intervention are efficacious, but efficacy of a range of treatment approaches has not been reliably established. Harm-reduction interventions are effective in young people involved in risky and injecting substance use.


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Pessimistic attitudes and reactive behavioural management strategies act as a major barrier to effective service provision for patients with borderline personality disorder. This paper reviews research on countertransference reactions (negative professional attitudes) towards these patients and the professional response to the common presentation of self harm in this particular client group. The psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder is complex and both professionally and personally demanding. A clinical framework is proposed that enables clinicians to develop a more nuanced and empathic understanding of self harm within the context of personality disorder in order to facilitate enhanced therapeutic engagement with these challenging patients. A clinical case study illustrates the use of this framework and the potential for enhanced therapeutic management in conjunction with the recognition and reduction of clinician indifference and rejection, thus improving patient outcomes. (editor abstract)Pessimistic attitudes and reactive behavioural management strategies act as a major barrier to effective service provision for patients with borderline personality disorder. This paper reviews research on countertransference reactions (negative professional attitudes) towards these patients and the professional response to the common presentation of self harm in this particular client group. The psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder is complex and both professionally and personally demanding. A clinical framework is proposed that enables clinicians to develop a more nuanced and empathic understanding of self harm within the context of personality disorder in order to facilitate enhanced therapeutic engagement with these challenging patients. A clinical case study illustrates the use of this framework and the potential for enhanced therapeutic management in conjunction with the recognition and reduction of clinician indifference and rejection, thus improving patient outcomes.


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Youth substance use is an important social and health problem in the United States, Australia and other Western nations. Schools are recognized as important sites for prevention efforts and school substance use policies are a key component of health promotion in schools. The first part of this paper reviews the known status of school policies on tobacco, alcohol and other illicit drugs in a number of Western countries and the existing evidence for the effectiveness of school drug policy in preventing drug use. The review shows that most schools in developed countries have substance use policies but that there is substantial variation in the comprehensiveness of these policies (i.e. the breadth of people, places and times of day that are explicitly subject to policy prohibitions), and the orientation of their enforcement (e.g. punitive versus remedial), both across and within schools. The few studies of policy impact focus solely on tobacco policy and provide preliminary evidence that more comprehensive and strictly enforced school policies are associated with less smoking. The second part of the paper introduces the International Youth Development Study, a new longitudinal research project aimed at comparing school policies and the developmental course of youth drug use in the United States, where drug policies are abstinence-based, with Australia, which has adopted a harm minimization approach to drug policy


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The 'Prevention Paradox' applies when low-risk individuals in a population contribute the most cases of a condition or problem behaviour by virtue of their being in the majority, thereby recommending a universal or whole of population approach to prevention. The applicability of a universal as opposed to a targeted high-risk approach to the prevention of youth substance use was examined in two studies of children and adolescents conducted in Victoria, Australia. These studies were reanalysed by recombining developmental, social and individual measures to form cumulative risk indices for substance use. In Study 1, a cross-sectional survey of students, most regular tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use by 15/16-year-olds occurred in the moderate and low-risk groups, recommending a universal prevention strategy . However, the majority of illicit drug use occurred in the highest-risk group (top 15%). Furthermore, in younger age groups both legal and illegal drug use was concentrated mainly in the highest risk group. Study 2 used data from a major longitudinal study where risk factors at around age 11/12 years were used to predict substance use at age 17/18 years. Most students who admitted involvement in frequent smoking, heavy drinking and, although to a lesser degree, cannabis were classified as low or average risk. It is concluded that universal prevention strategies are needed for late adolescent alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use and more targeted strategies for addressing harm related to early age drug use, frequent cannabis use and illegal drug use. [Stockwell T, Toumbouru JW, Letcher P, Sanson A, Bond L. Risk and protection factors for different intensities of adolescent substance use: when does the prevention paradox apply?


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This paper reviews the history of the recognition of borderline personality disorder as a clinical disorder, followed by a review of the contemporary practice of diagnosing borderline personality disorder in psychiatric settings. Many researchers have cautioned against the conflation of difficult patients with the diagnostic category of borderline personality disorder. The current study examines how clinical indicators used to screen for this complex disorder differ across service settings, professions, specialised training and years of clinical experience. A purpose-designed survey was administered to 108 mental and emergency medicine health practitioners across an Australian health service and a New Zealand health service to record the level of significance placed on different clinical indicators in the application of the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. A heavy reliance was placed on observable behavioural symptoms, such as self-mutilation and impulsive behaviours that are self-damaging, in the screening of borderline personality disorder as a psychiatric diagnosis. Statistically significant differences were found between emergency medical staff and mental health clinicians in their use of diagnostic indicators of borderline personality disorder, χ2(4) = 17.248, p = .002. Implications of these findings for the screening, assessment and diagnosis of patients with borderline personality disorder are discussed.


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Aims and objectives. To explore through literature review the appropriateness of three common tools for use by community nurses to screen war veteran and war widow(er) clients for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Background. War veterans and, to a lesser extent, war widow(er)s, are prone to mental health challenges, especially depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Community nurses do not accurately identify such people with depression and related disorders although they are well positioned to do so. The use of valid and reliable self-report tools is one method of improving nurses' identification of people with actual or potential mental health difficulties for referral to a general practitioner or mental health practitioner for diagnostic assessment and treatment. The Geriatric Depression Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist are frequently recommended for mental health screening but the appropriateness of using the tools for screening war veteran and war widow(er) community nursing clients who are often aged and have functional impairment, is unknown.

Design. Systematic review.

Conclusions. Current literature informs that the Geriatric Depression Scale accurately predicts a diagnosis of depression in community nursing cohorts. The three Depression Anxiety Stress Scales subscales of depression, anxiety and stress are valid; however, no studies were identified that compared the performance of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales in predicting diagnoses of depression or anxiety. The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist predicts post-traumatic stress disorder in community cohorts although no studies meeting the selection criteria included male participants.

Relevance to clinical practice.
This review provides recommendations for the use of the Geriatric Depression Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist based on examination of the published evidence for the application of these screening tools in samples approximated to community nursing cohorts. Findings and recommendations would guide community nurses, managers and health planners in the selection of mental health screening tools to promote holistic community nursing care.


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It is increasingly accepted that psychological therapies have an important role to play in the management and treatment of those who are considered to have disorders of personality, particularly those with forensic histories. Whilst there appears to be an emerging evidence base supporting the effectiveness of treatment for this group, there have been relatively few attempts to link treatment approaches to current models of normal personality. In this paper we use McAdams' (1994) triarchic model of personality as a basis for understanding the effective treatment of personality disorders. We conclude that the model may be useful in assisting clinicians to engage patients in treatment, identify innovative methods of intervention, and conceptualise therapeutic progress.


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Recognizing there have been few methodologically rigorous cross-national studies of youth alcohol and drug behaviour, state student samples were compared in Australia and the USA. Sampling methods were matched to recruit two independent, state-representative, cross-sectional samples of students in Grades 5, 7 and 9 in Washington State, USA, (n = 2866) and Victoria, Australia (n = 2864) in 2002. Of Washington students in Grade 5 (age 11), 10.3% (95% CI 7.2–14.7) of boys and 5.2% (95% CI 3.4–7.9) of girls reported alcohol use in the past year. Prevalence rates were markedly higher in Victoria (34.2%, 95% CI 28.8–40.1 boys; 21.0%, 95% CI 17.1–25.5 girls). Relative to Washington, the students in Victoria demonstrated a two to three times increased likelihood of reporting substance use (either alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug use), and by Grade 9, experiences of loss-of-control of alcohol use, binge drinking (frequent episodes of five or more alcoholic drinks), and injuries related to alcohol were two to four times higher. The high rates of early age alcohol use in Victoria were associated with frequent, heavy and harmful alcohol use and higher overall exposure to alcohol or other drug use. These findings reveal considerable variation in international rates of both adolescent alcohol misuse and co-occurring drug use and suggest the need for cross-national research to identify policies and practices that contribute to the lower rate of adolescent alcohol and drug use observed in the USA in this study.


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The pivotal role of inflated responsibility beliefs in the maintenance and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been clearly demonstrated (Rachman, 1993; Salkovskis, 1998; Shafran, 1997; van Oppen & Arntz, 1994). Yet little is known about the origins of these beliefs, their contribution to a sense of inflated responsibility or the symptoms of OCD, or the contribution of personality to inflated responsibility and to OCD, The aims of this thesis were to investigate a model of the inter-relationships among the personality dimensions of neuroticism and psychoticism, inflated responsibility and OCD, and the origins of inflated responsibility to inflated responsibility and to OCD. In order to achieve these aims, a scale was developed to assess the origins of inflated responsibility based upon the five pathways proposed by Salkovskis, Shafran, Rachman, and Freeston (1999) and the additional domains of guilt, vigilance and thought-action fusion (Shafran, Thordarson, & Rachman, 1996; Shafran, Watkins & Charman, 1996; Tallis, 1994). Eighty-four participants with OCD (age M = 43.36) and 74 control participants (age M =37.14) volunteered to participate in the two studies of this thesis. The aim of Study 1 was to develop and validate a measure of the Origins of Inflated Responsibility (OIR). The results of the first study yielded a 25-ttem scale, the Origins of Inflated Responsibility Questionnaire (OIRQ) with five independent factors: responsibility, strictness, protection from responsibility, critical incidents, and peer blame which demonstrated both internal reliability and temporal stability over a 2-week period. In Study 2, participants also completed the Responsibility Attitudes Scale (Salkovskis, Wroe, Gledhill, Morrison, Forrester, Richards, ct al. (2000) (a measure of inflated responsibility), the Padua Inventory (Sanavio, 1988) (to measure of the symptoms of OCD)y and the Eysenck Personality Inventory-Revised (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1991). Multivariatc Analysis of Variance revealed that the OCD group scored higher on all variables than the control group except for strictness where the groups were not different, and psychoticism where the OCD group scored lower. A series of Multiple Regression analyses revealed that both group and the OIR contributed to inflated responsibility (R2 = .56). When all variables, OIR, inflated responsibility and neuroticism were entered as predictors of OCD, 60% of the variance in OCD was explained however, 49% of the variance was shared by the independent variables suggesting the presence of some underlying construct. Structural Equation Modelling, where all the constructs in the model were examined simultaneously, revealed that neuroticism contributed to the OIR, inflated responsibility and OCD. The OIR were also significant predictors of inflated responsibility and indirectly through inflated responsibility predictive of OCD. The OIR also directly predicted OCD and when the total effects are considered, their contribution was greater than the total effect for inflated responsibility alone. The results of these studies provide good support for the origins of inflated responsibility proposed by Salkovskis et al. (1999), as measured by the OIRQ developed for use in the current thesis. The results also support the contribution of inflated responsibility and neuroticism, as well as the OIR, to OCD, The large amount of variance shared by the OIR, inflated responsibility and neuroticism suggest that there might be some underlying construct, perhaps of a biopsychosocial nature, that requires further investigation for its role in the onset and maintenance of OCD. The clinical relevance of these findings is discussed in terms of early prevention strategies and interventions.


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Purpose Caring for someone with an eating disorder is associated with a high level of burden and psychological distress. While models for the prediction of carer burden have previously been investigated, these have typically neglected the role of coping strategies and social support. Thus, the current study will examine predictors of both carer burden and carer psychological distress in eating disorder carers. Further, the mediating roles of coping strategies and social support will be investigated.
Methods Fifty-six carers completed a self-report questionnaire assessing burden, psychological distress, needs, expressed emotion, coping strategies and social support.
Results Use of maladaptive coping strategies was a unique predictor of both burden and psychological distress. Further, maladaptive coping was a consistent mediator on the outcome of carer burden. Social support, however, did not significantly predict, or mediate, carer burden.
Conclusions Interventions focusing on teaching appropriate coping strategies would benefit carers.


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Risks associated with pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder are heightened during reproductive events. Treatments need to be planned with the mutual agreement of both the treating physician and the patient and tailored to the needs of the individual so as to minimise risk while providing adequate treatment. Conventional treatments have all been associated with teratogeny in first trimester exposure, lithium with cardiac malformation and valproate and carbamazepine with neural tube malformations. There have been an insufficient number of first trimester exposures to the newer anticonvulsant mood stabilisers, lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine, to determine whether there is a safety advantage in switching to these agents. Increasingly, atypical antipsychotics are being suggested as useful agents for the treatment of bipolar disorder. While not known to be teratogenic, there are other reproductive safety concerns associated with these agents. Bipolar disorder patients may be prescribed antidepressants, and many of these agents are associated with a low safety risk during reproductive events, however data regarding use of these agents are currently equivocal. Adverse outcomes from inadequate pharmacological prophylaxis have been documented for both the mother and the baby. Risks and benefits need to be carefully balanced based on an accurate review of the evidence.


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• Adjunctive psychosocial interventions for bipolar disorder target many of the issues that are not addressed by medication alone, including non-adherence, efficacy–effectiveness gap and functionality.

• Psychosocial interventions have been found to reduce relapse, particularly for the depressive pole, and improve functionality.

• Approaches such as psychoeducation, cognitive behaviour therapy, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, and family therapy have shown benefits as adjunctive treatments.

• Each of the various psychosocial interventions has a unique emphasis, but they share common elements. These include: providing information and education; developing a personal understanding of the illness, such as triggers and early warning signs; having prepared strategies in place for early intervention, should symptoms of illness develop; and promoting a collaborative approach.

• Evidence to date supports the use of adjunctive psychosocial interventions in the management of bipolar disorder.


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Bipolar disorder is a common, debilitating, chronic illness that emerges early in life and has serious consequences such as long-term unemployment and suicide. It confers considerable functional disability to the individual, their family and society as a whole and yet it is often undetected, misdiagnosed and treated poorly. In the past decade, many new treatment strategies have been trialled in the management of bipolar disorder with variable success. The emerging evidence, for pharmacological agents in particular, is promising but when considered alone does not directly translate to real-world clinical populations of bipolar disorder. Data from drug trials are largely based on findings that identify difterences between groups determined in a time-limited manner, whereas clinical management concerns the treatment of individuals over the life-long course of the illness. Considering the findings in the context of the individual and their particular needs perhaps besl bridges the gap between the evidence from research studies and their application in clinical practice. Specifically, only lithium and valproate have moderate or strong evidence for use across all three phases of bipolar disorder, Anticonvulsants, such as lamotrigine. have strong evidence in maintenance; whereas antipsychotics largely have strong evidence in acute mania, with the exception of quetiapine, which has strong evidence in bipolar depression. Maintenance data for antipsychotics is emerging but at present remains weak. Combinations have strong evidence in acute phases of illness but maintenance data is urgently needed. Conventional antidepressants only have weak evidence in bipolar depression and do not have a role in maintenance therapy. Therefore, this paper summarizes the efficacy data for treating bipolar disorder and also applies clinical considerations to these data when


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Objective: Previous research has demonstrated a relationship between adiposity and bipolar disorder, although data are derived predominantly from patient samples and use indirect methods of assessing adiposity. This study investigated the association between bipolar disorder and several indices of adiposity, including body fat mass as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), in a community-based sample.

Methods: In this study, 21 women with bipolar disorder and 523 healthy controls were drawn from an age-stratified, random, community-based sample of women (20–93 years) participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Bipolar disorder was diagnosed utilising a semi-structured clinical interview. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist and hip circumference) were taken and fat mass was determined from whole body DXA scans (Lunar DPX-L).

Results: Those with bipolar disorder tended to have greater adiposity. Age-adjusted mean (95% CI) values for bipolar versus controls according to adiposity indices were weight 75.6 (68.9–82.3) versus 72.6 (71.3–74.0) kg, waist circumference 89.8 (84.1–95.6) versus 87.3 (86.1–88.5) cm, waist:hip ratio 0.85 (0.82–0.87) versus 0.84 (0.83–0.84), body mass index 27.6 (25.1–30.1) versus 27.5 (27.0–28.0) kg/m2, fat mass 31.4 (26.5–36.3) versus 28.6 (27.5–29.5) kg and %body fat 40.4 (36.9–43.9) versus 38.0 (37.3–38.7)%; all p > 0.05. Further adjustment for height, smoking, alcohol, psychotropic medication, energy intake or physical activity did not influence these patterns.

Conclusion: Although a pattern suggestive of greater adiposity among those with bipolar disorder was observed, no significant differences were detected. We cannot exclude the possibility of a type II error. Further research with a larger sample may produce more conclusive results.


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A longitudinal study indicated that carers experienced long-term moderate levels of psychological distress and burden. High levels of negative expressed emotion, use of maladaptive coping strategies and unmet needs predicted burden longitudinally. Further, eating disorder sufferers underestimate the burden experienced by carers. The results support the use of carer-based intervention.