107 resultados para Strategies of coping


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Risks exist in every form of construction project. The risks associated with construction projects are often diverse and varied and the management of these risks is nowadays considered compulsory in order to achieve project success. This paper analyses the diverse strategies of risk mitigation that have been employed in construction projects. These strategies are classified into analysed categories of procurement strategies. contingency and co-operative approach along with the utilisation of a designated risk manager. The analysis showed that in order to improve risk mitigation within the construction industry, there is a requirement tor an industry based standard. This standard will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the risk mitigation response technique to risk management.


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The problems immigrants experience during the process of their psychological and sociocultural adaptation to the host culture have far-reaching effects in terms of mental health, employment and lost benefits for the whole society. General models of the acculturation process (Ward 1996) and acculturation strategies (Berry 2001) provide a basis for the analysis of those problems. The current study employed a qualitative, case-oriented design, based on the grounded theory method to analyse interviews with six Russian-speaking immigrants in New Zealand. The purpose of the study was to investigate, from a psychological perspective, the problems in adaptation as a result of migration and resettlement, and the factors that influence this process. Two distinct patterns were revealed, linked to acculturation strategies of integration and separation. All the participants experienced high levels of psychological distress in the initial stage of their resettlement, but those who later chose the integration strategy of acculturation were more successful and satisfied with their adaptation than those who chose the strategy of separation. Factors contributing to the process of adaptation were migration motivation, proportion of perceived gains and losses, and cultural identity. This study has implications for social policies in the areas of employment, education and mental health.


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Though prevalent in both genders, specific consideration needs to be given when treating a woman suffering from bipolar disorder over her lifetime. Bipolar disorder is a serious and incapacitating illness affecting an estimated 5% of women. The first episode of illness in women is usually a depressive episode. Female gender has been associated with greater axis-one comorbidity, more depressive episodes, rapid cycling and mixed affective states. Special consideration is required for the treatment of bipolar disorder during reproductive events. More studies are required to better understand the course, outcome and gender-specific treatment strategies of this disorder.


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Plants constantly come into contact with a diverse range of microorganisms that are potential pathogens, and they have evolved multi-faceted physical and hemical strategies to inhibit pathogen ingress and establishment of disease. Microbes, however, have developed their own strategies to counteract plant defence responses. Recent research on plant–microbe interactions has revealed that an important part of the infection strategies of a diverse range of plant pathogens, including bacteria, fungi and oomycetes, is the production of effector proteins that are secreted by the pathogen and that promote successful infection by manipulating plant structure and metabolism, including interference in plant defence mechanisms. Pathogen effector proteins may function either in the extracellular spaces within plant tissues or within the plant cell cytoplasm. Extracellular effectors include cell wall degrading enzymes and inhibitors of plant enzymes that attack invading pathogens. Intracellular effectors move into the plant cell cytoplasm by as yet unknown mechanisms where, in incompatible interactions, they may be recognised by plant resistance proteins but where, in compatible interactions, they may suppress the plant’s immune response. This article presents a brief overview of our current understanding of the nature and function of effectors produced by oomycete plant pathogens.


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The current qualitative study was designed to evaluate the coping strategies of people living with a chronic progressive neurological illness and their carers. The neurological illnesses were Huntington’s disease, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Participants included 15 people who showed high levels of adjustment and 15 who showed low levels of adjustment. Participants were selected from an earlier study, to ensure that they satisfied the inclusion criteria for the current study. Interviews were completed to determine the strategies used to cope with the demands of the illness. Participants who demonstrated good adjustment were more likely to draw on social support to provide them with the resources to deal with the illness. In contrast, those who evidenced poor adjustment were more likely to draw on external supports to complete tasks for them. The implications of these findings for people with chronic neurological illnesses and their families are discussed.


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This article gives an overview of the current progress of a class of supramolecular soft materials consisting of fiber networks and the trapped liquid. After discussing the up-to-date knowledge on the types of fiber networks and the correlation to the rheological properties, the gelation mechanism turns out to be one of the key subjects for this review. In this concern, the following two aspects will be focused upon: the single fiber network formation and the multi-domain fiber network formation of this type of material. Concerning the fiber network formation, taking place via nucleation, and the nucleation-mediated growth and branching mechanism, the theoretical basis of crystallographic mismatch nucleation that governs fiber branching and formation of three-dimensional fiber networks is presented. In connection to the multi-domain fiber network formation, which is governed by the primary nucleation and the subsequent formation of single fiber networks from nucleation centers, the control of the primary nucleation rate will be considered. Based on the understanding on the the gelation mechanism, the engineering strategies of soft functional materials of this type will be systematically discussed. These include the control of the nucleation and branching-controlled fiber network formation in terms of tuning the thermodynamic driving force of the gelling system and introducing suitable additives, as well as introducing ultrasound. Finally, a summary and the outlook of future research on the basis of the nucleation-growth-controlled fiber network formation are given.


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This paper identifies a number of strategies employed by policy actors in the production of Australian higher education entry policy during the period 1987 to 1996, with a particular focus on the production of Queensland higher education entry policy text in 1990 (Viviani, 1990, The Review of Tertiary Entrance in Queensland, 1990 , Department of Education, Queensland). The paper begins from the premise that while policy is often intended to be read as if spoken with a single voice, suggesting rational debate and (then) consensus among policy producers, it is more cogently understood as the product of struggle and conflict. Informed by 27 semi-structured interviews with politicians, political advisers, bureaucrats, academics, institutional administrators and independent authorities, the paper addresses the temporary settling of these actors' struggles and conflicts in contexts of policy making through strategies of negotiation. Rather than providing a sequential account of higher education policy that weaves its way through these negotiations, as grand narrative, the paper is more sporadic in its representations of strategies, identifying them in 'local' and specific knowledges and practices. Drawing on Foucault, what emerges is both an archaeology and genealogy of policy production (Gale, 2001, Journal of Education Policy , 16(5), pp. 379-393).


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Individuals vary in the way in which they cope with stressful situations. It has been suggested that ‘active’ coping behaviour, characterised by aggression and territorial control, is more effective in moderating the stress associated with social defeat than ‘passive’ coping behaviour, as characterised by immobility, decreased reactivity, and low aggression. We used the rodent ‘resident/intruder’ paradigm to determine whether individual differences in coping behaviour modulate the acute adrenocortical response to social defeat. During the 10 min conflict episode, behaviours displayed by the intruder were recorded and subsequently scored. Intruders that engaged in large numbers of fights and/or frequently used physical structures to block the resident's approach (a behaviour referred to as ‘guarding’), displayed smaller corticosterone responses to defeat than other intruders. Corticosterone responses to defeat were unrelated to a measure of coping style preferences (defensive burying test) obtained prior to the defeat encounter. We further chose to investigate the neurobiological basis of this observation by comparing the patterns of defeat-induced neuronal activation in the forebrains of intruders that displayed high versus low numbers of defensive behaviours during the defeat episode. The results of this analysis indicated that ‘low fight’ and ‘low guard’ intruders, i.e. those that achieved a fight or a guard score below the 20th percentile, had significantly higher numbers of Fos-positive neurons in forebrain regions such as the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala than did control animals exposed to an empty resident's cage. In summary, the present data suggest that ‘active’ coping behaviour is associated with both a smaller adrenocortical response and a lower level of ‘neural activation’ following social defeat. This outcome differs from that of earlier studies, a difference that we suggest is due to the fact that the present study is the first to assess coping on the basis of behaviour actually displayed during the conflict interaction.


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The aim of the current study was to generate socially conditioned fear in two different strains of rat (Wistar, W and Sprague Dawley, SD) using social conflict, in order to investigate whether the magnitude of the conditioned fear responses in each strain was related to behaviour exhibited prior to or during fear induction (i.e. social conflict). On day one of the study, all intruders were assessed for exploratory activity in a novel environment. Twenty four hours following the novel environment test the locomotor activity of the intruders was assessed, while they underwent a single familiarisation exposure to the arena in which the conflict was subsequently to occur in. Twenty-four hours following familiarisation, intruders underwent either a 10 min social conflict or sham conflict session. One day later we examined the response of the intruders when they were returned to the vacant resident's cage. Upon return to the conflict context, we examined the intruder's ultrasonic distress vocalisations and the extent to which locomotor activity was inhibited. We found that W rats displayed significantly more immobility (i.e. conditioned fear) upon return to context than did SD rats (p < 0.05). Importantly, we observed that the differences in the two strains behaviour upon return to context appeared to be related to their quite different patterns of coping behaviour. The results of the current study indicate that preclinical between-strain comparisons potentially have much to offer in regard to understanding the basis of resilience to social stress.


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This paper describes object-centered symbolic representation and distributed matching strategies of 3D objects in a schematic form which occur in engineering drawings and maps. The object-centered representation has a hierarchical structure and is constructed from symbolic representations of schematics. With this representation, two independent schematics representing the same object can be matched. We also consider matching strategies using distributed algorithms. The object recognition is carried out with two matching methods: (1) matching between an object model and observed data at the lowest level of the hierarchy, and (2) constraints propagation. The first is carried out with symbolic Hopfield-type neural networks and the second is achieved via hierarchical winner-takes-all algorithms


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This article addresses the issue of affective labour in education in the context of standards-based reforms and accountability. In particular, it focuses on neoliberal strategies of rationalization and control that produce a number of social pathologies, such as alienated teaching and learning and reified social relations between teachers and students. The article turns to affective labour as something that enables teachers to counteract these effects. This argument arises from the analysis of interviews with teachers who continue to generate and sustain the sociality of teaching and learning. Affect directs teachers’ commitment to practice that is governed by feeling, passion and the ethics of care. What gives affective labour such an important position is that it is both outside and beyond accountability and performativity measures. It is identified with the general pedagogical activity that cannot be structured by measuring devices such as students’ test scores or standards. The article concludes with the application of Vygotsky’s ideas about the role of affect in education and argues that affective labour has an expansive power of ontological freedom that cannot be controlled. of ontological freedom that cannot be controlled.


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An evaluation of the effectiveness of the YWCA NSW Aboriginal Women's Wellbeing Program which sought to collaborate with and support local communities to further develop the knowledge, skills and practical strategies of Aboriginal women in establishing healthier living practices for themselves and their families.


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Aim  Resources can shape patterns of habitat utilization. Recently a broad foraging dichotomy between oceanic and coastal sites has been revealed for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Since oceanic and coastal foraging sites differ in prey availability, we might expect a gross difference in home-range size across these habitats. We tested this hypothesis by equipping nine adult male loggerhead sea turtles with GPS tracking devices. Location  National Marine Park of Zakynthos (NMPZ) Greece, central and eastern Mediterranean (Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean seas). Methods  In 2007, 2008 and 2009, Fastloc GPS-Argos transmitters were attached to nine male loggerheads. In addition, a Sirtrack PTT unit was attached to one male in 2007. Four of the turtles were tracked on successive years. We filtered the GPS data to ensure comparable data volumes. Route consistency between breeding and foraging sites of the four re-tracked turtles was conducted. Foraging site home range areas and within site movement patterns were investigated by the fixed kernel density method. Results  Foraging home range size ranged between circa 10 km2 at neritic habitats (coastal and open-sea on the continental shelf) to circa 1000 km2 at oceanic sites (using 90% kernel estimates), the latter most probably reflecting sparsely distributed oceanic prey. Across different years individuals did not follow exactly the same migration routes, but did show fidelity to their previous foraging sites, whether oceanic or neritic, with accurate homing in the final stages of migration. Main conclusions  The broad distribution and diverse life-history strategies of this population could complicate the identification of priority marine protected areas beyond the core breeding site.


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The aim of this paper was to compare the recruitment strategies of two recent studies that focused on the parental influences on childhood obesity during the preschool years. The first study was a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the Mind, Exercise, Nutrition … Do It! 2–4 obesity prevention programme and the second was a longitudinal cohort study. For both studies, the desired population were families with preschool children at risk of developing overweight or obesity. Hence, families from diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds were sought. Funding for the RCT provided the resources to adopt a targeted approach to recruitment whereas for the longitudinal study, recruitment was random and opportunistic, rather than specific and targeted. The RCT reported higher child body mass index-for-age z scores, more families not from an Australian or New Zealand background, and more families in the lowest income bracket, suggesting that strategically targeted approaches to recruitment are more likely to achieve the desired sample.


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Subclinical psychotic experiences during adolescence may represent liability for developing psychotic disorder. Both coping style and the degree of persistence of psychotic experiences may play a role in the progression to clinical psychotic disorder, but little is known about the causal relationship between the two. Path modelling was used to examine longitudinal relationships between subclinical positive psychotic experiences and three styles of coping (task-, emotion- and avoidance-oriented) in an adolescent general population sample (n=813) assessed three times in 3 years. Distinct developmental trajectories of psychotic experiences, identified with growth mixture modelling, were compared on the use of these coping styles. Over time, emotion-oriented coping in general was bi-directionally related to psychotic experiences. No meaningful results were found for task- or avoidance-oriented coping. Females reported using a wider range of coping styles than males, but the paths between coping and psychotic experiences did not differ by gender. Persistence of psychotic experiences was associated with a greater use of emotion-oriented coping, whereas a decrease in experiences over time was associated with an increased use of task-orientated coping. Emotion-oriented coping is the most important coping style in relation to psychotic experiences, as it may contribute to a 'vicious cycle' and is associated with persistence of experiences. In addition, more task-oriented coping may result in a decrease in psychotic experiences. Results suggest that opportunities for intervention may already be present at the level of subclinical psychosis.