176 resultados para REHABILITATION, SSCI


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Providing a succinct summary and critique of the scientific approach to offender rehabilitation, this volume for students of criminology, sociology and clinical psychology gives a comprehensive evaluation of both the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model and the Good Lives Model." "Rehabilitation is a value-laden process involving a delicate balance of the needs and desires of clinicians, clients, the State and the public. Written by two internationally renowned academics in rehabilitation research, this book argues that intervention with offenders is not simply a matter of implementing the best therapeutic technology and leaving political and social debate to politicians and policy-makers.


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This paper examines current rehabilitation approaches to Forensic Mental Health Care. On this basis the authors identified three broad approaches to forensic mental health assessment and treatment: (1) Risk/Needs/Responsivity; (2) therapeutic models targeting individual psychopathologies; and (3) strength based models. Following a review of each model the authors conclude that strength based approaches such as the Good Lives Model has theoretical and practical advantages over the other two rehabilitation frameworks.


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The desired outcome of psychotherapy is positive change. A substantial body of empirical research now supports the importance of the therapeutic alliance in predicting therapeutic change. Research on therapeutic process has also been increasing. Despite these achievements, there is little theoretical understanding of how the therapeutic alliance develops and is maintained. What are the key variables in the establishment of a collaborative relationship between therapist and client that can elicit positive change in the client? Recent interest in client responsivity and effective therapy process with offenders has shed light on how little relevant theory and research exists on process issues in offender rehabilitation, compared to conventional psychotherapy. Although the general ingredients of a therapeutic alliance may be similar across therapy contexts, difficulties in creating these alliances with offenders can prompt a more complete examination of these ingredients. This article examines and critiques the dominant model of the therapeutic alliance proposed by Bordin [Bordin, E.S. (1979). The generalizability of the psychoanalytic concept of the working alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 16, 252–260.], and then integrates it with recent research, theory, and clinical observation from the field of offender rehabilitation, to propose a Revised Theory of the Therapeutic Alliance that is particularly relevant for therapists who work to reduce future risk of criminal behavior.


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Purpose. The purpose of this article is to explore three concepts namely dignity, human rights and capabilities and to argue for their relevance in advancing the theory and practice of rehabilitation.

Method. A narrative review of selected academic writing on the three constructs is considered with respect to the rehabilitation literature.

Results. Each concept is defined and technical terms are explained for readers unfamiliar with these topics. Salient aspects of academic or scientific writing on each of these three topics is summarised and attempts are made to integrate these with rehabilitation.

Dignity, rights and capabilities are three concepts that have the potential to enhance theory development in rehabilitation.


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Aims of the paper. The aim of this paper was to introduce the Good Lives Model, originally developed for offender rehabilitation, to the clinical rehabilitation community. We argue that this model has considerable promise, both as a ‘thinking tool’ and as an integrative framework emphasizing the centrality of the person in clinical and community rehabilitation for complex and chronic health conditions.

Key findings and implications. The essential features of a good rehabilitation theory are first outlined. These are the general principles and assumptions that underpin a theory, the aetiological assumptions and the intervention implications. The Good Lives Model for clinical rehabilitation is then described in terms of these three components of a good rehabilitation theory.

Conclusions and recommendations.
The Good Lives Model has considerable promise as a tool for integrating many diverse aspects of current best practice in rehabilitation while maintaining the individual client as the central focus. At the same time it is provisional and further theoretical development and empirical support is required.


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Purpose. The aim of this article is to introduce rehabilitation professionals to the rapidly growing literature on human rights particularly as it relates to health and rehabilitation. The article aims to stimulate further discussion and debate concerning the place of human rights in rehabilitation practice.

Method. Some important milestones in the recent history of the human rights movement are briefly outlined, and some important terms in the rights literature are explained. The Ward and Birgden model of the structure of human rights is then described as an example of a rights perspective that might have particular relevance for health and social services and rehabilitation.

Results. A rehabilitation case study is presented as an example of how the Ward and Birgden model could have practical relevance when deciding on the most important outcomes for an individual in rehabilitation.

Conclusion. Human rights are playing an increasing role in the struggle to improve health and healthcare globally. They also have important implications for rehabilitation practitioners and researchers and should form the core of any ethical framework for rehabilitation. It might even be argued that rights and dignity are themselves valued outcomes for rehabilitation.


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The concept of human rights is a moral (and legal) one that that is intended to safeguard provision of the social, economic, environmental, and psychological goods necessary for a dignified human life. Over the last 3 years, several papers on the implications of rights-based thinking for the assessment and treatment of offenders have appeared. In this paper, I draw from this work—in particular, the conceptual model developed by Ward and Birgden (2007)—and examine its practice recommendations and implications. First, I analyze the concept of dignity and its role in human rights thinking. Then the Ward and Birgden model of human rights is outlined and ethically justified. Finally, I discuss some of the major assessment and treatment consequences of this human rights approach.


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This paper examines the consequences of the overlap between punishment and rehabilitation practices, and inquires into the implications for individuals who assess and treat offenders. More specifically, I make three claims concerning the relationship between offender rehabilitation and punishment. First, rehabilitation as it is commonly understood in the offending arena contains some components that meet the criteria for punishment, in the ethical sense of that term. It is also true that there are aspects of rehabilitation that are focused directly on assisting offenders to live better lives (higher levels of well-being) and therefore which do not meet the criteria for punishment. Second, there are a number of significant practice implications that follow from the hybrid nature of offender rehabilitation. Third, Duff's communicative theory of punishment (Duff, 2001) offers clinicians a stronger justification for the punishment aspects of rehabilitation than its retributive and consequential rivals.


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The mainstream view in criminology and correctional psychology is that evolutionary perspectives have little to offer researchers or practitioners and may in fact lead to overly reductionist and crude responses to the complex issue of crime and its consequences. However, in our view all the major evolutionary approaches to the explanation of human behavior have something of value to contribute, with niche construction providing a particularly useful lens upon crime and its management. In this paper we analyze the concept of rehabilitation and describe the key features of effective rehabilitation. We argue that niche construction is responsive to the cognitive versatility and behavioral flexibility of human beings and can also accommodate the important role of social and cultural scaffolding in the rehabilitation process.


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In this paper, we draw upon two sets of theoretical resources to develop a comprehensive theory of sexual offender rehabilitation named the Good Lives Model-Comprehensive (GLM-C). The original Good Lives Model (GLM-O) forms the overarching values and principles guiding clinical practice in the GLM-C. In addition, the latest sexual offender theory (i.e., the Integrated Theory of Sexual Offending; ITSO) provides a clear etiological grounding for these principles. The result is a more substantial and improved rehabilitation model that is able to conceptually link latest etiological theory with clinical practice. Analysis of the GLM-C reveals that it also has the theoretical resources to secure currently used self-regulatory treatment practice within a meaningful structure.


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The major aim of the current paper is to expand on the practice elements of the Good Lives Model-Comprehensive (GLM-C) of offender rehabilitation and to provide a detailed examination of its assessment and treatment implications. First we discuss the notion of rehabilitation and the qualities a good theory of rehabilitation should possess. Second, the principles, etiological assumptions, and general treatment implications of the GLM-C are briefly described. Third, we outline in considerable detail the application of this novel perspective to the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders. Finally, we conclude the paper with a summary of the major benefits we envisage the GLM-C bringing to the rehabilitation of sexual offenders.


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Restorative justice is a social justice movement that aims to deal with consequences of crime through repairing and restoring relationships of three key stakeholders: victims, offenders, and communities. Unfortunately, it is often unclear where offender rehabilitation fits within the constructs of repair and reintegration that drive this justice paradigm. An analysis of the relationship between restorative justice theory and offender rehabilitation principles reveals tensions between the two normative frameworks and a lack of appreciation that correctional treatment programs have a legitimate role alongside restorative practices. First, we outline the basic tenets of the Risk–Need–Responsivity Model and the Good Lives Model in order to provide a brief overview of two recent models of offender rehabilitation. We then consider the claims made by restorative justice proponents about correctional rehabilitation programs and their role in the criminal justice system. We conclude that restorative justice and rehabilitation models are distinct, although overlapping, normative frameworks and have different domains of application in the criminal justice system, and that it is a mistake to attempt to blend them in any robust sense.