85 resultados para Preanesthetic Medication


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Medication adherence in kidney transplantation is critical to prevent graft rejection. Testing interventions designed to support patients to take their prescribed medications following a kidney transplant require an accurate measure of medication adherence. In research, the available methods for measuring medication adherence include self-report, pill counts, prescription refill records, surrogate measures of medication adherence and medication bottles with a microchip-embedded cap to record bottle openings. Medication bottles with a microchip-embedded cap are currently regarded as the gold standard measure. This commentary outlines the challenges in measuring medication adherence using electronic medication monitoring of kidney transplant patients recruited from five sites. The challenges included obtaining unanimous stakeholder support for using this method, agreement on an index medication to measure, adequate preparation of the patient and training of pharmacy staff, and how to analyze data when periods of time were not recorded using the electronic adherence measure. Provision of this information will enable hospital and community pharmacists to implement approaches that promote the effective use of this adherence measure for optimal patient outcomes.


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AIM: To describe the design, development and evaluation of a consumer-centred video, which was underpinned by the Theory of Planned Behaviour and it was created to educate newly transplanted kidney recipients about the importance of medication adherence. BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation is a treatment whereby medication adherence is critical to ensure long-term kidney graft success. To date, many interventions aimed to improve medication adherence in kidney transplantation have been conducted but consumers remain largely uninvolved in the interventional design. DESIGN: Qualitative sequential design. METHODS: Twenty-two participants who had maintained their kidney transplant for at least 8 months and three participants who had experienced a kidney graft loss due to non-adherence were interviewed from March-May 2014 in Victoria, Australia. These interviews were independently reviewed by two researchers and were used to guide the design of the story plot and to identify storytellers for the video. The first draft of the video was evaluated by a panel of seven experts in the field, one independent educational expert and two consumers using Lynn's content validity questionnaire. The content of the video was regarded as highly relevant and comprehensive, which achieved a score of >3·7 out of a possible 4. RESULTS/FINDINGS: The final 18-minute video comprised 15 sections. Topics included medication management, the factors affecting medication adherence and the absolute necessity of adherence to immunosuppressive medications for graft survival. CONCLUSION: This paper has demonstrated the feasibility of creating a consumer-driven video that supports medication adherence in an engaging way.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the distribution of cataract types between psychiatric patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and the general population not exposed to psychotropic medication, and to compare cataract prevalence between users and nonusers of various psychotropic medications in the general community. DESIGN: Case-control. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 151 (93%) eligible patients from a community mental health service and 3271 (83%) eligible residents from the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project (VIP) were examined. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All patients 40 years of age and older from a community mental health service and residents of nine randomly selected areas of Melbourne were eligible. Best-corrected distance visual acuity was determined using a 4-m logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) chart. The presence of cataract was determined by photographs or slit-lamp examination using direct and indirect retroillumination. Anterior, cortical, nuclear, and posterior subcapsular cataracts were measured. Participants from the Melbourne VIP were classified as to whether they had taken benzodiazepams, phenothiazines, thioxanthenes, butyrophenols, tricyclic antidepressants, or monoamine oxidase inhibitors for at least 12 months during their lifetime. RESULTS: The distribution of cataract type varied between persons with and without schizophrenia. Anterior subcapsular (ASC) cataract was significantly more prevalent (26%) in participants with schizophrenia from the community mental health service than Melbourne VIP participants (0.2%) not exposed to psychotropic medication (chi-square, 1 degree of freedom = 605.5, P = 0.001). This remained significant after controlling for age (odds ratios = 250, 95% confidence interval = 83.3, 1000). The distribution of the age-related cataract was similar across all groups of psychotropic medication users with the exception of the phenothiazine users. They had less of all types of the age-related cataracts, despite being slightly older than the control group (mean age, 60.0 vs. 58.4, t test = 0.85, P = 0.40). However, only cortical cataract in the phenothiazine group was statistically lower (chi-square, 1 degree of freedom = 3.96, P = 0.047). CONCLUSION: This study has identified the need to investigate whether other newer agents, especially high-potency medications, cause ASC opacities if a certain threshold of exposure to psychotropic medications must be attained to develop cataract, or if schizophrenia itself is associated with cataract formation.


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Many Australians with arthritis self-manage their pain with prescription and/or over-the-counter pain medications, containing paracetamol. If taken appropriately, these medications are relatively safe; however, if mismanaged through patients' iinability to understand medication labels and instructions, these medications may cause adverse drug events and/or toxicities.
This study explored the prescription and over-the-counter pain medications most commonly used by people with arthritis and the ability of these patients to correctly identify paracetamol as an active ingredient in commonly available preparations. The study also investigated the functional health literacy of these patients and their inclination to borrow and/or share pain medications.
Adult participants diagnosed with arthritis were invited to complete an anonymous survey which included questions about their prescription and over-the-counter pain medications; their medication borrowing and sharing behaviours; their functional health literacy; and their knowledge about preparations containing paracetamol as an active ingredient.
Most of the 254 participants used analgesic agents containing paracetamol, as combination tablets (paracetamol 500 mg and codeine 30 mg) or paracetamol-only tablets (paracetamol 665 mg) to self-manage their pain. Respondents with low functional health literacy scores were significantly less likely to identify paracetamol as an active ingredient in both combination and paracetamol-only pharmaceutical products, and were more likely to guess or did not know how to identify that paracetamol was an active ingredient in these products. Almost 30% of the respondents indicated that they had and/or intended to borrow/share their over-the-counter
pain medications whereas less than 10% suggested that they had and/or intended to borrow/share their prescription pain medication.
Australians with arthritis, especially those with low functional health literacy scores, self-managing their pain with paracetamol-containing products, do not always recognise paracetamol as an active ingredient in combination products, and may risk potential paracetamol-related adverse effects and/or toxicities.


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AIMS: To investigate the contribution of general and diabetes-specific emotional wellbeing and beliefs about medicines in the prediction of insulin therapy appraisals in adults with non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes. METHODS: The sample included Diabetes MILES-Australia cross-sectional survey participants whose primary diabetes treatment was oral hypoglycaemic agents (N=313; 49% women; mean±SD age: 57±9 years; diabetes duration: 7±6 years). They completed validated measures of beliefs about the 'harm' and 'overuse' of medications in general (BMQ General); 'concerns' about and 'necessity' of current diabetes medications (BMQ Specific); negative insulin therapy appraisals (ITAS); depression (PHQ-9); anxiety (GAD-7), and diabetes distress (DDS-17). Factors associated with ITAS Negative scores were examined using hierarchical multiple regressions. RESULTS: Twenty-two percent of the variance in ITAS Negative scores (52±10), was explained by: number of complications (β=-.15, p=.005), DDS-17 subscale 'emotional burden' (β=.23, p<.001), and 'concerns' about current diabetes treatment (β=.29, p<.001). General beliefs about medications and general emotional wellbeing did not contribute significantly to the model. CONCLUSIONS: Psychological insulin resistance may reflect broader distress about diabetes and concerns about its treatment but not general beliefs about medicines, depression or anxiety. Reducing diabetes distress and current treatment concerns may improve attitudes towards insulin as a potential therapeutic option.


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AIM: To understand the stressors related to life post-kidney transplantation, with a focus on medication adherence, and the coping resources people use to deal with these stressors. BACKGROUND: Although kidney transplantation offers enhanced quality and years of life for patients, the management of a kidney transplant post-surgery is a complex process. DESIGN: A descriptive exploratory study. METHOD: Participants were recruited from five kidney transplant units in Victoria, Australia. From March to May 2014, patients who had either maintained their kidney transplant for ≥ 8 months or had experienced a kidney graft loss due to medication non-adherence were interviewed. All audio-recordings of interviews were transcribed verbatim and underwent Ritchie and Spencer's framework analysis. RESULTS: Participants consisted of fifteen men and ten women aged 26 - 72 years old. All identified themes were categorised into: 1) Causes of distress and 2) Coping resources. Post-kidney transplantation, causes of distress included the regimented routine necessary for graft maintenance, and the everlasting fear of potential graft rejection, contracting infections and developing cancer. Coping resources utilised to manage the stressors were firstly, a shift in perspective about how easy it was to manage a kidney transplant than to be dialysis-dependent and secondly, receiving external help from fellow patients, family members and healthcare professionals in addition to utilising electronic reminders. CONCLUSION: An individual well-equipped with coping resources is able to deal with stressors better. It is recommended that changes, such as providing regular reminders about the lifestyle benefits of kidney transplantation, creating opportunities for patients to share their experiences and promoting the utilisation of a reminder alarm to take medications, will reduce the stress of managing a kidney transplant.


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Objectives The objective of this paper is to review and compare the content of medication management policies across seven Australian health services located in the state of Victoria. Methods The medication management policies for health professionals involved in administering medications were obtained from seven health services under one jurisdiction. Analysis focused on policy content, including the health service requirements and regulations governing practice. Results and Conclusions The policies of the seven health services contained standard information about staff authorisation, controlled medications and poisons, labelling injections and infusions, patient self-administration, documentation and managing medication errors. However, policy related to individual health professional responsibilities, single- and double-checking medications, telephone orders and expected staff competencies varied across the seven health services. Some inconsistencies in health professionals' responsibilities among medication management policies were identified. What is known about the topic? Medication errors are recognised as the single most preventable cause of patient harm in hospitals and occur most frequently during administration. Medication management is a complex process involving several management and treatment decisions. Policies are developed to assist health professionals to safely manage medications and standardise practice; however, co-occurring activities and interruptions increase the risk of medication errors. What does this paper add? In the present policy analysis, we identified some variation in the content of medication management policies across seven Victorian health services. Policies varied in relation to medications that require single- and double-checking, as well as by whom, nurse-initiated medications, administration rights, telephone orders and competencies required to check medications. What are the implications for practitioners? Variation in medication management policies across organisations is highlighted and raises concerns regarding consistency in governance and practice related to medication management. Lack of practice standardisation has previously been implicated in medication errors. Lack of intrajurisdictional concordance should be addressed to increase consistency. Inconsistency in expectations between healthcare services may lead to confusion about expectations among health professionals moving from one healthcare service to another, and possibly lead to increased risk of medication errors.


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BACKGROUND: Non-adherence by dose omission is common and deleterious to outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), but covert dose reduction (CDR) remains unexplored. AIMS: To determine frequency and attitudinal predictors of overall medication non-adherence and of covert dose reduction as separate entities. METHODS: A cross sectional questionnaire was undertaken involving IBD patients in three different geographical regions and care settings. Demographics, medication adherence by dose omission, and rate of patient initiated dose reduction of conventional meds without practitioner knowledge (CDR) were assessed, along with attitudes toward IBD medication. RESULTS: Of 473 respondents (mean age 50.3 years, 60.2% female) frequency of non-adherence was 21.9%, and CDR 26.9% (p<0.001). By logistic regression, significant independent predictors of non-adherence were dissatisfaction with the patient-doctor relationship (p<0.001), depression (p=0.001), anxiety (p=0.047), and negative views regarding medication efficacy (p<0.001) or safety (p=0.017). Independent predictors of covert dose reduction included regular complementary medicine (CAM) use (p<0.001), experiencing more informative (p<0.001) and comfortable (p=0.006) consultations with alternative practitioners, disbelieving doctor delivered information (p=0.021) and safety concerns regarding conventional medication (p<0.001). Neither the frequency of non-adherence (p=0.569) nor CDR (p=0.914) differed between cohorts by different treatment settings. CONCLUSIONS: Covert dose reduction of IBD medication is more common than omission of medication doses, predicted by different factors to usual non-adherence, and has not been previously reported in IBD. The strongest predictor of CDR is regular CAM use.