88 resultados para Morphological plasticity


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Recent research suggests that repeated assays of behaviour, conducted both within and across situations, could reveal important insights into two traditionally distinct areas of study: animal personality and individual differences in behavioural plasticity. However, at present relatively few studies present such data, and few consider how changing abiotic conditions affect behavioural plasticity. Individual differences in metabolic rate have been suggested as a proximate mechanism promoting personality, leading one to speculate that individual differences in metabolic sensitivity to temperature may affect behavioural responses in ectotherms. At present, only one study (out of two) has tested for and shown individual differences in behavioural responses to temperature. Here, we repeatedly assayed the behaviour of a marine crab across a narrow range of temperatures to test for individual differences in responses to temperature. We observed large inter-individual differences in behaviour that were consistent over time at a given temperature (evidence for personality), and individual differences in responses to temperature (evidence for plasticity). This study adds to the very scant literature on ectotherm behavioural sensitivity to temperature, and suggests the phenomenon might be widespread. We speculate about the role of metabolism as a proximate mechanism that might explain these individual differences in plasticity and make suggestions for future research to test this hypothesis. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands.


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 In some advanced sheet metal forming processes such as the incremental forming process, a local fracture strain after necking is very important. In order to accurately predict necking and fracture phenomena, a crystal plasticity model is introduced in the finite element analysis of tensile tests. A tensile specimen is modeled by many grains that have their own crystalline orientation. And each of the grains is discretized by many elements. Using this analysis, necking behavior of a tensile specimen can be predicted without any initial imperfections. A damage model is also implemented to predict sudden drops of load carrying capacity after necking and to reflect the void nucleation and growth of the severely deformed region. From an analysis of the tensile test, the necking behavior is well predicted. Finally, analyses are carried out for various strain paths, and FLDs up to necking and fracture are predicted.


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'Heterogeneous twinning' is defined as plastic deformation due to the formation and progress of twins resulting in surface wrinkles on the deforming part when the initial grain size is relatively large compared to the typical size of the part. In the case of a Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel with an initial grain size of ~160. m, the heterogeneous twinning generated visible wrinkles, an orange peel effect, under medium uni-axial strains. The heterogeneous twinning did not occur in the material subjected to high shear strains. The complications resulting from this phenomenon on strain hardening characterization of the TWIP steels using two commonly used mechanical tests, tensile and torsion are discussed along with some experimental aspects of heterogeneous twinning. © 2014.


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High-Mn Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steels have superior mechanical properties, which make them promising materials in automotive industry to improve the passenger safety and the fuel consumption. The TWIP steels are characterized by high work hardening rates due to continuous mechanical twin formation during the deformation. Mechanical twinning is a unique deformation mode, which is highly governed by the stacking fault energy (SFE). The composition of steel alloy was Fe-18Mn-0.6C-1Al (wt.%) with SFE of about 25-30 mJ/m2 at room temperature. The SFE ensures the mechanical twinning to be the main deformation mechanism at room temperature. The microstructure, mechanical properties, work hardening behaviour and SFE of the steel was studied at the temperature range of ambient ≤T[°C]≤ 400°C. The mechanical properties were determined using Instron tensile testing machine with 30kN load cell and strain rate of 10-3s-1 and the work hardening behaviour curves were generated using true stress and true strain data. The microstructure after deformation at different temperatures was examined using Zeiss Supra 55VP SEM. It was found that an increase in the deformation temperature raised the SFE resulting in the deterioration of the mechanical twinning that led to decrease not only in the strength but also in the total strain of the steel. A correlation between the temperature, the SFE, the mechanical twinning, the mechanical properties and the work hardening rate was also found. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The taxonomic uncertainty surrounding several prominent genera of Australian microbat has been a long-standing impediment to research and conservation efforts on these groups. The free-tail bat genus Mormopterus is perhaps the most significant example, with a long history of acknowledged species-level confusion. This study uses a combined molecular and morphological approach to conduct a comprehensive assessment of species and subgeneric boundaries, between-species phylogenetic affinities and within-species phylogeographic structure in Australian members of Mormopterus. Phylogenetic analyses based on 759 base pairs of the NADH Dehydrogenase subunit 2 mitochondrial gene were concordant with species boundaries delineated using an expanded allozyme dataset and by phallic morphology, and also revealed strong phylogeographic structure within two species. The levels of divergence evident in the molecular and morphological analyses led us to recognise three subgenera within Australia: Micronomus, Setirostris subgen. nov. and Ozimops subgen. nov. Within Ozimops we recognise seven Australian species, three of which are new, and none are conspecific with Indo-Papuan species. The family Molossidae now comprises eleven species across three subgenera in Australia, making it the continent's second most speciose family of bats. © CSIRO 2014.


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A material model for more thorough analysis of plastic deformation of sheet materials is presented in this paper. This model considers the following aspects of plastic deformation behavior of sheet materials: (1) the anisotropy in yield stresses and in work hardening by using Hill's 1948 quadratic yield function and non-constant stress ratios which leads to different flow stress hardening in different directions, (2) the anisotropy in plastic strains by using a quadratic plastic potential function and non-associated flow rule, also based on Hill's 1948 model and r-values, and (3) the cyclic hardening phenomena such as the Bauschinger effect, permanent softening and transient behavior for reverse loading by using a coupled nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Plasticity fundamentals of the model were derived in a general framework and the model calibration procedure was presented for the plasticity formulations. Also, a generic numerical stress integration procedure was developed based on backward-Euler method, so-called multi-stage return mapping algorithm. The model was implemented in the framework of the finite element method to evaluate the simulation results of sheet metal forming processes. Different aspects of the model were verified for two sheet metals, namely DP600 steel and AA6022 aluminum alloy. Results show that the new model is able to accurately predict the sheet material behavior for both anisotropic hardening and cyclic hardening conditions. The drawing of channel sections and the subsequent springback were also simulated with this model for different drawbead configurations. Simulation results show that the current non-associated anisotropic hardening model is able to accurately predict the sidewall curl in the drawn channel sections.


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Understanding how multiple environmental stressors interact to affect seagrass health (measured as morphological and physiological responses) is important for responding to global declines in seagrass populations. We investigated the interactive effects of temperature stress (24, 27, 30 and 32°C) and shading stress (75, 50, 25 and 0% shade treatments) on the seagrass Zostera muelleri over a 3-month period in laboratory mesocosms. Z. muelleri is widely distributed throughout the temperate and tropical waters of south and east coasts of Australia, and is regarded as a regionally significant species. Optimal growth was observed at 27°C, whereas rapid loss of living shoots and leaf mass occurred at 32°C. We found no difference in the concentration of photosynthetic pigments among temperature treatments by the end of the experiment; however, up-regulation of photoprotective pigments was observed at 30°C. Greater levels of shade resulting in high photochemical efficiencies, while elevated irradiance suppressed effective quantum yield (ΔF/FM'). Chlorophyll fluorescence fast induction curves (FIC) revealed that the J step amplitude was significantly higher in the 0% shade treatment after 8 weeks, indicating a closure of PSII reaction centres, which likely contributed to the decline in ΔF/FM' and photoinhibition under higher irradiance. Effective quantum yield of PSII (ΔF/FM') declined steadily in 32°C treatments, indicating thermal damage. Higher temperatures (30°C) resulted in reduced above-ground biomass ratio and smaller leaves, while reduced light led to a reduction in leaf and shoot density, above-ground biomass ratio, shoot biomass and an increase in leaf senescence. Surprisingly, light and temperature had few interactive effects on seagrass health, even though these two stressors had strong effects on seagrass health when tested in isolation. In summary, these results demonstrate that populations of Z. muelleri in south-eastern Australia are sensitive to small chronic temperature increases and light decreases that are predicted under future climate change scenarios.


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Anisotropic mechanical behavior is investigated for an aluminum alloy of 6K21-IH T4 both in plastic deformation and ductile fracture. Anisotropic plastic deformation is characterized by uniaxial tensile tests of dog-bone specimens, while anisotropy in ductile fracture is illustrated with specimens with a central hole, notched specimens and shear specimens. All these specimens are cut off at every 15º from the rolling direction. The r-values and uniaxial tensile yield stresses are measured from the tensile tests of dog-bone specimens. Then the anisotropic plasticity is modeled by a newly proposed J2-J3 criterion under non-associate flow rule (non-AFR). The testing processes of specimens for ductile fracture analysis are simulated to extract the maximum plastic strain at fracture strokes as well as the evolution of the stress triaxiality and the Lode parameter in different testing directions. The measured fracture behavior is described by a shear-controlled ductile fracture criterion proposed by Lou et al. (2014. Modeling of shear ductile fracture considering a changeable cut-off value for stress triaxiality. Int. J. Plasticity 54, 56-80) for different loading directions. It is demonstrated that the anisotropic plastic deformation is described by the J2-J3 criterion with high accuracy in various loading conditions including shear, uniaxial tension and plane strain tension. Moreover, the anisotropy in ductile fracture is not negligible and cannot be modeled by isotropic ductile fracture criteria. Thus, an anisotropic model must be proposed to accurately illustrate the directionality in ductile fracture.


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The pattern of tonic and phasic components in an EMG signal reflects the underlying behaviour of the central nervous system (CNS) in controlling the musculature. One avenue for gaining a better understanding of this behaviour is to seek a quantitative characterisation of these phasic and tonic components. We propose that these signal characteristics can range between unvarying, tonic and intermittent, phasic activation through a continuum of EMG amplitude modulation. In this paper, we present two new algorithms for quantifying amplitude modulation: a linear-envelope approach, and a mathematical morphology approach. In addition we present an algorithm for synthesising EMG signals with known amplitude modulation. The efficacy of the synthesis algorithm is demonstrated using real EMG data. We present an evaluation and comparison of the two algorithms for quantifying amplitude modulation based on synthetic data generated by the proposed synthesis algorithm. The results demonstrate that the EMG synthesis parameters represent 91.9% and 96.2% of the variance of linear-envelopes extracted from lumbo-pelvic muscle EMG signals collected from subjects performing a repetitive-movement task. This depended, however, on the muscle and movement-speed considered (F=4.02, p<0.001). Coefficients of determination between input and output amplitude modulation variables were used to quantify the accuracy of the linear-envelope and morphological signal processing algorithms. The linear-envelope algorithm exhibited higher coefficients of determination than the most accurate morphological approach (and hence greater accuracy, T=8.16, p<0.001). Similarly, the standard deviation of the coefficients of determination was 1.691 times smaller (p<0.001). This signal processing algorithm represents a novel tool for the quantification of amplitude modulation in continuous EMG signals and can be used in the study of CNS motor control of the musculature in repetitive-movement tasks.


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 A constitutive model based on Non-Associated Flow rule is implemented numerically and is shown to be capable of accurate predictions of anisotropy driven phenomena, observed during the forming processes of thin sheet metals, in a more efficient manner than other traditional approaches based on Associated Flow Rule.


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Hydrogels formed by the self-assembly of peptides are promising biomaterials. The bioactive and biocompatible molecule Fmoc-FRGDF has been shown to be an efficient hydrogelator via a π-β self-assembly mechanism. Herein, we show that the mechanical properties and morphology of Fmoc-FRGDF hydrogels can be effectively and easily manipulated by tuning both the final ionic strength and the rate of pH change. The increase of ionic strength, and consequent increase in rate of gelation and stiffness, does not interfere with the underlying π-β assembly of this Fmoc-protected peptide. However, by tuning the changing rate of the system's pH through the use of glucono-δ-lactone to form a hydrogel, as opposed to the previously reported HCl methodology, the morphology (nano- and microscale) of the scaffold can be manipulated.


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In marine cartilaginous fish, reabsorption of filtered urea by the kidney is essential for retaining a large amount of urea in their body. However, the mechanism for urea reabsorption is poorly understood due to the complexity of the kidney. To address this problem, we focused on elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) for which a genome database is available, and conducted molecular mapping of membrane transporters along the different segments of the nephron. Basically, the nephron architecture of elephant fish was similar to that described for elasmobranch nephrons, but some unique features were observed. The late distal tubule (LDT), which corresponded to the fourth loop of the nephron, ran straight near the renal corpuscle, while it was convoluted around the tip of the loop. The ascending and descending limbs of the straight portion were closely apposed to each other and were arranged in a countercurrent fashion. The convoluted portion of LDT was tightly packed and enveloped by the larger convolution of the second loop that originated from the same renal corpuscle. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that co-localization of Na(+),K(+),2Cl(-) cotransporter 2 and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase α1 subunit was observed in the early distal tubule and the posterior part of LDT, indicating the existence of two separate diluting segments. The diluting segments most likely facilitate NaCl absorption and thereby water reabsorption to elevate urea concentration in the filtrate, and subsequently contribute to efficient urea reabsorption in the final segment of the nephron, the collecting tubule, where urea transporter-1 was intensely localized.