83 resultados para Late early triassic


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INTRODUCTION: There is limited understanding of the association between peer social networks and physical activity (PA), sedentary and screen-related behaviors. This study reports on associations between personal network characteristics and these important health behaviors for early adolescents. METHODS: Participants were 310 students, aged 11-13 years, from fifteen randomly selected Victorian primary schools (43% response rate). PA and sedentary behaviors were collected via accelerometer and self-report questionnaire, and anthropometric measures via trained researchers. Participants nominated up to fifteen friends, and described the frequency of interaction and perceived activity intensity of these friends. Personal network predictors were examined using regression modelling for PA and sedentary/screen behavior. RESULTS: Perceived activity levels of friends, and friendships with very frequent interaction were associated with outside-of-school PA and/or sedentary/screen time. Differences according to sex were also observed in the association between network characteristics and PA and sedentary time. A higher number of friends and greater proportion of same sex friends were associated with boys engaging in more moderate-to-vigorous PA outside of school hours. PA intensity during school-day breaks was positively associated with having a greater proportion of friends who played sports for girls, and a greater proportion of male friends for boys. CONCLUSION: Friendship network characteristics are associated with PA and sedentary/screen time in late childhood/early adolescence, and these associations differ by sex. The positive influence of very active peers may be a promising avenue to strengthen traditional interventions for the promotion of PA and reduction in screen time.


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A diverse and well-preserved fossil wood assemblage is described, for the first time, from the Middle Permian Taerlang Formation and the Upper Permian Quanzijie Formation in the vicinity of the Tianshan Town, Hami City of northwestern China. On the basis of wood microstructure, the fossil woods are classified into three genera and five species, including one new genus: Prototianshanoxylon gen. nov. and two new species: Prototianshanoxylon erdaogouense sp. nov., Prototianshanoxylon hamiense sp. nov. The new genus is characterized by window-like cross-field pitting and mixed tracheid radial wall pitting that suggest a transitional type between araucarioid-type and protopinoid-type pittings.Phytogeographically, the fossil wood assemblage is characterized by an admixture of elements of both temperate Angaran (represented by wood specimens with moderately to well defined growth rings in their secondary xylem) and tropical-subtropical north subregion of the Cathaysian floras (with wood specimens lacking well-defined growth rings). Such a phytogeographically mixed fossil wood assemblage is interpreted to represent a transitional and complex climate condition between a cool temperate and tropical to subtropical zones, showing both seasonal variation and unstable climate conditions. Previously, similarly mixed floras have already been found to exist widely in northern China ranging in age from Early to Late Permian, but the mechanisms thought to be responsible for their formation were varied and remain controversial. In this study, the formation of these mixed Permian floras of North China is linked to the closure of the Tianshan-Hingan seaway coupled with the collision and amalgamation of Siberia with North China and the Tarim block, in a manner much like closing a pair of scissors with the closure of the seaway proceeding gradually and progressively from west to the east.


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The significant effects of the building industry on the natural environment are well documented and improving the environmental performance of buildings is an on-going challenge. This is particularly the case for projects with restrictive budgets and timelines and because many existing environmental assessment tools are designed to be used too late in the design process. The use of tools during the early design stages may assist in achieving greater improvements in a building’s environmental performance. However, user-friendly tools with the ability to comprehensively compare environmental information between various building assemblies and materials, which can be easily adopted during the early design stages of a project, are not readily available. This paper presents the progress to date in developing a tool which supports building designers in identifying and selecting preferred building assemblies with the aim of minimising a building’s life cycle energy demand. The tool is based on comprehensive energy performance data for a broad range of building assemblies across all Australian climate zones. Allowing for adjustments to a set of pre-defined and user-defined assemblies the designer is able to see how assemblies perform in relation to each other. This provides valuable information to support decision-making relating to minimising the life cycle energy demand of buildings.


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In the late 1950s the Australian Council for the World Council of Churches (AC-WCC) inspired primarily by the Presbyterian Church, undertook a concerted campaign to pressure the Australian government to assume a greater role in the affairs of the New Hebrides. The AC-WCC wanted the Australian government to take over the United Kingdom's role in the administration of the Anglo-French Condominium. It was motivated to undertake this campaign by the dismal social and economic conditions in the islands, the neglect of the British and French colonial authorities, and their failure to offer the indigenous people a way forward to self-government. The high point of the campaign was a meeting between Robert Menzies, the Australian prime minister and a delegation from the AC-WCC in early 1958. As a result of this meeting Australian ministers and officials, for the final time, gave extended consideration to expanding Australia's empire in the South Pacific to include the New Hebrides. This article examines the AC-WCC's campaign, explores the Australian government's response, and analyses the outcome of this important episode in Australia's involvement in the colonial territories of the South Pacific.


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This study assessed the influence of diet composition on hyaline sphere (HS) development in auricularia larvae of the sandfish, Holothuria scabra, and the subsequent relationships between the presence and size of hyaline spheres and competency through settlement and early juvenile performance. Two-day old larvae were fed one of three commercially available micro-algae diets that varied in their nutrient compositions: (1) Isochrysis sp. (Haptophyceae); (2) Pavlova sp. (Haptophyceae); and (3) Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae) or a ternary combination of the three. There were positive significant correlations between HS development in late auriculariae on days 10, 11, 12 and 13 post-fertilisation, and the proportion of competent doliolariae on day 15, post-settlement size (day 21) and post-settlement survival (day 25). The dietary components that most strongly influenced these relationships were carbohydrates and the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Our result confirm the strong relationship between HS formation in late auriculariae of sandfish and subsequent larval competency through settlement. As such, the presence and size of HS is a reliable indicator of subsequent performance for sandfish. Given that HS development was influenced by the nutrients available to sandfish auriculariae, there is clear opportunity for development of more appropriate diets for hatchery culture of this species that will improve HS formation and larval performance supporting improved hatchery production. Statement of relevance Our results have confirmed that for sandfish larvae, the presence and size of HS at the end of the auricularia stage, is indeed a reliable indicator of subsequent performance. Our results have also confirmed that HS formation and size is significantly influenced by the nutrient composition of the auricularia diet, and that there are significant positive correlations between HS formation and dietary levels of carbohydrate, EPA:DHA and EPA:ARA ratios. This information provides a strong basis for development of more appropriate diets for sandfish larvae that will improve HS formation and larval performance during hatchery culture and in turn improve hatchery production of this species.


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Six Early Carboniferous brachiopod species in four genera of the Superfamily Spiriferoidea are described from the Qaidam Basin, northwestern China, including a new genus, Qaidamospirifer, and two new species: Grandispirifer qaidamensis and Qaidamospirifer elongatus. Additionally, a new genus, Triangulospirifer, is also proposed to replace Triangularia (Poletaev, 2001) that was preoccupied by a Devonian molluscan genus.

On the basis of the new material as well as published information, we have reviewed the taxonomic composition and the stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic distributions of the three previously established genera from the viewpoint of palaeobiogeography. The study reveals that Grandispirifer has a relatively long stratigraphic range from the late Tournaisian to Serpukhovian. During this interval, the genus attained a wide geographical distribution, reaching Northwest China, western Yunnan of West China, Japan, as well as Iran and North Africa. Angiospirifer first occurred in western Europe in the Viséan, and later migrated to North Africa during the late Viséan. In the Serpukhovian, it migrated eastward, reaching the Donets Basin of Ukraine and the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China. Anthracothyrina evolved from Brachythyrina in North Africa in late Viséan, then dispersed north-westward to western and eastern Europe and, further eastward to the Qaidam Basin during the Serpukhovian.


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The Pliocene epoch (5.3-2.6 Ma) represents the most recent geological interval in which global temperatures were several degrees warmer than today and is therefore considered our best analog for a future anthropogenic greenhouse world. However, our understanding of Pliocene climates is limited by poor age control on existing terrestrial climate archives, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, and by persistent disagreement between paleo-data and models concerning the magnitude of regional warming and/or wetting that occurred in response to increased greenhouse forcing. To address these problems, here we document the evolution of Southern Hemisphere hydroclimate from the latest Miocene to the middle Pliocene using radiometrically-dated fossil pollen records preserved in speleothems from semiarid southern Australia. These data reveal an abrupt onset of warm and wet climates early within the Pliocene, driving complete biome turnover. Pliocene warmth thus clearly represents a discrete interval which reversed a long-term trend of late Neogene cooling and aridification, rather than being simply the most recent period of greater-than-modern warmth within a continuously cooling trajectory. These findings demonstrate the importance of high-resolution chronologies to accompany paleoclimate data and also highlight the question of what initiated the sustained interval of Pliocene warmth.


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The global palaeobiogeographic distributions of two resembling genera, Neochonetes and Fusichonetes (Brachiopoda), from the Carboniferous to Griesbachian are analysed. This analysis provides insight into the biotic response of two related genera to changing palaeoclimate, regional tectonics, and environmental crises. Neochonetes originated in the equatorial area in the Mississippian, and it mostly retained this position during the peak of the glaciation in the Carboniferous–Permian ice age (namely in the Pennsylvanian). Neochonetes then dispersed globally during the Cisuralian when the climate became warmer and the ice sheet started to retreat. In the Guadalupian and Lopingian, following the closure of the Ural seaway at the end of the Cisuralian and the regression at the end-Guadalupian, Neochonetes almost disappeared in the western part of Gondwana. Subsequently during the Lopingian the genus retracted to the middle- and low-latitude Palaeo-Tethys and Tethys. In comparison, Fusichonetes originated in the equatorial area in the late Guadalupian and was still present in that area in the Lopingian. Both genera occurred only in South China in the Griesbachian. It is inferred that this could be related, not only to the deteriorated palaeoenvironmental conditions (e.g., anoxia, global warming) leading up to the extinction of most of the Neochonetes and Fusichonetes species in other areas, but also to the better physiological adaptation of the smaller shells of Neochonetes and Fusichonetes species in South China.