145 resultados para Grain Refinement


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The influence of the grain size on the deformation of Mg–3Al–1Zn was examined in compression at 300 °C. At low strains the flow stress increases with increasing grain size. This is interpreted in terms of dynamic recrystallization. Empirical models of dynamic recrystallization are developed and employed to generate a microstructure map.


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The influence of grain size on the deformation of extruded Mg-3Al-1Zn tested in tension at temperatures between room temperature and 300°C is investigated. The results enable estimation of the deformation conditions for the transition from slip to twinning dominated flow and for the initiation and completion of dynamic recrystallization. A map illustrating these critical parameters is constructed and it is shown that the operating conditions of the common wrought processes straddle key transitions in microstructure behaviour.


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The effect of grain size on the warm deformation behaviour of a titanium stabilized interstitial free (IF) steel was investigated using hot torsion. The initial work hardening regime is followed by the development of a broad stress peak after which work softening occurs. The hypothetical saturation stress (Estrin–Mecking model) and the stress at final strain were relatively insensitive to grain size. However, the strain to the peak stress was strongly dependent on the grain size at low values of the Zener–Hollomon parameter. A simple phenomenological approach, using a combined Estrin–Mecking model and an Avrami type equation, was used to model the flow curves. The hypothetical saturation stress, the stress at final strain and the strain to peak stress were modelled using three different hyperbolic sine laws. A comparison with independent data from the literature shows that the apparent activation energy of deformation determined in this work (Q=372 kJ/mol) can be used to rationalize the steady-state stress in compression data found in the literature.


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This paper presents an assessment of system effectiveness in automatic requirements refinement by comparing results obtained from experts and novices with those achieved by the system. As the investigated system was a combination of a tightly inter-connected methods and a tool, the evaluation framework melded together a number of distinct methodological approaches structured into three empirical studies, which aimed at the construction of a case problem domain, calibrating the system using this defined domain elements and finally using the calibrated system to assess its effectiveness. In consequence, it was concluded that the evaluated methods and tools were effective in supporting requirements refinement.


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The refinement of ferrite grain size is the most generally accepted approach to simultaneously improve the strength and toughness in steels. Historically, the level of ferrite refinement is limited to 5-10 μm using conventional industrial approaches. Nowadays, though, several thermomechanical processes have been developed to produce ferrite grain sizes of 1-3 μm or less, ranging from extreme thermal and deformation cycles to more typical thermomechanical processes. The present paper reviews the status of the production of ultrafine grained steels through relatively simple thermomechanical processing. This requires deformation within the Ae3 to Ar3 temperature range for a given alloy. Here, the formation of ultrafine ferrite (UFF) involves the dynamic transformation of a significant volume fraction of the austenite to ferrite. This dynamic strain induced transformation (DSIT) arises from the introduction of extensive intragranular nucleation sites that are not present in conventional controlled rolling. The DSIT route has the potential to be adjusted to suit current industrial infrastructure. However, there are a number of significant issues that have been raised, both as gaps in our understanding and as obstacles to industrial implementation. One of the critical issues is that it appears that very large strains are required. Combined with this concern is the issue of whether a combination of dynamic and static transformation can be used to achieve an adequate level of refinement. Another issue that has also become apparent is that grain sizes of 1 μm can lead to low levels of ductility and hence many workers are attempting to obtain 2-3 μm grains, or to introduce a second phase to provide the required ductility. There are also a number of areas of disagreement between authors including the role of dynamic recrystallisation of ferrite in the production of UFF by DSIT, the reasons for the low coarsening rate of UFF grains, the role of microalloying elements and the effects of austenite grain size and strain rate. The present review discusses these areas of controversy and highlights cases where experimental results do not agree.


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A novel approach was used to produce an ultrafine grain structure in low carbon steels with a wide range of hardenability. This included warm deformation of supercooled austenite followed by reheating in the austenite region and cooling (RHA). The ultrafine ferrite structure was independent of steel composition. However, the mechanism of ferrite refinement hanged with the steel quench hardenability. In a relatively low hardenable steel, the ultrafine structure was produced through dynamic strain-induced transformation, whereas the ferrite refinement was formed by static transformation in steels with high quench hardenability. The use of a model Ni–30Fe austenitic alloy revealed that the deformation temperature has a strong effect on the nature of the intragranular defects. There was a transition temperature below which the cell dislocation structure changed to laminar microbands. It appears that the extreme refinement of ferrite is due to the formation of extensive high angle intragranular defects at these low deformation temperatures that then act as sites for static transformation.


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In this study, the austenite grain size (AGS) for hot bar rolling of AISI4135 steel was predicted based on two different AGS evolution models available in the literature. In order to predict the AGS more accurately, both models were integrated with a three-dimensional non-isothermal finite element program by implementing a modified additivity rule. The predicted results based on two models for the square-diamond (S-D) and round-oval (R-O) pass bar rolling processes were compared with the experimental data available in the literature. Then, numerical predictions depending on various process parameters such as interpass time, temperature, and roll speed were made to compare both models and investigate the effect of these parameters on the AGS distributions. Such numerical results were found to be beneficial to understand the effect of the microstructure evolution model on the rolling processes better and control the processes more accurately.


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Rod rolling is a process where the deformation state of the workpiece between the work rolls is quite different from the strip rolling process. However, in most microstructure evolution models, the simple area strains (natural logarithm of the area reduction ratio) multiplied by a constant have been used to compute pass-by-pass evolution of austenite grain size (AGS) in rod (or bar) rolling, without any verification. The strains at a given pass play a crucial role in determining the recrystallization behavior (static or dynamic). In this study, an analytical model that calculates the pass-by-pass strain and strain rate in rod rolling has been developed and verified by conducting four-pass (oval–round) bar and plate rolling experiments. Numerical simulations have then been carried out for the four-pass rolling sequence using the area strain model and the new analytical model, focusing on the effect of the method for calculating the strain on the recrystallization behavior and evolution of AGS. The AGS predicted was compared with those obtained from hot torsion tests. It is shown that the analytical model developed in this study is more appropriate in the analysis of bar (or rod) rolling. It was found that the recrystallization behavior and evolution of AGS during this process were influenced significantly by the calculation method for the deformation parameters (strain and strain rate). The pass-by-pass strain obtained from the simple area strain model is inadequate to be used as an input to the equations for recrystallization and AGS evolution under these rolling conditions.


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In this paper, the local distribution of austenite grain size (AGS) was experimentally determined by conducting single round-oval and square-diamond pass hot bar rolling experiments of AISI4135 steel. The rolling experiments were carried out using the laboratory mill. The local distribution of AGS was also determined numerically. In order to predict AGS distribution, the AGS evolution model was combined with three dimensional non-isothermal finite element analyses by adopting a modified additivity rule. AGS evolution model was experimentally determined from hot torsion test according to Hodgson's model. The predicted results were in a reasonably good agreement with experimental results.