94 resultados para Global Financial Crisis


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We investigate the effect of the news announcement of the Lehman Brothers (LBs) bankruptcy on the performance of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) sectors. Unlike the assumption in the literature that firms are homogenous, we address the unknown issue: Does LBs bankruptcy have a heterogeneous effect on stock returns of sectors listed on SSE? We find statistically insignificant effect of LBs bankruptcy on the performance of energy and financial sectors while most of the other sectors suffered significantly. Thus, our results highlight the heterogeneous effect of LBs bankruptcy on different sectors and at different time intervals surrounding the event.


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In this paper, we argue that complex forms of selfhood emerge in relation to rapid economic and social changes unfolding in the early stages of the twenty-first century. We draw on literature that explores youth at risk, entrepreneurial selfhood and neoliberalism to argue that young people are developing modes of transition that allow them to acclimatise to economic and social insecurity. It is an insecurity borne of a paradoxical reliance on, and failure of, neoliberal forms of economics and society. In the context of a post-Global Financial Crisis (post-GFC) world, we explore how young people take responsibility for their uncertain futures. Via our critique of how young people are supposed to manage their lives from education to employment, we argue that a form of selfhood emerges as they are challenged by limited education and employment opportunities. We call this selfhood the guerrilla self. We use this term to designate types of identity that require participation through resistance, institutionalisation through the appearance of not being institutionalised, and individualism in the midst of a failure of individualism. In making this case, we draw on stories told by young people in the USA planning for a future in a post-GFC world.


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Using a sample of Asia-Pacific Islamic stocks we show that momentum profits exist regardless of the credit quality of stocks. A portfolio of low credit quality stocks earns 4.68% per annum more than a portfolio of high credit quality stocks. Market risk factors explain all momentum profits, suggesting that profits are compensation for risks. Post-holding period analysis suggests strong evidence of return reversal, consistent with the behavioral hypothesis. Our main results are also robust to sub-samples of data characterized by the recent global financial crisis and to Islamic and non-Islamic based market risk factors.


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Securities lending is the temporary transfer of securities(mainly shares) from one party to another. At theconclusion of the loan, the borrower is required to deliverequivalent securities to the lender. Securities lending isan important and growing part of global market activity.While it is said to perform valid and useful functions suchas increasing market liquidity, many—particularly duringthe global financial crisis—have expressed concerns thatit also leads to market instability. Concerns with securitieslending have focused primarily on its role in facilitatingshort selling. During the global financial crisis, marketsand regulators were concerned about the potentialdestabilising effect of short selling on financial markets.1Regulators across the globe took action to ban naked andcovered short selling.This article undertakes a comprehensive examinationof the legal structure of securities loans in Australia. Itexamines securities lending in Australia and other majorfinancial markets, namely Europe, the United Kingdomand United States. This article examines the Australian and international industry standard form contracts. It alsoconsiders the current regulatory environment for securitieslending in Australia.


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connection with the collapse of Opes Prime in Australiaand the Australian Federal Court decision whichconsidered the legal characterisation of securities loans.The Opes Prime collapse provoked huge controversyregarding the role of securities lending and the ensuingcourt decision was the first judicial examination ofsecurities lending in Australia.1 The article also considersthe regulatory responses to securities lending and shortselling taken by the International Organisation ofSecurities Commissions (IOSCO) and in Australia, theUnited Kingdom, Europe and the United States duringthe global financial crisis.


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Credit default swaps (CDSs) contributed significantly to and exacerbated the recent global financial crisis. As a result of the major role that CDSs played, this paper argues that CDS issuers should be subject to prudential regulation, in order to improve systemic stability in the financial system. Three reasons are put forward for this proposition. First, CDSs are functionally equivalent to insurance and so should be regulated in a consistent manner. Secondly, CDSs perform the economic function of assuming credit risk, and so should be prudentially regulated in the same way as other financial institutions which assume credit risk. Finally, CDSs have the potential to contribute to systemic instability in the financial system, and prudential regulation would reduce this risk.


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This paper examines the legal structure of securities lending in Australia, and also Europe, the United Kingdom and United States. It provides an analysis of the widely used industry documents, the Australian Master Securities Lending Agreement and the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA). It outlines the regulation of securities lending and short selling, including restrictions on short selling and the applicable disclosure requirements. It discusses the collapse of Opes Prime and the key Federal Court decision which considered the legal effect of the AMSLA. It also outlines the regulatory responses to securities lending and short selling taken by IOSCO, in Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom during the global financial crisis.


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We provide empirical evidence on the stock market participants’ behavior in an emerging market, with a tax-free environment. Our results show that UAE investors exhibit overconfidence and home bias, and tend to sell prior winners and buy prior losers. We find that investors rely on familiarity and on their information channels to make decisions. The results indicate that investors are risk averse, especially after the global financial crisis, which has had contagion effect on UAE markets. Investors attribute this effect to the inability to manage systemic crisis and to problems of information asymmetry, insider trading, and lack of good governance during crisis.


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This paper investigates the impact of the effectiveness of remuneration committees on narrative voluntary disclosure of information on remuneration. We develop a composite measure as a proxy for remuneration committee effectiveness by incorporating remuneration committee size, remuneration committee independence, remuneration committee chairman’s independence, expertise and diligence. We find that both the existence and quality of a remuneration committee play a significant role in the decision to provide voluntary disclosure of remuneration actions and in the extent of this disclosure. Further analysis suggests that remuneration committee independence and diligence enhance the quality of remuneration committees. The results have policy implications for remuneration committees as an effective corporate governance mechanism.


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This paper examines dynamic interdependence, volatility transmission, and market integration across selected stock markets during the Asian financial crisis periods 1997 and 1998. Using a vector autoregressive–exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (VAR-EGARCH) model, it is found that reciprocal volatility transmission existed between Hong Kong and Korea, and unidirectional volatility transmission from Korea to Thailand. This suggests that Hong Kong played a significant role in volatility transmission to the other Asian markets. The data also indicate market integration in that each market reacted to both local news and news originating in the other markets, particularly adverse news.


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This study assumes that evidence regarding audit quality can be derived from the level of earnings management reflected in reported abnormal or discretionary accruals. Given this assumption, audit quality is examined in the context of the 1997 Asian financial crisis using data from Malaysia. Examining audit quality in its association with earnings management across differential macroeconomic periods provides insights that may be otherwise masked. The period of the crisis is partitioned between pre-crisis (1994-1996), crisis (1997-1998) and post-crisis (1999). Using a robust approach to the measurement of abnormal accruals, the association of Big 5/non-Big 5 and Industry Specialist/Industry non-specialist auditors with both the levels of, and change in levels of, abnormal accruals is investigated across and within the crisis sub-periods from 1994-1999. Audit quality is found to be associated with abnormal accruals, and differentially so across macroeconomic period with greater constraint evident post-crisis.


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This study assumes that evidence regarding audit quality can be derived from the level of earnings management reflected in reported abnormal or discretionary accruals. Given this assumption, audit quality is examined in the context of the 1997 Asian financial crisis using data from Malaysia. Examining audit quality in its association with earnings management across differential macroeconomic periods provides insights that may be otherwise masked. The period of the crisis is partitioned between pre-crisis (1994-1996), crisis (1997-1998) and post-crisis (1999). Using a robust approach to the measurement of abnormal accruals, the association of Big 5/non-Big 5 and Industry Specialist/Industry non-specialist auditors with both the levels of, and change in levels of, abnormal accruals is investigated across and within the crisis sub-periods from 1994-1999. Audit quality is found to be associated with abnormal accruals, and differentially so across macroeconomic period with greater constraint evident post-crisis.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the asymmetric recognition of good and bad news on reported earnings of Malaysian-listed firms. The study uses both descriptive and regression analyses to ascertain whether there is a contemporaneous relationship between news (good and bad) and reported earnings. The analysis is based on a sample of 150 firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia Index over a period of 10 years, from 1990 to 2000. Two regression models were adopted based on Basu (1997) and Giner and Rees (2001). The first model aims to capture asymmetric recognition of good and bad news into reported earnings while the latter model is developed to capture both asymmetric recognition of information shock and permanent earnings effect on contemporaneous earnings. The evidence from this study reported the steady increase in earnings per share till 1997. However, a drastic decline was observed for the period 1997 to 1999 because of Asian financial crisis. The findings from the regression model one suggested that the asymmetric recognition of good news was more prominent during the good time compare to bad time and vice versa. The findings from model two also suggested that autoregressive effect of permanent effect was very prominent both for crisis and non crisis periods.


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This study examines the pattern of asset allocation and the performance of unit trust in Malaysia over the post crisis period by using risk-adjusted performance measures and multi-factor model from the year 2000 to 2004. Evidence from the statistics suggests that an active asset allocation strategy had been observed among Malaysian fund managers during the post Asian financial crisis. It is also suggested that investment allocation in equity remained a dominant vehicle for investment and asset allocation. Findings from multifactor model suggest that all funds of different objectives registered positive alphas except for income funds, with growth funds being among the top. While balanced funds registered highest diversification effectively, diversifying away about 70%-80% of unsystematic risk, the momentum factor is not among the important elements to explain unit trust performance in Malaysia.


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This article examines contemporary Korean capitalism via an analysis of state-chaebol relations in the post-crisis period. The Korean state played a prominent role in industrial and financial restructuring after the crisis. Some scholars argue that a 'new' state has emerged in Korea, with the activism during the financial crisis representing only a temporary diversion from the shift towards a 'competition state'. Others claim that the Korean state still seeks to directly shape economic outcomes: some policy instruments have changed, but strategic intent, defined here as the will to directly manage investment flows and shape economic structures, has not. The transition of Korean capitalism from the developmental state system towards neo-liberalism, this article argues, is far from complete. Emphasizing the situated choices of state elites and the challenging political context in which they find themselves, we presume a condition of mutual dependence between the state and chaebols. Given incidences of conflict in the post-crisis context, we argue that the state has not fully reasserted its will over the chaebols. The restructuring of chaebols ('Big Deals') are best understood as symbolic measures intended to garner external support for the Korean state rather than unfettered exercise of strategic intent. At the same time, we go beyond existing accounts of 'state decline' by highlighting the place of economic performance by the chaebols as the preeminent criteria for state support. The state and chaebols remain central to Korean capitalism, even in its current hybrid and somewhat dysfunctional form.