82 resultados para Dead reckoning.


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Male fertility in flowering plants is dependent on production of viable pollen grains within the anther. Genes expressed exclusively in the anther are likely to include those that control male fertility. On the basis of their tissue specificity, such genes have been isolated, yet in none of them has this function been demonstrated. Here we report that one such gene, Bcp1, is active in both diploid tapetum and haploid microspores and is required for pollen fertility. Perturbation of this gene in either tapetum or microspores prevents production of fertile pollen in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. When tapetum expression of this gene is perturbed, mature anthers contain dead shriveled pollen. On the other hand, when microspore expression is perturbed, anthers show 1:1 segregation of viable/aborted pollen. These findings identify a class of sporophytic/gametophytic genes controlling male fertility and, hence, reproduction in flowering plants.


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Background Grass pollen allergens are known to be present in the atmosphere in a range of particle sizes from whole pollen grains (approx. 20 to 55 μim in diameter) to smaller size fractions < 2.5 μ (fine particles, PM2.5). These latter particles are within the respirable range and include allergen-containing starch granules released from within the grains into the atmosphere when grass pollen ruptures in rainfall and are associated with epidemics of thunderstorm asthma during the grass pollen season. The question arises whether grass pollen allergens can interact with other sources of fine particles, particularly those present during episodes of air pollution.

Objective We propose the hypothesis that free grass pollen allergen molecules, derived from dead or burst grains and dispersed in microdroplets of water in aerosols, can bind to fine particles in polluted air.

Methods We used diesel exhaust carbon particles (DECP) derived from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine, natural highly purified Lol p 1, immunogold labelling with specific monoclonal antibodies and a high voltage transmission electron -microscopic imaging technique

Results DECP are visualized as small carbon spheres, each 30–60 nm in diameter, forming fractal aggregates about 1–2μ in diameter. Here we test our hypothesis and show by in vitro experiments that the major grass pollen allergen, Lol p I. binds to one defined class of fine particles, DECP.

Conclusion DECP are in the respirable size range, can bind to the major grass pollen allergen Lol p I under in vitro conditions and represent a possible mechanism by which allergens can become concentrated in polluted air and thus trigger attacks of asthma.


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This sub-collection is the result of an investigation into the mechanism of organic fouling in membrane filtration processes. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, protein and yeast with a concentration of 50mg/l and 20 mg/l, respectively, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. This dataset contains a stack of images of the fouling layer on the PVDF membrane surface captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated acquisition software. This dataset would be useful to researchers who are investigating the membrane organic fouling mechanism so that new membrane materials and new anti-fouling surface treatment technologies can be developed for water and wastewater industry in the future.


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This paper examines the role of small newspapers in Australia when bizarre and shocking crimes are committed locally. These crimes often attract intense media attention that casts a net of shame across entire townships through their representation as places of fascination and fear in the public imagination. We take a practice approach in the tradition of Pierre Bourdieu to explore the complex editorial considerations, news judgements and community responsibilities small newspapers must negotiate when covering these stories for local audiences. This study focuses on three towns in regional Australia that have been represented in metropolitan and international news media as ‘dead zones' after shocking crimes: Bowral in NSW, Snowtown in South Australia and Moe in Victoria.


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This collection is the result of an investigation into the backwashing efficiency of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane fouled by two types of organic foulants, protein and yeast. In this experiement, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane was used to filter those organic foulants from suspensions in a dead-end stirred cell. The organic foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. After filtration, the PC membrane was backwashed. Consequently, a stack of images were captured from the fouling layers on the PVDF membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated image acquisition software. It contains image data of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes' fouling layer when two types of organic foulants (protein and yeast) present. By comparing with the same membrane without backwashing, the efficiency of backwashing was computed. This data collection would be useful to researchers who are evaluating the backwashing efficiency of PVDF membrane in order to optimize frequency and operational conditions of backwashing by membrane materials and by water.


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This collection is the result of an investigation into the backwashing efficiency of polycarbonate (PC) membrane fouled by two types of organic foulants, protein and sodium alginate. In this experiement, polycarbonate (PC) membrane was used to filter those organic foulants from suspensions in a dead-end stirred cell. The organic foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. After filtration, the PC membrane was backwashed. Consequently, a stack of images were captured from the fouling layers on the PC membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated image acquisition software. It contains image data of polycarbonate (PC) membranes' fouling layer when two types of organic foulants (protein and sodium alginate) are present. By comparing with the same membrane without backwashing, the efficiency of backwashing was computed. This data collection would be useful to researchers evaluating the backwashing efficiency of PC membrane in order to optimize frequency and operational conditions of backwashing by membrane materials researchers and by water..


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This collection is the result of an investigation into the backwashing efficiency of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane fouled by yeast and sodium alginate. In this experiement, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane was used to filter two types of organic foulants from suspensions in a dead-end stirred cell. The organic foulants including yeast and sodium alginate were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. After filtration, the PC membrane was backwashed. Consequently, a stack of images were captured from the fouling layers on the PVDF membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated image acquisition software. The data collection contains image data of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes' fouling layer when two types of organic foulants (yeast and sodium alginate) are present. By comparing with the same membrane without backwashing, the efficiency of backwashing was computed. The collection would be useful to researchers evaluating the backwashing efficiency of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane in order to optimize frequency and operational conditions of backwashing by membrane materials and by water.