124 resultados para Convenience stores


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An experiment involving the supplementary feeding of pups was conducted on Antarctic fur seals to investigate the factors influencing maternal foraging-attendance cycles and the differential use of nutritional resources for growth, maintenance and storage by pups. For 40% of the lactation period, male pups were given a supplement mimicking the chemical composition of Antarctic fur seal milk at a dose equivalent to 35% of the normal mass-specific milk energy intake for the species. Milk consumption, body composition and growth rates were monitored during and after the supplementary feeding period and maternal foraging-attendance cycles were monitored throughout lactation. During the supplementary feeding period, treatment pups (n=8) grew 32% faster and deposited greater adipose tissue stores than controls (n=8) but consumed the same amount of maternal-delivered milk. When supplementary feeding was stopped (timed to coincide with peak maternal milk yield in this species), treatment pups lost mass whereas control group pups continued to grow. Treatment pups weaned at a younger age (109 days) than control pups (116 days) but at the same mass (13 kg). Maternal attendance durations did not differ between the treatment and control groups throughout lactation. However, mothers of treatment pups had significantly shorter foraging trip durations (3.74 days) than mothers of control pups (4.74 days) during the period of supplementary feeding (there were no significant differences throughout the rest of lactation). These findings are in accordance with predictions of a marginal-value model of fur seal lactation behaviour.


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The process of buying, selling or interacting with customers via Internet, Tele-sale, Smart card or other computer network is referred to as Electronics Commerce. Whereas online trade has been touting its flexibility, convenience and cost savings, the newest entrant is wireless e-commerce. This form of business offers many attractions; including 24 hours seven days’ open shop–business, vastly reduced fixed cost, and increased profitability. Amazon.com is an example of a successful venture, in e-business. Internet Service providers (ISP/ASP) have a significant influence on the feasibility, security and cost competitiveness of an e-business venture. In the ISP model of services, multiple users and their databases are normally offered on a single hardware, platform sharing the same IP address and Domain name. Clients will require a mechanism, which allows them to update their Web contents and databases frequently even many times daily without intervention of local system Administrator (ISP Admin). The paper overviews few steps to enable corporate clients to update their web content more securely.


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The aim of this study is to assess whether universities are meeting the needs of students in large marketing classes. In so doing the study investigates the application of self determination theory and psychological needs satisfaction. The basic needs scale, comprising of three constructs; Control, Competence and Caring was adapted and used to evaluate students’ perception of an introductory marketing subject. The study used a multi-method approach consisting of a literature review, a qualitative phase involving in-depth interviews with marketing teaching staff and focus groups with marketing students and a survey of students about introductory level marketing. An adapted version of the basic psychological needs scale was included in a questionnaire that was administered to a convenience sample of 366 students. MANOVA, ANOVA and descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The results show that the psychological needs satisfaction of many students are not being fully realised. It was also found that marketing degree students enjoyed the challenges and were more stimulated by the subject. The higher achieving students enjoyed the challenge of the subject more than the lower achieving students. As a result of this study, there are three suggestions for further research. Firstly, further study should compare subjects, with relatively small enrolments, to those with large enrolments to corroborate the value of this method of assessing student satisfaction. Secondly, the use of a larger sample across other universities would confirm whether these findings hold for other institutions. Finally, it is suggested that a structural model should be developed to extend this investigation of student satisfaction and the constructs used in the study.


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This paper describes our experiences in implementing an audio lecture streaming facility for Deakin University. For many years Deakin students have benefited from some of the most comprehensive printed study notes of any university in Australia. In 2002, portable digital audio recorders were utilised by academic staff to capture lecture presentations in order to supplement existing unit learning materials and teaching delivery methods. Audio recordings were processed to enable streamed access via the web browser interface using QuickTime. A trial of incorporating PowerPoint presentations was conducted on a limited basis. 68 undergraduate and postgraduate units implemented lecture streaming. This represented over1700 lecture recordings and 20000 audio streams. Evaluation findings indicate that students find this facility highly valuable to their studies and regularly access the audio recordings throughout semester. Benefits include; access to lecture presentations for off-campus enrolled students, the ability to revisit lecture presentations, and the ability to study at a place and time of convenience. Future enhancement to the audio lecture streaming may include implementing a hard-wired audio capture system into lecture theatres and providing for a more rapid turn around of audio processing.


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Objectives : The study was designed to investigate life satisfaction (l.s.) judgments as they occur spontaneously in everyday life, rather than being constructed in response to a researcher's question.
Methods : A convenience sample of 50 adults from Melbourne, Australia, was employed.
Half had at least some university education; the other half did not. In an in-depth, structured interview, participants were asked to recall – if they could do so – an occasion when they had spontaneously made a judgment about their l.s. The circumstances in which the judgment had been made and the thoughts that had entered into it were elicited.
Results : Main findings included :
(a) All participants were able to recall an occasion when they had spontaneously made a l.s.
(b) Judgments that life was good and that life was bad were equally common.
(c) Judgments invariably involved comparisons with various standards (e.g., what one had versus
what one wanted, what one had versus what one deserved, what one had versus what one
expected to have).
(d) However, upward and downward social comparisons were relatively rare.
(e) Judgments were commonly based on events relating to just one or two areas of life, rather
than a review of many different areas.
(f) The areas of life involved were invariably those impacting very directly on participants.
(g) While the thoughts entering into the judgment generally went beyond consideration just of a
specific situation, they usually did not encompass large sweeps of time.
(h) There was very little to distinguish judgments of more- and less-educated participants.
Conclusions : Findings are compared and contrasted with those typically obtained using the more standard approach of asking participants to rate their 1.s.


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Purpose - Job satisfaction has been the subject of a considerable body of research. In this study, the authors examine job satisfaction among financial planners in Australia, a relatively new profession which has been the subject of very little research.

Method/Approach - A national survey of financial planners was conducted, using a sample of convenience drawn from websites of two large organisations in the financial and insurance industry employing, or having agency agreements with, financial planners. A job satisfaction questionnaire designed for Australian conditions was used.

Findings - Based on a literature review, hypotheses were examined regarding the relationship between job satisfaction and age, job tenure, gender and type of employing organisation, and between job satisfaction and motivation. Results of this survey indicated little correlation between job satisfaction and age, gender, tenure or type of employing organisation. On the other hand, a positive relationship between job satisfaction and motivation was evident.

Practical implications – Respondents comments helped elucidate reasons for financial planner’s job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Observations provided indicators that may help management nurture a positive job response among employees.

Value of this paper – Practically, this paper contributes to an underdeveloped area of research. It highlights scope for future research in two particular fields. Firstly, in-depth case studies to explore more thoroughly issues of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Secondly, with access to a larger number of employed financial planners a comparative study between those and self-employed financial planners on the subject of job satisfaction may enlighten managers and the profession generally.


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The fasting metabolism of 71- to 235-d-old subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis) pups from Amsterdam Island, southern Indian Ocean, was investigated during the long foraging trips of their mothers. Body lipid reserves were proportionally greater in female than male pups and higher in postmoult (37%) than premoult (10%) animals. The mass-specific rate of mass loss did not differ between the sexes but was lower than observed in other species. Daily mass loss was estimated to 56% fat, 10% protein, and 34% water. The rate of protein catabolism (15 g d−1) was negatively related to the size of initial lipid stores and accounted for 9% (±1%) of total energy expenditure. However, body composition changes during the fast were not equal between the sexes, with females relying more on protein catabolism than males (11% and 5% of total energy expenditure, respectively). Energy expenditure (270 kJ kg−1 d−1) and metabolic water production (11.5 mL kg−1 d−1) rates are the lowest reported for an otariid species. These results suggest that subantarctic fur seal pups greatly reduce activity levels to lower energy expenditure in addition to adopting protein-sparing metabolic pathways in order to survive the extreme fasts they must endure on Amsterdam Island.


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Pre-weaning growth rates, body composition, milk consumption and mass gain efficiency were measured in Australian fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus pups born in two consecutive breeding periods. Australian fur seals have the highest birth mass of any fur seal species (male 8.3 kg; female 7.2 kg). While their absolute pre-weaning growth rate (male 62 g·day−1; female 53 g·day−1) is similar to that of other temperate latitude fur seals, they have the longest birth-mass doubling time of any otariid species (134–136 days). Daily milk consumption increased from 400 g·day−1 (5 MJ·day−1) after birth to 675 g·day−1 (13.7 MJ·day−1) at age 210 day. However, mean mass-specific milk consumption (41 g·kg−1) is substantially lower than in other otariid species (58–70 g·kg−1) and, combined with a low mass gain efficiency (0.12 g·g−1), contributes to the low mass-specific growth rates observed. There were no significant differences in either absolute or mass-specific milk consumption between the sexes. Significant differences, however, were found between the sexes in the body composition of pups with females generally having larger body lipid stores than males for any given mass. Peak milk yield by Australian fur seal females is estimated at 0.60 MJkg−0.75, substantially less than in Antarctic fur seals. The low level of maternal energy transfer in Australian fur seals may reflect the relatively low marine productivity of their foraging areas.


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An exploration of the revolutionary period of prehistory that began when humans abandoned the nomadic hunting and gathering existence they had known for millennia to take up a completely new way of life the decisive move to farming and herding the ration of permanent settlements and the discovery of metals setting the stage for the arrival of the worldʼs first civilisation. Stores from the Stone Age ask some intriguing questions. Why did some of our ancestors never become farmers at all? Why do some still continue hunting and gathering despite their contact with farming people and advanced technologies? How and why did our paths become uniquely shaped after emerging as a species from a single genetic family in Africa? Based on extensive research, Stories from the Stone Age takes us on a journey where we get to live alongside our ancestors as they cross between the Old and the New Worlds and into Civilisation. The series utilises detailed re-enactments and short interviews with key archaeological experts.


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In this sixth and final part of the anthology I will discuss major areas of concern about synchronicity from the perspectives of science, religion, archetypes, causality, meaning, and psi. For convenience, I have spread these major areas across three chapters. In this first chapter I will briefly consider the synchronicity construct from the perspective of its definitions and how it sits epistemologically in the framework of science and the everyday world. I also review the lives of Jung and Pauli, rind discuss their joint effort to integrate science and religion through the principle of synchronicity.


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A single study tested the hypothesis that simulated practice interviews for investigative interviewers of children are more effective when the role of the child respondent is played by trained actors (i.e., postgraduate psychology students) than untrained fellow participants (i.e., child protection workers).
The interviewers included 50 child protection service workers. Each interviewer received instruction in the use of open-ended questions and then engaged in two simulated practice interviews. The role of the child respondent in the practice interviews was played by either a trained psychology student or an untrained fellow participant. The key outcome measure was the proportion of open-ended questions, which was assessed immediately prior to and after the practice sessions, as well as 12 weeks post-training.
Interviewers who had practiced with trained actors had higher post-training performance (M = .83, SD = .12) compared to those who had practiced with untrained fellow participants (M = .73, SD = .13, p < .05), even at the 12-week follow up (M actors = .66, SD = .25; M untrained actors = .49, SD = .23, p < .05).
Training programs that make better use of practice opportunities (e.g., by using trained respondents) will be more effective in improving the performance of investigative interviewers.
Practice implications
A single study investigated the relative effectiveness of two simulated practice exercises for professionals who interview children about abuse. This research is relevant to professionals who design investigative interviewer training programs because it indicates that practical exercises, which are currently chosen on an ‘ad hoc’ or convenience basis, can vary markedly in their effectiveness in encouraging adherence to open questions.


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Because students may purchase food and drinks in and around their schools, the school food environment may be important for obesity-related eating behaviors such as soft drink and snack consumption. However, research exploring the associations between school environments and specific eating behaviors is sparse.

Associations of the availability of canteen food and drinks, the presence of food stores around schools, and individual cognitions (attitudes, norms, modeling, perceived behavioral control, and intentions) with soft drink and snack consumption were examined in a cross-sectional study (2005–2006) among 1293 adolescents aged 12–15 years. Soft drink and snack consumption and related cognitions were assessed with self-administered questionnaires. The presence of food stores and the distance to the nearest food store were calculated within a 500-meter buffer around each school. Data on the availability of soft drinks and snacks in school canteens were gathered by observation. In 2007, multilevel regression models were run to analyze associations and mediation pathways between cognitions, environmental factors, and behaviors.

Adolescents' attitudes, subjective norms, parental and peer modeling, and intentions were positively associated with soft drink and snack consumption. There was an inverse association between the distance to the nearest store and the number of small food stores with soft drink consumption. These effects were mediated partly by cognitions.

This study provided little evidence for associations of environmental factors in the school environment with soft drink and snack consumption. Individual cognitions appeared to be stronger correlates of intake than physical school-environmental factors. Longitudinal research is needed to confirm these findings.


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Femoral vein (or groin) injecting by street drug users is an emerging public health issue in the UK. It has been proposed that groin injecting is becoming normalised among UK injecting drug users (IDUs), yet harm reduction strategies are currently piecemeal and some may be crossing the boundary of responsible provision of information. This paper discusses the interventions available to service providers dealing with groin injecting and explores the utility of ethical frameworks for informing service provider decisions.

Methods analysis of possible service provider responses using White and Popovits’ ethical decision-making framework.

The use of ethical frameworks suggest that different types of groin injectors should receive different interventions. Injectors for whom the groin is a site of ‘last resort’ should be given information about how to inject there less dangerously, whereas ‘convenience’ groin injectors should be actively encouraged to inject elsewhere.

Groin injecting is a behaviour which represents a boundary for some harm reduction practices (such as providing ‘how to’ booklets to all injectors) as well as being an argument for more complex and environmentally appropriate harm reduction responses such as drug consumption rooms and training IDUs to maintain healthier injecting sites.


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Studies support the positive effects that Tai Chi has on the physical health of older adults. However, many older adults residing in long-term care facilities feel too weak to practice traditional Tai Chi, and a more simplified style is preferred.
To test the effects of a newly-developed, Simplified Tai-Chi Exercise Program (STEP) on the physical health of older adults who resided in long-term care facilities.
A single group design with multiple time points: three pre-tests, one month apart; four post-tests at one month, two months, three months, and six months after intervention started.
Two 300–400 bed veteran homes in Taiwan.
The 51 male older adults were recruited through convenience sampling, and 41 of them completed six-month study. Inclusion criteria included: (1) aged 65 and over; (2) no previous training in Tai Chi; (3) cognitively alert and had a score of at least eight on the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire; (4) able to walk without assistance; and (5) had a Barthel Index score of 61 or higher. Participants who had dementia, were wheel-chair bound, or had severe or acute cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, or pulmonary illnesses were excluded.
The STEP was implemented three times a week, 50 min per session for six months. The outcome measures included cardio-respiratory function, blood pressure, balance, hand-grip strength, lower body flexibility, and physical health actualization.
A drop in systolic blood pressure (p=.017) and diastolic blood pressure (p<.001) was detected six months after intervention started. Increase in hand-grip strength from pre to post intervention was found (left hand: p<.001; right hand: p=.035). Participants also had better lower body flexibility after practicing STEP (p=.038).
Findings suggest that the STEP be incorporated as a floor activity in long-term care facilities to promote physical health of older adults.