176 resultados para Construction industry Environmental aspects


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The objective of this study was to investigate the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures in the annual reports of firms listed by market capitalisation on the Australian Stock Exchange. The periods examined were those immediately prior and subsequent to the release of the Exposure Draft Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics (CERES) Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) issued in March 1999. Using content analysis to focus on the environmental aspects, the study compared 425 annual reports over a two-year period and 60 environmental reports, in order to explore reporting practices in the periods surrounding this intervention. The results suggest a trend to triple-bottom reporting, and a significant change in the quality and quantity of environmental information, albeit in specific categories.


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Residential building construction activities, whether it is new build, repair or maintenance, consumes a large amount of natural resources. This has a negative impact on the environment in the form depleting natural resources, increasing waste production and pollution. Previous research has identified the benefits of preventing or reducing material waste, mainly in terms of the limited available space for waste disposal, and escalating costs associated with landfills, waste management and disposal and their impact on a  building company's profitability. There has however been little development internationally of innovative waste management strategies aimed at reducing the resource requirement of the construction process. The authors contend that embodied energy is a useful indicator of resource value. Using data provided by a regional high-volume residential builder in the State of Victoria, Australia, this paper identifies the various types of waste that are generated from the construction of a typical standard house. It was found that in this particular case, wasted amounts of materials were less than those found previously by others for cases in capital cities (5-10 per cent), suggesting that waste minimisation strategies are successfully being implemented. Cost and embodied energy savings from using materials with recycled content are potentially more beneficial in terms of embodied energy and resource depletion than waste minimisation strategies.


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This objective of this study was to investigate the quantity and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures in the annual reports of the top 500 firms listed by market capitalisation on the Australian Stock Exchange. The periods examined were those immediately prior and subsequent to the release of the Exposure Draft Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economics (CERES) Global Reporting Initiatives(GRI) issued in March 1999. Using content analysis to focus on the environmental aspects, and drawing heavily on the research of Gamble et al (1995), the study compared 425 annual reports over a two year period and 60 environmental reports, in order to explore reporting practices in the periods surrounding this intervention. The results suggest a trend to triple bottom reporting, and a significant change in the quality and quantity of environmental information, albeit in specific categories.


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Presented is an examination of residential building faults in the Australian Slate of Victoria. The aim is to determine the interconnections between identified main house faults., with a view to establishing their cause· effect relationships. A total of 42753 residential houses in Victoria were examined for nine key faults fully documented in Archicentre's database. These faults are: rising damp. framing fault, illegal building, stump fault, timber rot, cracking, electrical fault, roof fault and water supply issue. Second to framing fault, roof fault was found to be closely associated with other house faults examined. Hence, this paper concludes that a properly framed and roofed house could limit most of these faults. As illegal building was observed to have only a little overall association with other house faults, this study has implications for the Australia Productivity Commission's on-going efforts to deregulate various aspects of the building and construction industry professions.


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The concept of a construction accident is extending from the traditional construction operation accident to contain all non-construction operation accidents in personnel's safety and health, global and local environment, and the insufficient facility planning for security and emergency. Construction accidents may cause human, social and sustainable tragedies directly, and indirectly delay construction progresses and adversely affect the reputation of construction industry. In order to reduce all possible construction accidents, lots of non-construction operation regulations are constituted according to the authoritative regulations and previous construction experiences. However, these non-construction operation regulations are not integrated with the construction production or process planning. This may cause that some of these non-construction operation regulations ,are disregarded in the practical construction progress. The aim of this research is to explore the possibility, methodology and techniques in practice in order to identify and specify the non-construction operation regulations for every individual construction production and process. Therefore, the construction planning does not only represent the time and resources of each construction product or process, but also its non-construction operation regulations. The main outcomes of this research are a systematic identification of non-construction operation regulations, and the potential techniques for integrating them with the construction planning.


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The construction industry consists of many small businesses employing less than five people. Thus, the challenge is to ensure that these firms keep producing quality housing to match the needs of the customers and clients. In an attempt to improve the quality of housing various policies and mechanisms have been adopted to improve performance and quality. From a detailed study of housing quality and defects this paper discusses knowledge flow within the industry as a whole. It identifies the incidence of defects in various functional elements within a house and suggests the areas where defects are likely to occur. In this way the authors are able to recommend where resources may be directed to the areas where it will be most beneficial both to the house builder and the end user (customer).


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The construction activities of a contractor may physically take place in the home country or overseas, and the latter, particularly of a large company, has an increasing proportion with the globalisation. Globalisation of the construction industry and its market is a trend in every country, Which increases the opportunities of both international construction, and competition or collaboration with foreign construction companies. International construction project management is undertaken in a complicated circumstance, and requires a synthetic management approach. This research aims to establish a primary framework for the critical operational management in achieving international construction projects in a novel construction market.


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The construction sector produces the facilities needed for a large majority of the production of goods and services, in which a sizeable proportion of Gross Domestic Product is generated. Recent trends in the globalisation of construction markets indicate that many countries consider construction industry competitiveness as crucial, and are working to increase construction productivity, in particular where the construction industries play an important role in their economic development. This paper first points out the research importance in international construction. Based on economic analyses of construction industries, a study is then carried out to focus on the economic sizes and benefits of the Chinese construction industry and to compare them with the Australian construction industry. Results derived from such an international construction comparison will assist in the Australian construction communities understanding the construction markets and industries in China and will benefit in international construction participation and cooperation.


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This research is focused on developing a highly detailed understanding of current organisational interactions and information flows leading to a definition of the process model for the environment into which information and communication technology (ICT) applications will be placed. The authors of this paper propose a theoretical process model and the associated detailed information structure which reflects the complexity of information, stakeholder interaction and intellectual property concerns which are currently seen in the construction industry. This is being developed and tested against a field study renovation project. The field study project identifies information flows and interactions between stakeholders such as designers, project managers, clients, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. The process model which is being established shows very high levels of complexity in dependencies and interdependencies between implicit and explicit information within the project design and construction teams. Without an understanding of these detailed and complex process interactions, proposals for the application of ICT to the construction industry will not reflect the requirements of those for whom they are being developed.


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The construction industry worldwide is having problems attracting and retaining skilled workers. This study analyses a series of factors affecting job satisfaction of site-based construction professionals employed in medium to large scale metropolitan construction firms in Melbourne, Australia. The industry survey carried out identified salary as the strongest determinant of job satisfaction. However, many respondents reported being dissatisfied with pay levels when compared to other industries and the number of work hours expected. The greatest causes of dissatisfaction were related to difficulties in maintaining a work-life balance. The indicator "Variety, interest and challenge" was the most frequently cited positive aspect of a career in construction. Given the shortage of skilled construction workers in Australia, it is important for companies to maximise the retention of site-based construction professionals and ensure that key job satisfaction indicators are met.


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Employee turnover has been identified as one of the principal causes of poor performance, low competitiveness and high technology loss in the construction industry. Construction managers normally acquire knowledge and skills in construction methods and management techniques on the basis of long-term practice, and their turnover can significantly impact on a construction organisation's survival and development. Therefore, there has been an increasing need to understand the major critical variables affecting the turnover of construction managers. The aims of this research were to determine these variables and use them to develop a quantitative turnover prediction model. A system framework was first developed to categorise all turnover variables into job satisfaction, organisation commitment and demographic variables and the turnover intention was measured in diverse directions. Based on an empirical study in Hubei province in China, the statistical results indicate that seven job satisfaction and organisational commitment variables dominate the turnover intentions of construction managers.


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As construction companies continue to explore foreign construction markets, various international construction projects are being undertaken in all corners of the world. In an international construction project with many unique and complicated characteristics, human resource management can play a significant role in promoting the efficient use of complex human resources. The aim of this paper is to establish a valid foundation for further research on measuring the impact of human resource management economically for international construction projects. The paper examines human resource management literature and identifies the application of the related management techniques to the construction industry. In addition, the paper uses the literature analysis to describe the nature of human resource management with particular reference to international construction projects. In particular, the research described in this paper identifies economic performance factors in the implementation human resource management in international construction projects. This paper also identifies the social effects of human resource management practices.


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Very little research has been carried out regarding the risks and rewards of the international construction industry/market from an Australian perspective. A survey was sent to Australian based construction companies known to be operating internationally, to obtain their insights and perspectives on the risks and rewards of the international construction industry/market and international construction projects. Australian based companies have expanded their operations in order to benefit from inducements such as growth, profit and diversification. Continuing globalization and the openness of new markets has also provided significant opportunities to expand for Australian companies. Those Australian construction companies that have been operating abroad have been doing so for 20+ years in the Asia-Pacific and Australasian regions. This is significant as it shows that easily accessible markets are a stepping stone for further overseas expansion. The most commonly rated rewards for operating overseas were growth and profit; which matched the initial reason most companies chose to expand overseas. It was established that the ability to increase long term profitability through diversification was the biggest inducement for Australian construction companies expanding their operations overseas. When asked to rate the risks associated with international construction not one risk was rated significantly higher than the rest which supports the conclusion that the types of risks and rewards associated with each market rarely vary; only the severity and likelihood of occurrence. From an overall Australian perspective this research has established that the reasons and rewards for expanding overseas were the identical. Further that the risks associated with international construction were established as being different and varied depending on the market.


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Deakin University’s School of Architecture and Building is renowned for producing graduates who possess relevant attributes that make them job ready for the building and construction industry. Graduate destination surveys indicate that in the last eight (8) years, 100% of all Infrastructure Logistics (Construction and Facility Management) course graduates found relevant employment. This success is a direct result of a curriculum that is responsive to industry needs alongside educational methodology that focuses on excellent teaching and research while seeking new ways of developing and delivering courses.

The Infrastructure Logistics course prepares graduates to successfully compete in today’s global job market, and allows them to showcase relevant knowledge and skills that are critical in seeking and sustaining employment. Traditionally, tailored resumes served this purpose; however, in many professional fields, professional portfolios are now becoming a more desirable way of providing a summary of relevant attributes alongside evidence of professional abilities.

Sustaining employment, appraisals, and applying for a promotion are often subject to adequate evidence of professional standards and growth. Professional bodies require records of contribution to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) schemes; and accrediting organisations require professionals applying for professional registration to provide documented evidence of their relevant experience and abilities. The Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM 2007) requires candidates wanting to become Registered Project Managers (RegPM) to demonstrate their current work-based experience and competencies.

This paper reports on a teaching strategy adopted in the Project Management (PM) stream, offered as part of Infrastructure Logistic courses. The teaching strategy is based on a combination of constructivism theory of learning, problem and project based learning, and active learning. The strategy requires systematic reflection and conscious creation of documented evidence of PM attributes and competences in the form of a portfolio.

Preliminary results of action research monitoring the effectiveness of systematic reflection indicate that students respond very positively to the idea of professional journals and professional portfolios. Preliminary results also indicate that students accept reflection and conscious documentation of their achievements as an integral part of their study and future practice.