134 resultados para Congresses and conventions


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Prior research into corporate branding, of which corporate image is a key construct, has focused primarily on products. There has, however, been limited academic research focusing on corporate branding in the leisure services sector. However, in an increasingly competitive environment, leisure services need to treat branding and image management as more than just "monkey business". This study addresses this by developing a model and empirically testing the relationships between corporate image, the dimensions of corporate image, customer satisfaction and loyalty in the context of a Zoological garden. As predicted, a strong relationship was found between corporate image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Our results also suggest that three dimensions of corporate image (adventure, mission/vision and agreeableness) explain a significant propOliion of the variance in satisfaction and loyalty.


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Evidence from social psychology confirms that strong relationships are founded on deep knowledge of others gained over long periods after sharing personal information. The existence, benefit, and management of relationships are also topics of increasing interest in Marketing. This paper reports on the results of a study of sales persons’ assessments of their personal acquaintance with friends and customers. The results indicate that personal acquaintance as a construct and measure can be successfully employed in a business context and used to distinguish among friends and good and bad customers. The findings open the way for the use of the construct in a commercial context as well as in the development of marketing theory. Limitations and avenues for future research are given.


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Based on a revised SPQ2F instrument (Biggs, 2003, Biggs and Leung, 2001) this exploratory study investigates the differences of the study approaches of on campus and offshore students and their perceptions of the delivery of a marketing unit in an Australian university. The results indicate that there are no significant differences in students’ general approaches to study though their study methods may differ according to the learning contexts and the prior learning backgrounds. The also study reveals that majority of students seem to adopt deep learning than surface learning approaches, though in comparison on campus students appear to have deep learning orientations than the off shore campus students.


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This paper examines how managers of nonprofit organizations and foundations view the measurement of the social value of these organizations. In exploratory interviews, we found that the managers generally agree that objective measures are desired where and when possible, but recognise the difficulties in developing an assessment that enables comparisons across the nonprofit sector. These difficulties, as well as the implications for developing assessments of social value for nonprofit organizations, are discussed


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The present study investigated the extent to which the Demand-Control-Support (DCS) model, in combination with organizational justice variables, predicts the employee-level outcomes of allied health professionals'. Allied health professionals from an Australian healthcare organization were surveyed, with 113 participating (52,6%). Multiple regression analyses revealed that the DCS model predicted all the outcome variables of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and psychological distress. Conversely, significant contributions of the organizational justice variables were limited to organizational commitment and psychological distress. The results of the study provide practical implications for the job conditions of allied health professionals, in particular, the delivery of support and maintaining high levels of justice.


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The research reported in this paper investigated the relationship between information usage and individual ticket-purchasing activity of Opera Australia customers in relation to specific Opera Australia products, namely, operetta and opera. The results provide some support for the notion that consumers of operetta and opera can be distinguished on the basis of their different behaviour in some areas. However, there is substantial “crossing-over” or inconsistency in the data. Longevity of association with the art-form, and purchasing tickets to both types of productions, tended to be related to increased reliance on information sources closer to Opera Australia.


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The effect of the first brand recalled compared to later brand name recall has been explored in this research. In category cued recall events, the first brand recalled has greater linkages to associations in memory, and is a brand to which consumers are disposed more positively. In addition, the first brand recalled does not inhibit recall of competing brands, but has a facilitating effect on the number, positiveness and uniqueness of associations to the brand name. This concept was explored across three product categories: that of a fast-moving consumer good, a service and a durable. In addition, the first brand recalled was related to the last brand purchased for the services category.


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As part of a broader study of women and shopping, we found that many women often talked about shopping with their mothers. We pursued this theme and explored the mother and daughter shopping experience. We position this work within the literature of consumer socialization. The objectives of this part of the research project were 1) gain knowledge of why mother and daughters shop together and 2) uncover what is valued in the shopping experience. Interviews were conducted in person and supplemented using email. The women were aged 18-70. The women provide accounts of how consumer habits, preferences and experiences are transferred across generations. We found that the bonds between mother and daughter relationship are acted out when shopping and the reciprocal coaching occurs.


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The isolated Langendorff-mode perfused heart has become a valuable experimental model, used extensively to examine cardiac function, pathophysiology and pharmacology. For the clinical cardiologist an ECG is often a simple practicality, however in experimental circumstances, particularly with ex vivo murine hearts it is not always possible to obtain an ECG due to experimental recording constraints. However, the mechanical record of ventricular contractile function can be highly informative in relation to electrical state. It is difficult though to achieve consistency in these evaluations of arrhythmia as a validated common reference framework is lacking. In 1988, a group of investigators developed the ‘Lambeth Conventions’—a standardised reference for the definition and classification of arrhythmias in animal experimental models of ischaemia, infarction and reperfusion in vivo. Now, two decades later it is timely to revisit the Lambeth Conventions, and to update the guidelines in the context of the marked increase in murine heart study in experimental cardiac pathophysiology. Here we describe an adjunct to the Lambeth Conventions for the reporting of ventricular arrhythmias post-ischaemia in ex vivo mouse hearts when ECG recordings are not employed. Of seven discrete and identifiable patterns of mechanical dysrhythmia observed in reperfusion, five could be classified using conventional ECG terminology: ventricular premature beat, bigeminy, trigeminy, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Two additional rhythm variations detected from the pressure record are described (potentiated contraction and alternans).


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The concept of life balance implies that there is some optimal time allocation between the various forms o(human activity we engage in each day. So life balance can be measured by the size of the discrepancy between how we should and how we do allocate our time.
If someone chooses to spend all of their discretionary time writing poetry, is this a balanced life? Many people would say no. They would judge such a life to be imbalanced because life is full of competing demands, and writing poetry all day means that other aspects of life are neglected.
But is this just an imposed value judgment, or does the concept of a balanced life have deeper meaning? The answer must lie with whatever we use to measure the outcome. Any conclusion that balance is better than imbalance must be based on empirical evidence. So, what should be measured?


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In recent years, pre-service teacher education has attempted to incorporate into programs an understanding of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences as it applies to schools. In this paper the tension between 'learning about' multiple intelligences and 'learning through' multiple intelligences supports Gardner's (1993) distinction between 'understanding' and 'coverage'. This paper examines the use of the performing arts in the professional studies component of our teacher education program. During 2002 at The University of Melbourne, a group of primary and secondary students were offered the opportunity to develop an opera in order to learn about assessment and curriculum. Thirty-seven of the students volunteered to be involved and over a period of six months met this challenge. Our action research study asked two critical questions. To what extent is the understanding of multiple intelligences by pre-service teachers improved by 'learning through'? Can pre-service teachers address fundamental issues in curriculum and assessment through the development of a performance? This experience would be of value to other teacher educators.