191 resultados para Blood Promises


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This study examined forearm blood flow (FBF) in individuals with chronic heart failure (CHF) at rest, moderate exercise, and following limb occlusion. FBF was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography in CHF patients (n = 43) and healthy age-matched volunteers (n = 8) at rest and during exercise consisting of intermittent isometric hand squeezing at 15, 30, and 45% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Peak vasodilatory capacity was also determined following the release of an occluding arm cuff. FBF was lower in CHF patients during exercise and during peak reactive hyperemia (PRH) compared to healthy volunteers, but there was no significant difference between groups at rest. Peak vasodilatory capacity was significantly higher in healthy volunteers than the CHF group ((30.6 ± 8.6 ml±100 mL-1±min-1 and 18.3 ± 6.9 ml±100 mL-1±min-1, respectively). Local blood flow stimulation in response to exercise or limb occlusion is reduced in individuals with CHF, however, there was no difference in resting flows between the two groups, suggesting vasodilatory medication may restore resting blood flow to healthy values.


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Thirty-nine CHF patients (New York Heart Association Functional Class = 2.3±0.5; left ventricular ejection fraction 28%±7%; age 65±11 years; 33:6 male:female) underwent 2 identical series of tests, 1 week apart, for strength and endurance of the knee and elbow extensors and flexors, VO2peak, HRV, FBF at rest, and FBF activated by forearm exercise or limb ischemia. Patients were then randomized to 3 months of resistance training (EX, n = 19), consisting of mainly isokinetic (hydraulic) ergometry, interspersed with rest intervals, or continuance with usual care (CON, n = 20), after which they underwent repeat endpoint testing. Combining all 4 movement patterns, strength increased for EX by 21±30% (mean±SD, P<.01) after training, whereas endurance improved 21±21% (P<.01). Corresponding data for CON remained almost unchanged (strength P<.005, endurance P<.003 EX versus CON). VO2peak improved in EX by 11±15% (P<.01), whereas it decreased by 10±18% (P<.05) in CON (P<.001 EX versus CON). The ratio of low-frequency to high-frequency spectral power fell after resistance training in EX by 44±53% (P<.01), but was unchanged in CON (P<.05 EX versus CON). FBF increased at rest by 20±32% (P<.01), and when stimulated by submaximal exercise (24±32%, P<.01) or limb ischemia (26±45%, P<.01) in EX, but not in CON (P<.01 EX versus CON).


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1. Understanding ecological phenomena often requires an accurate assessment of the timing of events. To estimate the time since a diet shift in animals without knowledge on the isotope ratios of either the old or the new diet, isotope ratio measurements in two different tissues (e.g. blood plasma and blood cells) at a single point in time can be used. For this ‘isotopic-clock’ principle, we present here a mathematical model that yields an analytical and easily calculated outcome.

2. Compared with a previously published model, our model assumes the isotopic difference between the old and new diets to be constant if multiple measurements are taken on the same subject at different points in time. Furthermore, to estimate the time since diet switch, no knowledge of the isotopic signature of tissues under the old diet, but only under the new diet is required.

3. The two models are compared using three calibration data sets including a novel one based on a diet shift experiment in a shorebird (red knot Calidris canutus); sensitivity analyses were conducted. The two models behaved differently and each may prove rather unsatisfactory depending on the system under investigation. A single-tissue model, requiring knowledge of both the old and new diets, generally behaved quite reliably.

4. As blood (cells) and plasma are particularly useful tissues for isotopic-clock research, we trawled the literature on turnover rates in whole blood, cells and plasma. Unfortunately, turnover rate predictions using allometric relations are too unreliable to be used directly in isotopic-clock calculations.

5. We advocate that before applying the isotopic-clock methodology, the propagation of error in the ‘time-since-diet-shift’ estimation is carefully assessed for the system under scrutiny using a sensitivity analysis as proposed here.


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The diet of long-nosed bandicoots (Perameles nasuta) on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia, was examined over two summers and two winters using a combination of faecal scat analysis for food fragments and stable isotope analysis (ratios of 13C/12C and 15N/14N) of blood. Isotope ratios in blood overlapped most strongly with those in invertebrate prey, and varied much less between seasons than did those in most dietary items, suggesting that the assimilated diet of long-nosed bandicoots is dominated by invertebrates throughout the year. Invertebrate remains dominated collected faeces in both seasons, even though the availability of invertebrate prey was higher in summer. Thus both techniques indicated that long-nosed bandicoots were primarily insectivorous year-round. Faecal scat analysis indicated that invertebrate eggs were more abundant in summer than winter. At a finer scale, spiders, orthopterans, lepidopteran larvae, ants, leaf material (non-grass monocot) and seeds were more abundant in summer, while cicada larvae, roots, fungi, grass leaves and Acacia bract (small modified leaves appearing as scales) were more abundant in winter. Subterranean foods (cicada larvae, plant roots and hypogeous fungi) were more abundant in winter and more abundant in the diet of males than of either lactating or non-lactating females.


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An experiment was conducted to measure the effect of diet on circulating concentrations of metabolic hormones and metabolites in cows undergoing extended lactations. Two groups of 6 Holstein-Friesian cows managed for lactations of 670 d were used in the experiment. One group was fully fed on a total mixed ration (TMR), whereas the other group grazed fresh pasture supplemented with grain (P+G). On 7 occasions between 332 and 612 d in milk, concentrations of metabolic hormones and glucose were measured in the blood plasma of each cow. Cows fed TMR gained more weight and body condition than P+G cows, but did not produce more milk during the study period. Only 3 of the TMR cows continued to lactate until 612 d in milk compared with all 6 of the P+G cows. Blood plasma from cows fed TMR had higher concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, insulin-like growth factor 1, and leptin, but lower concentrations of growth hormone, than that from P+G cows. These changes were consistent with the preferential deposition of energy into adipose tissue at the expense of milk production and presumably were induced by a diet that provided precursors for gluconeogenesis that were in excess of the requirements for maintenance and prevailing milk production. The mechanism responsible for some TMR cows putting on excess weight and reducing or ceasing milk production is uncertain, but this observation has important implications for the nutritional management of cows in extended lactation programs.


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BACKGROUND: An influx of African migrants and refugees can strain a host country's blood services, because often migrants have unique blood needs that cannot be sourced from local donors. To increase blood donation by the new migrants, host country blood services need to understand how blood and blood donations are viewed by immigrant communities, because recruitment models that are not culturally adapted may have limited success.

Nine focus groups representing a cross-section of Australian-based African communities were conducted in multiple languages, facilitated by bilingual workers. The qualitative protocol was guided by the literature on blood donation by African migrants and communities in Africa. Thematic analysis identified the relevance of issues previously included in the literature and whether other issues facilitated or prohibited blood donation.

RESULTS: Home country cultural issues were not generally raised as barriers to donation, and respondents were positively disposed toward donation. Home country experiences shaped respondents' views in Australia. Participants focused on assisting “individuals in need,” rather than giving to a blood service that many viewed with suspicion because of issues in their home country. There was a lack of knowledge about the donation process in Australia. More importantly, respondents perceived that their blood would not be wanted, based on a perception of host country mistrust and discrimination.

CONCLUSION: Developing an intervention that encourages migrants to donate blood needs to be culturally focused. It appears that addressing perceptions based on home country experiences is essential. Overcoming a general perception of discrimination is beyond any blood service, but there can be an attempt to ensure that blood donation is seen as an inclusive process—blood from everyone, for everyone.


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Hepatitis B is a serious global infection disease and a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. However, data on Occult Hepatitis B in Iran are scare. The current study assessed the frequency of Anti-HBc and HBV DNA in serum sample of healthy blood donors negative for HBsAg stratified by sex and age; and also investigated the relationship between detection of HBV-DNA and anti-HBc positivity. Since anti-HBc screening is not performed in Iranian Blood Bank, we assessed whether anti-HBc could be adopted as a screening assay for the donated blood. The study included a total of 1525 blood samples of blood donors negative for hepatitis B virus surface antigen ( 87% male with a mean age ± SD: of 31±8yr; and 13% female with a mean age ± SD of 30±6yr). Eight percent (121 out of 1525) of the blood samples with negative HBs-Ag were positive for Anti-HBc and were all from males. HBV-DNA was detected in 36 out of 121 anti-HBc+ specimens (29.7%). The study found a positive relation between anti-HBc positivity and detection of HBV-DNA in serum samples of HBs-Ag negative blood donors. Findings from this study suggest that, introducing anti HBc screening in Iran maybe very practical in order to limit the transmission risk of Occult Hepatitis B virus through blood transfusion.