82 resultados para Accreditation


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BACKGROUND: An increased prevalence of risky alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm has been reported for members of sporting groups and at sporting venues compared with non-sporting populations. While sports clubs and venues represent opportune settings to implement strategies to reduce such risks, no controlled trials have been reported. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of an alcohol management intervention in reducing risky alcohol consumption and the risk of alcohol-related harm among community football club members.

METHOD: A cluster randomised controlled trial of an alcohol management intervention was undertaken with non-elite, community football clubs and their members in New South Wales, Australia. Risky alcohol consumption (5+ drinks) at the club and risk of alcohol-related harm using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) were measured at baseline and postintervention.

RESULTS: Eighty-eight clubs participated in the trial (n=43, INTERVENTION; n=45, CONTROL) and separate cross-sectional samples of club members completed the baseline (N=1411) and postintervention (N=1143) surveys. Postintervention, a significantly lower proportion of intervention club members reported: risky alcohol consumption at the club ( INTERVENTION: 19%; CONTROL: 24%; OR: 0.63 (95% CI 0.40 to 1.00); p=0.05); risk of alcohol-related harm ( INTERVENTION: 38%; CONTROL: 45%; OR: 0.58 (95% CI 0.38 to 0.87); p<0.01); alcohol consumption risk ( INTERVENTION: 47%; CONTROL: 55%; OR: 0.60 (95% CI 0.41 to 0.87); p<0.01) and possible alcohol dependence ( INTERVENTION: 1%; CONTROL: 4%; OR: 0.20 (95% CI 0.06 to 0.65); p<0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: With large numbers of people worldwide playing, watching and sports officiating, enhancing club-based alcohol management interventions could make a substantial contribution to reducing the burden of alcohol misuse in communities.


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In 2005 the Sloan Consortium called for engineering education to be available "anywhere, anytime."* Increasing numbers of engineering departments are interesting in offering their programs by means of online learning. These schools grapple with several difficulties and issues associated with wholly online learning: course structure, communication with students, delivery of course material, delivery of exams, accreditation, equity between on-campus and off-campusstudents, and especially the delivery of practical training. Deakin University faced these same challenges when it commenced teaching undergraduate engineering via distance education in the early 1990's. It now offers a fully accredited Bachelor of Engineering degree in both on-campus and off-campus modes, with majors that include civil,mechanical, electrical/electronics, and mechatronics/robotics.This presentation describes Deakin's unique off-campus delivery, students, curricula, approaches to practical work, and solutions to the problems mentioned above. Attendees will experience how Deakin Engineering delivers course materials, communicates with off-campus students, runs off-campus classes, and even delivers lab experience to students living thousands of miles away from the home campus. On display will be experimental lab kits, video presentations, student projects, and online broadcasts of freshman lab experiments. Participants will have the opportunity to see some of these resources hands-on. I will also discuss recent innovations in off-campus delivery ofcourses, including how flipping the classroom has led to blended learning with the on-campus students.Many universities have placed engineering distance education into the too-hard basket. Deakin Engineering demonstrates that it is possible to deliver a full undergraduate degree by means of distance education and online learning, and modern technology makes the job easier than everbefore. The benefits to the professor are many, not the least of which is helping a student living in a remote area or with a full-time job become fully trained and qualified in engineering.


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Increasingly, Built Environment (BE) professionals, including planner, architect and landscape architect practitioners, are becoming involved in the planning and design of projects for, and in direct consultation with Indigenous communities and their proponents. These projects range from inserting Indigenous cultural landscape analysis into planning schemes, including Indigenous protocols and aspirations in policy statements; designing cultural centres, information centres and housing; drafting cultural tourism strategies and devising cross-cultural land management plans. This entails working with Indigenous communities or their nominated representatives as stakeholders in community engagement, consultation, and planning processes. Critically, BE professionals must be able to plan and design with regard to Indigenous community’s cultural protocols, issues and values. Yet many (domestic and or international) students graduate with little or no comprehension of Indigenous knowledge systems or the protocols for engagement with the communities in which they are required to work, whether they be Australian or international Indigenous communities. Contextually, both PIA and the planning academe have struggled with coming to terms with this realm over the last 10 years. This paper will report on a recently completed Australian Government Office of Learning & Teaching (OLT) funded research project that has sought to improve opportunities to improve the knowledge and skills of tertiary students in the BE professions through the enhancement of their competency, appreciation and respect for Indigenous protocols and processes that also implicates the professional accreditation systems that these courses are accountable. It has proposed strategies and processes to expose students in the BE professions to Australian Indigenous knowledge and cultural systems and the protocols for engaging with Indigenous Australians about their rights, interests, needs and aspirations. Included in these findings is the provision of a tool that enables and offers guidance to BE tertiary students and academics how to enhance comprehension, exposure to, and knowledge and cultural systems of, Indigenous Australians. While the scope of this report is cross-BE, this paper will focus upon the planning practice, policy and academe realms.


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In this chapter we discuss the impact of recent standards-based legislation and implementation in Australia designed to improve the quality of teacher education and examine the ways in which teacher educators are assessing graduates in relation to beginning teacher standards, the evidence they are using within the context of accreditation of their programs, and the impact this is having on the teacher education curriculum. We report on research into the implementation and evaluation of an authentic teacher assessment approach being used in one Australian university and argue that such an approach not only empowers pre-service teachers but also teacher educators.


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Consumers are increasingly concerned about the negative environmental implications of purchasing goods, which in turn shape their behaviour. Yet, there are indications that consumers do not always act on these concerns, causing an attitude–behaviour gap. For consumers to make ecologically responsible purchases, they need relevant product environmental information. Therefore, marketers and firms are increasingly integrating more detailed environmental information in their offerings, including eco-labels with externally validated information. This study integrates consumers’ knowledge and trust in eco-labels with their environmental knowledge to determine how these affect pro-environmental consumer behaviour (PECB). The findings suggest environmental and eco-label knowledge is positively associated with attitudes towards the environment, and that positive environmental attitudes and trust in eco-labels affect PECB. This implies that firms, policy-makers and accreditation organisations (i.e. labelling) can educate consumers about eco-labels and the environment to increase PECB. Such strategies will also build consumer knowledge and trust in eco-labels, necessary for facilitating PECB.


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Credit Transfer (CT), Advanced Standing (AS), Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), Recognition of PriorLearning (RPL), Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), Accreditation of PriorExperiential Learning (APEL), Validation of Prior Learning (VPL), Prior Learning Assessment (PLA),Credit Transfer and Recognition (CTR), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and Credit forConcurrent Formal Learning (CCFL) are the terms used by academic institutions and engineeringschools to describe several types of credit arrangements depending upon a student’s current state ofqualification, experience, skills and knowledge towards the requirement of his/her formal professionalengineering qualification. The objectives of such credit arrangements are to make sure that thelearning is not duplicated, to reduce the duration and cost of the engineering studies, to encourageworking engineering associates and technologists return to engineering schools for professionalengineering qualification and to help upgrade the skills and knowledge of the junior engineeringpractitioners, to name a few. Formal, informal, non-formal or a combination of prior learning are usedfor such credit arrangements. Engineering schools offer block credit, specified credit, unspecifiedcredit and a combination of these forms of credits when recognising prior learning of any form.However, anecdotal and literature evidence suggests that the assessment of credit arrangementslacks established universal framework for assessment, lacks harmonisation, compatibility,transparency and comparability and is complex and inconsistent resulting a significant variations in theassessment for recognising prior learning across engineering schools in spite of being based onsimilar fundamental principles. There is a clear need of a consolidated framework in order to assesscredit arrangements systematically and consistently.PURPOSEThe purpose of this study is to develop a consolidated framework for assessing credit arrangementstowards a partial requirements of a professional engineering course, program, degree or qualification.The developed framework is expected to help manage the assessment of credit arrangement process.APPROACHThis study first critically reviews existing frameworks and literature evidences regarding the principlesof credit arrangements towards a partial requirements of a professional engineering course, program,degree or qualification. This study then uses evidence-based literature knowledge (principles,processes and practices) to devise a consolidated framework for assessing credit arrangements. Theframework is then expanded in order to elaborate its several components.RESULTSThe existing frameworks and literature review suggest that for better assessment of creditarrangements, attentions are to be given on the forms of prior learning, types of credit arrangements,forms of credit recognition, required documents, characteristics of the prior learning, alignment of priorlearning with professional engineering qualification and additional aspects.CONCLUSIONSAs the assessment of credit arrangements has been a major challenge for engineering schools, theframework developed in this study is expected to help engineering schools to manage the assessmentprocess systematically and consistently. For further study, the framework needs to be continuouslyimplemented, monitored and evaluated.


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This paper reviews the current status and focus of Australian Architecture programs with respect to Indigenous Knowledge and the extent to which these tertiary programs currently address reconciliation and respect to Indigenous Australians in relation to their professional institutions and accreditation policies. The paper draws upon the findings of a recently completed investigation of current teaching: Re-Casting terra nullius blindness: Empowering Indigenous Protocols and Knowledge in Australian University Built Environment Education. Three data sets from this investigation are analysed: a desktop survey of Australian Built Environment curricula; workshops with tertiary providers and students, professional practitioners and representatives of three Built Environment professional institutes; and an online survey of Australian Built Environment students (of which their discipline could be isolated) ascertaining what is currently being taught and learned and what changes would be feasible within the constraints of courses from their perspective. Detailed descriptions are also provided of pedagogic improvements informed by the project findings. The findings suggest minimal current exposure of Architecture students to Indigenous Knowledge content beyond voluntary engagement in self-chosen thesis projects and elective (including studio) subjects led by passionate but largely unsupported teachers championing Indigenous issues; a paucity of teaching echoed by practitioners and accreditors who acknowledge lack of expertise in this area across the profession. This paper discusses ways in which Indigenous Knowledge might be better acknowledged, respected and introduced to Australian Architecture students’ education. Also discussed are teaching strategies with global relevance.