114 resultados para 720106 Taxation


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The Australian Taxpayers'€™ Charter was introduced in 1997 and a revised version in November 2003. This is therefore an appropriate time to review the contribution of this initiative. This article traces the development of such modern charters and then specifically the development of tax charters. The Australian Taxpayers' Charter and the Australian Tax Office'€™s ("€œATO"€) experience with it are then examined. Among other possible advantages, the Charter may be used as a measure of the ATO'€™s performance. Taxpayers’ views regarding the extent to which the ATO meets its obligations under the Taxpayers'€™ Charter, as expressed in two surveys of Australian voters (N = 2,040 and 2,374), are presented. Generally the taxpayers are supportive. The results of the survey also support the ATO'€™s view that the Charter fits in with compliance policy. Finally, the Charter demonstrates how initiatives in tax administration might he successfully achieved.


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The importance of behavioural economics in supplementing and extending the neoclassical analysis of taxpayer behaviour has been recognised for some time. This paper summarises contributions to date and outlines a way forward for integrating the behavioural and neoclassical approaches and developing a more coherent strategy of encouraging taxpayer compliance.The paper then provides significant further evidence relating to taxpayer behaviour by reporting some of the main results of two substantial surveys (N =2,040 and 2,374) of Australian citizens' beliefs, attitudes, values and motivations with respect to the tax system, widely defined. It is concluded that the behaviour of Australian taxpayers is not determined only by considerations of narrow economic rationality based on the expected financial costs and benefits of compliance or non-compliance but is also influenced by a much wider range of factors. Examination of the importance of these other factors might be the most fruitful way of improving tax compliance in the future.


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In recent years, the number of taxpayers involved in aggressive tax planning has more than doubled, posing a serious threat to the integrity of Australia's tax system. To deal with the problem, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) implemented a number of initiatives aimed at combating aggressive tax planning. Part of the ATO's crackdown involved issuing amended assessments to the 42,000 Australians who invested in mass marketed tax schemes. The majority of investors, however, resisted the ATO's attempts to recover scheme related tax debts. This paper discusses the findings of an empirical study that shows that the resistance was due partly to the manner in which the ATO dealt with the schemes issue. Using survey data collected from 2301 tax scheme investors, and 2040 taxpayers from the general population, it will be shown that those who invested in tax schemes are more disillusioned with the tax system, are more hostile and resistant toward the ATO, and are more likely to resent paying tax as a result.


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Throughout the 1990s, tens of thousands of Australian taxpayers invested in mass-marketed tax effective schemes. They enjoyed generous tax breaks until the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) told them in 1998 that they abused the system. This study examines the circumstances surrounding taxpayers' decision to invest in scheme arrangements. It also explores investors' perceptions of the way the ATO handled the schemes issue and, perhaps more importantly, why such a large number of investors defied the ATO's demands that they pay back taxes. Data were taken from in-depth interviews conducted with 29 scheme investors. Consistent with the procedural justice literature, the findings revealed that many of the scheme investors interviewed defied the ATO's demands because the procedures the ATO used to handle the situation were perceived to be unfair. Given these findings, it will be argued that to effectively shape desired behaviour, regulators will need to move beyond enforcement strategies linked purely to deterrence. A strategy that aims to emphasise the procedural justice aspects of a regulatory encounter will be discussed.


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The study reported in this paper examined a group of Australian taxpayers who have expressed a preference for a creative and aggressive tax agent. The study attempted to understand how high-risk taxpayers and high-risk practitioners form their partnerships by examining aggressive taxpayers' attitudes and perceptions of the Australian tax system. Data were taken from 2040 Australian taxpayers who had responded to a national survey on tax issues. Results from a series of independent sample t-tests revealed that there are a number of important differences between 'aggressive' and 'non-aggressive' taxpayers. Finally, a logistic regression analysis was used to determine which variables most effectively differentiated aggressive taxpayers from non-aggressive taxpayers. The findings are discussed in a regulatory context and possible solutions for how tax authorities might deal with this high-risk group of taxpayer are suggested.


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Why taxpayers pay their taxes voluntarily is an important question for tax administrations worldwide. Some believe it is because taxpayers are deterred from tax evasion out of a fear of being caught or penalized. Others, in contrast, suggest that factors such as the level of tax morale one has (ie, the intrinsic motivation one has to pay their tax) affects compliance behaviour. While there have been numerous empirical studies published that have explored the role of deterrence on tax compliance behaviour, very few studies have explored the concept of tax morale in any detail. This article therefore attempts to rectify this gap in the literature. If tax morale is important in determining compliance behaviour, as several researchers have suggested, then it is also important to understand what might affect one’s level of tax morale. The specific aim of this article will be to identify factors that shape or have an impact on tax morale. Using data collected from the Australian waves of the 1981 and 1995 World Values Survey, this study will demonstrate that factors such as trust and moral beliefs plan an important role in shaping tax morale in Australia. Further, it will be shown that tax morale has increased significantly in Australia since the early 1980s, and that it has done so at a faster rate than many other OECD countries. Possible explanations for this increase will be discussed.


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Apart from learning substantive legal principles, practising lawyers need to develop certain professional skills, such as client interview skills. The challenge at Deakin University was to find a mechanism that was accessible to Deakin’s cohort of distance education students. ‘ClientView’ seeks to facilitate such through an esimulation. Through ClientView the student interviews their new client, Miranda Koh. The e-simulation ClientView is designed to be used in company law and taxation units. It has since been used as the model for further e-simulations in the Faculty of Business and Law. This article discusses the use of e-simulations in legal education and in particular the development and implementation of ClientView.


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[No Abstract]


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The thesis looks at the macroeconomic impact of foreign aid. It is specially concerned with aid's impact on the public sector of less developed countries < LDCs> . Since the overwhelming majority of aid is directed to the public sector of LDCs, one can only understand the broader macroeconomic impact of aid if one first understands its impact on this sector. To this end, the thesis econometrically estimates " fiscal response" models of aid. These models, in essence, attempt to shed light on public sector fiscal behaviour in the presence of aid inflows, being specially concerned with the way aid is used to finance various categories of expenditures. The underlaying concern is to extent to which aid is " fungible" -that is, whether it finances consumption expenditure and reductions in taxation revenue in LDCs. A number of alternative models are derived from a utility maximisation framework. These alternatives reflect different assumptions regarding the behaviour of LDC public sectors and relate to the endogeniety of aid, whether or not recurrent expenditure is financed from domestic borrowing and the determination of domestic borrowing. The original frameworks of earlier studies are extended in a number of ways, including the use of a public sector utility function which is fully consistent with expected maximising behaviour. Estimates of these models' parameters are obtained using both time-series and cross-section data, dating from the 1960s, for Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. Both structural and reduced-form equations are estimated. Results suggest that foreign aid is indeed fungible, albeit at different levels. Moreover, the overall impact of aid on public sector investment, consumption, domestic borrowing and taxation varies between countries. Generally speaking, aid leads to increases in investment and consumption expenditure, but reduces taxation and domestic borrowing. Comparative analysis does, however, show that these results are highly sensitive to alternative behavioural assumptions and, therefore, model specification.


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This fourth edition of Principles of Equity and Trusts has been comprehensively updated and revised. It retains its original style of presenting principles and remedies relevant to equity and trusts in a straightforward and succinct manner.This new edition includes a discussion of new developments in knowing receipt constructive trusts, resulting trusts, charitable trusts, injunctions, equitable recission and forfeiture. All chapters have been fully revised, with significant new analysis in a range of chapters including those dealing with the relationship between common law and equity, fiduciary obligations and certainty rules for the creation of trusts.New case discussions in this edition include:Stack v Dowden (2007) (the House of Lords considering the presumptive application of resulting trusts in domestic de facto relationships);Trustees of the Property of Cummins (a bankrupt) v Cummins [2006] (the High Court considering the presumptive application of purchase money resulting trusts in a marriage relationship);Farah Constructions Pty Ltd v Say-Dee Pty Ltd (2007) (the High Court considering the scope and application of knowing receipt constructive trusts);Twinsectra v Yardley [2002] and Barlow Clowes International Ltd (in liq) v Eurotrust International [2006] 1 All ER 477 ( the House of Lords considering the dishonesty test relevant to knowing assistance constructive trusts) and Commissioner of Taxation v Word Investment Ltd [2006] (the Federal Court considering the scope of the charitable purpose test).This new edition remains an ideal book for undergraduate study, covering all aspects of equity and trusts jurisprudence in an accessible, comprehensive and up to date style.


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Higher education plays an important role in determining individuals lifetime
earnings. In turn, the decision to become educated depends to a large extent on innate ability and on family characteristics, including both family
wealth and educational background. In this paper, we abstract from family
income differences to concentrate on the effects of fiscal policies on the
decision to undertake higher education when the educational background
matters. In a dynamic framework, where successive generations are linked by educational background, we consider a government that uses both linear income taxation and a lump-sum subsidy to education. Conditions for
optimality of each policy are derived. The factors that determine the sign
and magnitude of the tax rate and the subsidy are identified and include
concerns for redistribution, efficiency and the educational externality on
future generations


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Analyses the most common structures of Liechtenstein. The Anstalt, Stiftung, Trust, Business Trust and Company are described and the taxation consequences for an Australian investor considered. The analysis covers the CFC, FIF, transferor trust, deemed entitlement and anti-avoidance rules in Australian income tax law.


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The thesis explores the characterisation of foreign legal entities from the perspective of Australia's taxation regime. It also examines entity characterisation methodologies in the US, the UK and Germany. It proposes how juristic existence conferred on foreign forms of association should be dealt with in an Australian tax context.