182 resultados para 160703 Social Program Evaluation


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The current study evaluated a program to improve the body image and positive and negative affect of children. Participants were 368 children aged 8–12 years. The results demonstrated that boys placed more importance on and were less satisfied with their muscles; girls were less satisfied with their weight and the importance of weight increased with increasing age. Children with a large BMI were less satisfied with their weight. Boys in the intervention group showed reduced levels of negative affect over time. Further research is required to develop prevention and intervention programs to lower the effects of body dissatisfaction and negative affect among children.


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Leadership, professional and other transferable skills are embedded in the expected attributes of Australian research postgraduates at the successful completion of their degrees. This paper reports on the development of an evaluation process for a postgraduate transferable skills program at The University of Melbourne, Australia. Existing and emerging evaluation practices and processes are examined in light of the literature on what constitutes 'good' evaluation of the type of program under consideration. The development of the process to go beyond the commonly used participant satisfaction surveys and to improve evaluation practices is described in detail. The results of the evaluation to date are provided and discussed in terms of their usefulness in incorporating particular improvements to the program. The implications for the evaluation of other programs of this type are considered.


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Objective: To evaluate whether the introduction of a national, co-ordinated screening program using the faecal occult blood test represents 'value-for-money' from the perspective of the Australian Government as third-party funder.  Methods: The annual equivalent costs and consequences of a   biennial screening program in 'steady-state' operation were estimated for the Australian population using 1996 as the reference year. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and the years of life lost (YLLs) averted, and the health service costs were modelled, based on the epidemiology and the costs of colorectal cancer in Australia together with the mortality reduction achieved in randomised controlled trials. Uncertainty in the model was examined using Monte Carlo simulation methods. Results: We estimate a minimum or 'base program' of screening those aged 55 to 69 years could avert 250 deaths per annum (95% uncertainty interval 99–400), at a gross cost of $A55 million (95% UI $A46 million to $A96 million) and a gross incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $A17,000/DALY (95% UI $A13,000/DALY to $A52,000/DALY). Extending the program to include 70 to 74-year-olds is a more effective option (cheaper and higher health gain) than including the 50 to 54-year-olds. Conclusions: The findings of this study support the case for a national program directed at the 55 to 69-year-old age group with extension to 70 to 74-year-olds if there are sufficient resources. The pilot tests recently announced in Australia provide an important opportunity to consider the age range for screening and the sources of uncertainty, identified in the modelled evaluation, to assist decisions on implementing a full national program.


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Two key determinants of mental health are (a) freedom from discrimination and (b) social connectedness. Same-sex attracted youth who are subjected to violence and discrimination, or who experience homophobia in their everyday lives are at greater risk of mental health problems, including suicidal thoughts and behaviours. As one of the most significant sites of homophobia is the school, a 6-week school-based program designed to help students explore their attitudes to gays and lesbians was developed, called “Pride & Prejudice”. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the program, students’ attitudes were measured before and after their participation. Variables assessed were: beliefs about gender roles, social desirability, attitudes to gay men and lesbians, social connectedness, self-esteem, and attitudes to race. Attitudes towards gay men held by students were significantly more positive after the program, and the level of attendance during the program significantly predicted > this change. A significant positive change also occurred in attitudes towards lesbians. Process evaluation showed that students generally viewed the program positively. From this preliminary data, it can be concluded that school-based programs delivered to individual classes in which students are given the opportunity to explore their attitudes towards lesbians and gay men are likely to lead to a significant reduction in homophobia. Health-promoting schools now have available to them an effective tool for promoting opportunities for students to reflect on their attitudes towards gay men and lesbians, and other aspects of “social diversity”. It is hoped that school-wide implementation of such a program will eventually lead to a reduction in the discrimination same-sex attracted youth often experience (either directly, or indirectly), and improve the social-connectedness of all students.


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The prevalence of untreated depression is high among older adults who receive care in residential facilities or in their own omes and is associated with reduced quality of life and other medical conditions, Research has suggested a number of rea-p sons for the low detection and treatment rates for this problem, including lack of knowledge and efficacy among those who provide direct care and poor communication between these caregivers and senior staff, and between senior staff and genera practitioners. In this study, we report on the implementation of a training program for care staff that aims to address these issues. Focus groups with participants who completed the training indicated a high level of satisfaction with the program and reported improvements in knowledge, self-efficacy, and communication within services. It is recommended that the program be more systematically evaluated in relation to its longer term effects on care provider practices and the well-being of depressed elderly care recipients.


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The Internet can access a large number of consumers in a more cost-effective manner than other information delivery channels. In this pilot study, we assessed whether an online weight reduction program including dietary advice plus exercise (ED) was more effective in reducing weight than an exercise-only program (EX) >12 weeks. Participants were randomized to either the ED or EX group and attended a center for anthropometric measurements and dietary assessment. Both groups wore a pedometer and set weekly goals to increase daily steps through an interactive Web site. The ED group set weekly dietary goals via the Web site and received tailored e-mail assistance. Seventy-three participants commenced and 53 (73%) completed the study [EX n = 26; ED n = 27; body mass index—mean (standard deviation): 29.7 (2.5) kg m–2, age 46.3 (10.8); 21% male]. Percent weight changes were EX, 2.1 (0.6)% and ED, 0.9 (0.6)% (P = 0.15). Both groups increased their daily steps with no difference between groups. Only the ED group significantly reduced their energy intake. Despite a greater fall in energy intake reported by the ED group and a similar increase in physical activity in both groups, setting individual dietary goals did not enhance weight loss.


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The prevalence of co-morbid depression in people with intellectual disability (ID) provides a strong rationale for the early identification and treatment of individuals at risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate a staff-administered group CBT program for the treatment of depression in people with mild ID. A sample of 13 staff employed at two community-based disability agencies were trained to deliver the program to 47 individuals with mild ID and symptoms of depression. A wait list control group comprised of 27 individuals subsequently completed the program. Compared to the control group, individuals who had participated in the treatment program showed lower depression scores, and fewer automatic negative thoughts. Furthermore, these changes were maintained at a 3-month follow-up. The results indicate that staff can be trained to deliver a CBT program within community settings that is effective in the reduction of depression symptomatology in people with mild ID.