84 resultados para sparse reconstruction


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Sea turtles show temperature dependent sex determination. Using an empirical relationship between sand and air temperature, we reconstructed the nest temperatures since 1855 at Ascension Island, a major green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookery. Our results show that inter-beach thermal variations, previously ascribed to the albedo of the sand, which varies hugely from one beach to another, have persisted for the last century. Reconstructed nest temperatures varied by only 0.5 °C on individual beaches over the course of the nesting season, while the temperature difference between two key nesting beaches was always around 3 °C. Hence inter-beach thermal variations are the main factor causing a large range of incubation temperatures at this rookery. There was a general warming trend for nests, with a mean increase in reconstructed nest temperatures for different months of between 0.36 and 0.49 °C for the last 100 years.


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How to learn an over complete dictionary for sparse representations of image is an important topic in machine learning, sparse coding, blind source separation, etc. The so-called K-singular value decomposition (K-SVD) method [3] is powerful for this purpose, however, it is too time-consuming to apply. Recently, an adaptive orthogonal sparsifying transform (AOST) method has been developed to learn the dictionary that is faster. However, the corresponding coefficient matrix may not be as sparse as that of K-SVD. For solving this problem, in this paper, a non-orthogonal iterative match method is proposed to learn the dictionary. By using the approach of sequentially extracting columns of the stacked image blocks, the non-orthogonal atoms of the dictionary are learned adaptively, and the resultant coefficient matrix is sparser. Experiment results show that the proposed method can yield effective dictionaries and the resulting image representation is sparser than AOST.


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Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is widely used in signal separation and image compression. Motivated by its successful applications, we propose a new cryptosystem based on NMF, where the nonlinear mixing (NLM) model with a strong noise is introduced for encryption and NMF is used for decryption. The security of the cryptosystem relies on following two facts: 1) the constructed multivariable nonlinear function is not invertible; 2) the process of NMF is unilateral, if the inverse matrix of the constructed linear mixing matrix is not nonnegative. Comparing with Lin's method (2006) that is a theoretical scheme using one-time padding in the cryptosystem, our cipher can be used repeatedly for the practical request, i.e., multitme padding is used in our cryptosystem. Also, there is no restriction on statistical characteristics of the ciphers and the plaintexts. Thus, more signals can be processed (successfully encrypted and decrypted), no matter they are correlative, sparse, or Gaussian. Furthermore, instead of the number of zero-crossing-based method that is often unstable in encryption and decryption, an improved method based on the kurtosis of the signals is introduced to solve permutation ambiguities in waveform reconstruction. Simulations are given to illustrate security and availability of our cryptosystem.


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The problem of nonnegative blind source separation (NBSS) is addressed in this paper, where both the sources and the mixing matrix are nonnegative. Because many real-world signals are sparse, we deal with NBSS by sparse component analysis. First, a determinant-based sparseness measure, named D-measure, is introduced to gauge the temporal and spatial sparseness of signals. Based on this measure, a new NBSS model is derived, and an iterative sparseness maximization (ISM) approach is proposed to solve this model. In the ISM approach, the NBSS problem can be cast into row-to-row optimizations with respect to the unmixing matrix, and then the quadratic programming (QP) technique is used to optimize each row. Furthermore, we analyze the source identifiability and the computational complexity of the proposed ISM-QP method. The new method requires relatively weak conditions on the sources and the mixing matrix, has high computational efficiency, and is easy to implement. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


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Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a widely used method for blind spectral unmixing (SU), which aims at obtaining the endmembers and corresponding fractional abundances, knowing only the collected mixing spectral data. It is noted that the abundance may be sparse (i.e., the endmembers may be with sparse distributions) and sparse NMF tends to lead to a unique result, so it is intuitive and meaningful to constrain NMF with sparseness for solving SU. However, due to the abundance sum-to-one constraint in SU, the traditional sparseness measured by L0/L1-norm is not an effective constraint any more. A novel measure (termed as S-measure) of sparseness using higher order norms of the signal vector is proposed in this paper. It features the physical significance. By using the S-measure constraint (SMC), a gradient-based sparse NMF algorithm (termed as NMF-SMC) is proposed for solving the SU problem, where the learning rate is adaptively selected, and the endmembers and abundances are simultaneously estimated. In the proposed NMF-SMC, there is no pure index assumption and no need to know the exact sparseness degree of the abundance in prior. Yet, it does not require the preprocessing of dimension reduction in which some useful information may be lost. Experiments based on synthetic mixtures and real-world images collected by AVIRIS and HYDICE sensors are performed to evaluate the validity of the proposed method.


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In blind source separation, many methods have been proposed to estimate the mixing matrix by exploiting sparsity. However, they often need to know the source number a priori, which is very inconvenient in practice. In this paper, a new method, namely nonlinear projection and column masking (NPCM), is proposed to estimate the mixing matrix. A major advantage of NPCM is that it does not need any knowledge of the source number. In NPCM, the objective function is based on a nonlinear projection and its maxima just correspond to the columns of the mixing matrix. Thus a column can be estimated first by locating a maximum and then deflated by a masking operation. This procedure is repeated until the evaluation of the objective function decreases to zero dramatically. Thus the mixing matrix and the number of sources are estimated simultaneously. Because the masking procedure may result in some small and useless local maxima, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is introduced to optimize the objective function. Feasibility and efficiency of PSO are also discussed. Comparative experimental results show the efficiency of NPCM, especially in the cases where the number of sources is unknown and the sources are relatively less sparse.


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Graph plays an important role in graph-based semi-supervised classification. However, due to noisy and redundant features in high-dimensional data, it is not a trivial job to construct a well-structured graph on high-dimensional samples. In this paper, we take advantage of sparse representation in random subspaces for graph construction and propose a method called Semi-Supervised Classification based on Subspace Sparse Representation, SSC-SSR in short. SSC-SSR first generates several random subspaces from the original space and then seeks sparse representation coefficients in these subspaces. Next, it trains semi-supervised linear classifiers on graphs that are constructed by these coefficients. Finally, it combines these classifiers into an ensemble classifier by minimizing a linear regression problem. Unlike traditional graph-based semi-supervised classification methods, the graphs of SSC-SSR are data-driven instead of man-made in advance. Empirical study on face images classification tasks demonstrates that SSC-SSR not only has superior recognition performance with respect to competitive methods, but also has wide ranges of effective input parameters.


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Structures inevitably deteriorate during their service lives. Therefore, the methods capable of identifying and assessing various damages in a structure timely and accurately have drawn increasing attention. From a broader perspective, structural damage identification problem can be regarded as a pattern recognition problem by using sparse representation techniques. The unknown signal/feature from a damaged structure can be associated to a known type of signal/feature in a “dictionary”, leading to damage identification. From this new angle, an innovative damage identification scheme has been proposed by the authors. In this paper, two important techniques of this scheme are further discussed, namely the construction of dictionary and the choice of parameters. The numerical simulated soil-pipe system is used for verifying the performance of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that this damage identification scheme will be a promising tool for structural health monitoring.


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Research which explores the experiences of women, who have experienced childhood sexual abuse is, in the main, focused on young and middle aged women. The perspectives of older women is often absent or hidden in the literature. This study explores the experiences of 16 Australian women aged 57 years and older who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. It aims to privilege their views and highlight their particular contexts in order to redress professional assumptions regarding the notions of recovery. Additionally, in discussing their experiences, the women contribute to insights regarding the patterns of inequality which are produced as a result of dominant discourses that promote ageist and sexist prescriptions in the construction of the self. These insights demonstrate how the women have resisted a range of oppressive patterns in their everyday lives. The study follows a feminist research framework and aims to contribute to the fields of social work practice and critical feminist gerontology.


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The aim of this book is to examine new forms of resistance to social injustices in contemporary Western societies. Resistance requires agency, and agency is grounded in notions of the subject and subjectivity. It is a premise of this book that new and/or reconstructed forms of subjectivity are required to challenge social relations of subordination and domination.
Subjectivity is primarily based on lived experience. While subjectivity is sometimes used to explore individualistic strategies for personal meaning, we argue that subjectivity is central to political struggles against regimes of power. Thus, understanding how subjects are constituted is important in fostering the capacity of critical reflection and social transformation.
Our aim  is to understand the relationship between subjectivity and the wider social order. The relationship between the psyche and society is one of the most challenging issues facing social theory. While there is a variety of theoretical approaches to subjectivity, those that explore the links between the subject and society are the most promising in developing strategies for resistance. In this introductory chapter, we review and interrogate what we believe are the most important theoretical approaches to subjectivity, drawing upon Marxism, critical theory, feminism, postcolonialism and post-structuralism. Our aim in this book is not to develop a new theory of subjectivities. Rather, we are more concerned with investigating how diverse subjectivities are constructed and reconstructed.


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The recent wide adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) presents great opportunities and challenges for data mining. The EMR data are largely temporal, often noisy, irregular and high dimensional. This paper constructs a novel ordinal regression framework for predicting medical risk stratification from EMR. First, a conceptual view of EMR as a temporal image is constructed to extract a diverse set of features. Second, ordinal modeling is applied for predicting cumulative or progressive risk. The challenges are building a transparent predictive model that works with a large number of weakly predictive features, and at the same time, is stable against resampling variations. Our solution employs sparsity methods that are stabilized through domain-specific feature interaction networks. We introduces two indices that measure the model stability against data resampling. Feature networks are used to generate two multivariate Gaussian priors with sparse precision matrices (the Laplacian and Random Walk). We apply the framework on a large short-term suicide risk prediction problem and demonstrate that our methods outperform clinicians to a large margin, discover suicide risk factors that conform with mental health knowledge, and produce models with enhanced stability. © 2014 Springer-Verlag London.


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Mitochondrial sequence data is often used to reconstruct the demographic history of Pleistocene populations in an effort to understand how species have responded to past climate change events. However, departures from neutral equilibrium conditions can confound evolutionary inference in species with structured populations or those that have experienced periods of population expansion or decline. Selection can affect patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation and variable mutation rates among mitochondrial genes can compromise inferences drawn from single markers. We investigated the contribution of these factors to patterns of mitochondrial variation and estimates of time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for two clades in a co-operatively breeding avian species, the white-browed babbler Pomatostomus superciliosus. Both the protein-coding ND3 gene and hypervariable domain I control region sequences showed departures from neutral expectations within the superciliosus clade, and a two-fold difference in TMRCA estimates. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis provided evidence of departure from a strict clock model of molecular evolution in domain I, leading to an over-estimation of TMRCA for the superciliosus clade at this marker. Our results suggest mitochondrial studies that attempt to reconstruct Pleistocene demographic histories should rigorously evaluate data for departures from neutral equilibrium expectations, including variation in evolutionary rates across multiple markers. Failure to do so can lead to serious errors in the estimation of evolutionary parameters and subsequent demographic inferences concerning the role of climate as a driver of evolutionary change. These effects may be especially pronounced in species with complex social structures occupying heterogeneous environments. We propose that environmentally driven differences in social structure may explain observed differences in evolutionary rate of domain I sequences, resulting from longer than expected retention times for matriarchal lineages in the superciliosus clade.