81 resultados para segmentation and reverberation


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We present results on the recognition of intentional human gestures for video annotation and retrieval. We define a gesture as a particular, repeatable, human movement having a predefined meaning. An obvious application of the work is in sports video annotation where umpire gestures indicate specific events. Our approach is to augment video with data obtained from accelerometers worn as wrist bands by one or more officials. We present the recognition performance using a Hidden Markov Model approach for gesture modeling with both isolated gestures and gestures segmented from a stream.


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In this paper, we propose a novel solution for segmenting an instructional video into hierarchical topical sections. Incorporating the knowledge of education-oriented film theory with our previous study of expressive functions namely the content density and the thematic functions, we develop an algorithm to effectively structuralize an instructional video into a two-tiered hierarchy of topical sections at the main and sub-topic levels. Our experimental results on a set of ten industrial instructional videos demonstrate the validity of the detection scheme.


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Automatically partitioning instructional videos into topic sections is a challenging problem in e-learning environments for efficient content management and cataloging. This paper addresses this problem by proposing a novel density function to delineate sections underscored by changes in topics in instructional and training videos. The content density function draws guidance from the observation that topic boundaries coincide with the ebb and flow of the 'density' of content shown in these videos. Based on this function, we propose two methods for high-level segmentation by determining topic boundaries. We study the performance of the two methods on eight training videos, and our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the two proposed high-level segmentation algorithms for learning media.


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In this paper, we propose novel computational models for the extraction of high level expressive constructs related to, namely thematic and dramatic functions of the content shown in educational and training videos. Drawing on the existing knowledge of film theory, and media production rules and conventions used by the filmmakers. we hypothesize key aesthetic elements contributing to convey these functions of the content. Computational models to extract them are then formulated and their performance evaluated on a set of ten educational and training videos is presented.


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We outline an approach to classifying and detecting behaviours from surveillance data. Simple pairwise movement patterns are learned and used as building blocks to describe behaviour over a temporal sequence, or compared with other pairs to detect group behaviour. As the pair primitives are easy to redefine and learn, and complex behaviour over time is specified by the user as a sequence of pair primitives, this approach provides a flexible yet robust method of detecting complex movement in a wide variety of domains.


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In this paper, an empirical analysis to examine the effects of image segmentation with different colour models using the fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm is conducted. A qualitative evaluation method based on human perceptual judgement is used. Two sets of complex images, i.e., outdoor scenes and satellite imagery, are used for demonstration. These images are employed to examine the characteristics of image segmentation using FCM with eight different colour models. The results obtained from the experimental study are compared and analysed. It is found that the CIELAB colour model yields the best outcomes in colour image segmentation with FCM.


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A powerful image editing system called OVIE is described, which provides fast and accurate creation, composition, rendering and other manipulation of image contents. Flexibility and convenience of the system are achieved by including two modules: image decomposition and image vectorization to understand and represent an image respectively. To understand an image comprehensively, we propose to integrate image segmentation, shape completion and image completion techniques to ensure a seamless image editing. An array of pixels is replaced by vector data with geometric edit ability for image representation since the geometrically-based editing has physical meanings and thus it is more natural or intuitive for users to edit. Compared to the existing works, our system is more convenient and can generate effects with higher quality. © 2012 IEEE.


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The thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RFNL) has become a diagnose measure for glaucoma assessment. To measure this thickness, accurate segmentation of the RFNL in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is essential. Identification of a suitable segmentation algorithm will facilitate the enhancement of the RNFL thickness measurement accuracy. This paper investigates the performance of six algorithms in the segmentation of RNFL in OCT images. The algorithms are: normalised cuts, region growing, k-means clustering, active contour, level sets segmentation: Piecewise Gaussian Method (PGM) and Kernelized Method (KM). The performance of the six algorithms are determined through a set of experiments on OCT retinal images. An experimental procedure is used to measure the performance of the tested algorithms. The measured segmentation precision-recall results of the six algorithms are compared and discussed.


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This paper examines a new problem in large scale stream data: abnormality detection which is localized to a data segmentation process. Unlike traditional abnormality detection methods which typically build one unified model across data stream, we propose that building multiple detection models focused on different coherent sections of the video stream would result in better detection performance. One key challenge is to segment the data into coherent sections as the number of segments is not known in advance and can vary greatly across cameras; and a principled way approach is required. To this end, we first employ the recently proposed infinite HMM and collapsed Gibbs inference to automatically infer data segmentation followed by constructing abnormality detection models which are localized to each segmentation. We demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed framework in a real-world surveillance camera data over 14 days.


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This paper proposes a novel technique for 3D mesh segmentation using multiple 2D pose footprints. Such problem has been targeted many times in the literature, but still requires further development especially in the area of automation. The proposed algorithm applies cognition theory and provides a generic technique to form a 3D bounding contour from a seed vertex on the 3D mesh. Forming the cutlines is done in both 2D and 3D spaces to enrich the available information for the search processes. The main advantage of this technique is the possibility to operate without any object-dependent parameters. The parameters that can be used will only be related to the used cognition theory and the seeds suggestion, which is another advantage as the algorithm can be generic to more than one theory of segmentation or to different criterion. The results are competitive against other algorithms, which use object-dependent or tuning parameters. This plus the autonomy and generality features, provides an efficient and usable approach for segmenting 3D meshes and at the same time to reduce the computation load.


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In this paper, a multi-objective image segmentation approach with an Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC)-based framework is presented. Two objectives, i.e., the overall deviation and the connectivity measure, are optimized simultaneously using a mu


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This paper addresses the problem of tracking moving objects of variable appearance in challenging scenes rich with features and texture. Reliable tracking is of pivotal importance in surveillance applications. It is made particularly difficult by the nature of objects encountered in such scenes: these too change in appearance and scale, and are often articulated (e.g. humans). We propose a method which uses fast motion detection and segmentation as a constraint for both building appearance models and their robust propagation (matching) in time. The appearance model is based on sets of local appearances automatically clustered using spatio-kinetic similarity, and is updated with each new appearance seen. This integration of all seen appearances of a tracked object makes it extremely resilient to errors caused by occlusion and the lack of permanence of due to low data quality, appearance change or background clutter. These theoretical strengths of our algorithm are empirically demonstrated on two hour long video footage of a busy city marketplace.


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In this paper, we aim to provide an effective and efficient method to generate text-based Captchas which are resilient against segmentation attack. Different to the popular industry practice of using very simple color schemes, we advocate to use multiple colors in our Captchas. We adopt the idea of brush and canvas when coloring our Captchas. Furthermore, we choose to use simple accumulating functions to achieve diffusion on painted colors and DES encryption to achieve a good level of confusion on the brush pattern. To facilitate ordinary users and developers, we propose an empirical algorithm with support of Taguchi method to guarantee the quality of the chosen color schemes. Our proposed methodology has at least three advantages — 1) the settings of color schemes can be fully customized by the user or developer; 2) the quality of selected colors have desirable statistical features that are ensured by Taguchi method; 3) the algorithm can be fully automated into computer programs. Moreover, our included examples and experiments prove the practicality and validity of our algorithm.


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This thesis focuses on the 3D mesh segmentation process. The research demonstrated how the process can be done in a parameterless approach which allows full automation with accurate results. Applications of this research include, but not limited to, 3D search engines, 3D character animation, robotics environment recognition, and augmented reality.


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Park agencies must plan to accommodate a diversity of visitors in order to satisfy visitor expectations and encourage future visitation. This study applies a market segmentation approach to develop a visitor typology that is effective across a broad spectrum of parks and applicable to a range of priorities, both strategic and operational, within park management agencies. Over a four-year period, data was sourced from over 11,000 interviews conducted at 33 diverse Australian national and metropolitan parks managed by the agency Parks Victoria. Factor analysis and cluster analysis was used to identify seven distinct visitor segments on the basis of numerous variables including, crucially, benefits sought. The applied and theoretical contributions of this study to the parks literature are discussed.