78 resultados para predictive compensation


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Background: Novel predictive markers are needed to accurately diagnose the breast cancer patients so they do not need to undergo any unnecessary aggressive therapies. Various gene expression studies based predictive gene signatureshave generated in the recent past to predict the binary estrogen-receptor subclass or to predict the therapy response subclass. However, the existing algorithms comes with many limitations, including low predictive performances over multiple cohorts of patients and non-significant or limited biological roles associated with thepredictive gene signatures. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop novel predictive markers with improved performances.Methods: We propose a novel prediction algorithm called IPA to construct a predictive gene signature for performing multiple prediction tasks of predicting estrogen-receptor based binary subclass and predicting chemotherapy response (neoadjuvantly) based binary subclass. The constructed gene signature with considering multiple classification techniques was used to evaluate the algorithm performance on multiple cohorts of breast cancer patients.Results: The evaluation on multiple validation cohorts demonstrated that proposed algorithm achieved stable and high performance to perform prediction tasks, with consideration given to any classification techniques. We show that the predictive gene signature of our proposed algorithm reflects the mechanisms underlying the estrogen-receptors or response to therapy with significant greater biological interpretations, compared with the other existing algorithm.


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Recent predictive processing accounts of perception and action point towards a key challenge for the nervous system in dynamically optimizing the balance between incoming sensory information and existing expectations regarding the state of the environment. Here, we report differences in the influence of the preceding sensory context on motor function, varying with respect to both clinical and subclinical features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Reach-to-grasp movements were recorded subsequent to an inactive period in which illusory ownership of a prosthetic limb was induced. We analysed the sub-components of reach trajectories derived using a minimum-jerk fitting procedure. Non-clinical adults low in autistic features showed disrupted movement execution following the illusion compared to a control condition. By contrast, individuals higher in autistic features (both those with ASD and non-clinical individuals high in autistic traits) showed reduced sensitivity to the presence of the illusion in their reaching movements while still exhibiting the typical perceptual effects of the illusion. Clinical individuals were distinct from non-clinical individuals scoring high in autistic features, however, in the early stages of movement. These results suggest that the influence of high-level representations of the environment differs between individuals, contributing to clinical and subclinical differences in motor performance that manifest in a contextual manner. As high-level representations of context help to explain fluctuations in sensory input over relatively longer time scales, more circumscribed sensitivity to prior or contextual information in autistic sensory processing could contribute more generally to reduced social comprehension, sensory impairments and a stronger desire for predictability and routine.


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Assessing prognostic risk is crucial to clinical care, and critically dependent on both diagnosis and medical interventions. Current methods use this augmented information to build a single prediction rule. But this may not be expressive enough to capture differential effects of interventions on prognosis. To this end, we propose a supervised, Bayesian nonparametric framework that simultaneously discovers the latent intervention groups and builds a separate prediction rule for each intervention group. The prediction rule is learnt using diagnosis data through a Bayesian logistic regression. For inference, we develop an efficient collapsed Gibbs sampler. We demonstrate that our method outperforms baselines in predicting 30-day hospital readmission using two patient cohorts - Acute Myocardial Infarction and Pneumonia. The significance of this model is that it can be applied widely across a broad range of medical prognosis tasks. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.


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The roll forming process is increasingly used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of structural and crash components from Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS). Due to the high strength of UHSS (<1GPa) even small and commonly observed material property variations from coil to coil can result in significant changes in material yield and through that affect the final shape of the roll formed component. This requires the re-adjustment of tooling to compensate for shape defects and maintain part geometry resulting in costly downtimes of equipment. This paper presents a first step towards an in-line shape compensation method that based on the monitoring of roll load and torque allows for the estimation of shape defects and the subsequent re-adjustment of tooling for compensation. For this the effect of material property variation on common shape defects observed in the roll forming process as well as measurable process parameters such as roll load and torque needs to be understood. The effect of yield strength and material hardening on roll load and torque as well as longitudinal bow is investigated via experimental trials and numerical analysis. A regression analysis combined with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques is employed to establish the relationships between the process and material parameters and to determine their percentage influence on longitudinal bow, roll load and torque. The study will show that the level of longitudinal bow, one of the major shape defects observed in roll forming, can be estimated by variations in roll load and torque.


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Buddhika’s Phd topic is In-line shape compensation for roll forming through process parameter monitoring. It mainly discussed about defects monitoring and compensation in high strength steel roll forming for automotive applications.


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Energy budgets for nestling growth are presented for sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis, common tern S. hirundo, Arctic tern S. paradisaea, and herring gull Larus argentatus. Energy used in the production of body tissue averaged 27% (of which 7% for biosynthesis) while BMR accounted for 45%, the remainder being cost of activity and thermoregulation (28%). Where quantified, cost of temperature regulation accounted for only 10% of the total expenditure under field conditions. A regression made of metabolic energy (ME) intake over the entire nestling period against body mass of the fledgling based on eight studies of gulls and terns resulted in ME=35.14×M1.0105. -from Authors


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Though subjective wellbeing (SWB) is generally stable and consistent over time, it can fall below its set-point in response to adverse life events. However, deviations from set-point levels are usually only temporary, as homeostatic processes operate to return SWB to its normal state. Given that income and close interpersonal relationships have been proposed as powerful external resources that are coincident with higher SWB, access to these resources may be an important predictor of whether or not a person is likely to recover their SWB following a departure from their set-point. Under the guiding framework of SWB Homeostasis Theory, this study considers whether access to a higher income and a committed partner can predict whether people who score lower than normal for SWB at baseline will return to normal set-point levels of SWB (rebound) or remain below the normal range (resigned) at follow-up. Participants were 733 people (53.3 % female) from the Australian Unity Longitudinal Wellbeing Study who ranged in age from 20 to 92 years (M = 59.65 years; SD = 13.15). Logistic regression analyses revealed that participants’ demographic characteristics were poor predictors of whether they rebounded or resigned. Consistent with homeostasis theory, the extent of departure from the proposed normal SWB set-point at baseline was significantly associated with rebound or resignation at time 2. These findings have implications for the way that SWB measures can be used in professional practice to identify people who are particularly vulnerable to depression and to guide the provision of appropriate and effective therapeutic interventions.


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 Large brown seaweeds (kelps) form forests in temperate and boreal marine systems that serve as foundations to the structure and dynamics of communities. Mapping the distributions of these species is important to understanding the ecology of coastal environments, managing marine ecosystems (e.g., spatial planning), predicting consequences of climate change and the potential for carbon production. We demonstrate how combining seafloor mapping technologies (LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry) and models of wave energy to map the distribution and relative abundance of seaweed forests of Ecklonia radiata can provide complete coverage over hundreds of square kilometers. Using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), we associated observations of E. radiata abundance from video transects with environmental variables. These relationships were then used to predict the distribution of E. radiata across our 756.1km2 study area off the coast of Victoria, Australia. A reserved dataset was used to test the accuracy of these predictions. We found that the abundance distribution of E. radiata is strongly associated with depth, presence of rocky reef, curvature of the reef topography, and wave exposure. In addition, the GLMM methodology allowed us to adequately account for spatial autocorrelation in our sampling methods. The predictive distribution map created from the best GLMM predicted the abundance of E. radiata with an accuracy of 72%. The combination of LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry allowed us to model and predict E. radiata abundance distribution across its entire depth range for this study area. Using methods like those presented in this study, we can map the distribution of macroalgae species, which will give insight into ecological communities, biodiversity distribution, carbon uptake, and potential sequestration.


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Defining the geographic extent of suitable fishing grounds at a scale relevant to resource exploitation for commercial benthic species can be problematic. Bathymetric light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems provide an opportunity to enhance ecosystem-based fisheries management strategies for coastally distributed benthic fisheries. In this study we define the spatial extent of suitable fishing grounds for the blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) along 200 linear kilometers of coastal waters for the first time, demonstrating the potential for integration of remotely-sensed data with commercial catch information. Variables representing seafloor structure, generated from airborne bathymetric LiDAR were combined with spatially-explicit fishing event data, to characterize the geographic footprint of the western Victorian abalone fishery, in south-east Australia. A MaxEnt modeling approach determined that bathymetry, rugosity and complexity were the three most important predictors in defining suitable fishing grounds (AUC = 0.89). Suitable fishing grounds predicted by the model showed a good relationship with catch statistics within each sub-zone of the fishery, suggesting that model outputs may be a useful surrogate for potential catch.


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This paper focuses on the influence of processing temperature and inclusion of micron-sized B4C, TiB2 and ZrSiO4 on the mechanical performance of aluminium matrix composites fabricated through stir casting. The ceramic/aluminium composite could withstand greater external loads, due to interfacial ceramic/aluminium bonding effect on the movement of grain and twin boundaries. Based on experimental results, the tensile strength and hardness of ceramic reinforced composite are significantly increased. The maximum improvement is achieved through adding ZrSiO4 and TiB2, which has led to 52% and 125% increase in tensile strength and hardness, respectively. To predict the effect of incorporating ceramic reinforcements on the mechanical properties of composites, experimental data of mechanical tests are used to create 3 models named Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LMA) neural networks. The results show that the LMA- neural networks models have a high level of accuracy in the prediction of mechanical properties for ceramic reinforced-aluminium matrix composites.


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Medical interventions critically determine clinical outcomes. But prediction models either ignore interventions or dilute impact by building a single prediction rule by amalgamating interventions with other features. One rule across all interventions may not capture differential effects. Also, interventions change with time as innovations are made, requiring prediction models to evolve over time. To address these gaps, we propose a prediction framework that explicitly models interventions by extracting a set of latent intervention groups through a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) mixture. Data are split in temporal windows and for each window, a separate distribution over the intervention groups is learnt. This ensures that the model evolves with changing interventions. The outcome is modeled as conditional, on both the latent grouping and the patients' condition, through a Bayesian logistic regression. Learning distributions for each time-window result in an over-complex model when interventions do not change in every time-window. We show that by replacing HDP with a dynamic HDP prior, a more compact set of distributions can be learnt. Experiments performed on two hospital datasets demonstrate the superiority of our framework over many existing clinical and traditional prediction frameworks.


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Mobile Health (mHealth) is now emerging with Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud and big data along with the prevalence of smart wearable devices and sensors. There is also the emergence of smart environments such as smart homes, cars, highways, cities, factories and grids. Presently, it is difficult to quickly forecast or prevent urgent health situations in real-time as health data are analyzed offline by a physician. Sensors are expected to be overloaded by demands of providing health data from IoT networks and smart environments. This paper proposes to resolve the problems by introducing an inference system so that life-threatening situations can be prevented in advance based on a short and long term health status prediction. This prediction is inferred from personal health information that is built by big data in Cloud. The inference system can also resolve the problem of data overload in sensor nodes by reducing data volume and frequency to reduce workload in sensor nodes. This paper presents a novel idea of tracking down and predicting a personal health status as well as intelligent functionality of inference in sensor nodes to interface IoT networks


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The so-called narrative test provides the means by which injured persons who satisfy the statutory and common law definition of serious injury may bring proceedings for common law damages under s 93 of the Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic) and s 134AB of the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic) (or, for injuries after 1 July 2014, under ss 324-347 of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic)). These are among the most litigated provisions in Australia. This article outlines the legislative and political background to these provisions, the provisions themselves, and an account of the statutory and common law requirements needed to satisfy the provisions.