96 resultados para mouse


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Background:  The Kimba mouse carries a human vascular endothelial growth factor transgene causing retinal neovascularisation similar to that seen in diabetic retinopathy. Here, we examine the relationship between differential gene expression induced by vascular endothelial growth factor overexpression and the architectural changes that occur in the retinae of these mice.

Methods:  Retinal gene expression changes in juvenile and adult Kimba mice were assayed by microarray and compared with age-matched wild-type littermates. Transcription of selected genes was validated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Protein translation was determined using immunohistochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Results:  Semaphorin 3C was upregulated, and nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group 3, member 3 (Nr2e3) was downregulated in juvenile Kimba mice. Betacellulin and endothelin 2 were upregulated in adults. Semaphorin 3C colocalized with glial fibrillary acidic protein in Müller cells of Kimba retinae at greater signal intensities than in wild type. Endothelin 2 colocalised to Müller cell end feet and extended into the outer limiting membrane. Endothelin receptor type B staining was most pronounced in the inner nuclear layer, the region containing Müller cell somata.

Conclusions:  An early spike in vascular endothelial growth factor induced significant long-term retinal neovascularisation associated with changes to the retinal ganglion, photoreceptor and Müller cells. Overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor led to dysregulation of photoreceptor metabolism through differential expression of Nr2e3, endothelin 2, betacellulin and semaphorin 3C. Alterations in the expression of these genes may therefore play key roles in the pathological mechanisms that result from retinal neovascularisation.


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In light of an increasing awareness of the presence of bone marrow (BM)-derived macrophages in the normal cornea and their uncertain role in corneal diseases, it is important that the turnover rate of these resident immune cells be established. The baseline density and distribution of macrophages in the corneal stroma was investigated in Cx3cr1gfp transgenic mice in which all monocyte-derived cells express enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP). To quantify turnover, BM-derived cells from transgenic eGFP mice were transplanted into whole-body irradiated wild-type recipients. Additionally, wild-type BM-derived cells were injected into irradiated Cx3cr1+/gfp recipients, creating reverse chimeras. At 2, 4 and 8 weeks post-reconstitution, the number of eGFP+ cells in each corneal whole mount was calculated using epifluorescence microscopy, immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. The total density of myeloid-derived cells in the normal Cx3cr1+/gfp cornea was 366 cells/mm2. In BM chimeras 2 weeks post-reconstitution, 24% of the myeloid-derived cells had been replenished and were predominantly located in the anterior stroma. By 8 weeks post-reconstitution 75% of the myeloid-derived cells had been replaced and these cells were distributed uniformly throughout the stroma. All donor eGFP+ cells expressed low to moderate levels of CD45 and CD11b, with approximately 25% coexpressing major histocompatibility complex class II, a phenotype characteristic of previous descriptions of corneal stromal macrophages. In conclusion, 75% of the myeloid-derived cells in the mouse corneal stroma are replenished after 8 weeks. These data provide a strong basis for functional investigations of the role of resident stromal macrophages versus non-haematopoietic cells using BM chimeric mice in models of corneal inflammation.


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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a major complication for infants following an asphyxic insult at birth. We aimed to determine if kidney structure and function were affected in an animal model of birth asphyxia and if maternal dietary creatine supplementation could provide an energy reserve to the fetal kidney, maintaining cellular respiration during asphyxia and preventing AKI.

Pregnant spiny mice were maintained on normal chow or chow supplemented with creatine from day 20 gestation. On day 38 (term ~39 d), pups were delivered by cesarean section (c-section) or subjected to intrauterine asphyxia. Twenty-four hours after insult, kidneys were collected for histological or molecular analysis. Urine and plasma were also collected for biochemical analysis.

AKI was evident at 24 h after birth asphyxia, with a higher incidence of shrunken glomeruli (P < 0.02), disturbance to tubular arrangement, tubular dilatation, a twofold increase (P < 0.02) in expression of Ngal (early marker of kidney injury), and decreased expression of the podocyte differentiation marker nephrin. Maternal creatine supplementation prevented the glomerular and tubular abnormalities observed in the kidney at 24 h and the increased expression of Ngal.

Maternal creatine supplementation may prove useful in ameliorating kidney injury associated with birth asphyxia.


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We have previously reported that maternal creatine supplementation protects the neonate from hypoxic injury. Here, we investigated whether maternal creatine supplementation altered expression of the creatine synthesis enzymes (arginine:glycine amidinotransferase [AGAT], guanidinoaceteate methyltransferase [GAMT]) and the creatine transporter (solute carrier family 6 [neurotransmitter transporter, creatine] member 8: SLC6A8) in the term offspring. Pregnant spiny mice were fed a 5% creatine monohydrate diet from midgestation (day 20) to term (39 days). Placentas and neonatal kidney, liver, heart, and brain collected at 24 hours of age underwent quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. Maternal creatine had no effect on the expression of AGAT and GAMT in neonatal kidney and liver, but mRNA expression of AGAT in brain tissues was significantly decreased in both male and female neonates born to mothers who were fed the creatine diet. SLC6A8 expression was not affected by maternal dietary creatine loading in any tissues. Maternal dietary creatine supplementation from midgestation in the spiny mouse did not alter the capacity for creatine synthesis or transport.


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X-ray crystallography for the determination of three-dimensional structures of protein macromolecules represents an important tool in function assignment of uncharacterized proteins. However, crystallisation is often difficult to achieve. A protein sample fully characterized in terms of dispersity may increase the likelihood of successful crystallisation by improving the predictability of the crystallisation process. To maximize the probability of crystallisation of a novel mouse macrophage protein (rMMP), target molecule was characterized and refined to improve monodispersity. Addition of MgCl2 at low concentrations resolves the rMMP into a monodisperse solution, and finally successful crystallization of rMMP was achieved. The effect of MgCl2 was studied using gel filtration chromatography and dynamic light scattering.


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Understanding predator-prey dynamics requires an understanding of how prey assess predation risk. This study tested the effect of microhabitat, moon stages, and mammalian predator urines (Vulpes vulpes [Red Fox], Mustela vison [Mink], and Procyon lotor [Raccoon]) on the degree of predation risk perceived by Peromyscus leucopus (White-footed Mouse). Giving-up densities from artificial food patches were used to quantify perceived predation risk. White-footed Mice exhibited a strong preference for cover microhabitat and for the new moon stage. However, the mice did not significantly alter their foraging behavior in response to the predator urines compared to a water control. Additionally, mice foraged less on colder nights. The results suggest that mammalian predator urines may not provide reliable information on actual predation risk for the White-footed Mice and that the mice extensively use indirect cues to assess predation risk.


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Angiogenesis-mediated progression of micrometastasis to lethal macrometastasis is the major cause of death in cancer patients. Here, using mouse models of pulmonary metastasis, we identify bone marrow (BM)–derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) as critical regulators of this angiogenic switch. We show that tumors induce expression of the transcription factor Id1 in the EPCs and that suppression of Id1 after metastatic colonization blocked EPC mobilization, caused angiogenesis inhibition, impaired pulmonary macrometastases, and increased survival of tumor-bearing animals. These findings establish the role of EPCs in metastatic progression in preclinical models and suggest that selective targeting of EPCs may merit investigation as a therapy for cancer patients with lung metastases.