97 resultados para information technology


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This article explores the range of boundaries to negotiate the demands of evidence-based practice. Increasing demands that social work be a profession committed to evidence-based practice have coincided with innovations in information technology, which potentially give social workers unprecedented access to a plethora of sources and types of evidence. Because these innovations can enable access to evidence beyond traditional boundaries, the question of how the author establish the borders of acceptability warrants consideration. Recommendations for a critical approach to selective evidence based for social work interventions are also provided.


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Universities are increasingly turning to ‘fashionable’ education programs to attract bright, high-quality students to both under-graduate and post-graduate degree programs. Traditional offerings in technology areas, such as Information Systems and Information Technology are being augmented by newer, more marketable degrees in areas such as eCommerce/eBusiness. This paper analyses the eCommerce/eBusiness and Information Systems (IS) / Information Technology (IT) academic programs in Australian and New Zealand universities on the basis of Kotler and Fox's service offering model of educational institutions; and considers what differences exist between these two apparently similar areas of academic endeavour. Finally we look at the trends of academic program delivery in the e-age and question whether universities need to take a more consumer-product approach to the issue of attracting appropriate students.


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Outsourcing of Information Technology (IT) services which are central to business strategy may be risky. Managers have made the outsourcing decision both to concentrate financially on the core competencies and to rid themselves of a troublesome and cost inefficient department. More recent research has, however, cast doubt on the promises of huge savings. In this paper, we consider the likelihood that outsourcing may lead to the loss of organisational knowledge - that organisations outsourcing their total Information Systems operations may also have lost irreplaceable tacit, cross-functional knowledge which subsisted within the minds of the professional systems analysts. The findings of our research revealed that expert systems analysts possess a unique organisational understanding and draw on this knowledge to operate efficiently in their environment. We present a model that will allow future researchers to build on our findings and examine whether outsourcing can lead to a loss of organisational memory.


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With information warfare (IW) becoming a reality, the need for a new security methodology to deal with the new and unique attack threats and vulnerabilities associated with the new information technology security paradigm. With the shift from computer security to information warfare, logical transformation models (LTMS) were looked at as a solution to quantifying information system requirements. The paper will introduce the concepts involved with fourth generational models and it's application to IW. The basic advantages and disadvantages will also be discussed and presented.


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Delivered information systems are an integral part of many organisations’ information technology infrastructure. Their dynamic nature creates new challenges, not the least of which is the need to measure the quality/effectiveness of these systems. Given the size of investment in these systems, it would be invaluable for business to formulate a fresh, simple, easy to administer, multi-dimensional instrument capable of measuring the quality of delivered information systems or applications. Such an instrument would provide a practical and efficient means to pinpoint areas that key stakeholders, ranging from end-users to managers, perceive as requiring attention. In this paper, we report on the development of one such instrument. This instrument addresses key areas of performance and uses multiple statements to enhance stakeholders’ understanding of these areas.


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Wilh the protection of critical information infrastructure becoming a priority for all levels of management. there is a need for a new security methodology to deal with the new and unique attack threats and vulnerabilities associated with the new information technology security paradigm. The fourth generation security risk analysis melhod which copes wilh the shift from computer/information security to critical information iinfrastructure protectionl is lhe next step toward handling security risk at all levels. The paper will present the methodology of
fourth generation models and their application to critical information infrastructure protection and the associated advantagess of this methodology.


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A new unit named Information Systems in Construction was developed and taught for the first time in the School of Architecture and Building at Deakin University in Semester 1 2003 for first-year construction management students. This paper reports on key issues that arose during the unit development process and the implementation of teaching activities. Special consideration is given to the learners (first year students), the teaching environment (online teaching and learning), the unit background (information technology and information system), and the discipline (international construction). Several suggestions are outlined for improving the unit development and delivery in the next round.


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Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) has become a priority for all levels of management, It is one of the key components of efficient business and business continuity plans. There is a need for a new security methodology to deal with the new and unique attack threats and vulnerabilities associated with the new information technology security paradigm. Critical Information Infrastructure Protection - Risk Analysis Methodology
(ClIP-RAM), is a new security risk analysis method which copes with the shift from computer/information security to critical information infrastructure protection. This type of methodology is the next step toward handling information technology security risk at all levels from upper management information security down to firewall configurations. The paper will present the methodology of the new techniques and their application to critical information infrastructure protection. The associated advantages of this methodology will also be discussed.


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Building demolition has been undergoing evolutionary development in its technologies for several decades. In order to achieve a high level of demolition material reuse and recycling, new management approaches are also necessitated, in particular in conjunction with the applications of information technologies. The development of an information system for demolition project management is an impactful strategy to support various demolition activities including waste exchange, demolition visualization, and demolition method selection and evaluation. This paper aims to develop a framework of an integrated information system for building demolition project demolition decision-making and waste minimization. The components of this information system and their interactions are demonstrated through a specifical demolition project.


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By having an effective organisational information security culture where employees intuitively protect corporate information assets, small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) could improve information security. However, previous research has largely overlooked the development of such a culture for SMEs, and the national context in which SMEs operate. The paper explores this topic and provides key findings from an interpretive Australian study based on a literature review, two focus groups and three case studies. A holistic framework is provided for fostering an information security culture in SMEs in a national setting. The paper discusses key managerial challenges for SMEs attempting to develop such a culture. The main findings suggest that Australian SME owners do not provide sufficient support for information security due to insufficient awareness of its importance and may also be affected by national attitudes to risk. The paper concludes that Australian SME owners may benefit from adopting a risk-based approach to information security and should be educated about the potential strategic role of information technology and information security. The paper also identifies the value and difficulty of promoting a behavioural and learning approach to information security to complement traditional technological and managerial approaches. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.


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This paper discusses in its entirety, the CIO (Chief Information Officer) position in the public sector. Governments are increasingly adopting Information Technology for internal processes and for the delivery of service to their citizens. It includes literature on CIO roles and responsibilities which is heavily based on the private sector, due to the recognition of the role in this sector over twenty years. The position is just evolving in the public sector, and due to the context in which the public sector operates there are some similarities as well as vast differences. An evaluation of existing CIO models and theories form the basis for research on CIO roles, responsibilities and future within the public sector.


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The issue of information sharing and exchanging is one of the most important issues in the areas of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems (KBSs), or even in the broader areas of computer and information technology. This paper deals with a special case of this issue by carrying out a case study of information sharing between two well-known heterogeneous uncertain reasoning models: the certainty factor model and the subjective Bayesian method. More precisely, this paper discovers a family of exactly isomorphic transformations between these two uncertain reasoning models. More interestingly, among isomorphic transformation functions in this family, different ones can handle different degrees to which a domain expert is positive or negative when performing such a transformation task. The direct motivation of the investigation lies in a realistic consideration. In the past, expert systems exploited mainly these two models to deal with uncertainties. In other words, a lot of stand-alone expert systems which use the two uncertain reasoning models are available. If there is a reasonable transformation mechanism between these two uncertain reasoning models, we can use the Internet to couple these pre-existing expert systems together so that the integrated systems are able to exchange and share useful information with each other, thereby improving their performance through cooperation. Also, the issue of transformation between heterogeneous uncertain reasoning models is significant in the research area of multi-agent systems because different agents in a multi-agent system could employ different expert systems with heterogeneous uncertain reasonings for their action selections and the information sharing and exchanging is unavoidable between different agents. In addition, we make clear the relationship between the certainty factor model and probability theory.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an information technology [IT] enabled approach to managing design data in the AEC/FM (Architecture, Engineering and Construction/ Facilities Management) industry. BIM enables improved interdisciplinary collaboration across distributed teams, intelligent documentation and information retrieval, greater consistency in building data, better conflict detection and enhanced facilities management. Despite the apparent benefits the adoption of BIM in practice has been slow. Workshops with industry focus groups were conducted to identify the industry needs, concerns and expectations from participants who had implemented BIM or were BIM “ready”. Factors inhibiting BIM adoption include lack of training, low business incentives, perception of lack of rewards, technological concerns, industry fragmentation related to uneven ICT adoption practices, contractual matters and resistance to changing current work practice. Successful BIM usage depends on collective adoption of BIM across the different disciplines and support by the client. The relationship of current work practices to future BIM scenarios was identified as an important strategy as the participants believed that BIM cannot be efficiently used with traditional practices and methods. The key to successful implementation is to explore the extent to which current work practices must change. Currently there is a perception that all work practices and processes must adopt and change for effective usage of BIM. It is acknowledged that new roles and responsibilities are emerging and that different parties will lead BIM on different projects. A contingency based approach to the problem of implementation was taken which relies upon integration of BIM project champion, procurement strategy, team capability analysis, commercial software availability/applicability and phase decision making and event analysis. Organizations need to understand: (a) their own work processes and requirements; (b) the range of BIM applications available in the market and their capabilities (c) the potential benefits of different BIM applications and their roles in different phases of the project lifecycle, and (d) collective supply chain adoption capabilities. A framework is proposed to support organizations selection of BIM usage strategies that meet their project requirements. Case studies are being conducted to develop the framework. The results of the preliminary design management case study is presented for contractor led BIM specific to the design and construct procurement strategy.


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The thesis explores an effective model for using the internet in a distance training program for secondary school teachers. The professional development program, the dissertation, titled The Virtual University: Professional development for teachers, was initiated based on aspects of telecommunication technology and the professional development for Thai school teachers. The question of this program was “How could information technology be used in developing an appropriate professional development model for Thai teachers?” Prior to the project, the four research studies were conducted to formulate the related base line information and supported framework for the program development. The four researches are: (1) Telecommunication Technology in Thai Schools, (2) The Role of University on Science Teachers Development, (3) Computer Education Curriculum for Student Teachers: Theory and Practice, and (4) Teachers’ Perceptions of the Academic Link Project Between Schools and Universities for Teacher Professional Development. The first research study provides the information about the necessary basic factors for change in Thai secondary schools and the new insights and understandings about change in Thai schooling. The major findings were the understandings about teachers’ need for professional development, the available support in Thai school for professional development, and the limitations of professional development of teachers. The second research study provides the information about the roles of university faculty on initiation and operation of science teacher development programs, science teaching and learning resources centers, science instructional media design and production services, science teaching clinics, and science teachers’ associations. The third research study provides the conceptual framework for both preservice and inservice curriculum development program for teacher development. The last research study provides a base of descriptive information about the perspectives of school teachers towards the academic link project between schools and universities and the partnership which can assist in its establishment. The findings of these four research tasks were used for the formation of the framework of the dissertation. The EDNET Project, an example of teachers’ professional development through the information technology based training, was developed and implemented with ten school teachers in Khon Kaen.


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One of the major challenges of MIS activities is the difficulty in measuring the effectiveness of delivered systems. The principal purpose of my research is to explore this field in order to develop an instrument by which to measure such effectiveness. Conceptualisation of Information System (IS) Effectiveness has been substantially framed by DeLone and McLean's (1992) Success; Model. But with the innovation in Information Technology (IT) over the past decade, and the constant pressure in IT to improve performance, there is merit in undertaking a fresh appraisal of the issue. This study built on the model of IS Success developed by DeLone and MeLean, but was broadened to include related research from the domains of IS, Management and Marketing. This analysis found that an effective IS function is built on three pillars: the systems implemented; the information held and delivered by these systems; and, the service provided in support of the IS function. A common foundation for these pillars is the concept of stakeholder needs. In seeking to appreciate the effectiveness: of delivered IS applications in relation to the job performance of stakeholders, this research developed an understanding of what quality means in an IT context I argue that quality is a more useful criterion for effectiveness than the more customary measures of use and user satisfaction. Respecification of the IS Success Model was then proposed. The second phase of the research was to test this model empirically through judgment panels, focus groups and interviews. Results consistently supported the structure and components of the respecified model. Quality was determined as a multi-dimensional construct, with the key dimensions for the quality of delivered IS differing from those used in the research from other disciplines. Empirical work indicated that end-user stakeholders derived their evaluations of quality by internally evaluating perceived performance of delivered IS in relation to their expectations for such performance. A short trial explored whether, when overt measurement of expectations was concurrent with the measurement of perceptions, a more revealing appraisal of delivered IS quality was provided than when perceptions alone were measured. Results revealed a difference between the two measures. Using the New IS Success Model as the foundation, and drawing upon the related theoretical and empirical research, an instrument was developed to measure the quality/effectiveness of delivered IS applications. Four trials of this instrument, QUALIT, are documented. Analysis of results from preliminary trials indicates promise in terms of business value: the instrument is simple to administer and has the capacity to pinpoint areas of weakness. The research related to the respecification of the New IS Success Model and the associated empirical studies, including the development of QTJALIT, have both contributed to the development of theory about IS Effectiveness. More precisely, my research has reviewed the components of an information system, the dimensions comprising these components and the indicators of each, and based upon these findings, formulated an instrument by which to measure the effectiveness of a delivered IS.