95 resultados para fluorescent brightening agents


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Tracking mobile agents with a Doppler radar system mounted on a moving vehicle is considered in this paper. Dopplers modulated from mobile agents on the single frequency continuous wave signals are analyzed in order to estimate the positions and velocities of multiple mobile agents. The measurement noise is assumed to be Gaussian and the maximum likelihood estimation is utilized to enhance the localization accuracy.


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Production and conflict models have been used over the past 30 years to represent the effects of unproductive resource allocation in economics. Their major applications are in modelling the assignment of property rights, rentseeking and defense economics. This paper describes the process of designing an agent used in a production and conflict model. Using the capabilities of an agent-based approach to economic modelling, we have enriched a simple decision-maker of the kind used in classic general equilibrium economic models, to build an adaptive and interactive agent which uses its own attributes, its neighbors’ parameters and information from its environment to make resource allocation decisions. Our model presents emergent and adaptive behaviors than cannot be captured using classic production and conflict agents. Some possible extensions for future applications are also recommended.


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The invention provides a compound including : A core having a first face and a second face; A binding portion attached to the first face of the core, wherein the binding portion is capable of binding to an anionic group present in a cell membrane of a microorganism; and A hydrophobic portion attached to the second face of the core, wherein the hydrophobic portion is capable of interacting with the cell membrane of the microorganism; and The core comprises a dioxolane norbornane / norbornene of formula (II): Or a salt or ion thereof, wherein R' is a moiety forming part of a hydrophobic portion; R2 is a first binding portion; and R3 is a seconding binding portion. The invention also provides compositions including at least one such compound. The invention also provides methods and uses for treatment or prophylaxis of infection of a mammal by a microorganism, and methods and uses for treating or preventing contamination of a substrate by a microorganism, using the compounds and compositions.


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The [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] complex, comprising two ZnII(TACN) ligands (Fc=ferrocene; Py=pyrene; TACN=1,4,7-triazacyclononane) bearing fluorescent pyrene chromophores linked by an electrochemically active ferrocene molecule has been synthesised in high yield through a multistep procedure. In the absence of the polyphosphate guest molecules, very weak excimer emission was observed, indicating that the two pyrene-bearing ZnII(TACN) units are arranged in a trans-like configuration with respect to the ferrocene bridging unit. Binding of a variety of polyphosphate anionic guests (PPi and nucleotides di- and triphosphate) promotes the interaction between pyrene units and results in an enhancement in excimer emission. Investigations of phosphate binding by 31P NMR spectroscopy, fluorescence and electrochemical techniques confirmed a 1:1 stoichiometry for the binding of PPi and nucleotide polyphosphate anions to the bis(ZnII(TACN)) moiety of [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] and indicated that binding induces a trans to cis configuration rearrangement of the bis(ZnII(TACN)) complexes that is responsible for the enhancement of the pyrene excimer emission. Pyrophosphate was concluded to have the strongest affinity to [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] among the anions tested based on a six-fold fluorescence enhancement and 0.1 V negative shift in the potential of the ferrocene/ferrocenium couple. The binding constant for a variety of polyphosphate anions was determined from the change in the intensity of pyrene excimer emission with polyphosphate concentration, measured at 475 nm in CH3CN/Tris-HCl (1:9) buffer solution (10.0 mM, pH 7.4). These measurements confirmed that pyrophosphate binds more strongly (Kb=(4.45±0.41)×106 M−1) than the other nucleotide di- and triphosphates (Kb=1–50×105 M−1) tested.


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Simulated flocking is achievable using three boid rules [13]. We propose an area coverage model inspired by Reynolds’ flocking algorithm, investigating strategies for achieving quality coverage using flocking rules. Our agents are identical and autonomous, using only local sensory information for indirect communication. Upon deployment, agents are in the default separation mode. The cohesion rule would then guarantee that agents remain within the swarm, covering spaces with explored neighbour spaces. Four experiments are conducted to evaluate our model in terms of coverage quality achieved. We firstly investigate agents’ separation speed before the speed with which isolated agents re-organizes is investigated. The third experiment compares coverage quality achieved using our model with coverage quality achieved using random guessing. Finally, we investigate fault tolerance in the event of agents’ failures. Our model exhibits good separation and cohesion speed, achieving high quality coverage. Additionally, the model is fault tolerant and adaptive to agents’ failures.


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Ant-like agents forage between two points. These agents' probabilistic movements are based on the use of two pheromones; one marking trails towards the goal and another marking trails back to the starting point. Path selection decisions are influenced by the relative levels of attractive and repulsive pheromone in each agent's local environment. Our work in [5] evaluates three pheromone perception strategies, investigating path formation speed, quality, directionality, robustness and adaptability under different parameter settings(degree of randomness, pheromone evaporation rate and pheromone diffusion rate). We re-evaluate two of these strategies in terms of the amount of information they provide using Shannon's formulation [3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17]. We determine information as the difference between uncertainty before and after path selection decisions. Our focus in this paper is on investigating relationships between the emergence of the shortest path and the amount of stigmergic information that exists in the form of pheromone. Agents are deployed centrally and emergence measures are determined using the worst, reference and best cases observed in [5]. Additionally, the amount of local and global information that is available to agents in each movement step is evaluated. Furthermore, Pearson's correlation coefficients between measures of emergence and the amount of information are calculated. The significance of these correlation coefficients is tested using a 2 tailed test at 1% level of significance. Consequently the relationship between the amount of information and emergent behaviour is established. Significant relationships between information and the emergence of the shortest path exist when strong emergent behaviour is present.


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We propose a probabilistic movement model for controlling ant-like agents foraging between two points. Such agents are all identical, simple, autonomous and can only communicate indirectly through the environment. These agents secrete two types of pheromone, one to mark trails towards the goal and another to mark trails back to the starting point. Three pheromone perception strategies are proposed (Strategy A, B and C). Agents that use strategy A perceive the desirability of a neighbouring location as the difference between levels of attractive and repulsive pheromone in that location. With strategy B, agents perceive the desirability of a location as the quotient of levels of attractive and repulsive pheromone. Agents using strategy C determine the product of the levels of attractive pheromone with the complement of levels of repulsive pheromone. We conduct experiments to confirm directionality as emergent property of trails formed by agents that use each strategy. In addition, we compare path formation speed and the quality of the formed path under changes in the environment. We also investigate each strategy's robustness in environments that contain obstacles. Finally, we investigate how adaptive each strategy is when obstacles are eventually removed from the scene and find that the best strategy of these three is strategy A. Such a strategy provides useful guidelines to researchers in further applications of swarm intelligence metaphors for complex problem solving.


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The sperm cells of Rhododendron laetum and R. macgregoriae differentiate within the pollen tube about 24 h after germination in vitro. Threedimensional reconstruction shows that the sperm cells are paired together, and both have extensions that link with the tube nucleus, forming a male germ unit. Quantitative analysis shows that the sperm cells in each pair differ significantly in surface area, but not in cell volume nor in numbers of mitochondria or plastids. When isolated from pollen tubes by osmotic shock, the sperm cells became ellipsoidal and surrounded by their own plasma membrane, while a proportion remained in pairs linked by the inner tube plasma membrane. Both generative and sperm cells are visualized in pollen tube preparations by immunofluorescence with anti-tubulin and anti-actin monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) combined with H33258 fluorescence of the nuclei. Video-image processing shows the presence of an axial microtubule cage in the generative cells, and some microtubules are present in the cytoplasmic extensions that clasp the tube nucleus. Following sperm cell division, the extensive phragmoplast between the sperm nuclei is partitioned by the plasma membranes.


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While the marketing discipline has advanced knowledge by augmenting objective measures of marketing performance with survey-solicited subjective measures, it has not adequately attended to potential response biases. The authors’ review of the literature highlights the need for a valid measure of socially desirable responding that can be used in detecting social desirability bias in managers’ responses to subjective performance measures. Agents’ Socially Desirable Responding (ASDR) scale development and validation procedures are described. Validation efforts reveal the psychometric properties of the eight-item ASDR scale and provide evidence of its utility.


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This is an update of a previous CARI Guideline on management of anaemia in CKD patients.


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Mobile agents are expected to run in partially unknown and untrustworthy environments. They transport from one host to another host through insecure channels and may execute on non-trusted hosts. Thus, they are vulnerable to direct security attacks of intruders and non-trusted hosts. The security of information the agents collect is a fundamental requirement for a trusted implementation of electronic business applications and trade negotiations. This chapter discusses the security protocols presented in the literature that aim to secure the data mobile agents gather while searching the Internet, and identifies the security flaws revealed in the protocols. The protocols are analyzed with respect to the security properties, and the security flaws are identified. Two recent promising protocols that fulfill the various security properties are described. The chapter also introduces common notations used in describing security protocols and describes the security properties of the data that mobile agents gather.


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Mobile agents have been proposed for key applications such as forensics analysis, intrusion detection, e-commerce, and resource management. Yet, they are vulnerable to various security threats by malicious hosts or intruders. Conversely, genuine platforms may run malicious agents. It is essential to establish a truly secure framework for mobile agents to gain trust of clients in the system. Failure to accomplish a trustworthy secured framework for Mobile Agent System (MAS) will limit their deployment into the key applications. This chapter presents a comprehensive taxonomy of various security threats to Mobile Agent System and the existing implemented security mechanisms. Different mechanisms are discussed, and the related security deficiencies are highlighted. The various security properties of the agent and the agent platform are described. The chapter also introduces the properties, advantages, and roles of agents in various applications. It describes the infrastructure of the system and discusses several mobile agent frameworks and the accomplished security level.


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In multi-agent systems, most of the time, an agent does not have complete information about the preferences and decision making processes of other agents. This prevents even the cooperative agents from making coordinated choices, purely due to their ignorance of what others want. To overcome this problem, traditional coordination methods rely heavily on inter-agent communication, and thus become very inefficient when communication is costly or simply not desirable (e.g. to preserve privacy). In this paper, we propose the use of learning to complement communication in acquiring knowledge about other agents. We augment the communication-intensive negotiating agent architecture with a learning module, implemented as a Bayesian classifier. This allows our agents to incrementally update models of other agents' preferences from past negotiations with them. Based on these models, the agents can make sound predictions about others' preferences, thus reducing the need for communication in their future interactions.