83 resultados para democratisation of culture


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The acquisition of three-dimensional immersive space through advanced digitial imaging technology, suggests a profound shift from the relatively impoverished representational stratgies of two-dimensional pictorial imagery.  This entails an epistemological shift from pictorial representation, to the presentation of actual three-dimensional space through stereoscopic (3D) imagery.  Moreover, it suggests that visuality rather than 'virtuality' is the core issue in understanding the nature of the epistemological shift associated with stereo-immersive VR.

A shift in visual epistemology from 'flat' pictorial representation to three-dimensional stereo-immersion suggests a gainful move toward a visuality imbued with spatial possibilities.  In quantitative terms, these visual-spatial gains may seem self-evident.  However, certain aspects peculiar to pictorial representation are missing from stereo-immersive imaging.  That is lost in stereo-immersive imaging, and how it can be measured?

This thesis proposes that the inherent ambiguity of two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional spatial structure in pictures, invokes a perceptual response in which pictorial spaces elicit 'perceptual possibility'.  The robust three-dimentional spatiality of stereo-immersvie VR foreclosures such possibility.  Through examining stereo-immersive VR in terms of its visuality, the thesis develops a new appraoch to understanding VR that solves some of the issues associated with the problematic concept of 'virtuality'.  In addition, the thesis finds that by placing stereo-immersive VR and pictures within the shared paradigm of 'the visual', an important dimension of pictures that has been overlooked in past analyses re-emerges : the thesis proposes the concept of 'artifactuality' to account for the way pictures are fundamentally, and in the first instance, aesthetic objects for visual perception.  It is in their manner of appearing as pictures, that they are perceived as pictures of something.  It is from this fundamental basis that their many levels of meaning and signification - their manifold 'realisms' - can arise.

This thesis therefore addresses two intersecting problems within the paradigm of the visual: it proposes 1) that analyses of 'the virtual' be grounded in the 'artifactuality' of pictorial perception, and 2) that the spatiality of stereo-immersive VR be reinvigorated by purposefully 'under-contraining' its key percept - the robust, 'solid' stereoscopic structuring of visual space.  This approach opens up the discourse of stereo-immersive VR to new visual paradigms.  The thesis proposes that these be modelled not on the impossibility of 'the virtual', but on the possibilities of visual ambiguity drawn from the analysis of pictorial perception.


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Multilobal fibres contain several grooves and have higher surface area than round fibres. Cell density can be enhanced when cultured on scaffolds manufactured with multilobal fibres. This study compared the cell growth of dermal fibroblasts and osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells on polymeric scaffolds produced from multilobal fibres to the conventional round-fibred scaffolds. Cells were cultured on round nylon 6,6, trilobal nylon 6,6, round polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and multilobal PET scaffolds for 14 days. There were more cells cultured on trilobal nylon 6,6 and PET multilobal scaffolds than their round counterparts. Preference to the type of multilobal scaffolds was cell dependent. Fibroblasts increased by 21.8 ± 1.9 fold to 6.3 × 105 cells (p < 0.001) when cultured on trilobal nylon 6,6 scaffolds while SaOS2 cells exhibited a 16.7 ± 2.8 fold increase (2.9 × 105 cells, p < 0.001) on the multilobal PET scaffolds after 14 days of culture. The ability of multilobal fibres to accommodate large quantities of cells presents an excellent alternative to round fibres as scaffolds for tissue engineering.


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Cultural feelings are an undertheorised area of the human experience which are recently gaining attention and which need to be understood in the context of museum visitor studies where they are largely ignored. Drawing on a long-term narrative study of global visitors to the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa), this paper unearths the conditions of meaning-making or hermeneutic foundations that facilitate the subsequent processes of meaning-making or interpretations. It argues that the engagement with a museum space starts on a sensory, emotive and embodied level. Visitors’ narrations of their visit to the museum reveal that emotions and feelings are not separate stages of the museum experience but are continuously interwoven with intellectual and interpretive processes. Importantly, the empirical evidence shows that certain meanings remain on an embodied level as an ‘internal understanding’ and resist any verbal ‘expressibility’. The conditions flow into the processes of meaning-making during cross-cultural encounters within the material museum world. Here, feelings enter into the realm of culture and thus into the experience of heritage.


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The level of public interest in what has variously been called ‘raunch culture’, ‘pornification’ or more broadly ‘sexualisation’ of culture, has created new opportunities for enterprising women. In recent years, a number of immensely popular books have emerged raising concerns about girls and sexualisation by female authors across Western nations such as the USA, Australia and the UK. Here, I explore the media work of two prominent Australian media commentators on girls and sexualisation, Melinda Tankard Reist and Dannielle Miller. I explore how, in their educative work designed to empower girls and free them from the stifling, damaging aspects of sexualised popular culture, these commentators may be citing and performing other normative dimensions of contemporary young femininity that go unremarked upon and are thus reinscribed as normal and expected.


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This study investigates accounting students’ ethical decision-making judgments and behavioral intentions. The Multidimensional Ethics Scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with three moral criteria (Moral Equity, Relativism and Contractualism). The study specifically tests the differences in ethical decision-making between students who have been exposed to a dedicated ethics unit of study compared with students who have not studied ethics. The influences of culture and gender on students’ ethical decision-making are also addressed in the study. Ethical decision-making was assessed via three case studies describing moral dilemmas that an individual, business or professional person might face. The results provide support for the MES and the value added from incorporating a dedicated ethical decision-making unit in the accounting curriculum. The results also support prior evidence of gender bias and the impact of cultural differences on ethical decision-making.


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This study investigated the relationship between culture and attitudes toward mental illness. In total, 196 men and 347 women were recruited from Australia and Taiwan. All participants completed a questionnaire assessing their attitudes toward mental illness. Australian-born Chinese and Chinese immigrants to Australia also completed a questionnaire assessing cultural values. Chinese immigrants to Australia and Taiwanese held more stigmatizing attitudes than Australian-born Chinese and Anglo-Australians. Australian-born Chinese adopted Australian cultural practices more than Chinese immigrants, but these groups did not differ in terms of adherence to Chinese cultural practices. The adoption of Australian cultural practices was significantly associated with lower stigmatizing attitudes. These findings reveal the influence of culture and acculturation processes on stigmatizing attitudes toward the mentally ill.


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The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the transmission of health beliefs among three generations of Greek families in Melbourne, Australia and the way they understand both health and disease as an aspect of cultural maintenance in the context of the larger Australian society. More specifically this paper will discuss the extent to which the immigrant generation has created a memory culture and how this has affected the sense of cultural identity of the first and second generation Greek Australians. Unlike the mainstream Australian community, the Greek population has so far maintaned a traditional framework due to the importance they ascribe to both culture and traditions that have been handed down from from the immigrant generation to the first and second generation Greek Australians. However, it is not only the immigrant generation that holds on to these traditions. More and more the first and second generation Greek Australians are set on maintaining their Hellenic heritage, and many community organizations in Melbourne, Australia are now largely supported by the younger generations. The results of this study have practical applications in elucidating how the memory culture that has been created by the immigrant generation may impact this cultural group’s conceptualization of health and the potential this may have to impact the use of health care by providin insight into the role of culture in forming individual or group conceptulizations of health in this community.


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The increasing number of migration and the creation of multicultural cities have generated a new challenge for urban designers. The design of shared, welcoming and well utilised urban open places is important in order to promote inclusion, interaction, belonging, and diversity within cities. Thermal comfort is directly related to the users' attitude and behaviour in outdoor places. Fulfilling the comfort needs for users having a variety of cultural and climatic backgrounds needs therefore to be taken into consideration. Microclimatic parameters strongly affect thermal sensation, however, physical, physiological and psychological adaptation have also proven to have significant influence. The satisfaction with the thermal environment does not only depend on the place, but also on personal variables people bring to that place with them. The paper investigates the role of the culture and climatic background of users' in the complex relationships between microclimate, thermal adaptation factors and human behaviour in open public places. The paper aims to understand the influence of users' cultural and climatic background variations on their thermal needs and usage of the outdoor places. Climatic measurements, surveys and observations were carried out in Federation square in Melbourne along the year to examine thermal comfort and patterns of behaviours of users having different cultural origins. Quantitative analysis is used to examine the influence of culture and climatic background of the users' on thermal sensations and adaptation factors. The findings contribute to guiding the design of outdoor public places in multicultural cities.


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 Portable electronic devices such as the iPad are increasingly taking a place in contemporary childhood experiences including those of schooling (O'Mara & Laidlaw, 2011). As digital media theorists suggest, such new tools invite both "hope and fear" (Gee and Hayes, 2011, p.4), consistent with literacy innovations across history. In both Canada and Australia, educational stakeholders are looking to touch screen devices as having much promise, particularly within literacy education. This paper presentation examines the possibilities as well as the challenges and imagines the future of such digital tools within literacy education, looking at experiences and perspectives in Canada and Australia.
We take a qualitative ecological mode of inquiry approach to our data collection and analysis, drawing on complexity thinking (Davis & Sumara, 2006) to bring our multiple points of view together as diversely positioned educators. Within our individual sites, each author has collected data as a part of longer-term research projects. In this paper presentation we compare and contrast these data sets, attending to significant intersections and juxtaposing issues of culture and globalization. Within this mode of inquiry we value the particularity of the individual contexts, and locate them alongside one another in a larger bricolage (Johnson, 2010).
We examined observational data, documents and artifacts using Freebody and Luke's (1990) four resources model and the further adaptions of this model (see e.g. Luke & Freebody, 1999) to understand how touch screen devices are being used and positioned as literacy tools. We have engaged in collaborative data analysis, often working 'together' using digital tools ourselves to enable collective conversations. For example, we have used Facetime on iPads and laptops, Skype and email to facilitate collective analyses. We applied iterative and recursive analyses to uncover reoccurring themes both within and across sites and artifacts.
As our paper will elaborate, mobile touch screen devices such as iPads are widely being taken up in educational settings, and regarded as having the possibility to shift teaching and learning in new directions, as "paradigm breakers" (p. 4, Gov't of AB, 2011). As personal, mobile devices, these tools present challenges that require educators to think differently about learning and teaching. Our paper also addresses the opportunities and affordances that iPads might offer to learners, as having the potential for students to engage in playful exploration, and in the role of designers, creators, and producers, rather than as passive recipients.


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This paper discusses contestation and legitimization in the heritage process in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. Since 2011 the authors have assisted the Rurum Kelabit Sarawak (RKS) to plan a community museum. The museum is envisaged as an anchor for the preservation and representation of the Kelabit culture. In particular, through consultation and capacity building, the project is seeking to incorporate heritage values into development and cultural tourism plans. The paper considers the roles of historical and contemporary agents in the awakening of heritage consciousness in this community. This process has facilitated questions about priorities including, heritage, tourism, representation and the expression of identity through contemporary design, which this paper will contextualize within the discourse of cultural heritage and development in South East Asia. Apart from the RKS and their range of partners, important agents include the Sarawak Government, with jurisdiction over native customs; the Sarawak Museum Department, an official custodian of cultural heritage; UNESCO, through its promotion of the rights of indigenous people and the integration of culture and development; and the WWF, assisting with the Heart of Borneo conservation project. The authors see this case study of a community museum development process as an opportunity to reflect on the interrelated and contested roles and responsibilities of local, national and trans-national agents in a heritage project that contributes to an understanding of cultural politics and heritage-making.


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Collectivism is one of the well-researched dimensions of culture that pertains to an individual’s relationship to an in-group. Organisational climate, on the other hand, is predominantly defined as the shared perceptions of employees about their working environment. In spite of the long tradition of both constructs in the literature, the conceptual relationship between collectivism and climate has oftentimes been neglected. This paper explores this relationship by presenting (1) the conceptual overlap between culture and climate; (2) the congruence between collectivism and climate in terms of levels of conceptualisation and analysis; (3) the apparent influence of collectivism on organisational processes and practices that have been the domain of climate studies; and (4) the apparent influence of collectivism on climate outcomes. This paper also offers some recommendations to guide future studies including suggestions to have more empirical investigation to strongly establish the relationship between collectivism and climate, to investigate facets of climate simultaneously, to extend the link between climate and other work outcomes, to engage in multi-level research, and to explore how collectivism influences climate formation and change.


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This paper examines the ways in which transnational Korean adoptees experience identity as an embodied subjective process that is simultaneously contested and objectified by social perceptions of their bodies in their adoptive countries and South Korea. To analyse these lived experiences, I draw primarily on embodiment theories such as Budgeon’s (2003) sociological concept of ‘body as event’ and Csordas’ (2002) cultural phenomenological view of the body not as an object but as a ‘subject of culture’. To analyse processes of (re)embodiment, I draw on Ahmed’s (2007) concepts of ‘space’ and ‘whiteness’. Based on ethnographic data in South Korea and semi-structured interviews with 22 adult Korean adoptees, this paper demonstrates how Korean adoptees’ embodied identities are lived in relation to racialised experiences of belonging and Otherness.


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Manipur, a small state in the North-Eastern corner of India, is traditionally regarded as the home of gandharvas (the celestial dancers). Manipuri is one of the 11 dance styles recognized by the Ministry of Culture of India that have incorporated various key techniques mentioned in the ancient treatises like the Natya Shastra and Bharatarnava and has been placed under 'a common heritage' called Indian classical dance forms (shastriya nritya) - Bharata Natyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, Mohiniyattam, Odissi, Sattriya, Chhau, Gaudiya Nritya, and Thang Ta. In 1951 Louise Lightfoot, the 'Australian mother of Kathakali' dance, visited the remote mountain state of Manipur to learn more about Manipuri dance. Soon she was successful in persuading and bringing eminent exponents of Manipuri dancing style Jagoi, Rajkumar Priyagopal Singh and Lakshman Singh, to tour Australia. Priyagopal, with the help of Lightfoot and their international tours, to some extent, de-provincialized and also popularized the Manipuri dance and paved the way for other dancers from North-eastern region of India in the International art world. Through this paper I attempt to highlight the contribution of Lightfoot in the promotion of Manipuri dance and in Australia. I here also engage explicitly with Priyagopal and Lightfoot's unusual dance collaboration and trace the historical journey and reception of a Manipuri dance in Australia. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Reliable methods for selective enumeration of probiotic and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are required for improving the functional food quality of probiotics. Various methods were evaluated for selective enumeration of seventeen LAB and probiotic strains. Tested sugars failed to select any species however, improved recovery of total LAB count. The strains were viable and physiologically active within a range of oxygen tension levels, temperature and acidic conditions. Prior methods showed varied results such as De Man Rogosa Sharpe containing bile (MRSB), MRS containing nalidixic acid, paromomycin, neomycin sulphate and lithium chloride (MRS-NPNL), M17 and L. casei (LC) agar failed to select Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, starter LAB and L. casei strains respectively. However, LC agar appears appropriate for L. paracasei and MRSB for yoghurt starter bacteria in the absence of L. reuteri and L. rhamnosus. The study suggests selective potential of culture media largely depends on target species.


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This paper explores the methodological challenges associated with undertaking qualitative observation in the clinical setting at end of life. The authors reflect on their experiences of using non-participant observation to explore the nursing care delivered to dying patients in acute hospital wards. The challenges of observation as a method, clearly defining the participant group and involving vulnerable populations, such as the dying patients and their families, will be discussed. Consideration is also given to defining and working within the observational field, the researchers' dual roles, cost versus benefit, impact of culture, religion and ethnicity, and the determination of research limits/boundaries, with reflections from the authors' own experiences used to exemplify the issues.