139 resultados para adult bone health


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In the prevention of osteoporosis and osteoporoticrelated fractures, strategies aimed at maximizing peak bone mass during childhood and adolescence; maintaining or attenuating bone loss during the adult years; and increasing or preserving muscle mass, strength, power, and function are all considered critical. To this end, physical activity and exercise are recognized as important modifiable lifestyle variables that can strengthen the skeleton and muscles and reduce the risk of falls and subsequent fracture, as well as enhance quality of life... 

This chapter provides an overview of the changes in the adult skeleton with age; the scientific basis for physical activity and exercise as a strategy to maintain or enhance skeletal integrity; the role of various modes of physical activity/exercise to augment bone mass, geometry, and strength; the antifracture efficacy of physical activity and exercise; and exercise recommendations for optimizing musculoskeletal health and reducing the risk of fracture during adulthood and old age.


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Regular exercise and adequate nutrition, particularly dietary calcium, vitamin D, and protein, are prescribed as strategies to optimize peak bone mass and maintain bone and muscle health throughout life. Although the mechanism of action of exercise and nutrition on bone and muscle health are different-exercise has a site-specific modifying effect, whereas nutrition has a permissive generalized effect-there is evidence that combining calcium (or calcium rich dairy foods) or dietary protein with exercise can have a synergetic effect on bone mass and muscle health, respectively. However, many questions still remain as to whether there is a threshold level for these nutrients to optimize the exercise-induced gains. Further studies are also needed to investigate whether other dietary factors, such as vitamin D, soy isoflavones or omega-3 fatty acids, or a multinutrient supplement, can enhance the effects of exercise on bone and muscle health.


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Osteoporosis is a major health concern, estimated to affect millions worldwide. Bone mineral density (BMD) assessment is not practical for many large-scale epidemiological studies resulting in the reliance of self-report methods to ascertain diagnostic information. The aim of the study was to assess the validity of self-reported diagnosis of osteoporosis in a population-based study. This study examined data collected from 906 men and 843 women participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Osteoporosis was self-reported and compared against results of BMD scans of the hip and spine. Validity was examined by calculating sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and kappa statistic. Osteoporosis was self-reported by 118 (6.7%) participants and identified using BMD results for 64 (3.7%) participants. Specificity and negative predictive value were good (95.1% and 96.0%, respectively), whereas sensitivity and positive predictive value were poor (35.9% and 31.4%, respectively). The overall level of agreement (kappa) was 0.29. The results changed only slightly when we included participants with osteopenia and adult fracture as osteoporotic. Reliance on self-report methods to ascertain osteoporosis status is not recommended.


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Background: Plain packaging (PP) with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) was implemented in Australia in late 2012. This study examined effects of these packaging changes on short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours.
Methods: We used a series of cohorts of Australian adult cigarette smokers originally sourced from a nationally representative cross-sectional tracking survey, followed up approximately 1 month after their baseline interview (n(weighted)=5441). Logistic regression analyses compared changes in seven quitting-related outcomes over this 1-month follow-up period for the cohorts surveyed before PP, over the period of transition to PP, and during the first year of PP, adjusting for baseline levels of the outcome and covariates.
Results: Compared to the referent group of smokers who completed their follow-up survey pre-PP, those who were followed-up in the early transition period showed greater increases in rates of stopping themselves from smoking (OR=1.51, 95% CI (1.08 to 2.10)) and higher quit attempt rates (OR=1.43, 95% CI (1.00 to 2.03)), those followed-up in the late transition period showed greater increases in intentions to quit (OR=1.42, 95% CI (1.06 to 1.92)) and pack concealment (OR=1.55, 95% CI (1.05 to 2.31)), and those followed- up in the first year of PP showed higher levels of pack concealment (OR=1.65, 95% CI (1.01 to 2.72)), more premature stubbing out of cigarettes (OR=1.55, 95% CI (1.01 to 2.36)), and higher quit attempt rates (OR=1.52, 95% CI (1.01 to 2.30)).
Conclusions: These findings provide some of the strongest evidence to date that implementation of PP with larger GHWs was associated with increased rates of quitting cognitions, microindicators of concern and quit attempts among adult cigarette smokers.


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Background: Implementation of tobacco plain packaging (PP) with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) in Australia had positive effects on responses reflecting the specific objectives of the PP policy and on follow-up quitting-related cognitions and behaviours. The aim of this study was to examine predictive relationships bewteen these proximal and distal outcomes.
Methods: A nationally representative sample of Australian adult cigarette smokers completed a baseline survey and a 1-month follow-up survey within the first year of policy implementation (n(weighted)=3215). Logistic regression analyses tested whether baseline measures of cigarette appeal, GHW effectiveness, perceived harm and concern/enjoyment predicted each of seven follow-up measures of quitted-related cognitions and behaviours, adjusting for baseline levels of the outcome and covariates.
Results: In multivariable models, we found consistent evidence that several baseline measures of GHW effectiveness positively and significantly predicted the likelihood that smokers at follow-up reported thinking about quitting at least daily, intending to quit, having a firm date to quit, stubbing out cigarettes prematurely, stopping oneself from smoking and having attempted to quit. Two of the quitting-related outcomes were also predicted by feeling more smoking-related concern than enjoyment. A smaller number of the appeal variables were prospectively associated with quitting-related outcomes, while believing that brands do not differ in harmlessness did not positively predict any outcomes.
Conclusions: These findings provide an initial insight into the pathways through which PP with larger GHWs may lead to changes in smoking behaviour. Future research should examine whether the effects are conditional on individual demographic and smoking characteristics.


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Background We assessed whether the Australian plain packs with larger graphic health warnings (GHWs) achieved three specific objectives of reducing the appeal of tobacco, increasing health warning effectiveness and reducing the ability of packaging to mislead about smoking harms.
Methods We compared responses from continuous cross-sectional telephone surveys of n=2176 cigarette smokers during pre-plain packaging (April–September 2012, pre-PP) with n=759 surveyed in the transition period (October–November 2012) and n=4240 during the first year of implementation (December 2012–November 2013, PP year 1), using multivariate logistic regression analyses.
Results From pre-PP to PP year 1, more smokers disliked their pack (p<0.001), perceived lower pack appeal (p<0.001), lower cigarette quality (p<0.001), lower satisfaction (p<0.001) and lower value (p<0.001) and disagreed brands differed in prestige (p=0.003). There was no change in perceived differences in taste of different brands. More smokers noticed GHWs (p<0.001), attributed much motivation to quit to GHWs (p<0.001), avoided specific GHWs when purchasing (p<0.001), and covered packs (p<0.001), with no change in perceived exaggeration of harms. PP year 1 saw an increased proportion believing that brands do not differ in harmfulness (p=0.004), but no change in the belief that variants do not differ in strength or the perceived harmfulness of cigarettes compared with a year ago. Interactions signified greater change for four outcomes assessing aspects of appeal among young adults and two appeal outcomes among mid-aged adults.
Conclusions The specific objectives of plain packaging were achieved and generally sustained among adult smokers up to 12 months after implementation.


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Background: Mental health disorders are a leading cause of disability worldwide, including in first-time mothers. Understanding the associations between diet and depressive symptoms could assist in improving mental health status in this group. Objective: Our aim was to determine the association between diet quality, fruit, vegetable, and fish consumption and depressive symptoms in first-time mothers aged 19 to 45 years.

We analyzed cross-sectional, baseline data (3 months postpartum) from the Melbourne InFANT (Infant Feeding, Activity, and Nutrition Trial) Extend Program.

Participants/setting: Participants were first-time Australian mothers aged 19 to 45 years from the Geelong and Melbourne regions of Victoria, Australia (n=457).

Main outcome measures: A self-administered, 137-item food frequency questionnaire assessed dietary intake over the past year. Adherence to the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines was assessed using the Dietary Guideline Index as a measure of diet quality. Depressive symptoms were determined using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.

Statistical analysis performed: Relationships between diet quality, fruit, vegetable, and fish intake and depressive symptoms were investigated using linear regression adjusted for relevant covariates (age, smoking status, sleep quality, education, physical activity status, and body mass index).

Results: Better diet quality, as indicated by a higher score on the Dietary Guideline Index, was associated with lower depressive symptoms after adjusting for relevant covariates (β=-.034; 95% CI -.056 to -0.012). There were no other associations between dietary intake and depressive symptoms.

Conclusions: Adherence to the Australian Dietary Guidelines was associated with better mental health status among first-time mothers. Further research, including longitudinal and intervention studies, are required to determine causality between dietary intake and depressive symptoms, which might help inform future public health nutrition programs for this target group.


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BACKGROUND: In the United States, disparities in health literacy parallel disparities in health outcomes. Our research contributes to how diverse indicators of social inequalities (i.e., objective social class, relational social class, and social resources) contribute to understanding disparities in health literacy.

METHODS: We analyze data on respondents 18 years of age and older (N = 14,592) from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) restricted access data set. A series of weighted Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression models estimate the association between respondent's demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status (SES), relational social class, social resources and an Item Response Theory (IRT) based health literacy measure.

RESULTS: Our findings are consistent with previous research on the social and SES determinants of health literacy. However, our findings reveal the importance of relational social status for understanding health literacy disparities in the United States. Objective indicators of social status are persistent and robust indicators of health literacy. Measures of relational social status such as civic engagement (i.e., voting, volunteering, and library use) are associated with higher health literacy levels net of objective resources. Social resources including speaking English and marital status are associated with higher health literacy levels.

CONCLUSIONS: Relational indicators of social class are related to health literacy independent of objective social class indicators. Civic literacy (e.g., voting and volunteering) are predictors of health literacy and offer opportunities for health intervention. Our findings support the notion that health literacy is a social construct and suggest the need to develop a theoretically driven conceptual definition of health literacy that includes a civic literacy component.


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• Despite increasing interest in consumer awareness and participation in health care service delivery, there has been little exploration of consumer views in relation to services for people with type I diabetes. • The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study was to identify strategies people with type I diabetes used to access health services and the barriers they perceived in accessing the services they needed. • Data gathered in semi-structured interviews revealed that consumers experience significant barriers when navigating the health care system. • Three dominant themes were identified. They relate to access to specialist medical skill, to the transition from teenager to young adult and to pre-pregnancy and obstetric care. • Directions for change in service delivery and policy development are discussed.


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Objective: To identify the strengths and limitations of health care and related services provided to young adults with a disability during the period of transition from the care of a paediatrician to the mainstream health system.
Design: A descriptive design was used to address the study objectives.
Setting: Barwon and south-western region of Victoria.
Subjects: Twelve focus group discussions, with young adults with a disability, carers of young adults with a disability and health care service providers. Each focus group involved eight to 10 participants.
Results: The findings revealed a number of problems with the transition period. All participants acknowledged the supportive, coordinating role of the paediatrician. In the absence of this type of role, carers felt they lacked the knowledge and support to manage the adolescent with a disability. Communication problems between all service providers were identified as being problematical. The general lack of continuity of care between providers made it difficult for individuals to negotiate the transition period and increased the burden of care on carers.
Conclusion: There is a need for policy makers to address these transition problems and develop appropriate services that improve the situation for young adults with a disability and their carers.
What is already known: It is well documented that the transition period from paediatrician to adult health care services is problematic for the young adult with a disability and their carer. The difficulties experienced are attributed to poor communication between service providers and a lack of continuity of care.
What does this study add: This study provides insights from a number of different consumer and health care professionals' perspectives. The findings identify service delivery gaps and a need to develop health care services that could assist the young adult with the disability negotiate this transition from the paediatric services to mainstream health care services in rural and regional settings in Victoria.


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Continuing professional development (CPD) activities for allied health professionals are becoming mandatory as a means for professionals to maintain accreditation or skills. To access CPD activities, rural allied health professionals have the added costs of travel, accommodation and information technology access. It is assumed that health professionals in rural areas want access to training and CPD. In 2003, a survey of allied health professionals was carried out in Southwest Victoria, Australia, with the aim of identifying access and attitudes to CPD. Results showed that allied health professionals in Southwest Victoria were highly qualified, wished to access CPD more than four times a year and were prepared to spend a mean rate of $1000 (1300) per annum on CPD activities.


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Issue addressed: This paper reports on impact evaluation of a series of five-day Short Courses in Health Promotion that have been delivered to more than 2,000 people since 2002 as part of a statewide workforce development strategy.

Methods: A triangulated mixed methods research design was selected for the evaluation. Data were collected through a mail survey, key informant interviews, focus groups and organisational case studies. Stakeholder and participant involvement were central to the evaluation.

Organisational change emerged as a key theme. Impacts of the short course were felt in relation to health promotion practice and on organisational capacity to conduct health promotion, while the development of confidence and skills of participants to engage in collaborative opportunities was a not unexpected, but important, benefit of the course.

Conclusions: A short course is effective if attention is given to quality delivery, adult learning methods, participant involvement, appropriate targeting, good planning, and adequate funding. However, respondents commonly report the need for organisational change in order for health promotion practice to be embedded into organisations and for practitioners to be supported in their efforts to re-orient services towards health promotion.