189 resultados para US broadcasting


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Over the past decade international policy-makers have perceived the current account deficit of the world's largest foreign borrower economy, the United States, as a threat to global economic and financial stability. Yet, by bridging the US domestic saving-investment gap, capital inflow that matched the huge US current account deficit also enabled a faster rate of domestic capital accumulation than home saving alone would have permitted. Consistent with the theory of international capital movements, this study identifies and compares the respective contributions of domestic and foreign saving to US gross domestic product per worker over the two decades prior to the onset of the US banking crisis. By revealing that foreign borrowing contributed significantly to raising US output and hence living standards over this period, it adds a new dimension to the debate about global imbalances.


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In this paper, I offer a strong criticism of Giorgio Agamben’s recent political texts. I argue that these texts bring to fruition a larger, contentious trend in the theoretical academy coupling one-dimensional, pessimistic accounts of modernity with strands of messianism. Since the political prospects of messianism, as Agamben’s analyses show, are very thin indeed, I reflectively question the presuppositions that lead him to this prescriptive juncture. In Part I, recurring to Scholem’s classic analyses of Jewish messianism, I show how Agamben’s messianism borrows more or less directly (in The Open) from kabalistic, antinomian, utopian messianism. Having established this exegetical point, I argue two theses in parts II and III. The first, specifically theoretical thesis is that Agamben is driven into his political messianism by the transcendental logic of his analyses of ‘the political’, one which by its nature occludes meaningfully political distinctions by instead seeking out their ontological grounds. The second, specifically political thesis is that the widespread embrace of ontological messianism by thinkers in the post-Marxian academy is a symptom of, rather than a cure for, the wider malaise of the political left in the first world. If critical theory is serious about engaging with progressive praxis, one thing it must do is recall the difference between politics and prima philosophia, so that it does not continue to seek out ‘redemption’ – or at least an apology – in the bowels of the latter.


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More than a trillion of taxpayer dollars are currently being used to bail out the US banking, mortgage and car industries. This invokes an interesting connection to public relations the last time drastic US government involvement with corporations was contemplated. This pre-First World War crisis of the free enterprise system involved a deficit not of money but of favourable public opinion. The requirement was for vast amounts of public opinion and public policy work by a reported at least 1200 – what were at that time called – press agents. This was the period when public relations emerged as a fundamental plank of US and ultimately of global culture. The thesis of this article is that many aspects of the world we live in cannot be properly understood without a better analysis of the first bailout of US corporations—the public relations bailout.


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Chemical equations are representations that use symbols to summarise the net changes occurring in a reaction whereas depictions such as drawings of the submicroscopic level provide representations of the chemical transformations. While the ability to balance and interpret chemical equations is key to understanding many concepts in chemistry, many undergraduate chemistry students struggle to master these skills. The equations contain a great deal of implicit information and novices may not be able to make the connection between the equation and the actual chemical transformations that are occurring. This paper reports on a study which used submicroscopic diagrams to probe students' understanding of chemical equations. Assessment tasks required students to interpret diagrams, construct diagrams and to relate diagrams to symbolic representations. The analysis showed that some students have misconceptions about the molecular nature and chemical formulae and could not distinguish between coefficients and subscripts when representing chemical formulae. While students were generally able to balance a chemical equation presented as a set of diagrams, a significant number could not generate the balanced equation based on a diagram of the progress of a reaction, The study has demonstrated the use of student-generated diagrams to provide insight into students' understandings of chemical equations.


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How do we understand the experiences of people where the researcher is 'outside' these social groups? How do we undertake research in ways that does not further colonise or disempower these people?

This seminar aims to explore issues and approaches to research in contexts where the researcher is 'outside' the social/cultural group of the participants. If research is understood as an act of knowledge production, then both the positioning of the researcher and the act of research are inevitably political, where the power over the representation and categorisation of marginalised peoples and their social experiences is with others not of these groups, (usually aligned with dominant epistemologies). The net result of this kind of research and social activity is the catch cry from marginalised groups, summed up by that now in use in the disability field: 'nothing about us without us'. This paper focuses on the central importance of the meaning making process and offers a method for building meanings and understandings that explicitly draw on the located contexts of their production. The paper offers a set of 'ethics of meaning making' that support appropriate work in these contexts, and focuses on articulating one step of the method that supports these.


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The aim of this paper is to explore the lack of retention of allied health professionals in rural areas in Victoria, Australia. A structured telephone interview was used to elicit responses from 32 allied health professionals from south-west, central-west and north-east Victoria about their working experiences and reasons for resignation. The data revealed that work experiences in rural areas can be summarised within three domains: organisational, professional and personal/community. Under the organisational domain the participants were mainly focussed on the way in which their work arrangements require them to be both more generalist in their approach to day-to-day work, and more expansive in shouldering management style functions in the workplace. Under the professional domain there were three major issues; clinical, career and education/training. The personal/community domain focussed on issues to do with their affinity for their workplace as well as their location in a rural place. The attempts by government to address some of the leading factors for retention of allied health professionals are perhaps too narrowly focussed on the public sector and could encompass a wider approach.

What is known about the topic? Although recruitment and retention of allied health professionals in rural areas is widely discussed, the professionals have not been interviewed about their experiences once they have left rural employment.

What does this paper add? This paper provides detailed insights into the reasons why allied health professionals leave their positions in rural areas and the positive and negative aspects of living and working in a rural area. The results of this study contribute to the development of better policy models for recruitment and retention of allied health professionals in rural areas.

What are the implications for practitioners? The factors that influence whether allied health professionals stay or leave rural areas is of concern for health policy makers at state and federal levels. This paper provides information for the extension and development of programs to attenuate rural leakage of professionals.


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This paper reports on insights into students’ understanding of the concept of rate of change, provided by examining the gestures made, by 25 Year 10 students, in videorecorded interviews. Detailed analysis, of both the sound and images, illuminates the meaning of rate-related gestures. Findings indicate that students often use the symbols and metaphors of gesture to complement, supplement, or even contradict verbal descriptions. Many students demonstrated, by the combination of their words and gestures, a sound qualitative understanding of constant rate, with a few attempting to quantify rate. The interpretation of gestures may provide teachers with a better understanding of the progress in their students’ thinking.


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Environmental factors such as emerging technology, globalization, economic reform and social change are creating a background in which sporting organizations must seek to quickly adapt to manage their ongoing activities and operations. Focusing on emerging technology in the area of sport broadcasting, this research examined six preconditions for interorganizational relationship (IOR) formation from the perspective of professional football clubs in Australia. Based upon theories derived from the IOR literature, these six preconditions for IOR formation were considered to determine if emerging broadcasting technologies impact on IOR formation between Australian Football League (AFL) and National Rugby League (NRL) clubs and broadcasters. Semistructured in-depth interviews with senior managers of 11 AFL, and 10 NRL clubs were undertaken and data analyzed, coded and emergent themes identified. Results indicate that professional club managers display most of these attributes that precipitate the preconditions for IOR formation, but although these preconditions exist, there is little willingness by the clubs to formulate IORs with sport broadcasters.