76 resultados para Simulation modelling


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The relative strengths of individual units, described as attributes, determine the outcome during unit conflicts involving units in the armies of opponents in large strategy games. We describe a process for developing predictive models of the outcome for such conflicts where combat involves single unit adversaries where each unit is defined in terms of 4 fundamental attributes. These attributes: range, speed, health and damage are common to unit descriptions in many successful real-time strategy games. Our analysis process identifies three phases of game play with invariant properties that hold throughout each phase. We demonstrate the utility of this analysis by creating a model that predicts game outcomes. Predictions are validated against the game simulation. The game outcomes are explicitly related to the attributes of the two units involved, highlighting the significance and role of each attribute.


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The understanding of cell manipulation, for example in microinjection, requires an accurate model of the cells. Motivated by this important requirement, a 3D particlebased mechanical model is derived for simulating the deformation of the fish egg membrane and the corresponding cellular forces during microrobotic cell injection. The model is formulated based on the kinematic and dynamic of spring- damper configuration with multi-particle joints considering the visco-elastic fluidic properties. It simulates the indentation force feedback as well as cell visual deformation during microinjection. A preliminary simulation study is conducted with different parameter configurations. The results indicate that the proposed particle-based model is able to provide similar deformation profiles as observed from a real microinjection experiment of the zebrafish embryo published in the literature. As a generic modelling approach is adopted, the proposed model also has the potential in applications with different types of manipulation such as micropipette cell aspiration.


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Over the past few decades coastal cities around the world have grown at an incredible rate. With this growth have come major challenges relating to land use planning, social relationships, economic development, bio diversity and the ecological footprint. Three forces are working to influence the growth rate in coastal cities. They include: -population growth (i.e. the type and quantity of human demand for land), the existing and future properties of the land (i.e. current land status or changes due to nature and human activities), and finally technical changes to a land system (i.e. rezoning or the influence of other external factors). The goal of this research was to determine whether a planning framework could model the three (population growth, the existing and future properties of land and technical changes to a land system) variables in order to assist smaller councils undertaking long term land use planning decisions. The test site for the research was the City of Portland in western Victoria, Australia.


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The agent-based modelling paradigm has been actively applied to address social normative issues such as values, cognition, morality and behaviours. The abstraction of human and human-like social processes and mechanisms result in misalignment of computational model with existing verification and validation techniques and expose significant challenges. We argue that human sources represent a sound approach for verification and validation of agent-based social simulation models. We propose a novel conceptual gaming framework that extracts required information from relevant sources as part of game play


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The need for guiding model formulation of normative social systems in support of a digital ecosystem is introduced. Normative social systems improve the understanding of computational social processes in simulation and experimentation, and provide support for digital ecosystem developments. However, a successful simulation requires the appropriate implementation of a conceptual model. It is proposed that an heuristic formalism of agents, networks and environments, complements the conventional creative approach to model formulation by guiding the formulation of conceptual models via abstract components and facilitate interface with other components in a digital environment.


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This paper is concerned with the construction of fracture envelopes of DP780 sheets using two methods: a hybrid experimental-numerical method; two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D-DIC). For the hybrid method, four types of ductile fracture tests were carried out covering a wide range of stress states on specimens: with a central hole; two symmetric circular notches; flat grooved; and diagonally double-notched. Based on the fracture strain and loading paths identified with finite element simulation, a fracture envelope was obtained by employing the three-parameter modified Mohr-Coulomb fracture model. In addition, the fracture surface strain was directly measured using 2D-DIC. Loading histories of each test were extracted from a surface element of a three dimensional finite element model. The comparison of fracture envelopes constructed by the two methods reveals that there is little difference. Thus, it can be concluded that 2D-DIC is applicable to fracture modelling of DP780 sheets despite the assumption of the plane stress condition even after necking


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A method for combining a proportional-hazards survival time model with a bioassay model where the log-hazard function is modelled as a linear or smoothing spline function of log-concentration combined with a smoothing spline function of time is described. The combined model is fitted to mortality numbers, resulting from survival times that are grouped due to a common set of observation times, using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). The GAM fits mortalities as conditional binomials using an approximation to the log of the integral of the hazard function and is implemented using freely-available, general software for fitting GAMs. Extensions of the GAM are described to allow random effects to be fitted and to allow for time-varying concentrations by replacing time with a calibrated cumulative exposure variable with calibration parameter estimated using profile likelihood. The models are demonstrated using data from a studies of a marine and a, previously published, freshwater taxa. The marine study involved two replicate bioassays of the effect of zinc exposure on survival of an Antarctic amphipod, Orchomenella pinguides. The other example modelled survival of the daphnid, Daphnia magna, exposed to potassium dichromate and was fitted by both the GAM and the process-based DEBtox model. The GAM fitted with a cubic regression spline in time gave a 61 % improvement in fit to the daphnid data compared to DEBtox due to a non-monotonic hazard function. A simulation study using each of these hazard functions as operating models demonstrated that the GAM is overall more accurate in recovering lethal concentration values across the range of forms of the underlying hazard function compared to DEBtox and standard multiple endpoint probit analyses.


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In this paper, prediction interval (PI)-based modelling techniques are introduced and applied to capture the nonlinear dynamics of a polystyrene batch reactor system. Traditional NN models are developed using experimental datasets with and without disturbances. Simulation results indicate that traditional NNs cannot properly handle disturbances in reactor data and demonstrate a poor forecasting performance, with an average MAPE of 22% in the presence of disturbances. The lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method is applied for the construction of PIs to quantify uncertainties associated with forecasts. The simulated annealing optimization technique is employed to adjust NN parameters for minimization of an innovative PI-based cost function. The simulation results reveal that the LUBE method generates quality PIs without requiring prohibitive computations. As both calibration and sharpness of PIs are practically and theoretically satisfactory, the constructed PIs can be used as part of the decision-making and control process of polymerization reactors. © 2014 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.


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Precise and reliable modelling of polymerization reactor is challenging due to its complex reaction mechanism and non-linear nature. Researchers often make several assumptions when deriving theories and developing models for polymerization reactor. Therefore, traditional available models suffer from high prediction error. In contrast, data-driven modelling techniques provide a powerful framework to describe the dynamic behaviour of polymerization reactor. However, the traditional NN prediction performance is significantly dropped in the presence of polymerization process disturbances. Besides, uncertainty effects caused by disturbances present in reactor operation can be properly quantified through construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for model outputs. In this study, we propose and apply a PI-based neural network (PI-NN) model for the free radical polymerization system. This strategy avoids assumptions made in traditional modelling techniques for polymerization reactor system. Lower upper bound estimation (LUBE) method is used to develop PI-NN model for uncertainty quantification. To further improve the quality of model, a new method is proposed for aggregation of upper and lower bounds of PIs obtained from individual PI-NN models. Simulation results reveal that combined PI-NN performance is superior to those individual PI-NN models in terms of PI quality. Besides, constructed PIs are able to properly quantify effects of uncertainties in reactor operation, where these can be later used as part of the control process. © 2014 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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Molecular dynamics simulation was employed to study the atomic interactions in titanium carbides and iron matrix containing carbon and titanium, which are significant for understanding the formation of titanium carbide cluster during precipitate process. The atoms trajectory and diffusion coefficients of carbon in titanium carbide were analyzed to provide a vacancy-exchanging mechanism and clarify the carbon concentration dependence of carbon diffusion in titanium carbide. The dependence of the formation of titanium carbide cluster in iron matrix on carbon was determined from the study of atoms diffusivity, cluster formation and formation energy of titanium carbide cluster. The simulation results provided insight into the carbon diffusion process and improved the understanding of the formation of titanium carbide cluster.


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Among many structural health monitoring (SHM) methods, guided wave (GW) based method has been found as an effective and efficient way to detect incipient damages. In comparison with other widely used SHM methods, it can propagate in a relatively long range and be sensitive to small damages. Proper use of this technique requires good knowledge of the effects of damage on the wave characteristics. This needs accurate and computationally efficient modeling of guide wave propagation in structures. A number of different numerical computational techniques have been developed for the analysis of wave propagation in a structure. Among them, Spectral Element Method (SEM) has been proposed as an efficient simulation technique. This paper will focus on the application of GW method and SEM in structural health monitoring. The GW experiments on several typical structures will be introduced first. Then, the modeling techniques by using SEM are discussed. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Abstract This paper introduces a novel approach for discrete event simulation output analysis. The approach combines dynamic time warping and clustering to enable the identification of system behaviours contributing to overall system performance, by linking the clustering cases to specific causal events within the system. Simulation model event logs have been analysed to group entity flows based on the path taken and travel time through the system. The proposed approach is investigated for a discrete event simulation of an international airport baggage handling system. Results show that the method is able to automatically identify key factors that influence the overall dwell time of system entities, such as bags that fail primary screening. The novel analysis methodology provides insight into system performance, beyond that achievable through traditional analysis techniques. This technique also has potential application to agent-based modelling paradigms and also business event logs traditionally studied using process mining techniques.


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Ordinary differential equations are used for modelling a wide range of dynamic systems. Even though there are many graphical software applications for this purpose, a fully customised solution for all problems is code-level programming of the model and solver. In this project, a free and open source C++ framework is designed to facilitate modelling in native code environment and fulfill the common simulation needs of control and many other engineering and science applications. The solvers of this project are obtained from ODEINT and specialised for Armadillo matrix library to provide an easy syntax and a fast execution. The solver code is minimised and its modification for users have become easier. There are several features added to the solvers such as controlling maximum step size, informing the solver about sudden input change and forcing custom times into the results and calling a custom method at these points. The comfort of the model designer, code readability, extendibility and model isolation have been considered in the structure of this framework. The application manages the output results, exporting and plotting them. Modifying the model has become more practical and a portion of corresponding codes are updated automatically. A set of libraries is provided for generation of output figures, matrix hashing, control system functions, profiling, etc. In this paper, an example of using this framework for a classical washout filter model is explained.