89 resultados para Shape-from-texture


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A detailed study of martensitic transformation crystallography and microstructural characteristics in the Ni53Mn25Ga22 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy (FSMA) was performed by both experimental observation and theoretical calculation. It is revealed that there are two microscopically twin-related martensitic variants with a misorientation of ∼82° around the 〈1 1 0〉M axis in each initial austenite grain. The twin interface plane was determined to be {0.399 0.383 0.833}M (1.79° away from {1 1 2}M). The ratio of the amounts of the two variants inherited from one single austenite grain is about 1.70. The prevalent orientation relationship between austenite and martensite was found to be Kurdjumov–Sachs (K–S) relationship with (1 1 1)A//(1 0 1)M, [110]A//[111]M. A successful explanation of the crystallographic features during martensitic transformation will shed light on the development of FSMAs with optimal performance.


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Voltammetric behavior at gold electrodes in aqueous media is known to be strongly dependent on electrode polishing and history. In this study, an electrode array consisting of 100 nominally identical and individually addressable gold disks electrodes, each with a radius of 127 µm, has been fabricated. The ability to analyze both individual electrode and total array performance enables microscopic aspects of the overall voltammetric response arising from variable levels of inhomogeneity in each electrode to be identified. The array configuration was initially employed with the reversible and hence relatively surface insensitive [Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+ reaction and then with the more highly surface sensitive quasi-reversible [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− process. In both these cases, the reactants and products are solution soluble and, at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1, each electrode in the array is assumed to behave independently, since no evidence of overlapping of the diffusion layers was detected. As would be expected, the variability of the individual electrodesʼ responses was significantly larger than found for the summed electrode behavior. In the case of cytochrome c voltammetry at a 4,4′-dipyridyl disulfide modified electrode, a far greater dependence on electrode history and electrode heterogeneity was detected. In this case, voltammograms derived from individual electrodes in the gold array electrode exhibit shape variations ranging from peak to sigmoidal. However, again the total response was always found to be well-defined. This voltammetry is consistent with a microscopic model of heterogeneity where some parts of each chemically modified electrode surface are electroactive while other parts are less active. The findings are consistent with the common existence of electrode heterogeneity in cyclic voltammetric responses at gold electrodes, that are normally difficult to detect, but fundamentally important, as electrode nonuniformity can give rise to subtle forms of kinetic and other forms of dispersion.


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A ferromagnetic shape-memory alloy Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 was prepared by the induction melting and isothermal forging process. Dynamic recrystallization occurs during the isothermal forging. The deformation texture was studied by the neutron diffraction technique. The main texture components consist of (110)[112] and (001)[100], which suggested that in-plane plastic flow anisotropy should be expected in the as-forged condition. The uniaxial compression fracture strain in the forged alloy reaches over 9.5%. The final room-temperature fracture of the polycrystalline Ni48Mn25Ga22Co5 is controlled mainly by intergranular mode.


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The martensitic transformation crystallography in two Ni 53Mn25Ga22 (at. %) ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) was investigated by means of misorientation calculation and pole figure analysis based on the orientation of the martensitic lamellae obtained from electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) measurements. In the alloy that was first annealed at 1073K for 4h, and then cooled to 473K at ~4K/min and held for 30min, followed by cooling to room temperature at ~10K/min, there are only two kinds of differently orientated martensitic lamellae with a misorientation angle of ~82° distributed alternatively in each initial austenite grain. There is a compound twinning orientation relationship between the two lamellae. The prevalent orientation relationship between austenite and martensite is Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) relationship with (111)A//(10I)M, [1-10]a//[11-1]m. In the alloy that was annealed at 1173K for 4h followed by furnace cooling, nanoscale twins inside the martensitic lamellae were observed and the orientation relationships both between the nanotwins within one lamella and between the nanotwins in two neighboring lamellae were determined. The results presented in this paper will enrich the crystallographic data of the FSMAs and offer useful information for the development of novel FSMAs with optimal performances.


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A ferromagnetic shape memory alloy of Ni48Mn30Ga22 prepared by induction melting was successfully hot forged. Strong textures and a large anisotropy of in plane plastic flow were developed during the hot forging process. The crystal structures, both in austenitic and martensitic states, were investigated by means of neutron powder diffraction technique. The result suggests that Ni48Mn30Ga22 has a cubic L21 Heusler structure at room temperature, the same as that in the stoichiometric Ni2MnGa. When cooled to 243 K, the Ni48Mn30Ga22 alloy changes into a seven layered orthorhombic martensitic structure. No substantial change of the neutron diffraction pattern was observed upon further cooling to 19 K, indicating that there is no intermartensitic transformation in the investigated alloy, which is different from the transformation processes in the Ni–Mn–Ga alloys with higher martensitic transformation temperatures.


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This paper presents a fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) based modular architecture for multi-class pattern recognition known as modular adaptive resonance theory map (MARTMAP). The prediction of class membership is made collectively by combining outputs from multiple novelty detectors. Distance-based familiarity discrimination is introduced to improve the robustness of MARTMAP in the presence of noise. The effectiveness of the proposed architecture is analyzed and compared with ARTMAP-FD network, FAM network, and One-Against-One Support Vector Machine (OAO-SVM). Experimental results show that MARTMAP is able to retain effective familiarity discrimination in noisy environment, and yet less sensitive to class imbalance problem as compared to its counterparts.


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This paper summarizes some of our recent results on crystal structure, microstructure, orientation relationship between martensitic variants and crystallographic features of martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga FSMAs. It was shown that Ni53Mn25Ga22 has a tetragonal I4/mmm martensitic structure at room temperature. The neighboring martensitic variants in Ni53Mn25Ga22 have a compound twinning relationship with the twinning elements K1={112}, K2={11-2}, η1=<11-1>, η2=<111>, P={1-10} and s=0.379. The ratio of the relative amounts of twins within the same initial austenite grain is ~1.70. The main orientation relationship between austenite and martensite is Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) relationship. Based on the crystallographic phenomenological theory, the calculated habit plane is {0.690 -0.102 0.716}A (5.95° from {101}A), and the magnitude, direction and shear angle of the macroscopic transformation shear are 0.121, <-0.709 0.105 0.698>A (6.04° from <-101>A) and 6.88°, respectively.


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Objectives This study investigated cultural values related to body image and eating practices in Western and non-Western societies.

Design and Methods In total, 628 Fijian, 463 Indo-Fijian, 598 Tongan, and 534 Australian adolescents completed measures of cultural values and religious influences in relation to the ideal body and eating practices.

Results Fijian and Tongan adolescents were more likely to value a large body. Religious influences were most strongly associated with eating practices for Fijians, Indo-Fijians, and Tongans.

Conclusions The findings support the role of religion in transmitting cultural values regarding eating practices in Pacific Island communities.

Statement of contribution
What is already known on this subject? Previous research has demonstrated that sociocultural factors shape body image and eating behaviours. Most of this research has been conducted in Western countries.

What does this study add? The current study identifies the role of cultural values and religious influences on body image and eating behaviours in a number of different cultural groups. This is the first study to use the same methodology to explore these relationships across Western and Pacific Island communities.


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Shape conversions of silver nanoplates were realized by heating and subsequent light irradiation. The initial silver nanoprisms were transformed into silver nanodisks gradually in the process of heating, which was possibly achieved through dissolving and readsorption of silver atoms on the surface of silver nanoplates. Subsequently, under light irradiation, the heating induced silver nanodisks were reversed to silver nanoprisms in the same solution. The dissolved oxygen was found to play a pivotal role in the shape conversion from nanoprism to nanodisk. In addition to heating, deionized water could induce the shape conversion of silver nanoplates when it was added to precipitate of the initial silver nanoprisms after centrifugation. Citrate in solution is essential to the photoinduced shape conversion process. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and extinction spectroscopy results demonstrated that localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties of silver nanoplates were effectively tuned through shape conversion.


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Throughout the latter half of the past century cinema has played a significant role in the shaping of the core narratives of Australia. Films express and implicitly shape national images and symbolic representations of cultural fictions in which ideas about Indigenous identity have been embedded. In this paper, exclusionary practices in Australian narratives are analysed through examples of films representing Aboriginal identity. Through these filmic narratives the articulation, interrogation, and contestation of views about filmic representations of Aboriginal identity in Australia is illuminated. The various themes in the filmic narratives are examined in order to compare and contrast the ways in which the films display the operation of narrative closure and dualisms within the film texts.


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Background : Active transportation has the potential to contribute considerably to overall physical activity levels in adults and is likely to be influenced by neighborhood-related built environment characteristics. Previous studies that examined the associations between built environment attributes and active transportation, focused mainly on transport-related walking and were conducted within single countries, limiting environmental variability. We investigated the direction and shape of relationships of perceived neighborhood attributes with transport-related cycling and walking in three countries; and examined whether these associations differed by country and gender.

Methods Data from the USA (Baltimore and Seattle), Australia (Adelaide) and Belgium (Ghent) were pooled. In total, 6,014 adults (20–65 years, 55.7% women) were recruited in high-/low-walkable and high-/low-income neighborhoods. All participants completed the Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Generalized additive mixed models were used to estimate the strength and shape of the associations.

Results Proximity to destinations, good walking and cycling facilities, perceiving difficulties in parking near local shopping areas, and perceived aesthetics were included in a ‘cyclability’ index. This index was linearly positively related to transport-related cycling and no gender- or country-differences were observed. The ‘walkability’ index consisted of perceived residential density, land use mix access, proximity of destinations and aesthetics. A non-linear positive relationship with transport-related walking was found. This association was stronger in women than in men, and country-specific associations were identified: the strongest association was observed in Seattle, the weakest in Adelaide. In Ghent, the association weakened at higher levels of walkability.

Conclusions For cycling, consistent correlates were found in the three countries, but associations were less straightforward for transport-related walking. Moreover, the identified neighborhood environmental correlates were different for walking compared to cycling. In order to further clarify the shape of these associations and reach more specific international guidelines for developing walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, future studies should include even more countries to maximize environmental variability.


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As a problem of high practical appeal but outstanding challenges, computer-based face recognition remains a topic of extensive research attention. In this paper we are specifically interested in the task of identifying a person from multiple training and query images. Thus, a novel method is proposed which advances the state-of-the-art in set based face recognition. Our method is based on a previously described invariant in the form of generic shape-illumination effects. The contributions include: (i) an analysis of computational demands of the original method and a demonstration of its practical limitations, (ii) a novel representation of personal appearance in the form of linked mixture models in image and pose-signature spaces, and (iii) an efficient (in terms of storage needs and matching time) manifold re-illumination algorithm based on the aforementioned representation. An evaluation and comparison of the proposed method with the original generic shape-illumination algorithm shows that comparably high recognition rates are achieved on a large data set (1.5% error on 700 face sets containing 100 individuals and extreme illumination variation) with a dramatic improvement in matching speed (over 700 times for sets containing 1600 faces) and storage requirements (independent of the number of training images).


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We consider the problem of matching a face in a low resolution query video sequence against a set of higher quality gallery sequences. This problem is of interest in many applications, such as law enforcement. Our main contribution is an extension of the recently proposed Generic Shape-Illumination Manifold (gSIM) framework. Specifically, (i) we show how super-resolution across pose and scale can be achieved implicitly, by off-line learning of subsampling artefacts; (ii) we use this result to propose an extension to the statistical model of the gSIM by compounding it with a hierarchy of subsampling models at multiple scales; and (iii) we describe an extensive empirical evaluation of the method on over 1300 video sequences – we first measure the degradation in performance of the original gSIM algorithm as query sequence resolution is decreased and then show that the proposed extension produces an error reduction in the mean recognition rate of over 50%.