256 resultados para PERIOPERATIVE NURSING


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Contents: Diagnosing and classifying diabetes -- Assessment and nursing diagnosis -- Monitoring diabetes mellitus -- Nutritional aspects of caring for people with diabetes -- Medication commonly used in diabetes management -- Hypoglycaemia -- Hyperglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperosmolar coma and lactic acidosis -- Long term complications of diabetes -- Management during surgical and investigative procedures -- Special situations and unusual conditions related to diabetes -- Diabetes and sexual health -- Diabetes in the older person -- Diabetes in children and adolescents -- Women, pregnancy, and gestational diabetes -- Psychological and quality of life issues related to having diabetes -- Diabetes education -- Discharge planning -- Community and primary care nursing and home-based care -- Complementary therapies and diabetes -- Managing diabetes in the emergency situations.


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Aim. This systematic review aimed to determine the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of nursing interventions in minimising the complications associated with administering medication via enteral tubes in adults.
Background. Giving enteral medication is a fairly common nursing intervention entailing several skills: verifying tube position, preparing medication, flushing the tube and assessing for potential complications. If not carried out effectively harmful consequences may result leading to increased morbidity and even mortality. Until now, what was considered to be best practice in this area was unknown.
Design. Systematic review.
Methods. CINAHL, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, Current Contents/All Editions, EMBASE, Australasian Medical Index and PsychINFO databases were searched up to September 2005. Reference lists of included studies were appraised. Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility for inclusion. There were no comparable randomised-controlled trials; data
were presented in a narrative summary.
Results. Identified evidence included using 30 ml of water for irrigation when giving medication or flushing small-diameter nasoenteral tubes may reduce tube occlusion. Using liquid medication should be considered as there may be less tube occlusions than with solid forms in nasoenteral tubes and silicone percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes. In addition, nurses may need to consider the sorbitol content of some liquid medications, for example elixirs, as diarrhoea has been attributed to the sorbitol content of the elixir, not the drug itself.
Conclusion. The evidence was limited. There was a lack of high-quality research on many important issues relating to giving enteral medication.
Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses have the primary responsibility for giving medication through enteral tubes and need knowledge of the best available evidence. Some of the nursing considerations and interventions relating to this skill have been researched in the clinical area and have implications for practice. There is a need for further studies to strengthen these findings.


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This paper reports on the findings of a study that considered how anxiety might function to organise nurses' practice. With reference to psychoanalytic theory this paper analyses field notes taken during a series of nursing change-of-shift handovers. The handover practices analysed met all the criteria for a ritual, as understood in psychoanalytic theory, and functioned to alleviate anxiety in the short term while symbolically expressing a forbidden and unknown knowledge. We argue that the handover ritual contained certain prohibitions, yet allowed some expression of the prohibited knowledge in a disguised way. The prohibition concerned how the patient affected the nurse, that is, moved the nurse to love and hate the patient. We argue that this prohibition is expressed, in disguise, via the displacement of affection for the patient onto other nurses and through negative stereotyping of some patients. We also argue that these prohibitions of the handover mirror broader prohibitions within nursing, and thus the rituals of the handover become an expression of how professional prohibitions are enacted in practice. We conclude that the important implicit function of the handover ritual is to keep anxiety at bay, thereby enabling the nurse to commence practice rather than being immobilised by the effect of potentially overwhelming anxiety.


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Background: The Career Development Year (CDY) is a 12 month supported entry program at one health care service in Victoria, Australia. The program targets Division One Registered Nurses with little or no emergency nursing experience. The intent of CDY is to improve recruitment to, and retention in, emergency nursing by educational and experiential preparation for emergency nursing practice.

Method: This study used a retrospective exploratory design to examine recruitment and retention of emergency nurses recruited via CDY (n = 72) and compare these findings with recruitment and retention data for a cohort of non-CDY participants (n = 15). CDY data was collected by self-report questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, correlations and inferential statistics were calculated using SPSS.

Results: CDY was found to promote recruitment of novice nurses to emergency nursing, with almost half the respondents (n = 25, 48.1%) reporting they would not have entered emergency nursing were it not for the supported entry program. Further, comparison with non-CDY participants revealed that CDY promoted retention within emergency nursing, with both short-term (n = 47, 90.4% vs. n = 8, 53.4%) and long-term retention doubling (n = 50, 96.1% vs. n = 7, 46.6%) following the introduction of CDY.

Conclusion: CDY was a valuable recruitment tool and successful retention strategy in the ED. Future research using a larger sample may demonstrate potential applicability to other clinical areas.


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Occupational stress in nursing has attracted considerable attention as a focus for research and as a consequence multiple objects of nurses' stress, or 'stressors', have been identified. This paper puts into question the dominant conceptual and methodological approach to occupational stress in nursing research by both foregrounding the notion of anxiety and juxtaposing it with the notion of 'stress'. It is argued that the notion of 'stress' and the domination of the questionnaire have produced a narrow reading of the topic. Some of the literature on occupational stress/anxiety in nursing is reviewed and our analysis illustrates how the identified objects of stress have a tendency to multiply contingent on the number of studies undertaken. Thus definitive objects of nurses' stress remain elusive. We argue that a return to the notion of 'anxiety' and methodological approaches other than empirical ones can bring both depth and breadth to the consideration of occupational distress in nursing. Further, we argue that the object of 'anxiety' is unconscious, thus unknown, and given this, a more informative approach is to map nurses' response to anxiety, the discursive formations arising out of anxiety, rather than attempt to define those objects of anxiety.


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Patient safety experts and other authorities have strongly postulated the open disclosure of errors and adverse events to patients and their nominated support persons as an essential component of effective clinical risk management in health care. Commentators also contend that ‘when things go wrong’, openly disclosing such events to the patient is simply ‘the right thing to do’. Important questions about the ethics of open disclosure remain, however. Is openly disclosing errors and adverse events to patients necessarily ‘the right thing to do’? Do hospital authorities and health care professionals always have an overriding duty to openly communicate with patients and their families when thing go wrong? If patients do not suffer any material harm when a mistake is made, should they or their nominated support persons still be told? Are there overriding moral considerations that might justify non-disclosure in certain circumstances? Despite the obvious importance of these issues and their possible implications for the nursing profession, they have not been comprehensively explored in the nursing literature. An important aim of this article (the second of a two-part discussion) is to contribute to the positive project of redressing this oversight.


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of malnutrition in a population of elderly hospitalised patients and to explore health professionals' perceptions and awareness of signs and risks of malnutrition and treatment options available.

Subjects and design:
One hundred elderly patients and 57 health professionals from medical wards of a tertiary teaching hospital. Quantitative and qualitative study design using a validated malnutrition assessment tool (Mini Nutritional Assessment) and researcher-designed questionnaire to assess health professionals' knowledge of nutrition risk factors.

Main outcome measures: Mini Nutritional Assessment score, nutrition risk category and themes in health professionals' knowledge and awareness of malnutrition and its risk factors.

Results: Thirty per cent of patients were identified as malnourished while 61% were at risk of malnutrition. Documentation by health professionals of two major risk factors for malnutrition—recent loss of weight and appetite—were poor with only 19% and 53% of patients with actual loss of weight or appetite, respectively, identified by staff and only 7% and 9% of these patients, respectively, referred for dietetic assessment. While health professionals' knowledge of important medical risk factors for malnutrition was good, their knowledge of malnutrition risk factors such as recent loss of weight and loss of appetite was poor. Medical staff focused on biochemical factors when assessing nutrition status, while nursing staff focused on skin integrity and turgor.

Conclusion: Malnutrition in elderly hospitalised patients remains a significant problem with low rates of recognition and referral by medical and nursing staff. Considerable scope exists to develop training and education tools and to implement an appropriate nutrition screening policy to improve referral rates to dietitians.


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Providing residential aged care is challenging because of the complexity of residents' health status, difficulties recruiting and retaining skilled staff, and financial and regulatory constraints. This paper discusses some of these challenges and describes an innovative model of care, termed 'The Tri-focal model of care'. This model was developed based on the concepts of 'partnership-centred care', 'positive work environment' and the need for evidence-based practice to underpin all aspects of care. It is envisaged that the implementation of this model will provide a rich learning environment that advances the teaching-nursing home concept and the quality of residential aged care.


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Nursing handover is a common part of nursing practice that is fundamental to safe patient care. Despite this, the literature provides little direction on the best way to conduct handover. This project aimed to examine nurses' perceptions of handover and to determine the strengths and limitations of the handover process. A staff survey was distributed to nurses in all inpatient wards at a metropolitan tertiary hospital. A total of 176 nurses responded to the staff survey. The findings revealed conflicting opinions about the effectiveness of the handover process; although a number of nurses were positive about current handover practice, indicating they were provided with sufficient information about patients and given opportunity to clarify patient care information, other nurses identified aspects of handover that could be improved. These included: the subjectivity of handover information, the time taken to conduct handover, repetition of information that could be found in the patients' care plans, and handing over of information by a nurse who has not cared for the patient. Some attention needs to given to addressing the perceived weaknesses associated with the handover process.


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The objective of this project was to develop a guideline for the nursing assessment and management of urinary retention in hospitalised older adults. The guideline was developed from a review of the literature and from consultation with a multidisciplinary expert panel. These experts provided feedback through a structured process known as the Delphi technique. Based on findings from both sources, a final guideline was developed which provides a framework for the nursing assessment and management of urinary retention in hospitalised older adults. This foundational work provides the basis for further research and evaluation of the management of urinary retention.


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The last decade has seen a substantial increase in the number of psychiatric or mental health nurses in Victoria, Australia who hold doctoral qualifications. The literature refers to the importance of scholarship for the professional development and recognition of nursing as a discipline. However, there is a paucity of literature addressing the contribution of nursing doctoral graduates to scholarship in mental health nursing or indeed the broader nursing profession. This paper presents the findings from a survey of psychiatric nurse doctoral graduates currently residing in the State of Victoria. A questionnaire was developed by the authors and distributed to the known doctoral graduates. The main findings demonstrate considerable variation in the discipline and topic of inquiry and in the extent to which doctoral studies had led to dissemination of research findings and engagement in further scholarly activity. The strengthening of mental health nursing knowledge requires scholarship and doctoral graduates are expected to make a major contribution, through research and the dissemination of findings. This paper presents a descriptive overview of doctoral graduates in one State of Australia with a particular focus on research and scholarship.


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Stroke is an increasing global health issue that places considerable burden on society and health care services. An important part of acute stroke management and decreasing stroke-related mortality is preventing complications within the first 24–48 hours. The current climate of prolonged time spent in the Emergency Department (ED) means that many aspects of stroke management are now the responsibility of emergency nurses.

The aims of this paper are to: i) examine the evidence related to nursing care of acute stroke, ii) identify evidence-based elements of stroke care with most applicability to emergency nursing and iii) use evidence-based stroke care recommendations to develop a guideline for the emergency nursing management of acute stroke.

Emergency nursing care of acute stroke should focus on optimal triage decisions, physiological surveillance, fluid management, risk management, and early referral to specialists.

The role of emergency nurses in stroke care will increase and it is important that emergency nurses deliver evidence-based stroke care in order to optimise patient outcomes. Guidelines and decision support tools for use in emergency nursing must be practical and have high levels of clinical utility for maximum uptake in a busy clinical environment.