90 resultados para Organotin dyes


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Atmospheric pressure plasma with a relatively short exposure time was sufficient to modify the wool surface. The ageing studies showed the hydrophobic recovery of fibre surface took place at the early stages after plasma treatment. While plasma improved wool shrink-resistance, improvement in dyeability depends on the hydrophilic-hydrophobic nature of dyestuff.


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Describes the development of a cell to hold loose wool fibre, fabric and yarn samples for the collection of Fourier Transform Raman spectra. Then follows a detailed study of reactions of Lanasol (Ciba) dyes with wool, the dyes forming covalent bonds with various amino acids in the fibres.


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Available effluent treatment systems to treat wool scour and dyehouse wastewaters were investigated. Electroflotation was found to be the most practicable treatment process as it had the ability to reduce the contaminant load in wastewaters. The quality of the treated wastewaters was then suitable for disposal to sewer or reuse on site.


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This paper describes the design, simulation, fabrication and experimental analysis of a passive micromixer for the mixing of biological solvents. The mixer consists of a T-junction, followed by a serpentine microchannel. the serpentine has three arcs, each equipped with circular barriers that are patterned as two opposing triangles. >The barriers are engineered to induce periodic perturbations in the flow field and enhance the mixing. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method is applied to optimise the geometric variables of the mixer before fabrication. The mixer is made from PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) using photo- and soft-lithography techniques. Experimental measurements are performed using yellow and blue food dyes as the mixing fluids. The mixing is measured by analysing the composition of the flow's colour across the outlet channel. The performance of the mixer is examined in a wide range of flow rates from 0.5 to 10 µl/min. Mixing efficiencies of higher than 99.4% are obtained in the experiments confirming the results of numerical simulations. The proposed mixer can be employed as a part of lab-on-a-chip for biomedical applications.


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This work focused on the characterisation of wool powders and their sorption capacity for dyes and metal ions. It provides new information to the field of wool and the potential use of wool to sorb contaminants from wastewater. It also suggests a new use for inferior and waste wool.


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The successful synthesis and characterisation of a series of new chiral cages was achieved through the use of a BINOL backbone linked to a variety of organotin carboxylates. These novel chiral cages may ultimately find use as catalysts in reaction syntheses for the pharmaceutical industry.


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Membrane is usually subject to fouling by various organic foulants, such as yeast, protein and sodium alginate during filtration. Backwashing is a common practice to reduce membrane fouling. It is essential to evaluate the effects of backwashing on fouling in order to optimize operational parameters. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter organic foulants from suspensions in a dead-end stirred cell. Three types of organic foulants including yeast, protein and sodium alginate which were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration were used with different combinations in the experiments. After filtration, the PVDF membrane was backwashed.

Consequently, a stack of images, instrumental data and sample data were captured from the fouling layers on the PVDF membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated image acquisition software LAS AF. Then, the quality of the images was enhanced for better visualization and a set of quantitative fouling data were derived by using the software code developed by the project team at Deakin University.

This collection contains raw image data of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membrane’s fouling layer when three types of organic foulants present, which are captured by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and its software, and the instrumental and sample metadata, the processed image data and the geometrical structure properties of the fouling layer. By comparing with the same membrane without backwashing, the efficiency of backwashing was computed.

This data collection would be useful to evaluate the backwashing efficiency of PVDF membrane in order to optimize frequency and operational conditions of backwashing by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.


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Coloured conducting textiles have shown a wide range of potential applications in heating fabrics, electromagnetic wave absorption, and wearable optoelectronic devices. This research aimed at clarifying some issues occurred in the research project on coloured conductive textiles. The investigation firstly clarified a possible chemical reaction that took place between a commercial dispersing dye (Terasil Red G) and the conducting polymer polypyrrole, through chemical separation, structural identification and spectrum characterisations. Then, a series of acidic dyes were introduced into polypyrrole matrix during the vapour coating of conducting polymer on the wool fabrics. Colour and thermal stability studies were conducted. Finally, the polypyrrole nanoparticles (particle size several~200nm) were prepared by a microemulsion polymerisation technique. An acid dye was used as the dopant to re-dope the nanoparticles. The effect of the acidic dye on the optical absorption of nanoparticles was studied. Applying the conducting nanoparticles on wool fabrics may open an alternative path to achieve the coloured conducting textiles.


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The application of photochromism in textiles has potential to create new opportunities to develop fancy colour-changing effects in fashionable textiles, as well as smart garments capable of protecting wearers from the effects of UV irradiation and responding to environmental changes. This book presents a coating method for achieving quick and obvious photochromic effects on wool fabrics using conventional photochromic dyes and hybrid silicas. It covers details about fabricating different types of photochromic dye-silica coatings, measuring their optical performance, assessing some physical characterisations of the coatings, and measuring the effects of the coatings on fabric performance.


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This data was obtained from an experiment, where polycarbonate (PC) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, including protein and sodium alginate, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. Consequently, a stack of images were captured from the fouling layers on the PC membrane surface using confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). This data collection contains 105 2D images of polycarbonate (PC) membranes fouling layer. This data collection would be useful to investigate membrane fouling mechanism by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.


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The textile industry plays an important role in the world economy as well as our daily life. However, the industry consuming a large quantity of water and generating huge amount of wastewater are unsustainable to the conservation of our precious resources and environment and need improvement. The wastewater, especially the one from spent cotton reactive dyebaths, contains high salt content, various dyes and high alkalinity. This study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of membrane filtration treating spent cotton reactive dye baths. A stirred cell with nanofiltration membrane was used aiming at reusing the reclaimed water. Spent dyebath solutions were synthesized containing hydrolyzed C. I. Reactive Black 5 and sodium chloride. When a piece of membrane was used repeatedly it was expected the flux would decrease after each usage due to fouling of impurities. However, it was found that the water flux increased while dye rejection decreased after each run. At pH 10, the dye rejection decreased significantly. It was proposed that the pore sizes of membrane might have changed during membrane filtration. An equation was derived calculating the possible changes of pore sizes.


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During dyeing, salts are placed in a dyebath to aid the fixation of various dyes on to the fabric while bases are added to raise the pH from around neutral to pH 11. Afterwards, the used dyebath solution, called dyebath spent liquor, is discharged with almost all the salts and bases added as well as unfixed dyes. Consequently, a lot of raw materials are lost in the waste stream ending up in the environment as pollutants. In this study, possibilities of reusing water and salts of dyebathes were investigated, using a nanofiltration membrane. When the salt concentration in the spent liquor was increased from 10 to 80 g/L, the salt rejection by membrane was found to decrease initially; however, the salt rejection increased over the time, which was not expected. The aggregation of dye was also studied and found to decrease in the concentrate when the salt concentration was increased. This may be due to the aggregation of salt in the concentrate, which explains the increase in salt rejection. This information is useful for the textile industry in evaluating the treated water quality for the purpose of reuse.


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During the reactive dyeing of cotton, salts such as sodium chloride (NaCI) are placed in a dyebath to aid the exhaustion of various dyes onto the fabric while bases are added to raise the pH from around neutral to pH 11 to achieve fixation. Afterwards, the used dyebath solution, called dyebath spent liquor, is discharged with almost all the salts and bases added as well as unfixed dyes. Consequently, many raw materials are lost in the waste stream ending up in the environment as pollutants. In this study possibilities of reusing the water and salts of dyebaths were investigated using a nanofiltration membrane. When the NaCI concentration in the spent liquor was increased from 10 to 80 g/L, the NaC1 rejection by the membrane was found to decrease initially; however, the NaC1 rejection increased over time, which was not expected. The aggregation of dye was also studied and found to decrease in the concentrate when the salt concentration was increased. This information is useful for the textile industry in evaluating the treated water quality for the purpose of reuse.


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Photochromic fabrics were prepared using a coating solution containing photochromic dyes and silica sol-gel. The photochromic effect was rapid. The effect of three different post treatments on the optical and durability of the photochromic fabrics was evaluated. These included incorporating a UV stabilizer, increasing the surface hydrophobicity by fluorinating the pores, and blockading the dye-containing pores with additional silica coating. All the treatments improved photostability, without significantly affecting response/fading speeds.


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This sub-collection is the result of an investigation into the mechanism of organic fouling in membrane filtration processes. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, protein and yeast with a concentration of 50mg/l and 20 mg/l, respectively, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. This dataset contains a stack of images of the fouling layer on the PVDF membrane surface captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated acquisition software. This dataset would be useful to researchers who are investigating the membrane organic fouling mechanism so that new membrane materials and new anti-fouling surface treatment technologies can be developed for water and wastewater industry in the future.