185 resultados para Moments of being


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We have entered the age of the contingent or temporary worker, the consultant and the subcontractor. Workers are expected to be pliable and tractable; to “fit in.” Being made redundant is also an area where modern workers are expected to be flexible and resilient. However, when these so-called “flexible” workers are told their job no longer exists, the accompanying sense of rejection and alienation can be excruciating. Stories of being made redundant were collected during an exploratory, qualitative study, using Heideggerian phenomenology as the methodological vehicle to capture the lived experiences of those affected. Focused, in-depth interviews were conducted with the ten respondents; nine men and one woman. The stories shared suggest that being made redundant is an alienating experience with respondents sharing feelings of powerlessness, shock, betrayal, shame and social isolation. Unfortunately, those having experienced redundancy were also not as resilient as is routinely assumed. They did not “bounce back” unchanged, but reported significant negative outcomes including fear for the future, underemployment, family disruptions and an erosion of trust. Recommendations are made orienting organisations towards a more human process of redundancy.


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In Australia, financial literacy is not given prominence within the education system, and it is a general view that financial literacy is gained through ‘hands on’ experience in earning and spending money; further, financial education seems to occur only when people take a loan or experience financial difficulties (Hajaj, 2002). This is not sufficient if people need to make informed decisions about their investments and, because of a number of social factors, it has become necessary to educate the majority of the adult population in Australia in Financial Literacy over a relatively short period of time. Given the large numbers requiring such an education, the seminar approach is being widely used, however is it effective? Drawing on the adult education literature, this study examined the effectiveness of the seminar approach by surveying adult participants in a Financial Literacy seminar. The survey found that while a majority of participants (50%) expressed none or weak financial knowledge prior to attending the seminar and 45% expressed that they only had a moderate rate of financial knowledge, a majority of 63% strongly agreed or agreed to the seminar improving their knowledge of the need for retirement savings. Furthermore, 58% of participants were either confident or very confident of being able to apply what they learned in the seminar to achieving their retirement savings goal. These findings suggest that the seminar approach was effective in educating adults and improved their level of financial literacy. Future research could investigate whether the level of financial knowledge gained during the seminar is retained over a considerable period of time.


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The authors used grounded theory to explore and develop a substantive theory to explain how 20 young women with type 1 diabetes managed their lives when facing turning points and undergoing transitions. The women experienced a basic social problem: being in the grip of blood glucose levels (BGLs), which consisted of three categories: (a) the impact of being susceptible to fluctuating BGLs, (b) the responses of other people to the individual woman’s diabetes, and (c) the impact of the individual women’s diabetes on other people’s lives. The women used a basic social process to overcome the basic social problem by creating stability, which involved using three interconnected subprocesses: forming meaningful
relationships, enhancing attentiveness to blood glucose levels, and putting things in perspective. Insights into the processes and strategies used by the women have important implications for provision of care and service delivery.


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In June 2006, the Good Weekend, the magazine supplementing Saturday’s the Age in Melbourne, ran the following cover story by Catharine Lumby: “Worried TV will turn your child into a zombie?” The cover featured a science-fiction image of a boy’s upturned face. Televisions were reflected in his pupils, giving them the effect of being square instead of round. The message, though, was ultimately non-alarmist with the subheading already instructing “Relax. It’s all good”. Stories like this appear regularly in the press, and while I am not interested in debating whether TV is good or bad for children, I am interested in the popular image of children—or, for that matter, adults—as being akin to zombies when they watch TV, if only because something similar happens when we read books. Although it is not as fashionable to talk about it, we become emptied of ourselves, possessed by something other.


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In recent years many changes to the funding and management of universities have taken place. In the current climate of academia in Australia professional academics find themselves immersed in the culture of the managed university that uses the rhetoric of commitment to flexible delivery to put in place systems designed to increase accountability, surveillance and control. At the same time some argue that the focus on research, quality teaching and effective pedagogy has lessened. The empirical research base for this paper has enabled me to better understand some of the emerging trends my university. It looks at how changes to the experience of being academic impact on the work of academics as the power relations of the university continuously reposition them, and how academics in turn display resistance technologies. Changes to the technologies of management/administration of the university have resulted in what some academics have described as a loss of valuing of their knowledge and expertise and which may be seen by some as a threat to their opportunities to conduct productive educational inquiry.


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We describe overweight and obesity prevalence in Shenzhen school children (2146 girls and 2428 boys) aged 7 to 12 years, Guangdong Province, China. Nineteen percent of boys and 11% of girls were overweight or obese. Boys had odds of almost 2 to 1 (1.92, 95% CI 1.62,2.27) of being overweight or obese compared to girls and children aged 9 years and over were at greater odds of being overweight or obese than those aged 7 years (p<0.05). Overweight and obesity prevalence among children from Shenzhen rivals that of children from developed nations. Current obesity levels in Shenzhen may represent future levels for urban China.


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Background: Research into depression in the medically ill has progressed without sufficient attention being given to the validity, in this group, of the taxonomic categories. We aimed to describe, using qualitative interviews, the experience of 'being depressed', separating experiences that are unique to depression from experiences that are common to being ill and in hospital.
Method: Forty-nine patients hospitalized for medical illness underwent a 30-min interview in which they were asked to 'Describe how you have been unwell and, in particular, how that has made you feel.' From the transcripts, a 'folk' taxonomy was constructed using a phenomenological framework involving four steps: frame elicitation to identify the important themes, componential analysis to systematically cluster the attributes into domains, a comparison of the experiences of patients screening depressed and  not-depressed, and a theoretical analysis comparing the resulting taxonomy with currently used theoretical constructs.
Results: Experiences common to all patients were being in hospital, being ill or in pain, adjusting to not being able to do things, and having time to think. In addition, all participants described being depressed, down or sad. Patients who were identified by screening as being depressed described unique experiences of depression, which included 'having to think about things' (a forceful intrusive thinking), 'not being able to sleep', 'having to rely on others', 'being a burden' to others (with associated shame and guilt), feelings of 'not getting better' and 'feeling like giving up'. Theoretical analysis suggested that this experience of depression fitted well with the concept of demoralization described by Jerome Frank.
Conclusions: Demoralization, which involves feelings of being unable to cope, helplessness, hopelessness and diminished personal esteem, characterizes much of the depression seen in hospitalized medically ill patients


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This paper reports the findings of a study undertaken in November 2001 on the experiences of 17 rural people from the regional city of Toowoomba who had been diagnosed with cancer and were required to travel to the capital city of Queensland (Brisbane) for radiotherapy. The interviews were tape recorded; the recordings were transcribed verbatim and analysed for emergent themes and subthemes, following verification by the participants that the transcription was a true record of their experience. The major themes that arose from the study were (1) the burden of travel; (2) the difficulties of living in accommodation that is not one's own home; (3) the financial burden caused by the need to relocate or travel to and from Brisbane; (4) the lack of closeness to family and friends; (5) and feelings of being a burden on others. The findings suggest that at a time of stress, an increasing burden is placed on cancer clients and their families if they are required to travel for radiotherapy. Health professionals who read the results of this study should be aware of the isolation of rural people who have to live in an unfamiliar environment at a time of great stress. Support mechanisms should be put into place in these referral centres to deal with these stressors.


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Is the idea of the liberal university dead, has the post modern university any chance of being emancipatory, has the theory practice divide merely collapsed in an era of 'new knowledge work', or has the university just become one aspect of market state and global capitalism. Knowledge based economies simultaneously locate universities as central to the commodification and management of knowledge while the legitimacy of the university and the academic as knowledge producers is challenged by post modernist, feminist, postcolonial and indigenous claims within a wider trend towards the 'democratisation of knowledge' and a new educational instrumentalism and opportunism. What becomes of the educational researcher, and indeed for their professional organizations, in this changing socio political and economic scenario? Is our role one of policy service or policy critique, technical expert or public intellectual? In particular what place is there for feminist public intellectuals in a socalled era of post feminism and public-/private convergence? The paper draws on recent debates around the nature of knowledge based societies, trends in relations between policy and educational research, and draws upon feminist and critical perspectives to mount a case for the importance of the postmodern university and the public intellectual.


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Current ideas of adolescent development portray a slow steady movement toward adulthood. These notions developed hand in hand with social practices that evolved in the latter half of the 19th century and contemporaneously with modernisation. During this period conceptions of adolescence included longer stays in school, organised leisure activities, juvenile justice policies and the protection of youth from child labour. Lesko (2001) works from a position that the modern age is defined by time, an understanding that events and change are meaningful in their occurrence in and through time. She examines adolescence as partaking of panoptical time which is condensed and commodified; a time framework that compels us - scholars, educators, parents, and teenagers - to attend to progress, precocity, arrest, or decline" (2001 p.41). Panoptical time can be used to explore how ideas of what is 'normal' development can be used to privilege particular ways of being an adolescent, to monitor who is deemed to be 'at risk' of not conforming to that model and to govern their behaviour. A Foucauldian analysis suggests the formation of 'at risk' identities reflects historically specific discourses. An understanding of how these and other discursive constructions are formed opens the way for resistance. This presentation explores the recent implementation of On-Track and On-Track Connect within Victorian government policy and explores the experience of a Local Learning and Employment Network in implementing the policy.


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A special seminar on the cultural significance of mapping across European and indigenous representational systems of being and place.


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Reduced mortality rates in the Western world have created an increase in people with co-morbidities who have the potential to require acute care hospital services. These patients' chronic conditions often require complex needs that may not always be met by an acute care focus. This has created a precedent for nurses concerned with the holistic care and quality of life for these patients. This paper aims to describe the experiences of patients with co-morbidities who were admitted to hospital with an acute illness. This exploratory descriptive design selected patients in acute care who had more than one co-morbidity for approximately five years. Data was obtained from a purposive sample of twelve patients within two weeks of being discharged home using a semi-structured interview approach. Data analysis was conducted utilising Nvivo software to process the Colaizzi [1978] method. The theme clusters revealed a lack of continuity and co-ordinated care of the patients' co-morbidities during the acute admission and in discharge planning. It was seen that combinations of chronic conditions and treatments affected these patients' experience of acute care and thereafter, where conceptualisations of co-morbidity failed to accurately capture the underlying health care needs of these patients. These findings have implications for a comprehensive and considered approach to these patients' health care needs and quality of life whilst developing an improved understanding of co-morbidity for nursing. Recommendations for further research conclude this paper.


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Aim. The aim of the study was to explore and describe the strategies young women with type 1 diabetes used to manage life transitions. The paper describes one aspect of how guilt dynamic often operates between mothers and daughters and how the women managed the guilt dynamic to create stability in their lives.
When a child is diagnosed with diabetes, major transitional changes occur in the relationships between the mother and her child. The changes affect the psychological and social aspects of their lives and have a major impact on how young women manage their diabetes. A guilt dynamic between mothers and young women with diabetes emerged as a major theme in a larger study that investigated how young women with diabetes managed life transitions. Although the literature indicates that mothers of chronically ill children experience guilt feelings towards their children, little research was identified that addressed the emotional dynamics between mothers and daughters with diabetes.
Design. Using grounded theory method, interviews were conducted with 20 women with type 1 diabetes and five mothers during 2002 and 2003. Constant comparative analysis was used to analyse the data and develop an in-depth understanding of the experience of living with diabetes during life transitions.
Findings. The findings revealed that guilt feelings created a two-way dependency between mothers and their daughters with diabetes. The two-way dependency involved feelings of being a burden to each other, difficulty balancing responsibilities for diabetes management, difficulty relinquishing emotional and social dependency especially during life transitions. In addition, these issues were rarely discussed openly with each other or with health professionals. The findings provide additional information about the human experience of the mother–daughter relationship and the effect on coping with diabetes in the context of life transitions.
Understanding the impact diabetes has on the emotional and social well being of both women with type 1 diabetes and their mothers is critical in planning appropriate support for both groups. Most importantly, it is critical to understand the guilt dynamic that operates during young women with diabetes' life transitions when the daughters' dependency on their mother's control and responsibility for diabetes management undergo changes resulting in emotional responses, especially guilt feelings.
Relevance to clinical practice. Health professionals need to understand the emotional and social impact of the guilt dynamics between young women with type 1 diabetes and their mothers. Adequate and appropriate support can minimize the guilt feelings and enhance stability and quality of life for both mothers and their daughters, especially during major life transitions, such as motherhood.


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A qualitative methodology, using open-ended questions, was employed to explore the perceptions of 112 children regarding the role of police. The children, aged 5 to 6 and 7 to 8 years, were asked to comment on what police officers do when they go to work, what direct and indirect experiences they have had with the police, and the positive and negative aspects of being a police officer. The findings revealed that children emphasise the punitive role of police; very few children identified with non-punitive roles. This punitive theme was evident irrespective of the children's experiences, age, and whether they could recall television shows involving police. The practical implications of our findings for police relations with children, particularly in a forensic interview context, are discussed.


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Television viewing and physical inactivity are independently associated with risk of obesity. However, how the combination of multiple leisure-time sedentary behaviours (LTSB) and physical activity (LTPA) may contribute to the risk of obesity is not well understood. We examined the joint associations of multiple sedentary behaviours and physical activity with the odds of being overweight or obese.

A mail survey collected the following data from adults living in Adelaide, Australia (n = 2210): self-reported height, weight, six LTSB, LTPA and sociodemographic variables. Participants were categorised into four groups according to their level of LTSB (dichotomised into low and high levels around the median) and LTPA (sufficient: ≥ 2.5 hr/wk; insufficient: < 2.5 hr/wk). Logistic regression analysis examined the odds of being overweight or obese (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2) by the combined categories.

The odds of being overweight or obese relative to the reference category (low sedentary behaviour time and sufficient physical activity) were: 1.54 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.20–1.98) for the combination of low sedentary behaviour time and insufficient physical activity; 1.55 (95% CI: 1.20–2.02) for the combination of high sedentary behaviour time and sufficient physical activity; and 2.26 (95% CI: 1.75–2.92) for the combination of high sedentary behaviour time and insufficient physical activity.

Those who spent more time in sedentary behaviours (but were sufficiently physically active) and those who were insufficiently active (but spent less time in sedentary behaviour) had a similar risk of being overweight or obese. Reducing leisure-time sedentary behaviours may be as important as increasing leisure-time physical activity as a strategy to fight against obesity in adults.