114 resultados para Literary Club of Cincinnati.


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Scholarship on Louisa Lawson and the Dawn has necessarily often focussed on the important and wide-ranging achievements of her feminist work for women's legal, social and political rights. Indeed, as Audrey Oldfield notes, "Louisa Lawson was one of the most important figures in the New South Wales woman suffrage movement" (261). However, I want to focus here on the periodical publishing context of the Dawn as a means of pointing to further discussions of Lawson's significance as a poet. Megan Roughley has noted that the Dawn "was a forum for political causes, especially the movement for the emancipation and enfranchisement of women, and, as importantly to Louisa, the temperance movement" (ix), with influential articles appearing on a wide range of important issues including divorce reform. Yet, Lawson's construction of the Dawn was also highly literary from its first issue, with editorial choices and literary references reflecting her awareness of political and feminist literary culture. In addition to references such as the above quotation from Tennyson, Lawson included an epigraph from Joseph Addison's play Cato in the list of contents: "A day, an hour, in virtuous liberty, is worth a whole eternity in bondage." Citing Addison, a significant figure in the American Revolution, demonstrates Lawson's linking of radical class politics with feminism, as well as highlighting the importance of literary dialogues to Lawson's publishing work. Likewise, the concerns of Lawson's poetry are clearly situated within a continuing female tradition, and Lawson's poetry, when examined in the feminist literary context of the Dawn, reveals a radical and sophisticated poetics.


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This paper focuses on the need for designers to follow clear, concise, workable practises to engage appropriately and ethically with indigenous knowledge on projects involving the graphical depiction of indigenous culture. Incorporating indigenous symbols into visual communication design strategies impacts a wide range of stakeholders and therefore requires a sensitive approach with broad consultation in regard to permissions and intellectual property rights; issues can be worked through if respectful practice methods are applied. This paper acknowledges cultural appropriation is not new and that creative, cross cultural interpretation and expressions of hybridity should be encouraged. However respectful communication, consultation, and collaboration are required whenever commercial application of indigenous culture is attempted. To demonstrate the need for clarity, three case study examples will be presented, each with design solutions involving the use of graphical depictions of indigenous culture and each selected due to the varying degrees of stakeholder engagement undertaken in the design process. The introduction of the ladder of stakeholder engagement theory is a new concept introduced in this paper that can be employed to better consider the appropriate and ethical engagement of designers with indigenous knowledge.


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The Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfolcensis is classified as an exudivore/insectivore feeder, with staple dietary items including insects, insect exudates and plant exudates. During a study of the foraging ecology of the species in northern Victoria, an adult female glider was observed to harass a nesting Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera, ultimately removing the bird before consuming eggs within the nest. A description of this observation is provided and vertebrate predation by the Squirrel Glider is discussed in relation to other published accounts. Vertebrate predation by the Squirrel Glider is considered infrequent and opportunistic, but may provide an additional protein and energy source for lactating females.


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Sir Frederick McCoy, during a long career involved with taxonomy, contributed extensively to the knowledge of the fossil record of the Phylum Brachiopoda, From his classic early monographs on the fossil faunas of the Carboniferous and Silurian of Ireland, to his later works in Victoria where important new species were described and illustrated, McCoy demonstrated the same care, meticulous rigour and quality of illustrations that typified all his work. His contributions on the Brachiopoda are of high and long-lasting significance but form only part of his much broader contribution to palaeontology.


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Frederick McCoy contributed to the knowledge of the fossil record of the Tasmanian Devil Sarcophilus harrisii Boitard, 1842 in Victoria by including a number of figured specimens in the Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria. However, an article McCoy wrote under the pseudonym 'Microzooni highlighted his anti-Darwinian thoughts and embraced a successionist viewpoint. The article, entitled 'Pre-historic Tasmanian Devils', is an interesting account of zoogeography from a successionist perspective, and is used here to contrast McCoy's anti-evolutionary viewpoint with modern Darwinian thought. A number of fossil sarcophilines discovered since McCoy's death illustrate the shortcomings of McCoy's favoured anti-Darwinian viewpoint when discussing the nature of evolution and extinction.


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The first Australian ichthyosaur fossils were described by Frederick M'Coy in 1867 from a series of fossil specimens collected by James Sutherland in the Flinders River region, northern Queensland. An initial case of fossils collected was primarily used by M'Coy to provide the first incontrovertible proof of the existence of the Cretaceous System in Australia. Subsequent follow-up work was undertaken and further specimens were collected, including fossiI vertebrae that were named by M 'Coy, lchthyosaurus australis (M'Coy 1867). Despite describing the species as 'the most interesting fossil animal yet found in Australia' his descriptions were brief and limited and have been criticized by a number of later workers.


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From August 1869 until May 1871, an anonymous naturalist under the pseudonym 'Microzoon' published a superb series of articles in a weekly Melbourne newspaper, The Australasian. The author was undoubtedly Frederick McCoy. The Microzoon articles provide a valuable early record of
aspects of the natural history of Victoria, in particular the bird life, but also covering a selection of other topics including snakes, insects, fish, molluscs, geology, palaeontology and stratigraphy.


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In the later part of his life Frederick McCoy selected and developed a bush block on the slopes of Mount Macedon. The conditions for purchase required him to plant and foster the growth of various northern hemisphere trees and shrubs. He duly cleared part of the block, planted trees, shrubs and
grass, put up fencing, constructed a small reservoir and laid pipes. In 1876, having fulfilled government requirements, he purchased the property and retained ownership until 1890.


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Sir Frederick McCoy made a significant contribution to the foundation of stratigraphical palaeontology. He carried out extensive taxonomic work sorting, naming and describing the Palaeozoic fossils of Ireland and Britain, and also played a decisive role in the debate between Adam Sedgwick and Roderick Murchison on where to draw the boundary between the Cambrian and Silurian systems. On his arrival in the Colony of Victoria in December 1854 he found that, contrary to the expectations of most European scientists, much of the stratigraphy and palaeontology paralleled that in the Northern Hemisphere. Hence McCoy was the first to confirm that the geological column was a global phenomenon.


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Eucalyptus crenulata is a rare species known from only two populations. The Buxton Silver Gum Reserve was set aside in 1978 for the conservation of the species, but this objective may be compromised by changes in the integrity of the landscape immediately surrounding the Reserve. A time sequence of aerial photos and Geographic Information Systems technology has been used to identify patterns of landscape change, and aid in determining appropriate management strategies to minimize negative impacts caused by landscape fragmentation and habitat exposure


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The development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system is an objective of all Australian states and territories. In Victoria, land purchase is one means of increasing the reservation levels of some of the State’s most endangered ecosystems. This article outlines the biological features of some new land purchases for addition to the Victorian protected area system.


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We examined the status of the Little Penguin Eudyptula minor at Middle Island on the west coast of Victoria during the species' 1999/2000 breeding season. The vegetated upper surface of the island had 292 occupied burrows at a density of 0.02/m2. Peak dusk arrival occurred in January with 502 penguins coming ashore during a one-hour period. Little Penguins at Middle Island displayed important differences in breeding ecology from penguins in other Australian colonies. Early breeding combined with heavier adult and chick weights resulted in high breeding success. However, as Middle Island is a popular destination for day visitors, during the 1999/2000 Little Penguin breeding season, tourism ·was found to cause detrimental effects, including deaths of some eggs and chicks. There are also concerns for the conservation of the Little Penguin colony as faxes or dogs may readily access the island.


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Sphacelaria biradiata Askenasy is a little known but common brown alga of southern Australian coasts. This paper describes its reproduction. Populations of S. biradiata reproduced asexually by vegetative propagules in all localities examined. The propagules were produced throughout the year and did not appear to be affected by season, although, if sexual structures occurred, propagule numbers declined. Sexual reproduction can occur and involves an alternation of generations, but it is a rare event. Gametophytes may produce male gametangia, female gametangia or both. Male gametangia, however, are extremely rare and are described for the first time. Production of female gametangia was influenced by season and occurred at all areas studied. The sexual behaviour of the male and female gametes is described.