179 resultados para Lens Based Practice


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Addressing low levels of social and emotional well-being (SEWB) in Indigenous communities has been a national strategic priority for over 10 years and yet progress in assessing the impact of interventions has been slow. One of the key factors limiting the development of evidence-based practice has been the lack of well-validated instruments to assess SEWB and how it changes over time as a result of intervention. This article systematically reviews available measures, classifying them in terms of the evidence base that exists to support their use. It is concluded that there is an ongoing need to develop psychometrically sound, comprehensive, culturally appropriate measures to operationalise Indigenous SEWB at a population health, programme evaluation, and clinical level. It is suggested that seven pathways be followed to achieve this goal, including the need to recognise that the gold standard status for Indigenous measurement tools cannot be ascribed based on evidence-based assessment criteria alone.


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Aim : To develop clinical practice guidelines for nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

Background : Numerous studies have reported that nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is safe. However, the broad scope of existing guidelines for the administration and monitoring of patients who receive sedation during medical procedures without an anaesthetist present means there is a lack of specific guidance regarding optimal nursing practices for the unique circumstances where nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is used in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

Methods : A sequential mixed methods design was used. Initial recommendations were produced from three studies conducted by the authors: an integrative review; a qualitative study; and a cross-sectional survey. The recommendations were revised according to responses from a modified Delphi study. The first Delphi round was completed by nine senior cardiac catheterization laboratory nurses. All but one of the draft recommendations met the predetermined cut-off point for inclusion with 59 responses to the second round. Consensus was reached on all recommendations.

Implications for nursing : The guidelines that were derived from the Delphi study offer 24 recommendations within six domains of nursing practice: Pre-procedural assessment; Pre-procedural patient and family education; Pre-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient assessment and monitoring; and Postprocedural patient assessment and monitoring.

Conclusion : These guidelines provide an important foundation towards the delivery of safe, consistent and evidence-based nursing care for the many patients who receive sedation in the cardiac catheterization laboratory setting.


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This essay seeks to consider some of the issues around evidencethat provide an ongoing challenge to the profession of music therapyto be vigilant and critical with regards the undertaking, butalso the appropriation or application, of research in our alliedhealth discipline. It is written in response to the statement that“medical music therapists need to continue to discuss and debateour views as to what constitutes knowledge, expertise and ‘evidence’in our profession.” (Edwards, 2002, p. 33). A critical perspectiveto current demands for evidence is provided, and the useof quantitative method as the basis for trustworthy research inmusic therapy is discussed. The paediatric medical context is themain site of professional research of the author, however, some ofthe points made will have relevance for other fields of clinicalservice.


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Evidence to guide initial emergency nursing care of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Thailand is currently not available in a useable form. A care bundle was used to summarise an evidence-based approach to the initial emergency nursing management of patients with severe TBI and was implemented in one Thai emergency department. The aim of this study was to describe Thai emergency nurses' perceptions of care bundle use. A descriptive qualitative study was used to describe emergency nurses' perceptions of care bundle use during the implementation phase (Phase-One) and then post-implementation (Phase-Two). Ten emergency nurses participated in Phase-One, while 12 nurses participated in Phase-Two. In Phase-One, there were five important factors identified in relation to use of the care bundle including quality of care, competing priorities, inadequate equipment, agitated patients, and teamwork. In Phase Two, participants perceived that using the care bundle helped them to improve quality of care, increased nurses' knowledge, skills, and confidence. Care bundles are one strategy to increase integration of research evidence into clinical practice and facilitate healthcare providers to deliver optimal patient care in busy environments with limited resources.


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There is known variation in Thai nurses' knowledge regarding the best available evidence for care of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of an evidence-based care bundle on Thai emergency nurses' knowledge regarding management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. A pre-test/post-test design was used. The study intervention was an evidence-based care bundle for initial nursing management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Data were collected from 31 Registered Nurses using multiple choice questions. Results revealed a statistically significant improvement in overall knowledge scores after care bundle implementation (p < 0.001). There were statistically significant improvements in five areas of knowledge: understanding of target end-tidal carbon dioxide levels (p < 0.001), implications of hypocapnia in severe traumatic brain injury (p = 0.01), implications of hypercapnia in severe traumatic brain injury (p = 0.02), importance of maintaining head and neck in neutral position (p = 0.05), and administration of sedatives and analgesics in severe traumatic brain injury (p = 0.01). This study suggested that implementation of an evidence-based care bundle improved emergency nurses' knowledge regarding management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To test the feasibility of an evidence-based care bundle in a Thai emergency department. The specific objective of this study was to examine the impact of the implementation of the care bundle on the initial emergency nursing management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. BACKGROUND: A care bundle approach is one strategy used to improve the consistency, quality and safety of emergency care for different patients groups, however, has not been tested in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. DESIGN: A pretest/post-test design was used. The study intervention was an evidence-based care bundle for initial emergency nursing management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. METHODS: Nonparticipant observations were conducted between October 2012-June 2013 at an emergency department of a 640 bed regional hospital in Southern Thailand. The initial emergency nursing care was observed in 45 patients with severe traumatic brain injury: 20 patients in the pretest period and 25 patients in the post-test period. RESULTS: There were significant improvements in clinical care of patients with severe traumatic brain injury after implementation of the care bundle: (1) use of end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring, (2) frequency of respiratory rate assessment, (3) frequency of pulse rate and blood pressure assessment, and (4) patient positioning. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that implementation of an evidence-based care bundle improved specific elements of emergency nurses' clinical management of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: The study suggests that a care bundle approach can be used as a strategy to improve emergency nursing care of patients with severe traumatic brain injury.


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AIMS: Motivational interviewing (MI) is the most successfully disseminated evidence-based practice in the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment field. This systematic review considers two questions relevant to policymakers and service providers: (1) does training in MI achieve sustained practice change in clinicians delivering SUD treatment; and (2) do clinicians achieve a level of competence after training in MI that impacts upon client outcomes? METHODS: A systematic review was conducted and reported in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, examining training outcomes for MI in the SUD treatment sector, and for clinicians working in a SUD treatment role. We determined a training method to have resulted in sustained practice change when over 75% of participants met beginning proficiency in MI spirit at a follow-up time-point. RESULTS: Of the 20 studies identified, 15 measured training at a follow-up time-point using standard fidelity measures. The proportion of clinicians who reached beginning proficiency was either reported or calculated for 11 of these studies. Only two studies met our criterion of 75% of clinicians achieving beginning proficiency in MI spirit after training. Of the 20 studies identified, two measured client substance use outcomes with mixed results. CONCLUSIONS: A broad range of training studies failed to achieve sustained practice change in MI according to our criteria. It is unlikely that 75% of clinicians can achieve beginning proficiency in MI spirit after training unless competency is benchmarked and monitored and training is ongoing. The impact of training on client outcomes requires future examination.


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Deakin University opened its Clinical Exercise Learning Centre (CELC) in May 2011, initially staffed by four (now seven) Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP), and funded by the university. The main objectives of CELC are to provide (i) excellent clinical practicum learning opportunities for postgraduate students enrolled in the Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology that prepare students for subsequent external placements; (ii) learning opportunities that are vertically integrated with the preparatory components of the Masters, including pathophysiology units and pre-clinical units; (iii) learning opportunities that are also integrated with the external clinical practicum program that is embedded in the Masters; (iv) a clinical service to the community and strong referral networks with local GPs; (v) a research centre that is focussed on evaluating the efficacy of Accredited Exercise Physiology (AEP) services for a range of clinical situations, with a view to contributing to a future national evidence-based practice network supported by ESSA. Deakin University funds the CELC facility, equipment, consumables, limited car parking, practice management software and server and, most importantly, the staff. Therefore CELC runs at a loss even against fees charged and this was built into the original model. Staff include an AEP clinical practicum coordinator, two casual AEPs and several academic AEPs; the latter practise as a small part of their approved workloads. The practice model is for all AEPs to provide clinical services with referred clients who are billed as if CELC is a private practice, whilst concurrently teaching and mentoring students; the latter are expected to be active learners in CELC and have exposure to a wide range of pathologies and clinical situations. Billable hours are always provided by AEPs, not students, but students can assist. CELC provides clinical services 1:1:1 (client: AEP: student), 1:1:5 and 8:1:5. CELC was awarded national runner-up in the ESSA Exercise Physiology clinic of the year in 2011 and has grown its caseload to > 200 referrers in 2013. CELC recently designed a generic research platform and has begun to roll out research projects that are designed to translate 'traditional' research-based evidence of exercise benefits for chronic disease in order to evaluate AEP efficacy of practice in the Australian context. CELC provides a model for other universities, provided those universities see it for its learning value, and not to generate revenue or profit.


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Applying research to guide evidence-based practice is an ongoing and significant challenge for public health. Developments in the emerging field of ‘translation’ have focused on different aspects of the problem, resulting in competing frameworks and terminology. In this paper the scope of ‘translation’ in public health is defined, and four related but conceptually different ‘translation processes’ that support evidence-based practice are outlined: (1) reviewing the transferability of evidence to new settings, (2) translation research, (3) knowledge translation, and (4) knowledge translation research. Finally, an integrated framework is presented to illustrate the relationship between these domains, and priority areas for further development and empirical research are identified.


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BACKGROUND: There has been a recent proliferation in the development of smartphone applications (apps) aimed at modifying various health behaviours. While interventions that incorporate behaviour change techniques (BCTs) have been associated with greater effectiveness, it is not clear to what extent smartphone apps incorporate such techniques. The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of BCTs in physical activity and dietary apps and determine how reliably the taxonomy checklist can be used to identify BCTs in smartphone apps.

METHODS: The top-20 paid and top-20 free physical activity and/or dietary behaviour apps from the New Zealand Apple App Store Health & Fitness category were downloaded to an iPhone. Four independent raters user-tested and coded each app for the presence/absence of BCTs using the taxonomy of behaviour change techniques (26 BCTs in total). The number of BCTs included in the 40 apps was calculated. Krippendorff's alpha was used to evaluate interrater reliability for each of the 26 BCTs.

RESULTS: Apps included an average of 8.1 (range 2-18) techniques, the number being slightly higher for paid (M = 9.7, range 2-18) than free apps (M = 6.6, range 3-14). The most frequently included BCTs were "provide instruction" (83% of the apps), "set graded tasks" (70%), and "prompt self-monitoring" (60%). Techniques such as "teach to use prompts/cues", "agree on behavioural contract", "relapse prevention" and "time management" were not present in the apps reviewed. Interrater reliability coefficients ranged from 0.1 to 0.9 (Mean 0.6, SD = 0.2).

CONCLUSIONS: Presence of BCTs varied by app type and price; however, BCTs associated with increased intervention effectiveness were in general more common in paid apps. The taxonomy checklist can be used by independent raters to reliably identify BCTs in physical activity and dietary behaviour smartphone apps.


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Deakin University Library designed a series of six modules to provide interactive, online learning for a first year nursing unit, Understanding Research Evidence. The modules were developed in response to the changing learning requirements of students in the digital age. Delivered using Smart Sparrow software, the modules were designed to assist students in the development and consolidation of their understandings of evidence-based practice (EBP).The development of the modules represents a shift from unilateral communication to interactive content. Previously, online support had largely consisted of static material that was not presented in the context of curriculum. The Library has now developed integrated content that allows for interactivity, but which may also be customised for other purposes or units across all health disciplines.Feedback and data collected from the modules indicate an encouraging degree of engagement with the content. Data also allows the Library to ensure the continuous improvement of the modules. Library staff have also reported on their improved capacity and confidence in creating learning experiences that integrate core information and digital literacy competencies with students' curriculum. Staff also report improvements in their ability to use technologies to create online learning objects.


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Background and Aims: This paper is the second in a series of two that presents and discusses an exploratory evaluation study of the 'Motor Magic' program conducted in Adelaide, South Australia.

A realist evaluation approach was used, and two focus groups (one with parents and one with kindergarten staff) were held to identify program outcomes and to develop and refine key hypotheses about how these outcomes occurred.

Results and Conclusions:
Results for kindergarten staff involved in the program are presented and discussed in this paper, including improved early identification and early intervention for children with, or at risk of, fine motor developmental difficulties; increased confidence in the effectiveness of their practice with these children; improved practice of kindergarten staff with both targeted and all children; improved empathy with, and support for, parents; and increased interagency links and ongoing advocacy for further resources. These results suggest that the program provides an effective model for building the capacity of kindergarten staff to support children with, or at risk of, developmental difficulties.


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Critical care nurses’ haemodynamic decision-making in the immediate postoperative cardiac surgical context is complex. To optimise patient outcomes, nurses of varying levels of experience are required to make complex decisions rapidly and accurately. In a dynamic clinical context such as critical care, the quality of such decision-making is likely to vary considerably. The aim of this study was to describe variability of nurses’ haemodynamic decision-making in the 2-hour period after cardiac surgery as a function of interplay between decision complexity, nurses’ levels of experience, and the support provided. A descriptive study based on naturalistic decision-making was used. Data were collected using continuous non-participant observation of clinical practice for a 2-hour period and follow-up interview. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 38 nurses for inclusion in the study. The quality of nurses’ decision-making was influenced by interplay between the complexity of patients’ haemodynamic presentations, nurses’ levels of cardiac surgical intensive care experience, and the form of decision support provided by nursing colleagues. Two factors specifically influenced decision-making quality: nurses’ utilisation of evidence for practice and the experience levels of both nurses and their colleagues. The findings have implications for staff resourcing decisions and postoperative patient management, and may be used to inform nurses’ professional development and education.


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Providing residential aged care is challenging because of the complexity of residents' health status, difficulties recruiting and retaining skilled staff, and financial and regulatory constraints. This paper discusses some of these challenges and describes an innovative model of care, termed 'The Tri-focal model of care'. This model was developed based on the concepts of 'partnership-centred care', 'positive work environment' and the need for evidence-based practice to underpin all aspects of care. It is envisaged that the implementation of this model will provide a rich learning environment that advances the teaching-nursing home concept and the quality of residential aged care.