94 resultados para Identity-based encryption


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Based on recent molecular phylogenetic studies, the Old World bat family Miniopteridae, composed of species in the genus Miniopterus, has been shown to contain complex paraphyletic species, many of which are cryptic based on convergent morphological characters. Herein we resolve the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of the species complex M. manavi on Madagascar and in the Comoro Archipelago, where these animals occur in different bioclimatic zones. First using mitochondrial cytochrome-b sequence data to define clades and then morphology to corroborate the molecular data, including comparisons to type specimens, we demonstrate that animals identified as this taxon are a minimum of three species: M. manavi sensu stricto occurs in at least the central portion of the Central Highlands; M. griveaudi has a broad distribution in lowland northern and central western Madagascar and the Comoros (Anjouan and Grande Comore), and M. aelleni sp. n. has been found in northern and western Madagascar and the Comoros (Anjouan). In each case, these three clades were genetically divergent and monophyletic and the taxa are diagnosable based on different external and craniodental characters. One aspect that helped to define the systematics of this group was isolation of DNA from one of the paratypes of M. manavi collected in 1896 and new topotypic material. Miniopterus manavi is most closely allied to a recently described species, M. petersoni. At several localities, M. griveaudi and M. aelleni have been found in strict sympatry, and together with M. manavi sensu stricto show considerable convergence in morphological characters, but are not immediate sister taxa. In defining and resolving the systematics of cryptic species, such as miniopterid bats, the process of defining clades with molecular tools, segregating the specimens accordingly, and identifying corroborative morphological characters has been notably efficient.


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In this paper, typing biometrics is applied as an additional security measure to the password-based or Personal Identification Number (PIN)-based systems to authenticate the identity of computer users. In particular, keystroke pressure and latency signals are analyzed using the Fuzzy Min-Max (FMM) neural network for authentication purposes. A special pressure-sensitive keyboard is designed to collect keystroke pressure signals, in addition to the latency signals, from computer users when they type their passwords. Based on the keystroke pressure and latency signals, the FMM network is employed to classify the computer users into two categories, i.e., genuine users or impostors. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, two sets of experiments are conducted, and the results are compared with those from statistical methods and neural network models. The experimental outcomes positively demonstrate the potentials of using typing biometrics and the FMM network to provide an additional security layer for the current password-based or PIN-based methods in authenticating the identity of computer users.


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Social media make fast inroads into organisations. This raises issues regarding self-presentation and locating experts in these new emerging communication spaces, as the basis for effective social media-enabled knowledge work. However, research on self-presentation and identity in organisational social media is only just emerging and has been founded on broader understandings from studies of public social media. In this literature study we demonstrate that the existing body of research on identity in social media is dominated by a ‘representational lens’. Based on an analysis of the historic foundations of this stream of research, we will expose limitations of this lens in capturing contemporary engagement in online spaces and advocate for a ‘performative lens’ in studying identity work in organisations. We contribute a detailed exposition of the evolution of identity studies in the context of public social media, and we offer an alternative lens for studying the topic in organisational contexts.


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The use or local architecture characteristics is regulated by the spatial planning and building code of Indonesia. Balinese tmditional architecture has existed, coloured the traditional architecture of Indonesia and can be used as Bali's identity that is different from other regions in Indonesia.On the other hand, the cost of such building is high and most of people in urban areas are unable to afford to build in the traditional architecture style, especially in the residential housing sector .. Some of the major components that determine the price of housing units are the price of land, building materials, labour and technology. In developing countries, the first and second components that affect the unit price of the building are building materials representing about 70% and skilled labour respectively (Ural, 1980). Based on this, a good strategy to adopt in order to minimize the price is to manipulate these two components.Based on a literature review and observation, this study will explain which aspects of building material technology can reduce the building cost and how it can maintain the identity of local architecture.The results of the study indicate that the building material can be created to both reduce cost and adopt traditional architecture style as an identity. The materials have some shapes that can be joined easily to facilitate the skill of the worker and yet still be able to adopt the forms of traditional Balinese architecture.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technological revolution that is expected to soon replace barcode systems. One of the important features of an RFID system is its ability to search for a particular tag among a group of tags. This task is quite common where RFID systems play a vital role. To our knowledge not much work has been done in this secure search area of RFID. Also, most of the existing work do not comply with the C1G2 standards. Our work aims to fill that gap by proposing a protocol based on Quadratic Residues property that does not use the expensive hash functions or any complex encryption schemes but achieves total compliance with industry standards while meeting the security requirements.


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The study reported in this paper explores issues of motivation and learners’ identity in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classroom in Vietnam from the perspectives of the learners. It was conducted with thirty English-major students at a university in central Vietnam. While relevant literature appears to place much emphasis on students’ extrinsic motivations related to institutional needs, their linguistic needs, and social needs in learning EFL writing, students are not only concerned with these but more significantly, with their intrinsic motivations such as their interest, passion and inspiration, which are linked to their personal and cultural needs in writing. Students in this study show their potential to write independently, creatively and passionately if they are really motivated. This reflects an image of students who are able and ready to write with a sense of authorship in a foreign language, which is different from how they appear to be in the routine described with writing as imitating the model and developing some preconceived ideas. The research also suggests that decisions about appropriate methods and materials for teaching writing in the study context need to be based on a comprehensive interpretation of not only the visible signs or visible needs mainly shaped by institutional requirements and social expectations but also what is deep inside students’ act of writing in a foreign language involving their own cognitive and affective process embedded in their unrecognised needs.


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This thesis reports on research showing the survival discourse of beginning teaching has shifted from sink or swim metaphors to describe surviving transition shock and classroom management concerns to surviving contract employment. Beginning teachers are neither sinking nor swimming in this liminal state. Rather, it is as though they are on a lifeboat where they cannot feel like a ‘real’ teacher until they can operate with certainty.

Interrogating the experiences of beginning teachers, and the transformation of their identity in their first year (1yr) of teaching, the thesis explores research participants’ firsts as epiphanic or revelatory moments of identity transformation. Participants were followed for three years from upon completion of their teacher education, through their first year of teaching, up to the beginning of their third year in the profession. The major finding was that while contemporary understandings of professional identity highlight the transformative nature of the phenomenon,  contract employment had the most impact on these teachers’ identity transformation.

Teachers’ perceptions of their own professional identity affect their efficacy and professional development as well as their ability and willingness to cope with educational change (Beijaard, Verloop & Vermunt 2000). It has been reported by the Australian Education Union (AEU) and in the Victorian media in recent years that up to 50% of beginning teachers are leaving the profession within their first five years. The reasons given for this level of
attrition include workload, pay, and behaviour management, among the top concerns of beginning teachers. These categories have positioned beginning teachers in a survival discourse for many years, yet there is more to beginning teachers’ intentions to leave than their struggles to survive in the classroom. More recently in Victoria what it means to ‘survive’ has shifted to surviving the pervasive contractual nature of beginning teachers’
employment conditions.

This qualitative study seeks to question what remains concealed with regard to beginning teachers’ experiences through an investigation of the differences between and within individuals, allowing categories of description to emerge from the data rather than pre-determining categories of investigation. Data was collected from twelve participants through individual semi-structured interviews and written communication. A theatre-based research approach to representing the participants’ experiences was employed, culminating in a performance titled ‘The First Time’. The processes of scripting, rehearsing, and performing, were utilised to analyse and represent the data to expert audiences. In an aim to uncover questions that have been buried by answers, the research is oriented as a
phenomenographic inquiry. This mode of inquiry seeks to describe, analyse, and understand (Marton 1981) the qualitatively different experiences 1yr teachers undergo in their identity formation and transformation.

The results of this research reveal the destabilising effect of short-term contracts so prevalent in the current context; that status and belonging are central to 1yr teachers’ identity work. Status and belonging are positioned within survival, liminal, and hegemonic discourses; and expressed through artefacts as symbols of belonging. The low status ascribed to contractual work has a clear impact on beginning teachers’ commitment to the profession.


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In this paper, we aim to provide an effective and efficient method to generate text-based Captchas which are resilient against segmentation attack. Different to the popular industry practice of using very simple color schemes, we advocate to use multiple colors in our Captchas. We adopt the idea of brush and canvas when coloring our Captchas. Furthermore, we choose to use simple accumulating functions to achieve diffusion on painted colors and DES encryption to achieve a good level of confusion on the brush pattern. To facilitate ordinary users and developers, we propose an empirical algorithm with support of Taguchi method to guarantee the quality of the chosen color schemes. Our proposed methodology has at least three advantages — 1) the settings of color schemes can be fully customized by the user or developer; 2) the quality of selected colors have desirable statistical features that are ensured by Taguchi method; 3) the algorithm can be fully automated into computer programs. Moreover, our included examples and experiments prove the practicality and validity of our algorithm.


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The design of mosques in Indonesia uses basic principal form of Hindu temple with its roof taking the form of layered pyramid (3, 5, 7). This architectural dialect design approach was effective in promoting Islam in most regions of the Indonesian Archipelago. The detailed explanation about architectural dialect will be elaborated in my full paper. This paper discuss about a friendly approach by using Hindu Building as mosque. It has given a greatly impact to the surrounding society to Accept new religion. Such temple-styled mosques have a history dating back to 1200 AD and form the basic inspiration for mosque designs in all parts of the country. The layered pyramid mosque’s architectural dialect design proves that architecture has played significant role in promoting Islamic doctrines in Indonesia. 85% of the total Indonesian population is Muslim. Based on these statistics, it is widely evident that the use of dialect design as a political strategy by Muslim scholars was effective in introducing and promoting Islamic ideologies in Indonesia. The strategy facilitated psychological acceptance of Islam by the local populations who were initially Hindu believers and were accustomed to the temple. Additionally, the design ensured the peaceful introduction and spread of Islam in the region. Moreover, the fact that the dialect design was based on local identity, combined with local architecture that had highly recognizable building elements (roof and ornament) promoted the spread of Islam in Indonesia.


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Certificateless public key encryption can be classified into two types, namely, CLE and CLE † , both of which were introduced by Al-Riyami and Paterson in Asiacrypt 2003. Most works about certificateless public key encryption belong to CLE, where the partial secret key is uniquely determined by an entity’s identity. In CLE † , an entity’s partial secret key is not only determined by the identity information but also by his/her (partial) public key. Such techniques can enhance the resilience of certificateless public key encryption against a cheating KGC. In this paper, we first formalize the security definitions of CLE † . After that, we demonstrate the gap between the security model of CLE † and CLE, by showing the insecurity of a CLE † scheme proposed by Lai and Kou in PKC 2007. We give an attack that can successfully break the indistinguishability of their CLE † scheme, although their scheme can be proved secure in the security model of CLE. Therefore, it does not suffice to consider the security of CLE † in the security model of CLE. Finally, we show how to secure Lai-Kou’s scheme by providing a new scheme with the security proof in the model of CLE †


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Based signatures (ABS for short) allow an entity to sign messages with a fine-grained control over identity information. The signature attests not to the identity of the individual who endorsed a message, but instead to a claim regarding the attributes he/she holds. ABS has been well investigated since its introduction but little has been done on the revocation in ABS. In this paper, we divide ABS revocation as fine-grained attribute-revocation and coarse-grained user-revocation. The latter is the focus of this paper, and we present a concrete design-to address the issue of coarse-grained user-revocation in ABS without the need of any other third parties.


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In this essay we consider the construction of cultural identity, motherhood and the family in ABCD, a film of the Indian diaspora that had its world premiere at the 2001 London Film Festival. This film reads family, apparently within familiar narrative structures such as the U.S.-immigrant story, as portrayed in films like Goodbye, Columbus and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and the "leaving home" story, as classically portrayed in Pride and Prejudice, where a young person needs to escape from her clueless family. The irritating presence of the mother in the film, and the quickness with which her two children appear to make life-determining decisions following her death, seem to invite discussions of plot and character organized around ideas of individual development, self-improvement and understanding. This is the territory of the desire plot, an account of family history captured for the twentieth century by Freudian-Lacanian readings which position sexual desire within the unconscious history of familial fantasies, understood as vertical and Oedipal. In this territory, mothers and old ladies become, as Mary Jacobus memorably phrased it, little more than "the waste products" of a system in which marriageable women are objects of exchange between men (142) and a mother's death would be expected to grease the wheels of narrative. Identity and narrative are inextricably linked here: a certain understanding of narrative as developmental and teleological paves the way for an understanding of identity as either/or. There are problems, however, in trying to read ABCD as a bildüngsroman structured by what Susan Freidman calls "the temporal plots of the family romance, its repetitions and discontents" (137), rendering the "Indian" characteristics of the plot unreadable, and the apparently self-defeating nature of the characters' choices and behavior, rather pointless. A central [End Page 16] difficulty is that the film both responds to and resists readings based on the Oedipal model of the bildüngsroman with its focus on linear development through time.


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This paper draws upon the findings of an evaluation of “More than a Game”, a sport-focused youth mentoring program in Melbourne, Australia that aimed to develop a community-based resilience model using team-based sports to address issues of identity, belonging, and cultural isolation amongst young Muslim men in order to counter forms of violent ex-tremism. In this essay we focus specifically on whether the intense embodied encounters and emotions experienced in team sports can help break down barriers of cultural and religious difference between young people and facilitate ex-periences of resilience, mutual respect, trust, social inclusion and belonging. Whilst the project findings are directly rel-evant to the domain of countering violent extremism, they also contribute to a growing body of literature which con-siders the relationship between team-based sport, cross-cultural engagement and the development of social resilience, inclusion and belonging in other domains of youth engagement and community-building.


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This paper initiates the study of two specific security threats on smart-card-based password authentication in distributed systems. Smart-card-based password authentication is one of the most commonly used security mechanisms to determine the identity of a remote client, who must hold a valid smart card and the corresponding password to carry out a successful authentication with the server. The authentication is usually integrated with a key establishment protocol and yields smart-card-based password-authenticated key agreement. Using two recently proposed protocols as case studies, we demonstrate two new types of adversaries with smart card: 1) adversaries with pre-computed data stored in the smart card, and 2) adversaries with different data (with respect to different time slots) stored in the smart card. These threats, though realistic in distributed systems, have never been studied in the literature. In addition to point out the vulnerabilities, we propose the countermeasures to thwart the security threats and secure the protocols. © 2013 IEEE.


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Presentation and discussion on theatre-based research methodology at 'Realising the Potential of the Arts as Method and Methodology Inaugural Arts as Method(ology) Research Group' Symposium