114 resultados para Harpring, Jack


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The aim of this research was to provide a comparative analysis of the influence of behavioural alternatives, autonomy, competence and relatedness on participation in sport and physical activity for female adolescents within metropolitan and rural settings. Eighteen focus groups were conducted with a cross section of schools within metropolitan Melbourne and rural Victoria, Australia, involving 12–13-year olds and 15–16-year olds, using a semi-structured format. Content and thematic analyses were conducted on the data. Findings supported the sport commitment model by demonstrating that, in both rural and metropolitan settings, participation was influenced by the strength of commitment to a range of behavioural alternatives. Our findings also extended self-determination theory by suggesting that autonomy, competence, and relatedness were interrelated and their strength and influence on participation varied between settings. This study also has practical implications, including the promotion of more inclusive and supportive sports environments for female adolescents and promoting sport and physical activities as activity that promotes wellness, complements academic endeavours and reduces the stress of academic study.


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The present study examined firefighters' ability to consume a prescribed fluid volume (1200 ml · h-1) during a wildland fire suppression shift and compare the effect of this additional fluid prescription with self-paced drinking on firefighters' hydration status and plasma sodium concentration post shift and their heart rate, core temperature and physical activity during their shift. Thirty-four firefighters were evenly divided into two drinking groups: self paced and prescribed. Prescribed drinkers did not meet the required 1200 ml·h-1 intake, yet they consumed twice the fluid drank by the self-paced group. No differences were noted between groups in plasma sodium levels or hydration status before or after their shift. Prescribed fluid consumption resulted in significantly lower core temperature between two and six hours into the shift. This did not coincide with lower cardiovascular strain, greater physical activity when compared to the self-paced drinking group. Additional fluid consumption (above self-paced intake) did not improve firefighter activity or physiological function (though it may buffer rising core temperature). It seems that wildland firefighters, at least in mild to warm weather conditions, can self-regulate their fluid consumption and work behaviour to leave the fireground hydrated at the conclusion of their shift.


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This artwork is the result of the curators’ premise to invite an artist or artists to produce an initial image according to a brief. These initial images were then given to photographers to respond to and re-interpret the initial image. The curators produced a broadsheet publication and an online document cataloguing the works.

The research focuses on the act of collaboration and the way in which creative responses generate further meaning. The broadsheet outcome and the online presence suggest a commitment to dissemination of the process of creative research as cultural information and cultural exchange. Image on the left is in response to curators brief produced by Keane & Ednie-Brown. Image on the right is the response from photographers Jack Dunbar & Tosh van Veenendaal to the invited artist’ Keane & Ednie-Brown image.


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This overview of David Hume’s wide-ranging observations is a matrix portraying the key elements of a pragmatic pathway to a moral decision that can be applied in any situation where organisational decisions need to be made. 


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Problem Statement: Concepts of ethics have rarely been easy to teach in the organizational behaviour curriculum. The philosophical bases of ethics are often abstract and prone to multiple interpretations and dilemmas. The changing global environment of organisations adds complexity to the interacting values that people bring into the workplace. To redress the situation, this articlerepresents the stance of David Hume on human morality and proposes an original nexus of his concepts for application in the teaching and learning of ethics in the field of organizational behaviour.

Based on the literature, we develop a conceptual model from a thread drawn between Hume’s influence on the Scottish Enlightenment and accordingly the current complex business environment which was fostered in part by the economic models espoused by his Enlightenment associates. The concepts are presented as a matrix and relevant examples are explained in this context.

Results: Pointing out the challenge of the global rifts in organisational morality, we relate the fable of the traveller from Hume’s writings and make the point that the Humean nexus, now distilled from the elaborate reasoning of Hume, provides educators and managers alike with a helpful centre of gravity around which to develop analyses of decisions and actions in order to gain moral perspective that transcends time and place.

Business ethics lessons have sometimes been abstract and emotive in organisational Behavior education but the empirical concepts of Hume in this new form have the potential to be useful and agreeable for many.


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Norms of fitting embodied behaviour for males and females, as promoted in Australian public arenas of popular culture and the everyday, disempower and marginalise those not inclined to embody in gendernormative and heteronormative ways.

This thesis engages with concepts of embodiment as meaning the manner of physical deportment in which a physical practice is performed, and with concepts of gender as social constructions of femininity and masculinity. It investigates the demands and implications of dominant norms of gender embodiment for those whose embodied inclinations do not fit comfortably with such dichotomous models. It interrogates gender inequitable machinations of education and performance arts disciplines by which educators and arts practitioners train, teach, choreograph, and direct those with whom they work, and theorises ways of broadening personal and social notions of possible, aesthetic, and acceptable embodiment for all persons, regardless of biological sex or sexual orientation.

This research is grounded in two major qualitative methods of enquiry. First, through an autoethnographic lens, it focuses on the impacts that social constructions of masculinity have on me, both as a person in the everyday and as a performance arts practitioner/educator. Through writing, illustration, choreography, and performance, as well as interviews with 3 members of my family, I analyse the delicacy of the relationship between social control/surveillance and personal agency over my embodiment of gender. Second, through empirical ethnographic fieldwork with some 400 high school students and 160 educators and performance arts practitioners, I utilise a combination of performance, discussion, practical workshop, and avenues for anonymous response to explore the potential of the performance arts in challenging inequitable notions of gender embodiment.

My findings demonstrate that inherent ideologies in dominant discourses regarding the execution and display of feminine and masculine embodiment continue to work, overtly and covertly, as definitive and restrictive barriers to the realm of possibilities of embodied gender expression and appreciation in the everyday and in the performance arts. This thesis recommends drawing individuals’ attention to embodied gender inequities and enculturation processes, not ordinarily critiqued within mainstream society, as a key toward safeguarding the well-being of those whose embodied performance inclination is at odds with prescribed norms of behaviour. Performance arts arenas are powerful sites in which such deconstructive work can occur, both cognitively and practically. However, as this thesis explores and illustrates, performance arts practitioners/educators need to first scrutinise existing and hidden inequities regarding the embodiment of gender within their own habitus, perspectives, taste, and practices.


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Purpose : This study measured observer variation in radiographic rating of elbow arthrosis.

Methods : Thirty-seven independent orthopedic surgeons graded the extent of elbow arthrosis in 20 consecutive sets of plain radiographs, according to the Broberg and Morrey rating system (grade 0, normal joint; grade 1, slight joint-space narrowing with minimum osteophyte formation; grade 2, moderate joint-space narrowing with moderate osteophyte formation; and grade 3, severe degenerative change with gross destruction of the joint). The kappa multirater measure (κ) was used to estimate reliability between observers, with 0 indicating no agreement above chance, and 1 indicating perfect agreement.

Results : There was fair agreement in arthrosis ratings between surgeons. Surgeons with more than 10 years of experience had greater agreement than did surgeons with less experience, and surgeons who treated more than 10 elbow fractures per year had better agreement than did those treating fewer fractures. In post hoc analyses, 2 simplified binary rating systems (eg, “none or mild” vs “moderate or severe” arthrosis) resulted in moderate agreement among observers.

Conclusions : The 4 grades of the Broberg and Morrey classification system have only fair interobserver reliability that is influenced by subspecialty and experience. Binary rating systems might be more reliable.


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Purpose : This study tests the hypothesis that 3-dimensional computed tomography (CT) reconstructions improve interobserver agreement on classification and treatment of coronoid fractures compared with 2-dimensional CT.

Methods : A total of 29 orthopedic surgeons evaluated 10 coronoid fractures on 2 occasions (first with radiographs and 2-dimensional CT and then with radiographs and 3-dimensional CT), separated by a minimum of 2 weeks. Surgeons classified fractures according to the classifications of Regan and Morrey and of O'Driscoll et al., identified specific characteristics, recommended the most appropriate treatment approach, and made treatment recommendations. The kappa multirater measure (κ) was calculated to estimate agreement between observers.

Results : Regardless of the imaging modality used, there was fair to moderate agreement for most of the observations. Three-dimensional CT improved interobserver agreement in Regan and Morrey's classsication (κ3-dimensional = 0.51 vs κ2-dimensional = 0.40; p < .001) and O'Driscoll et al.'s classifications (κ3-dimensional = 0.48 vs κ2-dimensional = 0.42; p = .009). There were trends toward better reliability for 3-dimensional reconstruction in recognition of coronoid tip fractures (κ3-dimensional = 0.19, κ2-dimensional = 0.03; p = .268), comminution (κ3-dimensional = 0.41 vs κ2-dimensional = 0.29; p = .133), and impacted fragments (κ3-dimensional = 0.39 vs κ2-dimensional = 0.27; p = .094), and in surgeons' opinions on the need for something other than screws or plate for surgical fixation (κ3-dimensional = 0.31 vs κ2-dimensional = 0.15; p = .138). Interobserver agreement on treatment approach was better with 2-dimensional CT (κ3-dimensional = 0.27, κ2-dimensional = 0.32; p = .015).

Conclusions :
Three-dimensional CT reconstructions improve interobserver agreement with respect to fracture classification compared with 2-dimensional CT.