88 resultados para Epistemological obstacle


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Michael Dummett has argued that the linguistic turn, initiated by Frege, is the decisive moment in the birth of the analytical tradition and what distinguishes that tradition from other movements. The thesis of the paper is that Dummett’s account of the origins of the analytical tradition understates the extent to which Frege’s work, and the linguistic turn more generally, are responses to antinomies in the modern philosophical project. An adequate characterisation of the origins of the analytic tradition presupposes an account of the fundamental conceptual shift that occurred during the time of the scientific revolution and the epistemological problems that arose in conjunction with this shift. This is why it is misleading to assert, with Dummett, that the really interesting developments in terms of understanding the analytical tradition are subsequent to Frege. The most productive contrast in terms of understanding the origins of the analytical tradition is not between pre and post Fregean thought, the paper argues, but between modern and premodern conceptions of philosophy and its relation to the world of everyday experience.


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One of the key issues in Australia for sustainable management of the coastal zone is that the science of climate change has not been widely used by decision-makers to inform coastal governance. There exist opportunities to enhance the dialogue between knowledge-makers and decision-makers, and universities have a key role to play in researching and fostering better linkages. At the heart of these linkages lies the principle of more informed engagement between historically disparate groups. In Australia, the new ‘Flagship’ research programme, funded by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), emphasizes their partnering with universities in a more systematic and collaborative manner than previously achieved in such research projects. In order to address sustainability in general and coastal adaptation to climate change in particular, interdisciplinary learning needs to occur between the social and natural sciences; also, transdisciplinary understanding of that interaction needs to be fully developed. New methods of communicative engagement such as computer visualizations and animations, together with deliberative techniques, can help policy-makers and planners reach a better understanding of the significance of the science of climate change impacts on the coast. Deeper engagement across historically disparate groups can lead to the development of epistemological and methodological synergies between social and natural scientists, adaptive learning, reflexive governance, and greater analytical and deliberative understanding among scientists, policymakers and the wider public. This understanding can lead in turn to enhance coastal governance for climate adaptation on the coast.


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Whether treatment programs are effective at rehabilitating rapists is yet to be determined empirically. From a scientist–practitioner perspective, treatment should be based on an empirical understanding of rape and rapists, and evidence-based knowledge of treatment outcome with rapists. In this paper we comprehensively review the characteristics of rapists, etiological features implicated in the commission of rape, and relevant treatment outcome research. We pay particular attention to contemporary knowledge about the core vulnerabilities and features required to understand and treat rapists effectively, and, where possible, highlight similarities and differences between rapists, child molesters and non-sexual violent offenders. We use an epistemological framework to (a) critique the various etiological accounts of rape available and (b) help guide professionals' use of such knowledge in both treatment design and evaluation. Gaps in the understanding of rapists' characteristics and etiological features are highlighted, as are discrepancies between current knowledge and treatment approaches. We conclude by highlighting areas for future research and practice innovation.


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In international relations in the West, two main approaches to Chinese identity have emerged: the capability and the culture approaches. Though each takes a different view of China, they share common epistemological ground. positivism. This paper provides an overview of these two influential schools of thought and attempts to challenge their positivistic and ethnocentric assumptions about the identities of both China and the West. While they endeavour to make sense of China, particularly in the post-Cold War era, they fail to understand identity as a form of representation. From a critical perspective, both ’China’ and the ‘West’ are social constructs: each in part constitutes the other. The relationship between them is always relational and fluid. Posing Chinese identity in positivist terms is not only misleading analytically, but potentially dangerous in practice. It is important, therefore, that alternative critical approaches to the complexities of Chinese identity be further explored.


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The increasingly complex organisational environment has made certainty in decision-making difficult. Sometimes careful consideration comes before decisions, but sometimes rushed decisions are made. Successful outcomes can often follow from either process, but exactly why each approach works needs to be examined. A return to the epistemological bases of common sense and intuition can help to clarify the decision process for managers in the current environment. The paper starts with perspectives on the similarities and differences between common sense and intuition, drills down to the rational and empirical foundations of each, and then introduces a decision-making matrix that portrays the conceptual basis of intuition and common sense in the actions and reactions of the decision-makers. Primarily, this is a theoretical paper incorporating literature review and authors’ analysis of the interaction of common sense and intuition when making decisions. We conclude that it is pertinent to accept intuition as a valuable complement to common sense, and it is anticipated that the different perspective can facilitate the merging of critical countervailing concepts in the management decision-making process.


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This essay examines how the introduction/preface to a non-fiction text is constructed as autobiographical practice – a sort of ‘introduction-as-memoir’. The use and autobiographical effects of rhetorical tropes (stake inoculation, metaphor and binary oppositions) are examined in the introduction that prefaces Massacre myth (Moran, 1999), a polemic account of the 1926 police massacre of Aborigines that was the catalyst for Australia’s ‘History Wars’. Using the analytical methods of deconstruction, I tease out how language, structure and a (seemingly) objective account of historical virtues are recruited to the project of autobiography, and illuminate the role of language in the construction of the authorial subject (and Others), and show how these are entangled with broader social, political and epistemological issues. The analysis underlines the dialogic relationship between text, reader and society, and the instability of truth claims and the authorial subject of autobiography.


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Introduction and Aims.To examine client-reported reasons for missed early appointments at a drug and alcohol treatment service and to compare characteristics of those who missed appointments with those who attended. Design and Methods. Clients who missed a first or second appointment between 1 May and 31 August 2007 at a public community-based outpatient treatment facility were invited to participate in a semistructured telephone interview.This consisted of an open-ended question asking the reason(s) for nonattendance, followed by a questionnaire of items for therapeutic alliance and service satisfaction, perceived impact of substance use and previous treatment experience, mostly rated on Likert scales. Database information on demographic and clinical variables was gathered for all clients who were accepted for treatment within the study time frame. Characteristics of those who missed a first or second appointment (n = 66) were compared with those who attended at least their first two appointments (n = 97). Results. Of clients who missed their appointments, 80.6% provided reasons for nonattendance, which included extraneous factors (50.0%), service shortcomings (29.7%), no further need for service (16.2%) and motivational ambivalence (4.1%). They generally had high ratings of therapeutic alliance and service satisfaction and identified their substance use as having a negative impact on their lives. Clients who missed appointments were more likely to be male, unmarried and have a history of polysubstance use. Discussion and Conclusions. Extraneous issues relating to the client may be a dominant obstacle in early treatment engagement. Efforts to overcome these issues may therefore improve early engagement.


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The mobile phones that we carry with us all the time have started becoming increasingly sophisticated and consequently are referred to as “Smartphones”. Smartphones today are extremely powerful and, in addition to making phone calls, are capable of performing a variety of other functions. One very important function is the ability to access the Internet for a wide number of purposes. An obstacle that these users face is that access to the Internet is through a tiny interface, which is in sharp contrast to the typically large, flat-screen monitor. Unfortunately, many websites are neither designed for nor suitable to be accessed from these small devices. With relatively little effort, however, the developers of the websites can make the web interfaces more appropriate for Smartphones and hence accessible to a much larger audience. In this paper, we focus on “web usability”, a term essentially concerned with the ease of accessing and entering information on websites. We compile and synergize several different guidelines with the intent of increasing the web usability of Smartphones.


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Introduction and Aims. At present there is little research into the use of drug detection dogs. The present study sought to explore the use of detection dogs in Sydney, Australia, utilising multiple data sources.

Design and Methods. Data were taken from interviews with 100 regular ecstasy users and 20 key experts as part of the 2006 New South Wales arm of the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System, and secondary data sources.

The majority of regular ecstasy users reported taking some form of precaution if made aware that dogs would be at an event they were attending. A small proportion of the sample reported consuming their drugs when coming into contact with detection dogs. One group of key experts viewed the use of detection dogs as useful; one group disliked the use of detection dogs though cooperated with law enforcement when dogs were used; and one group considered that detection dogs contribute to greater harm. Secondary data sources further suggested that the use of detection dogs do not significantly assist police in identifying and apprehending drug suppliers.

Discussion and Conclusions.
The present study suggests that regular ecstasy users do not see detection dogs as an obstacle to their drug use. Future research is necessary to explore in greater depth the experiences that drug users have with detection dogs; the effect detection dogs may have on deterring drug consumption; whether encounters with detection dogs contribute to drug-related harm; and the cost–benefit analysis of this law enforcement exercise.


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Compared with research on the role of student engagement with expert representations in learning science, investigation of the use and theoretical justification of student-generated representations to learn science is less common. In this paper, we present a framework that aims to integrate three perspectives to explain how and why representational construction supports learning in science. The first or semiotic perspective focuses on student use of particular features of symbolic and material tools to make meanings in science. The second or epistemic perspective focuses on how this representational construction relates to the broader picture of knowledge-building practices of inquiry in this disciplinary field, and the third or epistemological perspective focuses on how and what students can know through engaging in the challenge of representing causal accounts through these semiotic tools. We argue that each perspective entails productive constraints on students’ meaning-making as they construct and interpret their own representations. Our framework seeks to take into account the interplay of diverse cultural and cognitive resources students use in these meaning-making processes. We outline the basis for this framework before illustrating its explanatory value through a sequence of lessons on the topic of evaporation.


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Privacy is an important aspect of pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems, and, in particular, pervasive healthcare. With reference to previous approaches on developing privacy sensitive pervasive healthcare applications, we detail a framework for the design of such systems that aims to minimise the impact of privacy on such systems. In reviewing previous approaches, we extract and combine common elements in order to unify the approaches and create a more formal methodology for designing privacy mechanisms in pervasive healthcare applications. In doing so we also consider the manner in which ubiquitous technologies impact on privacy and methods for reducing this impact. We demonstrate how the framework can be applied by using examples from the previous approaches. In addressing privacy issues, the framework aims to remove a large obstacle to deployment of pervasive healthcare systems, acceptance of the technology.


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One of the fundamental issues in building autonomous agents is to be able to sense, represent and react to the world. Some of the earlier work [Mor83, Elf90, AyF89] has aimed towards a reconstructionist approach, where a number of sensors are used to obtain input that is used to construct a model of the world that mirrors the real world. Sensing and sensor fusion was thus an important aspect of such work. Such approaches have had limited success, and some of the main problems were the issues of uncertainty arising from sensor error and errors that accumulated in metric, quantitative models. Recent research has therefore looked at different ways of examining the problems. Instead of attempting to get the most accurate and correct model of the world, these approaches look at qualitative models to represent the world, which maintain relative and significant aspects of the environment rather than all aspects of the world. The relevant aspects of the world that are retained are determined by the task at hand which in turn determines how to sense. That is, task directed or purposive sensing is used to build a qualitative model of the world, which though inaccurate and incomplete is sufficient to solve the problem at hand. This paper examines the issues of building up a hierarchical knowledge representation of the environment with limited sensor input that can be actively acquired by an agent capable of interacting with the environment. Different tasks require different aspects of the environment to be abstracted out. For example, low level tasks such as navigation require aspects of the environment that are related to layout and obstacle placement. For the agent to be able to reposition itself in an environment, significant features of spatial situations and their relative placement need to be kept. For the agent to reason about objects in space, for example to determine the position of one object relative to another, the representation needs to retain information on relative locations of start and finish of the objects, that is endpoints of objects on a grid. For the agent to be able to do high level planning, the agent may need only the relative position of the starting point and destination, and not the low level details of endpoints, visual clues and so on. This indicates that a hierarchical approach would be suitable, such that each level in the hierarchy is at a different level of abstraction, and thus suitable for a different task. At the lowest level, the representation contains low level details of agent's motion and visual clues to allow the agent to navigate and reposition itself. At the next level of abstraction the aspects of the representation allow the agent to perform spatial reasoning, and finally the highest level of abstraction in the representation can be used by the agent for high level planning.


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This study analyses the evolution of socioscientific reasoning on sustainability, of French and Australian tertiary students exchanging ideas on a digital platform, concerning local (Australian, French) environmental SSIs, and global environmental SSIs. We explore how the exchange of arguments from various disciplinary and cultural perspectives, can promote reasoning about complex problem-situations in the environment. We develop a framework of reasoning, and show how it enables a productive analysis of the nature of the exchanges, and the quality of reasoning. We argue that such a strategy may improve epistemological training on the nature of science, and citizenship.


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A representation-intensive pedagogical approach challenges students to generate and negotiate the representations (text, graphs, models, diagrams) that constitute the discursive practices of science, rather than focusing on the text-based, definitional versions of concepts. Previous research conducted on a small scale with a few topics and teachers successfully demonstrated enhanced outcomes for students, in terms of sustained engagement with ideas, and quality learning, and for teachers’ enhanced pedagogical knowledge, and epistemological understanding. This paper explores the efficacy of embedding a representations-intensive pedagogical approach into a state-wide professional learning program that was delivered to Victorian secondary science teachers in 2010/2011. The professional learning program involved participating teachers undertaking two successive days of professional development, then completing a small classroom-based project in their schools before returning for the third day of professional development. The program was supported by online drupal website. In determining the impact of the professional learning program on the teachers’ practice data was collected in the form of program participant surveys, presentations of the teachers’ classroom-based projects, focus group interviews and phone interviews. Teachers demonstrated the applicability of this pedagogical approach by adapting it to a variety of science topics.