130 resultados para Drawings mentally


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Sexual offenders who are involuntarily civilly committed to a secure state hospital as Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs) appear to differ significantly from other current patient populations. Demographically, SVPs are older and more predominantly Caucasian than other patients. They are less frequently psychotic than patients committed under other state statutes such as those found incompetent to stand trial, not guilty by reason of insanity and mentally ill prison transfers. Another salient dimension which distinguishes SVPs is the degree of psychopathy observed in these patients. As a group, SVPs display only slightly higher levels of psychopathy than other patient groups as measured by the revised Psychopathy Checklist. Yet when considered by offender type, rapists are found to have significantly higher average psychopathy scores than other patients, while child molesters are assessed as having lower average psychopathy scores than most other patient commitment categories.


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Reports on primary mental health care reform in Australia 1991-2001 and the involvement of general practioners as the key providers. Investigates the degree to which the vision of policy makers and key stakeholders for a more integrated and effective system had been achieved. Findings suggested there is a considerable mismatch between the policy vision and the implementation reality and that the current system falls short of providing the support and systemic changes necessary for GPs to provide effective mental health care.


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This thesis comprises three studies aimed at examining viewers' responses to filmed violence. The first focused on habituation, the second desensitisation and the third compared the paradigms. Results indicated that several factors influence how an individual responds to filmed violence and provide some insight into the impact of repetitive exposure to media violence. The portfolio presents four case studies emphasising the difficulties for assessing risk and associated interventions in the client population of individuals found not guilty because of mental impairment. This as an area of fundamental discord between psychology and law.


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This portfolio aims to review aspects of the sentencing of violent offenders under Victoria's criminal justice system. Focuses on a critique of current legislation, the way the rights of special needs offenders are acknowledged and enshrined in law, how these provisions are expressed in practice, and the clinical factors that contribute to, and influence, the dispositions individuals receive.


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Explores socio-historical understandings and treatments of madness, examining literary works alongside contemporary medical texts. Incorporating notions of scientific objectivity, individual subjectivity and social totality, the thesis shows conceptual overlaps between art and science, identifying continuities and conflicts between fictional, clinical and cultural investigations into madness.


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Dual disability is a particularly important area of study, as the co-occurence of intellectual and psychiatric disability presents signficant challenges to professionals within the health and disability services. Four case studies are presented.


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The language of Well-Being is a linguistic analysis of acute hospital patients not suffering depression. Despite patients' ill health, their language revealed a 'positive' attitude, particularly a capacity to be resilient, extroverted and optimistic. This thesis describes the language that 'works' for mentally healthy people in extremely challenging circumstances.


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The Introducing Me program was developed as a recovery-oriented intervention program for people with mental illness. Program trials revealed improvements in self-concept, self-esteem, reduced social anxiety, and overall positive feedback. This novel and innovative program has important implications for the treatment and wellbeing of persons with a severe mental illness. The Professional Portfolio discusses issues relating to the assessment and diagnosis of depression in adolescents and factors determining appropriate treatment recommendations. Four case studies are presented.


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This thesis explored the factors relevant to decision-making when the defence of mental impairment is raised in Victoria. Findings indicate that disorder type, crime outcome, and the relationship between victim and offender were significantly associated with verdict decisions, while offender gender did not play a significant role in responsibility decisions. The portfolio discusses the role of co-morbid psychopathology in the assessment and treatment of veterans with chronic PTSD by presenting four case histories.


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This concept-empirical inquiry investigated tensions between practitioners and their clients' significant-others. At its root, this difficulty was found to reflect embedded ideological, professional and organizational factors aligned with the process of individualization, a disposition which renders significant-other relationships as, at best, irrelevant to the professionals' understanding of their project.


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Investigates the interpretation of spiritual content in painting. Pt. 1 defines aspects of spirituality and explores the authors concerns of despiritualization. Pt. 2 parallels concerns with the Romantic movement & explores the notion of the sublime in relation to spiritual interpretation. Pt. 3 links the documented research to the body of studio work. The printings and drawings explore the authors concerns through the visual expression of concepts which suggest nature as a spiritual source.


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This study is comprised of a written exegesis and a folio of paintings and drawings. It explores the view that Romanicism in Britain survived its historical period and continues to influence contemporary British artists. Concentrates upon the prominence given by the Romantics to symbols, most commonly located in nature, which express spiritual impulses and ideas related to human destiny and feelings.


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One way to represent and communicate density in the spatial disciplines including architecture, town planning and geography is through the map, plan or aerial photograph. These media and tools are generally perceived to be objective and analytical modes of practice. But what else do these modes of representation mediate? The paper will respond to this question by exploring notions of ontology, notions of dwelling and being in relation to lines and drawing techniques. A map or plan is an image, in addition to a mode of communication, and affects visual pleasure. As proposals of an unbuilt world and documents of existing environment, drawings contain lines of desire. The thesis is that the lines provide a corporeal framework for an imaginary projection between the viewer and a ‘real’ built environment. The paper becomes focussed on the specifics of the ‘green line’ that has represented post-war Beirut, and is typical of representation of sites of conflict.

In the plans of post-war Beirut an almost straight line running from the top to the bottom of the page is highlighted and represents a trajectory from the Place des Martyr to the Pine Forest. To descend from this metaphoric height of the map into the streets of Beirut is to confront urban density, traffic congestion, pollution exacerbated by dust, and a lack of greenery. During the war much of the fighting occurred across this marker, and since, it has been described as an empty neutral space due to the destruction of edifices on either side, and is often proposed as the only appropriate site for building projects of national significance. Is its emptiness an a priori condition of imaginary projections? Will it remain forever empty of the density everywhere else in Beirut? Who wants to dwell there?
This paper will examine the several nuances of the ‘green line’ and what role it plays between representation and defining ontological environments.


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This thesis investigated factors that facilitate successful engagement with psychiatric treatment among young patients experiencing first-onset psychosis. The results revealed the importance of the treatment setting and key relationships in achieving engagement. Service delivery implications include the need for a social relationship model between clinicians, patients, and their peers.


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This study investigates the roles of representationand construction in enhancing students' learning in a tectonic design studio.  Students of architecture use 3D CAD, physical models and drawings, either alone or in hybrid combinations in the the design, development and communication of their design process.  Each of these media has intrinsic attributes that limit or enhance students' ability to engage in issues of architecture.  This can have a significant influence on students' learning of conceptual and tectonic design, in particularly in their early years of study.  Tectonic design, as an element of the architectural design process that involves the designerly consideration of issues of construction, is an important skill that is integral to architectural practice.  The unique problem based learning environment of the design studio offers opportunities for the development of deep learning approaches to tectonic design, however these are limited by the way students engage in representational media.  This research is based on an ethnographis case study of a cohort of second year architecture students at Deakin University, Geelong, in 2002.