315 resultados para Dietary items


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Declining milk consumption is a potential public health problem because milk provides nutrients that are not abundant in other foods. Identification of the factors that may influence milk consumption may lead to development of interventions to promote more healthful behaviours.

Attitudes and beliefs about food appear to be strong predictors of dietary behaviour. The objective of this study was to survey a random sample of consumers in regard to their milk consumption and attitudes and beliefs about milk. Two telephone surveys were conducted one year apart. The questionnaire included attitude items that reflected the main themes of consumers' interest in milk.

The respondents' attitudes were complex and were related to demographics and milk consumption. In general, people's concerns about milk related to what was important in their lives; what threatened them physically and emotionally. Women held more positive attitudes, but they were concerned about the fat content of milk. Men were less aware of milk's nutritional benefits and, as a result, were less appreciative of its value.

The findings from this investigation provide an opportunity to develop appropriate public health initiatives to promote the consumption of high calcium foods and to address the barriers to drinking milk. Nutrition communications in collaboration with other health agencies and the milk industry could support these initiatives.


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Objective: To describe dietary patterns among men and women in the Australian population, and to explore how these varied according to socioeconomic status (SES).

Design: A cross-sectional self-report population survey, the 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey (NNS), was used.

Setting: Private dwelling sample, covering urban and rural areas across Australia.

Subjects: Data provided by 6680 adults aged 18-64 who participated in the NNS were used in the analyses.

Methods: Factor analyses were used to analyse data from a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) completed by participants. Associations between SES and dietary pattens were assessed using ANOVA.

Separate factor analyses of the FFQ data for men and women revealed 15 factors, accounting for approximately 50% of the variance in both men's and women's dietary patterns. Several gender and SES differences in food patterns were observed. Lower SES males more frequently consumed 'tropical fruits', 'protein foods', and 'offal and canned fish', while high SES males more often ate 'breakfast cereals' and 'wholemeal bread'. Lower SES females more often ate 'traditional vegetables', 'meat dishes' and 'pasta, rice and other mixed foods', while high SES females more frequently ate 'ethnic vegetables' and 'breakfast cereal/muesli'.

Conclusions: These findings contribute to a better understanding of the dietary patterns that underscore gender-specific SES differences in nutrient intakes. Analyses of the type employed in this study will facilitate the development of interventions aimed at modifying overall eating patterns, rather than specific components of the diet.


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Sixteen female cross-bred (Large White × Landrace) pigs (initial weight 65 kg) with venous catheters were randomly allocated to four treatment groups in a 2×2 factorial design. The respective factors were dietary fat (25 or 100 g/kg) and dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA; 0 or 10 g CLA-55/kg). Pigs were fed every 3 h (close to ad libitum digestible energy intake) for 8 d and were bled frequently. Plasma glucose and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) responses to insulin and adrenaline challenges were determined on day 8. Plasma concentrations of NEFA were significantly increased (10·5 and 5·4 % for low- and high-fat diets respectively, P=0·015) throughout the experiment, suggesting that there was a possible increase in fat mobilisation. The increase in lipolysis, an indicator of ß-adrenergic stimulated lipolysis, was also evident in the NEFA response to adrenaline. However, the increase in plasma triacylglycerol (11·0 and 7·1 % for low- and high-fat diets respectively, P=0·008) indicated that CLA could have reduced fat accretion via decreased adipose tissue triacylglycerol synthesis from preformed fatty acids, possibly through reduced lipoprotein lipase activity. Plasma glucose, the primary substrate for de novo lipid synthesis, and plasma insulin levels were unaffected by dietary CLA suggesting that de novo lipid synthesis was largely unaffected (P=0·24 and P=0·30 respectively). In addition, the dietary CLA had no effect upon the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose removal.


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Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) have been shown to decrease body fat content in pigs. It is possible that feeding pigs diets rich in CLA may increase carcass lipid CLA to levels that could provide health benefits when included as a part of a healthy diet. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine whether dietary CLA supplementation has any effect on the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and intramuscular adipose tissue in pigs. Thirty-five female cross bred (Large White X Landrace) pigs (initial weight 57·2 kg and initial P2 back fat 11·5 mm) were used in the present study. Pigs were housed individually and randomly allocated to one of six dietary treatments (0·00, 1·25, 2·50, 5·00, 7·50 and 10·00 g CLA55 (55 g CLA isomers/100 g total fatty acids; Natural Lipids Ltd, Hovdebygda, Norway)/kg)
and fed their respective diets for 8 weeks. Twelve CLA isomers in the diet and in pig tissue lipids were separated by Agþ-HPLC. CLA was incorporated at fivefold higher levels in subcutaneous fat as compared with intramuscular fat and in a dose-dependant manner. Overall, the transfer efficiency of CLA was maximized at 5·00 g CLA55/kg. However, there was clear selectivity in the uptake or incorporation of cis,trans-9,11 isomer over the trans,cis-10,12 isomer. In general, CLA supplementation produced significant changes in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue fatty acid composition, indicating that dietary CLA had a potent affect on lipid transport and metabolism in vivo. Significant increases in myristic, palmitic and palmitoleic acids and a reduction in arachidonic acid were observed, suggesting an alteration in
activity of Δ5-, Δ6- and Δ9-desaturases in pig adipose tissue. In conclusion, feeding pigs diets supplemented with CLA increases carcass lipid CLA, but also results in changes in the fatty acid profile in pig fat that could potentially outweigh the benefits of CLA.


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To determine the effect of glycogen availability and contraction on intracellular signaling and IL-6 gene transcription, eight males performed 60 min of exercise on two occasions: either with prior ingestion of a normal (Con) or low carbohydrate (LCHO) diet that reduced pre-exercise muscle glycogen content. Muscle biopsies were obtained and analyzed for IL-6 mRNA. In addition, nuclear proteins were isolated from the samples and analyzed for the mitogen- activated protein kinases (MAPK) c-jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) 1 and 2 and p38 MAPK. Nuclear fractions were also analyzed for the phosphorylated forms of JNK (p-JNK) and p38 MAPK (p-p38 MAPK) and the abundance of the nuclear transcription factors nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and nuclear factor kappa-β (NF-κβ). No differences were observed in the protein abundance of total JNK 1/2, p38 MAPK, NFAT, or NF-κβ before exercise, but the nuclear abundance of p-p38 MAPK was higher (P<0.05) in LCHO. Contraction resulted in an increase (P<0.05) in nuclear p-JNK 1/2, but there were no differences when comparing CON with LCHO. The fold increase in IL-6 mRNA with contraction was potentiated (P<0.05) in LCHO. A correlation between pre-exercise nuclear phosphorylated p38 MAPK and contraction-induced fold increase in IL-6 mRNA was performed, revealing a highly significant correlation (r=0.96; P<0.01). We next incubated L6 myotubes in ionomycin (a compound known to induce IL-6 mRNA) with or without the pyridinylimidazole p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580. Treatments did not affect total nuclear p38 MAPK, but ionomycin increased (P<0.05) both nuclear p-p38 MAPK and IL-6 mRNA. The addition of SB203580 to ionomycin decreased (P<0.05) nuclear p-p38 MAPK and totally abolished (P<0.05) the ionomycin- induced increase in IL-6 mRNA. These data suggest that reduced carbohydrate intake that results in low intramuscular glycogen leads to phosphorylation of p38 MAPK at the nucleus. Furthermore, phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in the nucleus appears to be an upstream target for IL-6, providing new insights into the regulation of IL-6 gene transcription.


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The effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the levels of total serum leucocytes, granulocytes including neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils, as well as on monocytes and leucocytes were measured in pigs selected from a clean (minimal disease) herd. Thirty pigs were fed different rates of dietary CLA (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 g CLA-55/kg diet) for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected at the end of the study for assessment of haematological and humoral responses to CLA supplementation. No difference in total white blood cells including the neutrophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte counts was observed among different dietary groups. A dose-dependent reduction (P = 0.02) in eosinophil concentrations suggests that CLA exerts anti-inflammatory activities. A 2-fold increase in the level of basophils was recorded in pigs fed lower levels of CLA (1.25 and 2.5 g CLA/kg diet) but the levels decreased gradually (P = 0.05) and were below the detection limit at the highest rate (10 g/kg) of CLA supplementation. The level of IgG was reduced by over 50% in CLA-fed pigs (P < 0.001), although the response was quadratic in nature (P < 0.001). T-cell population analysis showed that CD4+ cells tended (P = 0.06) to be reduced linearly with increasing inclusion of CLA in the diet. Our results suggest that dietary CLA modulates haematological and humoral responses in a dose-dependent manner.


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Objective To illustrate the effect of common mistakes when using 24-hour national dietary survey data to estimate the prevalence of inadequate nutrient intakes.

Design Raw data on nutrient intake from the Australian 1995 National Nutrition Survey were adjusted for within-person variance using standard techniques and corrected for underreporting using the criteria of Goldberg et al. The distributions for six nutrients were compared with current dietary reference values from the UK, USA and Australia.

Setting A national sample of the Australian population with a 61.4% response rate.

Results Adjusting for within-person variance reduced the range of nutrient intakes to 66–80% of the raw data range and the proportion with intakes below the estimated average requirement (EAR) by up to 20%. Excluding underreporters further reduced the proportion below the EAR by up to 10%. Using the dietary reference values from different countries also resulted in some markedly different estimates. For example, the prevalence of low folate intakes ranged from <1 to 92% for adult women depending on the reference used. Except for vitamin A and protein, the prevalence of low intakes was invariably higher for women than for men.

Conclusions Estimates of the prevalence of low nutrient intakes based on raw 24-hour survey data are invariably misleading. However, even after adjustment for within-person variance and underreporting, estimates of the prevalence of low nutrient intakes may still be misleading unless interpreted in the light of the reference criteria used and supported by relevant biochemical and physiological measures of nutritional status.


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Objective To evaluate responses to self-administered brief questions regarding consumption of vegetables and fruit by comparison with blood levels of serum carotenoids and red-cell folate.

Design A cross-sectional study in which participants reported their usual intake of fruit and vegetables in servings per day, and serum levels of five carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and lycopene) and red-cell folate were measured. Serum carotenoid levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, and red-cell folate by an automated immunoassay system.

Settings and subjects Between October and December 2000, a sample of 1598 adults aged 25 years and over, from six randomly selected urban centres in Queensland, Australia, were examined as part of a national study conducted to determine the prevalence of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risk factors.

Results Statistically significant (P<0.01) associations with vegetable and fruit intake (categorised into groups: ≤1 serving, 2–3 servings and ≥4 servings per day) were observed for α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and red-cell folate. The mean level of these carotenoids and of red-cell folate increased with increasing frequency of reported servings of vegetables and fruit, both before and after adjusting for potential confounding factors. A significant association with lycopene was observed only for vegetable intake before adjusting for confounders.

Conclusions These data indicate that brief questions may be a simple and valuable tool for monitoring vegetable and fruit intake in this population.


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One constraint facing the pig industry is that ad libitum feeding can often result in high levels of body fat and technologies which can reduce the ratio of lean to fat deposition in the pig are continually being explored. Conjugated linoleic acids have been shown to decrease body fat content in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether dietary conjugated linoleic acids supplementation has any effect on meat quality and carcass characteristics in finisher pigs. Sixty female crossbred (Large White × Landrace) pigs (average initial weight 56.6 ± 1.9 kg and average initial P2 backfat 11.4 ± 1.3 mm) were used in the present study. Pigs were individually housed and randomly allocated to 1 of 6 dietary treatments: 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 or 1.0% (w/w) of conjugated linoleic acids-55. The wheat-based diets were formulated to contain 14.3 MJ DE and 9.3 g available lysine per kg and were fed ad libitum for 8 weeks. Pigs were slaughtered and meat quality was determined on the longissimus thoracis using standard techniques. Dietary conjugated linoleic acids reduced subcutaneous back fat in a linear manner with effects being most pronounced in the middle back fat layer. There was also a linear (P<0.001) decrease in intramuscular fat with increasing dietary conjugated linoleic acids supplementation. However, there was no effect of conjugated linoleic acids on subjective measures of marbling of the loin. Also, loin muscle ultimate pH (P = 0.94), lightness values (P = 0.46) subjective colour scores (P = 0.79), cooking loss (P = 0.71), drip loss (P = 0.40), shear force (P = 0.61) and subjective measures of wetness/firmness (P = 0.19) were unaffected. Dietary conjugated linoleic acids did not alter oxidation, as measured by the level of TBARs at day 1 post-slaughter (P = 0.38) or after 9 days of simulated retail display (P = 0.35). These data confirm that dietary conjugated linoleic acids can improve carcass quality by decreasing back fat depths without having any detrimental effects on meat quality.


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The presence of carotenoids in animal tissue reflects their sources along the food chain. Astaxanthin, the main carotenoid used for salmonid pigmentation, is usually included in the feed as a synthetic product. However, other dietary sources of astaxanthin such as shrimp or krill wastes, algae meal or yeasts are also available on the market. Astaxanthin possesses two identical asymmetric atoms at C-3 and C-3' making possible three optical isomers with all-trans configuration of the chain: 3S,3'S, 3R,3'S, and 3R,3'R. The distribution of the isomers in natural astaxanthin differs from that of the synthetic product. This latter is a racemic mixture, with a typical ratio of 1:2:1 (3S,3'S:3R,3'S:3R,3'R), while astaxanthin from natural sources has a variable distribution of the isomers deriving from the different biological organism that synthesized it. The high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of all-trans isomers of astaxanthin was performed in different pigment sources, such as red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma, alga meal Haematococcus pluvialis, krill meal and oil, and shrimp meal. With the aim to investigate astaxanthin isomer ratios in flesh of fish fed different carotenoid sources, three groups of rainbow trout were fed for 60 days diets containing astaxanthin from synthetic source, H. pluvialis algae meal and P. rhodozyma red yeast. Moreover, the distribution of optical isomers of astaxanthin in trout purchased on the Italian market was investigated. A characteristic distribution of astaxanthin stereoisomers was detected for each pigment sources and such distribution was reproduced in the flesh of trout fed with that source. Colour values measured in different sites of fillet of rainbow trout fed with different pigment sources showed no significant differences. Similarly, different sources of pigment (natural or synthetic) produced colour values of fresh fillet with no relevant or significant differences. The coefficient of distance computed amongst the feed ingredient and the trout fillet astaxanthin stereoisomers was a useful tool to identify the origin of the pigment used on farm.


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In a previous study we showed that feeding fish meal significantly increased muscle long chain n-3 fatty acids (FA) and hot carcass weight. In this study we compared the effect of fish meal and fish oil on increasing muscle long-chain FA. We also investigated whether the increase in carcass weight was due to the effect of dietary enrichment of muscle long-chain n-3 FA on muscle membrane phospholipids and(or) to rumen by-pass protein provided by fish meal. Forty crossbred ([Merino x Border Leicester] x Poll Dorset) wether lambs between 26 and 33 kg BW were randomly assigned to one of five treatments: 1) basal diet of oaten:lucerne chaff (Basal); 2) Basal + fish meal (9% DM) = FM; 3) Basal + fish oil (1.5% DM) with protected sunflower meal (9% DM ) = FOSMP; 4) Basal + fish oil (1.5% DM) = FO; or 5) Basal + protected sunflower meal (10.5% DM) = SMP. Daily intake of ME (9.60 - 10.5 MJ ME/d) and CP (150 to 168 g/d) in all treatments was kept similar by varying the ratio of oaten:lucerne chaff and by feeding the animals at 90% ad libitum intake. Blood samples were collected at the start of the experiment and on the day (d 42) prior to slaughter. Lambs were then slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h postmortem carcass traits were measured and longis-simus thoracis muscle taken for analysis of FA of phospholipid and triglyceride fractions. Lambs fed FO and FOSMP showed a marked increase in muscle longchain n-3 FA (P < 0.001) and a reduction in magnitude of the rise in insulin concentration (P < 0.001) after feeding compared with lambs fed Basal and SMP diets. Lambs in FM had a moderate increase (P < 0.001) in muscle long-chain n-3 FA content. Compared with Basal diet, both plasma total cholesterol (P < 0.02) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P < 0.001) levels were greater in SMP and less in FO and FOSMP treat- ments. The i.m. fat content was reduced (P < 0.05) in FM and FO treatments, but carcass weight was increased only with fish meal (P < 0.03). Adding SMP to FO produced muscle with an intermediate level of i.m. fat, whereas muscle long-chain n-3 FA, i.m. fat, and insulin concentration were unchanged with SMP treatment. These results indicate that an increase in carcass weight in FM may be due to the supply of ruminally undegraded protein. They also suggest that fish oil along with fish meal can increase long-chain n-3 FA content in phospholipid of muscle membrane. This may be associated with reduced i.m. fat content and altered insulin action and lipoprotein metabolism.


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The effects of dietary manipulation of muscle long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on sensory properties of cooked meat in second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs were evaluated. Lambs fed dietary supplements of fish meal (FM, Exp. 1) and fish oil (FO, Exp. 2) showed moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle long-chain omega-3 FA content compared with those fed the basal diet of lucerne chaff and oat chaff. Protected canola seed (PCS, Exp. 1) significantly (P<0.001) increased omega-6 FA content of the longissimus muscle. In each of the 2 experiments (1 and 2), after being fed experimental diets for 6 weeks lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem (PM) the semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles were removed from animals and stored at −20°C until evaluation of sensory properties using experienced panel members. The muscle samples were stored for 3 (Exp. 1) and 12 (Exp. 2) months then removed, thawed and cooked for sensory evaluation. The meat samples were cooked under standardized conditions in a convection microwave at 180°C (20–25 min) to an internal temperature of 75°C. Cooked samples were tested for flavour, aroma, juiciness and overall palatability. The significant increase in muscle long-chain omega-3 with FM (Exp. 1 and 2) and FO (Exp. 2) or omega-6 FA with PCS (Exp. 1) were not detrimental to sensory panel evaluations of flavour or aroma of cooked meat when compared with the basal diet. However, meat from FM (Exp. 1) had lower juiciness and FO (Exp. 2) had lower overall palatability. Protected sunflower meal protein with FO (Exp. 2) significantly lowered ratings for flavour, juiciness and overall palatability. Lamb meat with increased levels of long-chain omega-3 FA can be produced without altering the sensory quality (flavour or aroma) of the cooked meat.


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Both n−6 and n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are recognized as essential nutrients in the human diet, yet reliable data on population intakes are limited. The aim of the present study was to ascertain the dietary intakes and food sources of individual n−6 and n−3 PUFA in the Australian population. An existing database with fatty acid composition data on 1690 foods was updated with newly validated data on 150 foods to estimate the fatty acid content of foods recorded as eaten by 10,851 adults in the 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey. Average daily intakes of linoleic (LA), arachidonic (AA), α-linolenic (LNA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosapentaenoic (DPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids were 10.8, 0.052, 1.17, 0.056, 0.026, and 0.106 g, respectively, with longchain (LC) n−3 PUFA (addition of FPA, DPA, and DHA) totaling 0.189 g; median intakes were considerably lower (9.0 g LA, 0.024 g AA, 0.95 g LNA, 0.008 g EPA, 0.006 g DPA, 0.015 g DHA, and 0.029 g LC n−3 PUFA). Fats and oils, meat and poultry, cereal-based products and cereals, vegetables, and nuts and seeds were important sources of n−6 PUFA, while cereal-based products, fats and oils, meat and poultry, cereals, milk products, and vegetable products were sources of LNA. As expected, seafood was the main source of LC n−3 PUFA, contributing 71%, while meat and eggs contributed 20 and 6%, respectively. The results indicate that the majority of Australians are failing to meet intake recommendations for LC n−3 PUFA (>0.2 g per day) and emphasize the need for strategies, to increase the availability and consumption of n−3-containing foods.


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A series of three experiments were conducted with second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs to evaluate the effects of dietary treatments on manipulation of muscle long-chain (LC) omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on the color stability and oxidative stability of fresh and vacuum packaged lamb. At the end of 7-, 6- and 6-week experimental periods for experiments (Exp.) 1–3 respectively, lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem, muscle longissimus lumborum (LL) and longissimus thoracis (LT) were removed and evaluated for color and lipid oxidative stability under specified commercial storage and display condition. Of the dietary supplements used, fish meal and fish oil moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle omega-3 FA content, while both protected canola seed (P<0.001) and protected sunflower meal protein significantly (P<0.02) increased muscle omega-6 FA content or ratio of omega-6/omega-3 of the longissimus muscle. In all experiments, the substantial increase (P<0.001) in muscle LC omega-3 and omega-6 FA had no consistent significant effect on color values (redness (a*), yellowness (b*) and lightness (L*)) for fresh and vacuum packaged lamb over a 6-day display period. Lipid oxidation, determined by the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) indicated the enrichment of muscle polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) levels in lambs did not produce significant differences resulting either from main treatment effects or for treatment×day×type interactions (where type was fresh and vacuum packaged). Present results demonstrated the color and lipid oxidative stability of lamb longissimus muscle during refrigerated display was not affected by enhanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 FA due to dietary treatments.