176 resultados para Denial of Service


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Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is a continuous critical threat to the Internet. Derived from the low layers, new application-layer-based DDoS attacks utilizing legitimate HTTP requests to overwhelm victim resources are more undetectable. The case may be more serious when suchattacks mimic or occur during the flash crowd event of a popular Website. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of CALD, an architectural extension to protect Web servers against various DDoS attacks that masquerade as flash crowds. CALD provides real-time detection using mess tests but is different from other systems that use resembling methods. First, CALD uses a front-end sensor to monitor thetraffic that may contain various DDoS attacks or flash crowds. Intense pulse in the traffic means possible existence of anomalies because this is the basic property of DDoS attacks and flash crowds. Once abnormal traffic is identified, the sensor sends ATTENTION signal to activate the attack detection module. Second, CALD dynamically records the average frequency of each source IP and check the total mess extent. Theoretically, the mess extent of DDoS attacks is larger than the one of flash crowds. Thus, with some parameters from the attack detection module, the filter is capable of letting the legitimate requests through but the attack traffic stopped. Third, CALD may divide the security modules away from the Web servers. As a result, it keeps maximum performance on the kernel web services, regardless of the harassment from DDoS. In the experiments, the records from www.sina.com and www.taobao.com have proved the value of CALD.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is a remote identification technology which is taking the place of barcodes to become electronic tags of an object. However, its radio transmission nature is making it vulnerable in terms of security. Recently, research proposed that an RFID tag can contain malicious code which might spread viruses, worms and other exploits to middleware and back-end systems. This paper is proposing a framework which will provide protection from malware and ensure the data privacy of a tag. The framework will use a sanitization technique with a mutual authentication in the reader level. This will ensure that any malicious code in the tag is identified. If the tag is infected by malicious code it will stop execution of the code in the RFIF system. Here shared unique parameters are used for authentication. It will be capable of protecting an RFID system from denial of service (DOS) attack, forward security and rogue reader better than existing protocols. The framework is introducing a layer concept on a smart reader to reduce coupling between different tasks. Using this framework, the RFID system will be protected from malware and also the privacy of the tag will be ensured.


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Distributed Denial-of-Service attack (DDoS) is a major threat for cloud environment. Traditional defending approaches cannot be easily applied in cloud security due to their relatively low efficiency, large storage, to name a few. In view of this challenge, a Confidence-Based Filtering method, named CBF, is investigated for cloud computing environment, in this paper. Concretely speaking, the method is deployed by two periods, i.e., non-attack period and attack period. More specially, legitimate packets are collected at non-attack period, for extracting attribute pairs to generate a nominal profile. With the nominal profile, the CBF method is promoted by calculating the score of a particular packet at attack period, to determine whether to discard it or not. At last, extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the CBF method. The result shows that CBF has a high scoring speed, a small storage requirement and an acceptable filtering accuracy, making it suitable for real-time filtering in cloud environment.


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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a critical threat to the Internet, and botnets are usually the engines behind them. Sophisticated botmasters attempt to disable detectors by mimicking the traffic patterns of flash crowds. This poses a critical challenge to those who defend against DDoS attacks. In our deep study of the size and organization of current botnets, we found that the current attack flows are usually more similar to each other compared to the flows of flash crowds. Based on this, we proposed a discrimination algorithm using the flow correlation coefficient as a similarity metric among suspicious flows. We formulated the problem, and presented theoretical proofs for the feasibility of the proposed discrimination method in theory. Our extensive experiments confirmed the theoretical analysis and demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in practice.


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A good intrusion system gives an accurate and efficient classification results. This ability is an essential functionality to build an intrusion detection system. In this paper, we focused on using various training functions with feature selection to achieve high accurate results. The data we used in our experiments are NSL-KDD. However, the training and testing time to build the model is very high. To address this, we proposed feature selection based on information gain, which can detect several attack types with high accurate result and low false rate. Moreover, we executed experiments to category each of the five classes (probe, denial of service (DoS), user to super-user (U2R), and remote to local (R2L), normal). Our proposed outperform other state-of-art methods.


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Cyber-Physical Systems allow for the interaction of the cyber world and physical worlds using as a central service called Cloud Web Services. Cloud Web Services can sit well within three models of Cyber- Physical Systems, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a- Service (IaaS). With any Cyber-Physical system use Cloud Web Services it inherits a security problem, the HX-DoS attack. HX-DoS attack is a combination of HTTP and XML messages that are intentionally sent to flood and destroy the communication channel of the cloud service provider. The relevance of this research is that TCP/IP flood attacks are a common problem and a lot of research to mitigate them has previously been discussed. But HTTP denial of service and XML denial of service problem has only been addressed in a few papers. In this paper, we get closer to closing this gap on this problem with our new defence system called Pre- Decision, Advance Decision, Learning System (ENDER). In our previous experiments using our Cloud Protector, we were successful at detecting and mitigate 91% with a 9% false positive of HX-DoS attack traffic. In this paper, ENDER was able to improve upon this result by being trained and tested on the same data, but with a greater result of 99% detection and 1% false positive.


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In this article, we explare a recent incident involving aprolonged and severe denial of service attack directed at the Undemet Intemet Relay Chat network. It put the future viabifity of Undernet in doubt; it took some months for service quality to be restored. The circumstances of the attack and the responses, both technical and social, within Undemet are enlightening in themselves, as we discuss. But they also allow us to explore, contrast, and match up the limits of the libertarianism that seems embedded in the socio-technics of the Intemet and the possible and actual containment of 'free' services in a 'free' market, through the operation of commercial transactions.


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A novel server-side defense scheme is proposed to resist the Web proxy-based distributed denial of service attack. The approach utilizes the temporal and spatial locality to extract the behavior features of the proxy-to-server traffic, which makes the scheme independent of the traffic intensity and frequently varying Web contents. A nonlinear mapping function is introduced to protect weak signals from the interference of infrequent large values. Then, a new hidden semi-Markov model parameterized by Gaussian-mixture and Gamma distributions is proposed to describe the time-varying traffic behavior of Web proxies. The new method reduces the number of parameters to be estimated, and can characterize the dynamic evolution of the proxy-to-server traffic rather than the static statistics. Two diagnosis approaches at different scales are introduced to meet the requirement of both fine-grained and coarse-grained detection. Soft control is a novel attack response method proposed in this work. It converts a suspicious traffic into a relatively normal one by behavior reshaping rather than rudely discarding. This measure can protect the quality of services of legitimate users. The experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


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Anomaly detection techniques are used to find the presence of anomalous activities in a network by comparing traffic data activities against a "normal" baseline. Although it has several advantages which include detection of "zero-day" attacks, the question surrounding absolute definition of systems deviations from its "normal" behaviour is important to reduce the number of false positives in the system. This study proposes a novel multi-agent network-based framework known as Statistical model for Correlation and Detection (SCoDe), an anomaly detection framework that looks for timecorrelated anomalies by leveraging statistical properties of a large network, monitoring the rate of events occurrence based on their intensity. SCoDe is an instantaneous learning-based anomaly detector, practically shifting away from the conventional technique of having a training phase prior to detection. It does acquire its training using the improved extension of Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) which is proposed in this study. SCoDe does not require any previous knowledge of the network traffic, or network administrators chosen reference window as normal but effectively builds upon the statistical properties from different attributes of the network traffic, to correlate undesirable deviations in order to identify abnormal patterns. The approach is generic as it can be easily modified to fit particular types of problems, with a predefined attribute, and it is highly robust because of the proposed statistical approach. The proposed framework was targeted to detect attacks that increase the number of activities on the network server, examples which include Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and, flood and flash-crowd events. This paper provides a mathematical foundation for SCoDe, describing the specific implementation and testing of the approach based on a network log file generated from the cyber range simulation experiment of the industrial partner of this project.


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Application Layer Distributed Denial of Service (ALDDoS) attacks have been increasing rapidly with the growth of Botnets and Ubiquitous computing. Differentiate to the former DDoS attacks, ALDDoS attacks cannot be efficiently detected, as attackers always adopt legitimate requests with real IP address, and the traffic has high similarity to legitimate traffic. In spite of that, we think, the attackers' browsing behavior will have great disparity from that of the legitimate users'. In this paper, we put forward a novel user behavior-based method to detect the application layer asymmetric DDoS attack. We introduce an extended random walk model to describe user browsing behavior and establish the legitimate pattern of browsing sequences. For each incoming browser, we observe his page request sequence and predict subsequent page request sequence based on random walk model. The similarity between the predicted and the observed page request sequence is used as a criterion to measure the legality of the user, and then attacker would be detected based on it. Evaluation results based on real collected data set has demonstrated that our method is very effective in detecting asymmetric ALDDoS attacks. © 2014 IEEE.


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 Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) due to its characteristics of being an open medium with dynamic topology, there is neither a centralized management nor clear lines of defence. A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets as neither source nodes nor destination nodes have any knowledge of when or where a packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a novel attack and detection mechanism against a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one packet or more and injects a new fake packet instead. Our novel detection mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. It relies on a very simple yet powerful idea; the creation time of each packet. Significant results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy and detection rate.


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Opportunistic networks or OppNets refer to a number of wireless nodes opportunistically communicating with each other in a form of “Store–Carry–Forward”. This occurs when they come into contact with each other without proper network infrastructure. OppNets use wireless technologies, such as IEEE 802.11, WiMAX, Bluetooth, and other short-range radio communication. In OppNets, there is no end-to-end connection between the source and the destination nodes, and the nodes usually have high mobility, low density, limited power, short radio range, and often subject to different kinds of attacks by malicious nodes. Due to these characteristics and features, OppNets are subject to serious security challenges. OppNets strongly depend on human interaction; therefore, the success of securing such networks is based on trust between people. This survey includes the security approaches in OppNets and techniques used to increase their security levels.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense. A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In our previous novel attack (Packet Faking Attack [1]) we presented a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. In this paper, we present an efficient detection mechanism against this type of attack where each node can detect the attack instead of the destination node. Our detection mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. It relies on a very simple yet powerful idea, that is, the packet creation time of each packet. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy, detection rate and good network traffic reduction.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense.A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a novel attack and traceback mechanism against a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. We call this novel attack a Catabolism Attack and we call our novel traceback mechanism against this attack Anabolism Defense. Our novel detection and traceback mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. Each node can detect and then traceback the malicious nodes based on a solid and powerful idea that is, hash chain techniques. In our defense techniques we have two stages. The first stage is to detect the attack, and the second stage is to find the malicious nodes. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy and detection rate.