123 resultados para CANCER-RISK ASSESSMENT


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Consumption of some dietary fibres may benefit bowel health; however, the effect of Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) kernel fibre (LKFibre) is unknown. The present study examined the effect of a high-fibre diet containing LKFibre on bowel function and faecal putative risk factors for colon cancer compared to a control diet without LKFibre. Thirty-eight free-living, healthy men consumed an LKFibre and a control diet for 1 month each in a single-blind, randomized, crossover study. Depending on subject energy intake, the LKFibre diet was designed to provide 17–30 g/d fibre (in experimental foods) above that of the control diet. Bowel function self-perception, frequency of defecation, transit time, faecal output, pH and moisture, faecal levels of SCFA and ammonia, and faecal bacterial [ß]-glucuronidase activity were assessed. In comparison to the control diet, the LKFibre diet increased frequency of defecation by 0·13 events/d (P = 0·047), increased faecal output by 21 % (P = 0·020) and increased faecal moisture content by 1·6 % units (P = 0·027), whilst decreasing transit time by 17 % (P = 0·012) and decreasing faecal pH by 0·26 units (P < 0·001). Faecal butyrate concentration was increased by 16 % (P = 0·006), butyrate output was increased by 40 % (P = 0·002) and [ß]-glucuronidase activity was lowered by 1·4 µmol/h per g wet faeces compared to the control diet (P < 0·001). Addition of LKFibre to the diet incorporated into food products improved some markers of healthy bowel function and colon cancer risk in men.


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Several studies have examined the association between polyunsaturated fatty acids and prostate cancer risk. We evaluated the evidence on the association between the essential polyunsaturated fatty acid, known as α-linolenic acid, and the risk of prostate cancer in humans.
Materials and Methods
We comprehensively reviewed published studies on the association between α-linolenic acid and the risk of prostate cancer using MEDLINE.
A number of studies have shown a positive association between dietary, plasma or red blood cell levels of α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer. Other studies have demonstrated either no association or a negative association. The limitations of these studies include the assumption that dietary or plasma α-linolenic acid levels are positively associated with prostate tissue α-linolenic acid levels, and measurement errors of dietary, plasma and red blood cell α-linolenic acid levels.
More research is needed in this area before it can be concluded that there is an association between α-linolenic acid and prostate cancer.


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In this article we examine the idea of expanding structured clinical judgement from primarily offender variables to a broader framework in which environmental (including staff) variables are given equal consideration in a comprehensive risk appraisal conducted for risk management purposes of intellectually disabled individuals. It is posited that only by contextualizing the individual's risk within environmental variables can an accurate portrayal of current dynamic risk (and hence the management of that risk) be construed.


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The aim of this article is to review the development and assessment of cardiovascular risk prediction models and to discuss the predictive value of a risk factor as well as to introduce new assessment methods to evaluate a risk prediction model. Many cardiovascular risk prediction models have been developed during the past three decades. However, there has not been consistent agreement regarding how to appropriately assess a risk prediction model, especially when new markers are added to an existing model. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve has traditionally been used to assess the discriminatory ability of a risk prediction model. However, recent studies suggest that this method has its limitations and cannot be the sole approach to evaluate the usefulness of a new marker. New assessment methods are being developed to appropriately assess a risk prediction model and they will be gradually used in clinical and epidemiological studies.


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Through two focus groups, the project investigated how youth culture perceives online communication of risk. In two 90-minute sessions, investigators gaged the range of online activities that nine 18 - 24 year old university students engaged with. Through a guided discussion the participants explored how they would relate to the communication of health risk more generally and cancer risk more specifically.
Participants’ online activity is very high and a range of social media forms are part of their everyday lives. In contrast, their use of traditional media is almost non-existent. Their relationship to accessing and being aware of health information demonstrated a range of views that pointed to quite new and different relationships to health and health professionals. To intersect with their online movements in the communication of health risk demands a sophisticated knowledge of their own searching patterns.
Key ideas generated from the focus groups include: that it might be advantageous to group health risk beyond the specificity of cancer for online success; that an online persona would be useful to provide a face for the communication of risk; that a multi-platform campaign to raise the profile of a persona would be useful; and that success means moving between the serious and the light-hearted in a way that makes the persona a complete person of interest for them.


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The potential to reduce sexual victimisation, promote community safety, and decrease incarceration costs has resulted in considerable progress in terms of how we understand and predict sexual recidivism. And yet, the past decade has seen a degree of fragmentation emerge as research attention has shifted away from relative risk prediction (with its focus on static risk factors) to the identification of factors capable of reducing risk through intervention (i.e. dynamic risk). Although static and dynamic risk are often treated as orthogonal constructs [Beech, A. R., & Craig, L. A. (2012). The current status of static and dynamic factors in sexual offender risk assessment. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 4(4), 169–185. doi:10.1108/17596591211270671], there are arguments to support a claim that the two are in fact functionally related [see Ward, T. (2015). Dynamic risk factors: Scientific kinds or predictive constructs. Psychology, Crime & Law (in this issue); Ward, T., & Beech, A. R. (2015). Dynamic risk factors: A theoretical dead-end? Psychology, Crime & Law, 21(2), 100–113. doi:10.1080/1068316X.2014.917854]. This discussion clearly affects how we assess dynamic risk. This review considered several commonly used methods of assessment and the evidence offered for their predictive accuracy. Of note were differences in the predictive accuracy of single psychometric measures versus composite scores of dynamic risk domains and the conventions used for establishing effect sizes for risk assessment tools.


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Women’s understanding of familial aspects of breast cancer was examined using both focus groups and interviews. The studies covered issues related to perceptions of breast cancer risk factors, perceived breast cancer risk, understanding of risk information, and family history of breast cancer as a risk factor. Study 1 consisted of four focus group discussions with women from the general community. Study 2 comprised ten face-to-face interviews with women who had a family history of breast cancer. The results in combination indicate a fairly high level of awareness of family history as a risk factor for breast cancer. However, the definition of a familial history of breast cancer differed between the groups, with those without a family history being more inclusive than those with such a history. The paper concludes with suggestions for use by those developing resources materials for those with a familial history of breast cancer.


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This study involved an anonymous survey of 41Victorian GPs regarding their diagnostic and treatment practices with adolescent patients with depression and/or suicide ideation. The results indicated that the majority of respondents correctly diagnosed the level of depression and the risk of suicide in a case scenario. Although they commonly asked some of the questions related to an assessment of suicide risk, they rarely conducted a comprehensive risk assessment and the level of referral to telephone and internet crisis services was poor. Most GPs indicated a lack of confidence in their ability to detect and manage depression and suicide in this population and strongly emphasized a need for more training.


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Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynaecological cancers in women in Australia. Reproductive factors related to lifetime oestrogen exposure and obesity are linked to increasing risk of ovarian cancer and the typical Western diet, which is low in plant-based foods and high in red meat, has been implicated in raising ovarian cancer risk for which the use of herbal therapies is common in treating women with ovarian cancer, though few women consult a health practitioner for advice on usage and indications.


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The use of reclaimed wastewater for irrigation of horticultural crops is commonplace in many parts of the world and is likely to increase. Concerns about risks to human health arising from such practice, especially with respect to infection with microbial pathogens, are common. Several factors need to be considered when attempting to quantify the risk posed to a population, such as the concentration of pathogens in the source water, water treatment efficiency, the volume of water coming into contact with the crop, and the die-off rate of pathogens in the environment. Another factor, which has received relatively less attention, is the amount of food consumed. Plainly, higher consumption rates place one at greater risk of becoming infected. The amount of vegetables consumed is known to vary among ethic groups. We use Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Modelling (QMRA) to see if certain ethnic groups are exposed to higher risks by virtue of their consumption behaviour. The results suggest that despite the disparities in consumption rates by different ethnic groups they generally all faced comparable levels of risks. We conclude by suggesting that QMRA should be used to assess the relative levels of risk faced by groups based on divisions other than ethnicity, such as those with compromised immune systems.


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Pressure injuries are a serious risk for patients admitted to hospital and are thought to result from a number of forces operating on skin tissue (pressure, shear and friction). Most research on interface pressure (IP) has taken place using healthy volunteers or mannequins. Little is currently known about the relationship between pressure injury risk and IP for hospital patients. This relationship was investigated with a sample of 121 adult hospital patients. Pressure injury risk was evaluated using the Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool (WRAT) and IP was measured at the sacrum using a Tekscan ClinSeatTM IP sensor mat. Other factors considered were body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, reason for hospital admission, comorbidities and admission route to hospital. Patients were classified according to WRAT categories (‘low risk’, ‘at risk’, ‘high risk’, ‘very high risk’) and then remained still on a standard hospital mattress for 10 minutes while IP was measured. Participants in the ‘low risk’ group were significantly younger than all other groups (p<0.001) and there were some group differences in BMI. IP readings were compared between the ‘low risk’ group and all of the participants at greater risk. The ‘low risk’ group had significantly lower IP at the sacrum on a standard hospital mattress than those at greater risk (p=0.002). Those at greater risk tended to have IP readings at the low end of the compromised IP range. This study is significant because it describes a new, clinically relevant methodology and presents findings that challenge clinician assumptions about the relationships between pressure injury risk assessment and IP.


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This paper will explore the links between the traditional role of HIA in an environmental management context and the new and emerging trend internationally to subject government policy to prospective HIA.  The goal of this new iteration of HIA is to develop healthy public policy across all sectors of government creating a more inclusive and evidence-based approach to public policy formation.  The risk-based, health protection approach is more widely understood, as it draws on existing health protection experience and is allied with risk assessment theory.  The new model is based on the health promotion perspective, and emphasizes social determinants of public health.  This latter approach draws on the foundations of the former.  It is vital that the links between the two are therefore considered especially from the perspective of transfer of knowledge between the two.  The paper will explore the similarities, the differences, the tensions and the lessons that can be learned.  It will report on the progress of a national study being conducted by Mary Mahoney and Gillian Durham that is looking at what is happening (or has happened) in other countires including Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom


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The aim of this study was to determine whether items on a falls risk-assessment tool, made up of brief cognitive and physical measures that nurses use in practice, differentiated fallers and nonfallers in oncology and medical settings. A measure of leg muscle strength clearly distinguished between fallers and nonfallers, with the latter having stronger leg muscles. For nursing practice, the assessment of patients' muscle strength seems to be the most useful scale for identifying potential fallers.


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Fire fighters are often required to work in dynamic and hazardous environments involving a high level of uncertainty. The present study investigated 110 volunteer fire fighters’ assessments of levels of risk associated with a photographic depiction of a typical grassland fire situation. The fire fighters used a standard fire agency risk-rating matrix procedure requiring them to specify the severity of the hazards depicted and the probability of a mishap in order to rate overall level of risk (1 = Low; 4 = Extreme). The risk ratings made by the fire fighters varied greatly. The overall rate of agreement with the risk level rating of the situation made by a panel of expert fire officers (=1, Low) was only 27%. It seems that use of a standard risk-rating matrix procedure by fire fighters at incidents, as recommended currently by many fire agencies, is likely to result in unreliable risk assessments, at least in the absence of effective training in the risk assessment procedure. The 110 volunteers were also asked to identify the total number of potential hazards apparent in five photographs depicting different kinds of emergency incidents. Identifying more hazards was found to be associated with (a) previous personal experience of a ‘near-miss’; and (b) higher levels of education. The findings imply that when faced with identical fire ground situations, individual fire fighters are likely to differ in their situational awareness of hazards and consequent risk assessments.


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There is currently no consensus as to how “acceptable risk” should be defined in emergency service response. Attempts to address this have relied upon the assumption that a probabilistic model of risk can be calculated and that acceptable levels of risk can be determined. Examples of this process can be seen in a number of emergency services, e.g. dynamic risk assessment utilised by a number of fire services.