155 resultados para Attendance


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An experiment involving the supplementary feeding of pups was conducted on Antarctic fur seals to investigate the factors influencing maternal foraging-attendance cycles and the differential use of nutritional resources for growth, maintenance and storage by pups. For 40% of the lactation period, male pups were given a supplement mimicking the chemical composition of Antarctic fur seal milk at a dose equivalent to 35% of the normal mass-specific milk energy intake for the species. Milk consumption, body composition and growth rates were monitored during and after the supplementary feeding period and maternal foraging-attendance cycles were monitored throughout lactation. During the supplementary feeding period, treatment pups (n=8) grew 32% faster and deposited greater adipose tissue stores than controls (n=8) but consumed the same amount of maternal-delivered milk. When supplementary feeding was stopped (timed to coincide with peak maternal milk yield in this species), treatment pups lost mass whereas control group pups continued to grow. Treatment pups weaned at a younger age (109 days) than control pups (116 days) but at the same mass (13 kg). Maternal attendance durations did not differ between the treatment and control groups throughout lactation. However, mothers of treatment pups had significantly shorter foraging trip durations (3.74 days) than mothers of control pups (4.74 days) during the period of supplementary feeding (there were no significant differences throughout the rest of lactation). These findings are in accordance with predictions of a marginal-value model of fur seal lactation behaviour.


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University education is in a period of flux with emphasis being focused on quality education, competition for students both local and international as well as changes in governmental financial support and direction. It is with this scenario as a backdrop, that universities in an endeavour to obtain economies of scale offer subjects with large student enrolments. This study investigates marketing students’ perception of and participation in marketing subjects relating to teaching quality, staff availability and support, and individual student involvement in marketing education with large enrolments compared to subjects with small enrolments. This research builds on the investigations of effects of class size by Cuseo (2004) and Binney et al (2004). The study used a multi-method approach. Data from a sample of 621 students was analysed using Factor analysis, MANOVA and ANOVA. Students indicated that there was little difference in the quality of learning obtained in small or large classes. Of interest from a marketing perspective, however, is the perception by students that they are more likely to obtain practical assistance and support from tutors in smaller classes. Student perceptions generally show no major differences between large and small classes in relation to subject selection, ability to learn and lecture  attendance. Students expressed a preference for the opportunity to choose from a number of lecture streams available in subjects with large enrolments. Of interest, however is the student belief that they are less likely to actively participate in large lectures than in small lecture environments.


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An examination of Australian media reports over the last twelve months on the subject of Indigenous arts suggests a number of significant contradictions. Indigenous affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone called Aboriginal arts ‘Australia’s greatest cultural gift to the world’ (Australian, 24 January 2006), while the always-controversial expatriate Germaine Greer argued that much Indigenous art was in fact poor quality and ‘a big con’ (West Australian, 13 December 2005). Curators at France’s Musee du Quai Branly dedicated a wing of the new gallery to Aboriginal art. Yet many Indigenous leaders – including David Ross from the Central Land Council and Hetti Perkins, curator of Indigenous Arts at the Art Gallery of NSW – continue to publicise the widespread exploitation of Aboriginal artists in Central Australia by unscrupulous art dealers (Northern Territory News, 22 December 2005). Former head of the Northern Land Council and former Australian of the Year, Galarrwuy Yunupingu, who twenty years ago presented Bob Hawke with the painting Barunga Statement in celebration of the government’s commitment to a treaty, recently threatened to take the painting back from Parliament House in protest against ‘successive governments’’ neglect of Indigenous policy (Sydney Morning Herald, 21 January 2006). And in the performing arts, Richard Walley drew attention to the lack of professional recognition of Indigenous performing artists (Australian, 24 January 2006).

Such contradictions within the management and marketing of Indigenous arts have persisted for several years, and it was in response that this special issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Arts and Cultural Management was initiated. As guest editors, we sought to present research that examines, more deeply and constructively, the marketing of Indigenous arts in Australia both historically and in the present. What emerges from this collection of five papers is a familiar scholarly theme: a tension between the ‘periphery’ and the ‘centre’, between outback and city, between larger and smaller Australian states and between Australia and other nations.

Jonathan Sweet’s ‘UNESCO and cultural heritage practice in Australia in the 1950s’ looks at the evolving relationship between Australia and the United Nations through an analysis of a significant touring exhibition: Australian Aboriginal Culture. Sweet pinpoints the 1950s as a period in which Australian museology’s approach to Indigenous cultures gradually changed, and in which Australian participation in UNESCO through the exhibition helped shape the ideological position UNESCO advocated. His article provides a useful historical contrast against which the following four articles may be read.

Chapman, Cardamone, Manahan and Rentschler look at local and contemporary issues in Indigenous arts marketing. Katrina Chapman’s ‘Positioning urban Aboriginal art in the Australian Indigenous art market’ investigates perceptions about contemporary urban Aboriginal art, concluding that the estrangement – and indeed stereotyping – of urban and traditional art creates a false set of values that urban artists are challenging. Similarly, Megan Cardamone, Esmai Manahan and Ruth Rentschler contrast perceptions of Aboriginal arts from the northern and south-eastern states, identifying crucial misconceptions that contribute to the value system applied to these arts. As Ruth Rentschler is a joint editor of this issue, the review process for this article has been managed by Katya Johanson as co-editor.

Two case studies of marketing the arts – which look at different artforms and in opposite sides of the country – then follow. Jennifer Radbourne, Janet Campbell and Vera Ding’s ‘Building audiences for Indigenous theatre’ analyses research on audiences and potential audiences for Kooemba Jdarra – Brisbane’s Indigenous performing arts company – to identify the ways in which audience attendance may be encouraged.

Finally, Jacqui Healy’s ‘Balgo 4-04’ provides a close examination of a unique art exhibition: a major commercial exhibition of the kind usually seen in Sydney and Melbourne, held in an arts centre in the middle of the Tanami Desert and retailing directly to collectors.

The editors are grateful to Warlayirti Artists Art Centre for permission to use the photographs that accompany Jacqui Healy’s article. We would also like to thank the contributors, Jo Caust for the opportunity to present this special issue, and Pearl Field for her assistance in putting it all together.


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Key Points
1. Ambulance attendance at non-fatal opioid overdose is a common event in mainland Australia (among heroin users in particular).
2. The monthly rate of non-fatal opioid overdose attended by ambulance was generally highest in Victoria (Melbourne) followed by NSW with the rates substantially lower in the remaining mainland states over the period Jan  1999 - Feb 2001.
3. Non-fatal opioid overdose victims were most likely to be male in all states with the proportion of males highest in Victoria (77%).
4. Non-fatal opioid overdose victims were aged around 28 years with ages lowest in WA (26) and highest in NSW (30).
5. The rates of transportation varied according to ambulance service practice across the states with around 94% of cases transported in WA and around 19% and 30% of cases transported in Melbourne and NSW respectively.


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Issue addressed: As one of the most significant sites of homophobia is the school, a six week school based program designed to help students explore their attitudes to gays and lesbians was developed called 'Pride and Prejudice'. This paper reports on the initial data from the evaluation of this program. Methods: In order to evaluate the usefulness of the program, a group of year 10 students at a state secondary school participated in the Pride and Prejudice program. Students' attitudes to gay men and lesbians and their social connectedness, self esteem, attitudes to race and beliefs about gender roles were measured before and after their participation. Results: Attitudes held by students toward gay men and lesbians were significantly more positive after the program. The level of attendance during the program significantly predicted the change in attitudes toward gay men but not to lesbians. Conclusion: School based programs delivered to individual classes in which students are given the opportunity to explore their attitudes toward lesbians and gay men may be a useful part of a strategy to reduce homophobia. So what?: Health promoting schools now have a tool available for enabling students to reflect on their attitudes toward gay men and lesbians. It is hoped that school wide implementation of such a program will eventually lead to a reduction in the discrimination same sex attracted youth often experience.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : This paper examines the extent to which different models of community pharmacist continuing education (CE) are evidence-based. It also describes the impact of varying education models on attendance and attitudes within the profession.

Methods : A literature review was conducted to establish principles that should be applied to health professional education, and pharmacy in particular. Interviews were conducted with representatives from four organisations involved in the education of pharmacists to understand their current models. Four focus groups were held with community pharmacists to understand their educational experiences and attitudes.

Principal findings : The purpose of CE is to improve the clinical performance of health practitioners. Literature examining outcomes from CE underlines the importance of adult learning principles. Focus groups supported the view that consideration of these principles is beneficial. These principles, including problem-based learning, clinical applicability, relevance, and active involvement in the learning process, are currently incorporated into educational models to varying extents. Access problems such as cost, distance, insufficient flexibility in delivery, and poor promotion of educational opportunities prevent many pharmacists from taking responsibility for their own learning. A lack of appropriate assessment by some registering authorities is counterproductive to achieving CE outcomes in clinical practice. Participants already engaged in continuing professional development (CPD) agreed with the principles of its introduction.

Discussion : Optimising outcomes from CE requires considerable input from numerous stakeholders. The recent introduction of mandatory pharmacist CPD across Australia should encourage an individual focus on learning outcomes. Focus group participants are likely to be education enthusiasts and may not represent the views of the entire profession.

Implications : This study identifies the need for a system-wide approach for achieving outcomes from CE. It is therefore advisable that a coordinated strategy be developed by all stakeholders for education delivery so as to optimise the impact of CE.


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Mandatory standards developed by allied health professions for registration and accreditation purposes require continuing professional development (CPD) that can be accessed by all professionals, particularly those practicing in regions removed from the bigger cities. To improve and maintain competencies and standards of care CPD programs need to be accessible and provide opportunities for lifelong learning of efficacious evidence-based intervention. Despite the benefits of CPD, problems reported include access and lack of clarity on the usefulness of CPD in relation to clinical practice. The aim of this study was to develop a CPD program for physiotherapists in the south west of Victoria by employing a systematic approach that included a needs assessment as a vehicle to compose the 2004/2005 program and to optimise ease of attendance, relevance and perceived applicability to clinical practice. The education delivered was purposely in line with the principles of adult learning and presenters were instructed to focus for at least one-third of the workshop time on praxis. This study measured attendance levels throughout the program and satisfaction with the education received in terms of perceived clinical benefits in order to understand the benefits of employing detailed local needs assessments for rural professionals. All workshops and presentations were evaluated with regard to suitability of the venue, presenter style, content, applicability to clinical practice and overall impression by using 7-point Likert scales. Modes and medians both were 7, with seven being rated as highly successful. Attendance was high, 57.2% attended four or more sessions and 68.6% attended at least one workshop in the clinic over the period. In addition, 22.9% attended at least one of the two conducted courses that were held in that period. Although most physiotherapists (68.6%) reported some effect, 20% of the physiotherapists perceived that the CPD program had a large effect on their clinical skills and 29.4% found that patient demand had increased. This paper will discuss the results in light of approaches for allied health workplace learning.


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Two key determinants of mental health are (a) freedom from discrimination and (b) social connectedness. Same-sex attracted youth who are subjected to violence and discrimination, or who experience homophobia in their everyday lives are at greater risk of mental health problems, including suicidal thoughts and behaviours. As one of the most significant sites of homophobia is the school, a 6-week school-based program designed to help students explore their attitudes to gays and lesbians was developed, called “Pride & Prejudice”. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the program, students’ attitudes were measured before and after their participation. Variables assessed were: beliefs about gender roles, social desirability, attitudes to gay men and lesbians, social connectedness, self-esteem, and attitudes to race. Attitudes towards gay men held by students were significantly more positive after the program, and the level of attendance during the program significantly predicted > this change. A significant positive change also occurred in attitudes towards lesbians. Process evaluation showed that students generally viewed the program positively. From this preliminary data, it can be concluded that school-based programs delivered to individual classes in which students are given the opportunity to explore their attitudes towards lesbians and gay men are likely to lead to a significant reduction in homophobia. Health-promoting schools now have available to them an effective tool for promoting opportunities for students to reflect on their attitudes towards gay men and lesbians, and other aspects of “social diversity”. It is hoped that school-wide implementation of such a program will eventually lead to a reduction in the discrimination same-sex attracted youth often experience (either directly, or indirectly), and improve the social-connectedness of all students.


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In this paper, I describe methodological applications of Deleuze and Guattari's (1987) understanding of rhizomatic knowledge systems. I draw on rhizo-textual analyses of two different policy documents used in Australia to direct teachers in their teaching of English in primary (elementary) schools.

A rhizo-textual analysis is not concerned with following traditional, scientifically rigorous channels through a study; from data collection, through analysis, to findings that report some objectively discovered truth. Rather, a rhizo-textual analysis is a mapping of connections, of the fleshy tubers that are the rhizome. The mapping draws on various, and often contradictory work, ideas and concepts. What would seem to be "disparate phenomena" enables me to "connect diverse fragments of data in ways that produce new linkages and reveal discontinuities" (Alvermann, 2000, p. 118).

As Deleuze and Guattari point out, "A rhizome ceaselessly establishes connections between semiotic chains, organizations of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, social sciences, and social struggles" (1987, p. 7). This ceaselessness of the connections between rhizomes shifts attention away from the construction of a particular reading of any text towards a new careful attendance to the multiplicity of linkages that can be mapped between any text and other texts, other readings, other assemblages of meaning. Elizabeth Grosz describes rhizomatic texts as "a process of scattering thoughts, scrambling terms, concepts and practices, forging linkages, becoming a form of action" (1995, p. 126)

Within the policy texts I have analysed, this scrambling and scattered process establishes connections between disparate discursive systems, about literacy, about texts, about students and how students learn, and about teaching so that the version of literacy teaching that is produced seems to be normative, to be unquestionably rational, and therefore to be beyond critique.


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Traditional measures of quality in the performing arts include critical reviews, awards, attendance data, the reputation of the director, company or lead performers, and attributions of success such as festival participation or sponsorship and grants. However, the recent literature on audience values, quest for authenticity and the personal experience suggests the need for empirical research into the capacity of the audience experience as an appropriate and important measure of quality in the performing arts. The authors use primary research with performing arts audiences to explore notions of quality, audience risk and audience experience to redefine the quality-measurement paradigm.


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Federal government changes to the funding of doctoral students have focussed the attention of university management on their completion rates. The aims are to inform the allocation of institutional resources in a manner that improves the likelihood of timely doctoral completions and to highlight a process that can also be used for analyses of other key indicators of progression and attrition. The analyses and model development used national data readily available to all universities, which is collected in a standard approach through the Graduate Destinations Survey (GDS). The findings show that the most important variable for timely completion was attendance (full‐ versus part‐time), where in terms of full‐time equivalent (FTE) years of study, part‐time students were far more likely to complete quickly than full‐time students. For the full‐time students the key predictors of timely completion were residency, field of study and English‐speaking background (ESB). The timeliness of part‐time students was predicted by field of study and ESB. This study confirms that there is considerable variation by discipline for timely doctoral completions. The pragmatic application and prospective test of the derived models present a variety of opportunities for research student administrators. For example, those full‐time students scoring highly represented a concentration of timely graduates more than 7.5 times higher than the lowest‐scoring group – almost an order of magnitude of difference. In short, university management could gain tremendous value from more widely using the data available.


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Background: The experiences of patients’ families in intensive care units (ICUs) are of international concern. In Greece however, adequate attention has not been paid to this issue.

Objective: To explore the experiences of critical care patients’ families in Greece.

Setting: The intensive care units of 3 general district hospitals in the area of Athens, Greece.

: The social constructionist version of grounded theory was used. In-depth interviews with 25 relatives of critically ill patients were carried out, and participant and non-participant observation was used to cross-validate the data obtained.

Results: Seven major categories were identified, with 32 components across all categories. The experiences of families revolved around the two core categories of “Intense Emotions” and “Vigilant Attendance”. The study conceptualised two new categories in this field, “Religiosity” and “Loss of Intimacy” and enhanced the category “Vigilant Attendance”. Three further categories were identified, namely “Caring”, “Dignity” and “Information”. The various interrelationships between the categories were also examined.

: The study has examined the experience of Greek patients’ families from a qualitative perspective and suggests that major changes need to be made in terms of management and support.


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Allied health professionals require continuing education (CE) to maintain and improve competencies and standards of care. Research suggests that professional access to CE in rural areas can be difficult.

This article uses an action research framework to describe the development and implementation of a CE programme for allied health professionals in a rural area in Australia, and its subsequent evolution into a state-wide programme. To evaluate programme relevance, attendance and perceived clinical relevance, physiotherapists (n = 75) in southwest Victoria were surveyed 1year after commencement of a CE programme. A secondary outcome was the perceived effect on clinical practice.

More than two-thirds (68.6%) of physiotherapists attended at least one workshop, 57.2% attended four or more sessions and 22.9% attended at least one of the two conducted courses over the period. In addition, 20% of the physiotherapists perceived that attending the programme had a large positive effect on their therapeutic skills, whereas 68.6% reported some effect. From a regional CE programme for physiotherapists the programme evolved into a state-wide programme for 22 allied health professions.


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Accreditation for off-campus engineering programmes has proven to be problematic. In Australia, off-campus programmes are compelled to contain mandatory residential sessions so that offcampus students can have an `on-campus experience'. This paper explores the nature of modern oncampus undergraduate engineering study, and finds that it now typically involves at least part-time employment and has more in common with off-campus study than the on-campus experience enjoyed by most of the current institutional (education and professional) administrators when they completed their undergraduate studies. Rather than ignore student term-time work, engineering programmes should use it to enhance the development of desirable graduate attributes.


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of attending targeted clinical education on borderline personality disorder on the attitudes of health clinicians towards working with deliberate self-harm behaviours commonly exhibited by patients diagnosed with this complex disorder. Comparisons of clinicians across service settings, occupational fields, and other demographic areas were also made.

Method: A purpose-designed demographic questionnaire and the Attitudes Towards Deliberate Self-Harm Questionnaire were used to collect the demographic information and assess the attitudes of 99 mental health and emergency medicine practitioners across two Australian health services and a New Zealand health service, both before and after education attendance.

Results: Statistically significant improvements in attitude ratings were found for both emergency medicine clinicians and mental health clinicians in working with deliberate self-harm behaviours in borderline personality disorder, following attendance at the education program with a medium affect size (t(32)=−3.45, p=0.002, d=0.43 and t(65)=−5.12, p=0.000, d=0.42, respectively). Clinicians across occupational areas of nursing, allied health, and medical fields demonstrated equivocal levels of improvement in their attitude ratings.

Conclusions: Results are discussed in terms of the necessity of providing regular access to targeted clinical education for health professionals working with patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.