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The ‘single most important technological discovery since the birth of the p.c.’, (Gates, 1996). The swift increase in Internet utilisation within businesses and surveying has changed working methods within UK based Surveying practices. User numbers expanded rapidly since the early 1990’s and estimates place a figure of 150 million internet users globally (www.Yahoo.com, 2000). Sloan and Kee Low (2000) established that ‘e-commerce’ is a revolutionary way of trading and conducting business activities. There are opportunities for surveying practices including, reducing communication time, increasing revenues from new and existing sources, enhanced client satisfaction and competitive advantage (Cronin, 1996). Others (Dixon, 1998) perceive threats, such as ‘disintermediation’, to the traditional role of the surveyor.

This research examined the levels of internet and intranet access within the UK Building and Quantity Surveying practices and corporate firms to establish how the internet has affected working methods and client requirements. The research method comprised a qualitative approach using an email and postal questionnaire survey of a random sample of practices. The questionnaire findings formed the basis of semi structured interviews conducted with senior management of large practices to gain a deeper understanding of the issues identified within the survey.

Data analysis revealed the traditional role of the surveyor as a broker of information may be under threat in the long term. Generally levels of internet access in the sample exceed that of general business levels (Dti, 2000) with the largest growth pre 1997. The perceived advantages and barriers to Intranet and Internet usage were identified by the research.


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An evaluation of the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in temperate waters of Australasia has been conducted for this thesis. The aim was to identify key elements needed in a strategy for establishment and management of MPA’s in temperate waters of Australasia. This aim was achieved by assessing how effective a sample of MPA’s has been in meeting the conservation objectives for their establishment and by identifying factors that have contributed to success or failure of the MPA’s in meeting these objectives. Particular attention was paid to the objectives of ecological sustainability and biodiversity preservation. A MPA for the purposes of this research was defined as an area of coastal or marine environment, with a substantial subtidal component, set aside by law primarily for conservation purposes. The study region encompassed the coastal zones of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia (Australia) and New Zealand. The questions posed in order to address the aim of this thesis were; a) Have existing MPA’s been effective in achieving conservation objectives? b) What have been the important influences on effectiveness of existing MPA’s? c) What are the key elements required for implementation of effective MPA’s? The thesis is divided into three parts. Part I is a review of the literature on implementation and effectiveness of MPA’s. Part II presents a detailed evaluation of one MPA: Point Lonsdale Marine Reserve (PLMR), Victoria, Australia. Part in is an evaluation of a number of Australasian temperate MPA’s based on information provided in a survey of people involved in management of MPA’s, and from a variety of published and unpublished documents. The MPA’s are described, evidence about ecological effectiveness is presented and factors that have enhanced and limited the ability of these MPA’s to achieve conservation objectives are derived. A substantial amount of scientific evidence was found for increases in abundance, mean size and size range of fish and invertebrate populations within the boundaries of ‘no-take’ MPA’s, Some evidence was found for ‘spillover’ of adults and juveniles into adjacent fishing grounds. Ecological effects detected within ‘no-take’ MPA’s in Australasia matched those described in the literature. The abundance and mean size of a number of previously exploited species have increased, migration into adjacent fishing grounds has been documented, and species richness has increased in at least one MPA. The PLMR was established primarily to protect the scientifically significant intertidal rock platforms. The results of the case study suggest that this objective has been achieved. Opinions about effectiveness were obtained for 28 MPA’s. Of these 19 were considered to be achieving some objectives and 10 were considered to be performing well in terms of overall ecological effectiveness. Positive effects on biodiversity were generally assumed as a result of reduction of damaging anthropogenic effects on habitat. Many questionnaire respondents noted an increase in community awareness about and support for marine conservation as a result of proclamation of MPA’s, Overall, the results support the value of MPA’s for sustainability of fish stocks and preservation of biodiversity, but there is substantial doubt over whether some of the MPA’s are too small to maintain benefits in the long-term. ‘No-take’ MPA’s, particularly those more remote from the impacts of human activities, have been the most effective in achieving objectives. A number of interacting factors important to eventual success of MPA’s were identified. The most important enhancing factors identified for the PLMR were physical attributes that limit the extent of human use and a strong conservation ethic amongst many of the visitors to this marine reserve. Limiting factors were far more numerous. Of most concern is the inadequacy of at-site management. Almost half of visitors to the area were not aware of its marine reserve status, despite the fact many were frequent visitors. The need for better educational and interpretative material on-site is highlighted by the results of the PLMR visitor survey. A total of 56 factors that have enhanced effectiveness and 46 factors that have limited effectiveness of Australasian temperate MPA’s were identified. A number of factors were important in more than one MPA and this was used to derive a set of critical, or key, factors. For example, a conclusion of all three approaches used in this study is that failure to implement day-to-day management through lack of resources was a major constraint on effectiveness. The importance of MPA’s to marine conservation depends, in part, on how well they are managed. The key factors that influence MPA effectiveness were used as the basis for derivation of the main requirements for implementation of MPA’s that will be capable of meeting the objectives for their establishment. The most important needs are: • that ‘no-take’ areas surrounded by buffer zones form the basis for a system of MPA’s; • that a high level of protection is bestowed by legislation and regulations; • that a minimum size be set for the ‘no-take’ core areas; • that the selection of sites for MPA’s takes into account land-based impacts; • that institutional arrangements are developed specifically for MPA’s; • that funding for MPA’s is increased to enable effective management; • that day-to-day management is implemented in all MPA’s, with enforcement and education programs as priority areas; • that a monitoring program for one or more MPA in each 'State' is established to provide evidence of ecological effects of reservation; • that public and stakeholder involvement in development and implementation of MPA’s is encouraged as this will influence the degree of public support and compliance; • that community-based programs to educate the general public, stakeholders, the media and decision-makers about the value of MPA’s are essential; and • that measures to reduce financial impact on affected stakeholders be implemented.


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Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world, despite prevention campaigns being implemented since the early 1980s. This study assesses the cost-effectiveness of a skin cancer prevention program (named SunSmart) since it was introduced, together with its potential cost-effectiveness as an upgraded and ongoing national program.

The reduction in melanoma incidence attributable to SunSmart was modelled as the primary end-point. Historical expenditures on SunSmart were obtained from representative Australian states in three latitude zones. Melanoma incidence rates from these states were used to model key health outcomes. Non-melanoma skin cancer was modelled separately based on national survey results.

We estimate that SunSmart has averted 28,000 disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), equivalent to 22,000 life-years saved, in the state of Victoria since its introduction in 1988, as well as saving money from cost offset in skin cancer management (dominant). An upgraded national program for the next 20 years is estimated to avert 120,000 DALYs, with associated reductions in the use of health care resources. It remains a dominant intervention in which every dollar invested in SunSmart will return an estimated AU$2.30.

This study demonstrates that a sustained modest investment in skin cancer control is likely to be an excellent value for money.


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Evaluation aims: An evaluation is presented that aimed to augment current understandings of the nurse practitioner role by investigating potential outcomes of a community aged care nurse practitioner (ACNP) service on clients and the health care team.

Background: In Australia, the nurse practitioner role is being implemented in a variety of health care settings and is characterized by extended practice: prescribing of medications, requests for diagnostic investigations, referral to medical specialists and admitting clients to inpatient facilities.

Design: An exploratory qualitative evaluation method through data collection by interview and thematic analysis was undertaken.

Method: All clients referred to the ACNP service between June and August 2003, and a convenience sample of health professionals, were invited to participate in individual semi-structured interviews.

Results: Findings suggested that an ACNP could provide a high quality of holistic nursing care and positively affect clients' physical and psychological symptom management, enhance clients' quality of life, assist with supplies, provide health education and assist with advocacy. Health professionals commented on effective collaboration with the ACNP service during their partnerships in client care provision.

: Overall, the positive effects of the ACNP service on clients and the health care team support the full implementation of the role within the community setting.

Relevance to clinical practice: Funding support for the nurse practitioner role is a vital addition to consideration in the development of international policy on advanced practice nursing. Without adequate funding, the full benefits of the nurse practitioner role in clinical practice, as suggested by the findings presented in this evaluation, will be compromised.


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An evaluation of the P&D Culture initiative 2005-2008 was contracted to Deakin University in 2009. The findings from the evaluation indicated a belief that the P&D Culture initiative had a significant impact on:

* Establishing effective school policies, processes and structures
* Strengthening school culture related to continuous improvement
* Improved instructional practice
* Improved student learning
* Implementation of other DEECD initiatives.


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To assist in attracting investors into mohair production in Australia, a production and financial model was built as a learning and support tool. The work aimed to reduce search time and thinking costs about the impact of management strategies on financial feasibility. Various management strategies and assumptions applied to a case study with 300 breeding Angora does and eight variations. The results showed an internal rate of return for mohair ranging from 9.3% to 21.2% over 12 years, a median gross margin per effective hectare ranging from $82 to $167, cash at bank in year 12 ranging from $8,700 to $56,800 and net enterprise assets ranging from $69,900 to $155,700. A key benefit of the model was its ability to allow new farmers to explore potential management strategies and their assumptions about a future enterprise before investing.


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The real world challenges of incomplete information access and bounded computational resources in supply chain management motivate us to propose a bottom up approach to supply chain intelligence, built over a widely used reactive card-based replenishments system (kanban). The rationale is to use agent technology to improve the performance of the traditional kanban system while maintaining its recognized usability. Instead of optimizing a system utility function, we encode the system goal in desired behaviours of individual agents that reason about their own behaviours in the local context. This paper discusses a rigorous framework for evaluation of the proposal based on the concept of benchmarking. Preliminary results from these simulations show remarkable improvements over the traditional system. Furthermore, use of the benchmarking framework gives confidence that these results translate into real performance gains in practical implementations.


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Biophysical investigations of estuaries require a diversity of tasks to be undertaken by a number of disciplines leading to a range of data requirements and dataflow pathways. Technology changes relating to data collection and storage have lead to the need for metadata systems that describe the vast amounts of data now able to be stored electronically. Such a system is described as the first step in the creation of an efficient data management system for biophysical estuarine data.


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Citizen science involves collaboration between multi-sector agencies and the public to address a natural resource management issue. The Sea Search citizen science programme involves community groups in monitoring and collecting subtidal rocky reef and intertidal rocky shore data in Victorian Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Australia. In this study we compared volunteer and scientifically collected data and the volunteer motivation for participation in the Sea Search programme. Intertidal rocky shore volunteer-collected data was found to be typically comparable to data collected by scientists for species richness and diversity measures. For subtidal monitoring there was also no significant difference for species richness recorded by scientists and volunteers. However, low statistical power suggest only large changes could be detected due to reduced data replication. Generally volunteers recorded lower species diversity for biological groups compared to scientists, albeit not significant. Species abundance measures for algae species were significantly different between volunteers and scientists. These results suggest difficulty in identification and abundance measurements by volunteers and the need for additional training requirements necessary for surveying algae assemblages. The subtidal monitoring results also highlight the difficulties of collecting data in exposed rocky reef habitats with weather conditions and volunteer diver availability constraining sampling effort. The prime motivation for volunteer participation in Sea Search was to assist with scientific research followed closely by wanting to work close to nature. This study revealed two important themes for volunteer engagement in Sea Search: 1) volunteer training and participation and, 2) usability of volunteer collected data for MPA managers. Volunteer-collected data through the Sea Search citizen science programme has the potential to provide useable data to assist in informed management practices of Victoria’s MPAs, but requires the support and commitment from all partners involved.


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Information skills and computer literacy are now seen by many within the academic community as essential. They are key graduate attributes required by students for lifelong learning and leadership roles in business and industry, government and society. Trends in the higher education sector bringing a renewed focus to teaching and preparing students for a global knowledge economy are outlined.

This paper focuses upon the power of a teaching and learning policy framework which supports the integration of information literacy into the curriculum. The increasing ease with which collaborative partnerships are formed between academic planners, course coordinators and librarians is highlighted by case studies of successful programs. Challenges are identified and change strategies described.


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Fuel efficiency in a hybrid electric vehicle requires a fine balance between usage of combustion engine and battery power. Information about the geometry of the road and traffic ahead can have a great impact on optimized control and the power split between the main parts of a hybrid electric vehicle. This paper provides a survey on the existing methods of control and energy management emphasizing on those that consider the look-ahead road situation and trajectory information. Then it presents the future trends in the control and energy management of hybrid electric vehicles.


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Objective: The aim of this paper is to describe the establishment of an integrated young person’s mental health service and the findings of a qualitative evaluation conducted 2 years after its establishment.
Method: A qualitative evaluation of the service was undertaken using a semi-structured interview, a service satisfaction survey and partnership analysis tool.
Results: The major problems encountered in establishing the service were insufficient recognition of the cultural challenges in working together, difficulty in recruiting general practitioners, establishing a youth friendly environment and maintaining the quality of the relationship between partners.
Conclusion: Despite almost 3 years of preparation, many important aspects of change management were underestimated or inadequately attended to.


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Aims and objectives. To evaluate a feasible, best practice mental health screening and referral clinical pathway for generalist community nursing care of war veterans and war widow(er)s in Australia.
Background. War veterans commonly experience mental health difficulties and do not always receive required treatment, as can also occur for war widow(er)s. Whenever opportunity arises, such as during community nursing care, it is vital to identify mental health problems in a health promotion framework.
Design. A clinical pathway was developed by literature review and consultation and then trialled and evaluated using mixed methods – quantitative and qualitative.
Methods. Community nurses who trialled the pathway completed an evaluation survey and attended focus groups. General practitioners responded to an evaluation survey.
Results. Most nurses found the pathway clear and easy to understand but not always easy to use. They emphasised the need to establish trust and rapport with clients prior to implementing the pathway. It was sometimes difficult to ensure effective referral to general practitioners for clients who screened positive for a mental health problem. When referral was accomplished, general practitioners reported adequate and useful information was provided. Some general practitioners also commented on the difficulty of achieving effective communication between general practitioners and nurses.
Conclusions. Nurses and some general practitioners found the pathway useful for their practice. They offered several suggestions for improvement by simplifying the trialled pathway and accompanying guidelines and strategies to improve communication between nurses and general practitioners. This study adds understanding of how community nurses might productively screen for mental health difficulties.
Relevance to clinical practice. The trialled pathway, which was modified and refined following the study, is an evidence-based
resource for community nurses in Australia and similar contexts to guide practise and maximise holistic care for war veterans and war widow(er)s and possibly other client groups.


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Background: The rising burden of obesity in Tonga is alarming. The promotion of healthy behaviours and environments requires immediate urgent action and a multi-sectoral approach. A three-year community based study titled the Ma’alahi Youth Project (MYP) conducted in Tonga from 2005-2008 aimed to increase the capacity of the whole community (schools, churches, parents and adolescents) to promote healthy eating and regular physical activity and to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity amongst youth and their families. This paper reflects on the process evaluation for MYP, against a set of Best Practice Principles for community-based obesity prevention.
Methods: MYP was managed by the Fiji School of Medicine. A team of five staff in Tonga were committed to planning, implementation and evaluation of a strategic plan, the key planks of which were developed during a two day community workshop. Intervention activities were delivered in villages, churches and schools, on the main island of Tongatapu. Process evaluation data covering the resource utilisation associated with all intervention activities were collected, and analysed by dose, frequency and reach for specific strategies. The action plan included three standard objectives around capacity building, social marketing and evaluation; four nutrition; two physical activity objectives; and one around championing key people as role models.
Results: While the interventions included a wide mix of activities straddling across all of these objectives and in both school and village settings, there was a major focus on the social marketing and physical activity objectives. The intervention reach, frequency and dose varied widely across all activities, and showed no consistent patterns.
Conclusions: The adolescent obesity interventions implemented as part of the MYP program comprised a wide range of activities conducted in multiple settings, touched a broad spectrum of the population (wider than the target group), but the dose and frequency of activities were generally insufficient and not sustained. Also the project confirmed that, while the MYP resulted in increased community awareness of healthy behaviours, Tonga is still in its infancy in terms of conducting public health research and lacks research infrastructure and capacity.