141 resultados para work integrated learning


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The QS and construction industry is uniquely impacted by project-based work environments. This creates special challenges for collaborative, work-integrated education of pre-professional students. This research is based on investigating the attitudes of employer’s towards the use of formally assessed internships. The study comprised two stages- firstly a series of pilot interviews were undertaken with employers to test a number known issues and secondly, the results from the interviews were used to refine a set of questions that were put to a large focus group of employers who were invited from across the property and construction sector in Australia. The results showed that many employer organisations expressed considerable goodwill towards collaborative education with universities. However, the challenges caused by project-based work environments restrict employers' ability to provide comprehensive learning opportunities. This research discusses some of the distinctive issues associated with work-integrated learning in the construction industry and proposes some potential opportunities for overcoming these restrictions.


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One of the key elements of a quality student experience in higher education, outlined in the 2008 Bradley Report on the review of Australian higher education, is access to well-designed and engaging courses that lead to good vocational outcomes. 1 The Virtualopolis project concerns the development of a virtual city or platform which can encompass a community or vocational context for learning resources, linking these to engaging course delivery across disciplines and faculties. It is a virtual community with great potential to scaffold the imaginative immersion of the modem net generation learner. It was designed to incorporate virtual scenarios which were already in use, such as the country town of Bilby and the Pacific-style island of Newlandia, and has expanded to provide a virtual city of Virtualopolis across faculties and disciplines. One of the key strengths of this form of virtual environment is its capacity to focus on graduate attributes across disciplines. Virtualopolis provides access and a virtual city context to an interactive teamwork scenario, to develop attributes related to working with others, interrelating virtual business entities across all faculties. The teamwork scenario has multiple applications, with capacity to be a hurdle requirement, assessment item or training activity depending on the needs of the faculty's Work-integrated Leaming (WIL) policy. By developing the online virtual framework or platform of Virtualopolis, work-integrated team assessment can be used as skills preparation for experiential learning units such as internships, professional experience and workplace-based projects university-wide. It also provides the opportunity to repeatedly reuse the virtual city context for resources to support other courses. The Virtualopolis city and its interactive team scenario will be transferable for future cross-faculty and interdisciplinary virtual developments. Plans are already made for content areas as diverse as community health, nursing, creative arts, international relations and management.


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Workplace training is a key strategy often used by organisations to optimise performance. Further, trainee motivation is a key determinant of the degree to which the material learned in a training programme will be transferred to the workplace, enhancing the performance of the trainee. This study investigates the relationship between several components of the Revised Human Resource Development (HRD) Evaluation and Research Model. This model provides a framework for diagnosing and understanding the causal influences of HRD intervention outcomes on training effectiveness. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire completed by 105 employees of various organisations. Findings revealed that affective organisational commitment, job involvement and utility perceptions are predictors of motivation to learn and transfer learning. An interaction effect was found, with increased affective organisational commitment predicting greater motivation to learn when training was of lower perceived utility. These findings suggest that the design and delivery of training should emphasise the relevance and utility of the programme in order to encourage greater trainee motivation and maximise return on investment. Additionally, implementing strategies aimed at promoting organisational commitment would appear beneficial.


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One of the most significant assessment challenges in higher education is how to authentically assess the acquisition of graduate attributes. When the assessment of attributes is developed to prepare students for the real world context or work place, it becomes even more challenging and complex. This paper presents a study of assessing work-integrated learning: a curriculum intervention within the discipline of the Built Environment, which sought to actively foster the development of graduate attributes to prepare students for the workforce. The research explores how the assessment of graduate attributes can be validated, and ultimately enhanced, by understanding the learning journey from the student perspective. The research focuses on the distinctive issues associated with Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) using an industry-mentored project, on a construction related issue. The students were asked to capture their reflections in the form of reflective diaries, which were prepared weekly throughout the subject. The research showed that many students expressed very positive views about their learning experiences. This occurred in spite of the challenges caused by the formal assessment process that were undertaken as part of the subject. The implications of the study are examined in relation to both the construction management discipline and wider context of assessing graduate attributes in higher education The paper suggest that giving voice to the student-learning journey offers a powerful lens through which the assessment of attributes can be validated.


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Work-integrated learning (WIL) is a signature feature of study in many higher education institutions. In business degrees, industry feedback is recognized as an integral part of the assessment of WIL, yet the role played by industry in appraising student performance in the workplace has not been clearly defined. Based on interviews with industry supervisors and academic mentors, this paper addresses the integration of academic and industry supervisor assessment practices designed to maximize student learning outcomes and capture the depth of the learning experiences during a work placement. A model of industry feedback was developed to incorporate planned assessment practices that achieve the learning outcomes agreed to at the start of the placement by all stakeholders: the student, the academic mentor and the industry supervisor.


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National systems of vocational education and training around the globe are facing reform driven by quality, international mobility, and equity. Evidence suggests that there are qualitatively distinctive challenges in providing and sustaining workplace learning experiences to international students. However, despite growing conceptual and empirical work, there is little evidence of the experiences of these students undertaking workplace learning opportunities as part of vocational education courses. This paper draws on a four-year study funded by the Australian Research Council that involved 105 in depth interviews with international students undertaking work integrated learning placements as part of vocational education courses in Australia. The results indicate that international students can experience different forms of discrimination and deskilling, and that these were legitimised by students in relation to their understanding of themselves as being an ‘international student’ (with fewer rights). However, the results also demonstrated the ways in which international students exercised their agency towards navigating or even disrupting these circumstances, which often included developing their social and cultural capital. This study, therefore, calls for more proactively inclusive induction and support practices that promote reciprocal understandings and navigational capacities for all involved in the provision of work integrated learning. This, it is argued, would not only expand and enrich the learning opportunities for international students, their tutors, employers, and employees involved in the provision of workplace learning opportunities, but it could also be a catalyst to promote greater mutual appreciation of diversity in the workplace.


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This paper presents preliminary analysis and data gathered for a master of architecture by research study which seeks to explore the value of student work experience in architecture. It describes the theoretical framework upon which internships provide certain technical and professional knowledge and are regarded as an integral element of professional education. Until the last decade, internship in the architecture profession has received surprisingly little attention from researchers. Structural constraints unique to the architectural profession present challenges to how student work experience/internships can be sustained and it is pertinent to examine its precise relevance for the future. Vignettes of student learning experiences are presented and discussed against vignettes of practitioner expectations. The data in this study have been collected using combined methods of semistructured and open interviews and a qualitative approach to analysis of data. The opportunity to test the results in the architectural practice experience unit currently offered as a one credit earning elective for the architecture degree program at Deakin University will be discussed. It expects to prompt exploration into the potentially potent and broader pedagogical outcomes of a form of work-integrated learning (WIL) framework for students of built environment professions in the future.


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Increasingly employers use virtual teams to leverage business knowledge that can solve day to day business problems and create new business opportunities. Consequently, according to Bridgstock, graduates increasingly require virtual teamwork skills such as communication, negotiation and collaboration. The project presented here has researched and trialled the role of a well-designed interactive scenario in developing graduate attributes related to working with others, using virtual business entities across four faculties. One innovative outcome from this has been the scoping and linking of cross-faculty virtual developments into an overarching structure which is easily navigable and engaging for the net generation learner, and capacity building for the university. For clarity, that scaffolding or framework ‘city’ has been called Virtualopolis. This has the potential to link pockets of innovation across the university in the area of experiential learning and virtual work-integrated learning (WIL), the term expolred by Walsh within the context of Briggs' constructive alignment. The prototype workteam scenario has multiple applications, with capacity to be a hurdle requirement, assessment item or training activity depending on the needs of the faculty’s WIL. By developing the online framework or model Virtualopolis, work-integrated teams assessment can be linked across different business entities, and used as skills preparation for experiential learning units such as internships, professional experience and workplace-based projects university-wide. This model has exciting possibilities of transferability across the higher education sector in the linkage of innovative virtual scenarios to reduce developmental costs, assessment tools/resources targeted specifically to graduate attributes, and virtual teamwork capacity building.


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In a recent issue of TEXT, Matthew Ricketson sought to clarify the ‘boundaries between fiction and nonfiction’. In his capacity as a teacher of the creative nonfiction form he writes, ‘I have lost count of the number of times, in classes and in submitted work, that students have described a piece of nonfiction as a novel’. The confusion thus highlighted is not restricted to Ricketson’s journalism students. In our own university’s creative writing cohort, students also struggle with difficulties in melding the research methodology of the journalist with the language and form of creative writing required to produce nonfiction stories for a 21st century readership.
Currently in Australia creative nonfiction is enthusiastically embraced by publishers and teaching institutions. Works of memoir proliferate in the lists of mainstream publishers, as do anthologies of the essay form. During a time of increasing competition and desire for differentiation between institutions, when graduate outcomes form a basis for marketing university degrees, it is hardly surprising that, increasingly, tertiary writing teachers focus on this genre in their writing programs.
A second tension has arisen in higher education more generally, which affects our writing students’ approaches to tertiary study. The student writers of the 21st century emerge from a digitally literate and socially collaborative generation: the NetGen(eration). From a learner-centric viewpoint, they could be described as time-poor, and motivated by work-integrated learning with its perceived close links to workplace contexts and to writing genres. They seek just-in-time learning to meet their immediate employment needs, which inhibits the development of their capacity to adapt their researching and writing to various genres and audiences.
This article examines issues related to moving these NetGen student writers into the demanding and rapidly expanding creative nonfiction market. It is form rather than genre that denotes creative nonfiction and, we argue, it is the unique features of the personal essay, based as it is on doubt, discovery and the writer’s personal voice that can be instrumental in teaching creative nonfiction writing to our digitally and socially literate cohort of students.


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The start of the twenty-first century witnessed a number of company scandals and ethical breaches that have brought to the forefront community feelings of anguish and disgust towards large companies in addition to spawning more legislation aimed at avoiding a repeat of these collapses. The question that arises is whether the past measures (including legislation) have worked, given the recent Global Financial Crisis (GFC) as it has raised more questions than it has answered. Against this backdrop, we need to consider whether business ethics can be taught to a person irrespective of their age? Should we as community members, customers, shareholders of today give up on the current senior managers who are mostly representatives of the baby boomers and concentrate on increasing ethical awareness of our current undergraduate students (at least of Generation Y and Z)? If we proceed with this argument as being both valuable and also possible, the next step is to consider the ways by which to teach business ethics to a group of students and this aim is the focus of the chapter.