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 This research examines an Anglican schism in Melanesia which led to the rise of a new church and argues that the new church was a response to the fundamental importance of territory. The result is a new social formation called the segmentary church society.


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The design of housing is one of the most difficult tasks in the field of architecture. Housing meets people’s functional, social and spiritual needs. The fundamental task of this study has been to investigate the features of traditional and contemporary housing making it possible to describe them and then use this comparison to understand the differences between them


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Most ecological studies require knowledge of animal abundance, but it can be challenging and destructive of habitat to obtain accurate density estimates for cryptic species, such as crustaceans that tunnel deeply into the seafloor, beaches, or mudflats. Such fossorial species are, however, widely used in environmental impact assessments, requiring sampling techniques that are reliable, efficient, and environmentally benign for these species and environments.2.Counting and measuring the entrances of burrows made by cryptic species is commonly employed to index population and body sizes of individuals. The fundamental premise is that burrow metrics consistently predict density and size. Here we review the evidence for this premise. We also review criteria for selecting among sampling methods: burrow counts, visual censuses, and physical collections.3.A simple 1:1 correspondence between the number of holes and population size cannot be assumed. Occupancy rates, indexed by the slope of regression models, vary widely between species and among sites for the same species. Thus, 'average' or 'typical' occupancy rates should not be extrapolated from site- or species specific field validations and then be used as conversion factors in other situations.4.Predictions of organism density made from burrow counts often have large uncertainty, being double to half of the predicted mean value. Whether such prediction uncertainty is 'acceptable' depends on investigators' judgements regarding the desired detectable effect sizes.5.Regression models predicting body size from burrow entrance dimensions are more precise, but parameter estimates of most models are specific to species and subject to site-to-site variation within species.6.These results emphasise the need to undertake thorough field validations of indirect census techniques that include tests of how sensitive predictive models are to changes in habitat conditions or human impacts. In addition, new technologies (e.g. drones, thermal-, acoustic- or chemical sensors) should be used to enhance visual census techniques of burrows and surface-active animals.


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The principle of legality has evolved into a clear and entrenchedjurisprudential mechanism for protecting common law rights and freedoms. It operates as a shield to preserve the scope of application of fundamental rights and fre edoms. In recent years it has been increasingly applied by the courts to limit the scope of legislative provisions which potentially impinge on human rights and fundamental freedoms. Yet there is one domain where the principle of legality is conspicuously absent: sentencing. Ostensibly, this is paradoxical. Sentencing is the realm where the legalsystem operates in its most coercive manner against individuals. In thisarticle, we argue that logically the principle of legality has an importantrole in the sentencing system given the incursions by criminal sanctionsinto a number of basic rights, including the right to liberty, the freedom ofassociation and the deprivation of property. By way of illustration, we setout how the principle of legality should apply to the interpretation of keystatutory provisions. To this end, we argue that the objectives of generaldeterrence and specifi c deterrence should have less impact in sentencing. It is also suggested that judges should be more reluctant to send offenders with dependants to terms of imprisonment. Injecting the principle of legality into sentencing law and practice would result in the reduction in severity of a large number of sanctions, thereby reducing the frequency and extent to which the fundamental rights of offenders are violated. The methodology set out in this article can be applied to alter the operation of a number of legislative sentencing objectives and rules.


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Aims: Little is known about the social and functional aspects of alcohol mixed with energy drink(AmED) consumption. Using a functional substance use perspective and via the lens of socialidentity theory, this paper aims to explore the role of AmED consumption amongst the milieuof nightlife and party culture. Methods: Twenty-five regular AmED consumers aged 18–33participated in semi-structured interviews. Qualitative thematic analysis of transcripts wasundertaken, with a focus on the social contexts and perceived functions of AmED consumption,group dynamics and social identity. Findings: Three main themes were identified: (i) AmED usewas restricted to specific social contexts, (ii) AmED use performed a social function and(iii) AmED users identified with a coherent and consistent social identity. AmED use was almostexclusively reported to occur within group drinking scenarios at parties and licensed venues,particularly nightclubs. AmED users identified with a clear and consistent social identity thatwas distinct from other alcohol consumers, typified by gregarious and extroverted behaviour.AmED use was seen to facilitate these ideals and strengthen group cohesion in appropriatecontexts. Conclusions: Future efforts aiming to elicit changes in AmED consumption practices must account for the fundamental importance of social contexts to AmED use.


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Many health professionals and rural health academics are motivated by the challenge of achieving equitable access to health care in rural communities with the implicit vision that fairer access to services might ultimately lead to more equitable health outcomes for people living in rural and remote settings. The purpose of this paper is to put the issue of rural and urban health outcome parity into perspective and assess recent progress towards achieving the ultimate goal of improving rural health status. I will also explore ways in which rural communities might increase their access to and use of primary health care revenue in the future to improve community health outcomes. While some improvements have been achieved across the rural health system in recent times, the fundamental problem of maintaining infrastructure to service community needs in rural areas remains as daunting as ever. Extensive evidence has now been assembled to show that rural people generally enjoy a much lower standard of health care, health outcomes and life expectancy than their urban cousins. The question underlying all of this evidence, however, is... must this always be so? Is it possible to redress the current inequities between rural and urban populations and could new primary health care initiatives, such as the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program, be vehicles for achieving more equitable health care arrangements and health outcomes for people living in rural communities?


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Sexual conflict over parental care relies on the fundamental assumption that parents do not share the cost of their partner's effort on future reproduction. However, this is unlikely to be true whenever partners breed together more than once. In that case, individuals should try to optimize the cost and benefits for the pair, rather than only for themselves. Here we seek to establish whether the synchronization of parents' provisioning visits to the nest could fulfill this function. We conducted a brood-size manipulation experiment on wild zebra finches to test whether nest visit synchrony was flexible and beneficial for nestlings' growth, while controlling for the confounding effects of pair "quality" and synchrony away from the nest during foraging. Using a network of readers to track parents at nests and feeding stations, we found that nest visit synchrony responded directly to the brood manipulation and increased with brood size. Synchrony at the nest and while foraging were correlated, but the latter better predicted nestling mass, possibly because it was associated with more regular provisioning patterns. Our findings suggest that parental coordination could indeed play an important role in partners' investment decisions, underpinning the evolution of the most prominent mating system in birds.


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In this volume, editors Ilana Feldman and Miriam Ticktin have drawn together an outstanding collection of essays exploring the concept of ‘humanity’ in a range of contexts and from a rich variety of perspectives. Tracing the categorisation of humanity throughout history in their introductory chapter, Feldman and Ticktin highlight the perennial tension inherent in its definition and use. The ever-shifting boundaries of humanity serve to include and protect even as they reject and threaten those identified as ‘other’. Each of the eleven chapters engages with the fundamental question of what it means to be human, and the implications of possible responses to this for the practice of governance. However, despite the pervasive theme of government— which is explored explicitly in the context of humanitarian law (Richard Ashby Wilson) and aid (Didier Fassin), healthcare (Joao Biehl; S. Lochlann Jain; Adriana Petryna), and the regulation of human interactions with nature (Arun Agrawal; Charles Zerner)—it is the more personal aspect of the human experience that takes centre stage in most chapters, and which offers the deepest insights into that elusive concept: ‘humanity’. It offers readers a multifaceted and open-ended account of humanity, which will inform better governance and more effective research in this field.


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If the principle of legality operates to obscure from Parliament the common law (rights) backdrop against which it legislates, the clarity or rights-sensitivity of that legislation cannot be improved. This undercuts, rather than promotes, the democratic and rule of law values that underpin the modern conception of the principle and its contemporary normative justification. So the courts must strive to give Parliament the clearest possible picture as to the content of the fundamental common law rights it seeks to protect and, depending on the right, freedom, or principle in legislative play, the strength with which the principle will be applied in order to do so. Parliament (and parliamentary counsel) can only ‘squarely confront’ those fundamental rights the existence and content of which was known at the time of legislating. The proposition which, necessarily, follows is that the rule of contemporanea exposition est optima et fortissimo in lege must be revived when judges apply the principle of legality to the construction of statutes. If the courts are to maintain and take seriously the normative justification for the principle then its application to the construction of statutes can only operate to protect from legislative encroachment those fundamental rights existing at the time the statute was enacted.