65 resultados para shape and surface modeling


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Exercise during growth results in biologically important increases in bone mineral content (BMC). The aim of this study was to determine whether the effects of loading were site specific and depended on the maturational stage of the region. BMC and humeral dimensions were determined using DXA and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the loaded and nonloaded arms in 47 competitive female tennis players aged 8-17 years. Periosteal (external) cross-sectional area (CSA), cortical area, medullary area, and the polar second moments of area (Ip, mm4) were calculated at the mid and distal sites in the loaded and nonloaded arms. BMC and I p of the humerus were 11-14% greater in the loaded arm than in the nonloaded arm in prepubertal players and did not increase further in peri- or postpubertal players despite longer duration of loading (both, p < 0.01). The higher BMC was the result of a 7-11% greater cortical area in the prepubertal players due to greater periosteal than medullary expansion at the midhumerus and a greater periosteal expansion alone at the distal humerus. Loading late in puberty resulted in medullary contraction. Growth and the effects of loading are region and surface specific, with periosteal apposition before puberty accounting for the increase in the bone's resistance to torsion and endocortical contraction contributing late in puberty conferring little increase in resistance to torsion. Increasing the bone's rt.osistance to torsion is achieved hy modifying bone shape and mass, not necessarily bone density.


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This paper proposes a novel sinusoidal shape nano-particle employed in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) devices. Numerical modeling demonstrates advantages offered by the proposed nano-sinusoid on LSPR enhancement against other nano-particles including noble nano-triangles and nano-diamonds. Although nano-triangles exhibit high concentration of the electric field near their tips, when illuminated with a light polarized along the tip axis, they present only one hot spot at the vertex along the polarization direction. To create a structure with two hot spots, which is desired in bio-sensing applications, two nano-triangles can be put back-to-back. Therefore, a nano-diamond particle is obtained which exhibits two hot spots and presents higher enhancements than nano-triangles for the same resonant wavelength. The main drawback of the nano-diamonds is the fluctuation in their physical size-plasmon spectrum relationships, due to a high level of singularity as the result for their four sharp tip points. The proposed nano-sinusoid overcomes this disadvantage while maintaining the benefits of having two hot spots and high enhancements.


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There are many variations within sheet metal forming, some of which are manifest in the final geometry of the formed component. It is important that this geometric variation be quantified and measured for use in a process or quality control system. The contribution of this paper is to propose a novel way of measuring the geometric difference between the desired shape and an actual formed "U" channel. The metric is based upon measuring errors in terms of the significant manufacturing variations. The metric accords with the manually measured errors of the channel set. The shape error metric is then extended to develop a simple empirical, whole-component, springback error measure. The springback error measure combines into one value all the angle springback and side wall curl geometric errors for a single channel. Two trends were observed: combined springback decreases when the blank holder force is increased; and the combined springback marginally decreases when the die radii is increased.


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Trimming experiments were conducted on sheet metals including two drawing steels, an aluminum alloy and a magnesium alloy, using a specially designed die in a mechanical press. The punch-die clearance was varied and data obtained on the rollover and burr height as a function of the clearance. Samples were also partially trimmed to examine crack initiation, the generation of the fracture surface profile and mechanism of burr formation. The results showed that while the burr height and rollover depth generally increased with increasing clearance for all examined materials, there were differences in the fracture surface profile shape, the burr shape, and the mechanism of burr formation, between the two steels and the two light alloys. The major cause of these differences appeared to be the rate of crack propagation through the sheet material.


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The author provides ways to explore and use MicroWorlds to enhance mathematics teaching and learning. The procedures given randomly choose a shape from the specified list, draw the shape and require the user to type the name of the shape.


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This study examined body image across pregnancy. Pregnant women ( N = 158) completed measures of general attractiveness, feeling fat, fitness and strength, salience of weight and shape, and ideal and current body size at pre-pregnancy (retrospective), and in early, middle and late pregnancy. Body image was found to be fairly stable across pregnancy such that women who started with greater body concerns maintained them over time. Although women were least satisfied with their stomach size at late pregnancy, women's ideal body shape increased in parallel with increases in body size. Women with the most body concerns reported more depressive symptoms, tendency towards dieting, and smoking during pregnancy suggesting they were at greater risk in terms of health and well-being during pregnancy.


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This paper presents the use of the wavelet transform to extract fibre surface texture features for classifying cashmere and superfine merino wool fibres. To extract features from brightness variations caused by the cuticular scale height, shape and interval provides an effective way for characterising different animal fibres and subsequently classifying them. This may enable the development of a completely automated and objective system for animal fibre


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The surface finishes of laminates produced by Quickstep™ and autoclave processes for use in automotive outer skin panels were compared. Automotive quality, painted carbon fibre samples, manufactured via both processes, were exposed to typical exposure environments including combinations of temperature (70, 120, 170°C), UV-B, humidity (95% RH) and immersion in water.

The microscopy and surface roughness results demonstrated that the surfaces produced by the Quickstep process were less susceptible to damage in the aging environments than the surfaces of the autoclaved samples. Quickstep samples displayed surface bubbling of only 5 μm, compared to the autoclaved surface bubbles which reached a diameter of 30 mm before bursting, with complete delamination occurring between the paint and the composite. The surface roughness measurements revealed the autoclave samples (Ra = 0.72 μm) were up to three times the roughness of the Quickstep samples (Ra = 0.23 μm).


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Supply chain management has emerged as a popular and useful concept in the construction industry and research community since the mid 1990s. Research in construction supply chain management draws from a broad range of disciplines, notably: (1) Industrial organization economics to better understand market structure and forces and their effect on firm and supply chain behavior and (2) Analytic modeling of supply chains to improve supply chain performance along metrics such as speed, cost, reliability, quality, etc. Both industrial organization and analytic modeling provide useful but ultimately incomplete perspectives and prescriptions for construction supply chain management. As such, this paper proposes development of an interdisciplinary research agenda that draws from both fields. Towards that agenda, a review of research is presented to introduce the main ideas, relevant literature, and theory and methods in each of the two areas. From these independent reviews, applications that could benefit from a combined perspective are identified and used as a basis for development of an interdisciplinary research agenda.


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Supply chain management has emerged as a popular and useful concept in the construction industry and research community since the mid 1990s. Research in construction supply chain management draws from a broad range of disciplines, notably: (1) industrial organization economics to better understand market structure and forces and their effect on firm and supply chain behavior and (2) Analytic modeling of supply chains to improve supply chain performance along metrics such as speed, cost, reliability, quality, etc. Both industrial organization and analytic modeling provide useful but
ultimately incomplete perspectives and prescriptions for construction supply chain management. As such, this paper proposes development of an interdisciplinary research agenda that draws from both fields. Towards that agenda, a review of research is presented to introduce the main ideas, relevant literature, and theory and methods in each of the two areas. From these independent reviews, applications that could benefit from a combined perspective are identified and used as a basis for development of an
interdisciplinary research agenda.


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The morphology of nanomaterials significantly affects their physical, chemical, and biological properties. In the present study, nano-hydroxyapatite coatings with different morphologies were produced on the surface of a titanium-niobium shape memory alloy via a hydrothermal process. The effect of the nano-hydroxyapatite coatings on the in vitro proliferation of SaOS-2 osteoblast-like cells was investigated. Factors including crystallinity, surface micro-roughness, and surface energy of the nano-hydroxyapatite coatings were discussed. Results show that in vitro proliferation of the osteoblast-like cells was significantly enhanced on the nano-hydroxyapatite-coated titanium-niobium alloy compared to the titanium-niobium alloy without coating. The cell numbers on the nano-hydroxyapatite-coated titanium-niobium alloy changed consistently with the surface energy of the hydroxyapatite coatings. This study suggests that surface energy as a characteristic parameter influencing the in vitro proliferation of osteoblast-like cells was predominant over the crystallinity and surface micro-roughness of the nano-hydroxyapatite coatings.


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Modeling of first-dimension retention of peaks based on modulation phase and period allows reliable prediction of the modulated peak distributions generated in the comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography experiment. By application of the inverse process, it is also possible to use the profile of the modulated peaks (their heights or areas) to predict the shape and parameters of the original input chromatographic band (retention time, standard deviation, area) for the primary column dimension. This allows an accurate derivation of the firstdimension retention time (RSD 0.02%) which is equal to that for the non-modulated experiment, rather than relying upon the retention time of the major modulated peak generated by the modulation process (RSD 0.16%). The latter metric can produce a retention time that differs by at least the modulation period employed in the experiment, which displays a discontinuity in the retention time vs modulation phase plot at the point of the 180° out-ofphase modulation. In contrast, the new procedure proposed here gives a result that is essentially independent of modulation phase and period. This permits an accurate value to be assigned to the first-dimension retention. The proposed metric accounts for the time on the seconddimension, the phase of the distribution, and the holdup time that the sampled solute is retained in the modulating interface. The approach may also be based on the largest three modulated peaks, rather than all modulated peaks. This simplifies the task of assigning the retention time with little loss of precision in band standard deviation or retention time, provided that these peaks are not all overloaded in the first or second dimension.


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This article reports real-time observations and detailed modeling of the transient response of thin aqueous films bounded by a deformable surface to external mechanical and electrical perturbations. Such films, tens to hundreds of nanometers thick, are confined between a molecularly smooth mica plate and a deformable mercury/electrolyte interface on a protuberant drop at a sealed capillary tube. When the mercury is negatively charged, the water forms a wetting film on mica, stabilized by electrical double layer forces. Mechanical perturbations are produced by driving the mica plate toward or by retracting the mica plate from the mercury surface. Electrical perturbations are applied to change the electrical double layer interaction between the mica and the mercury by imposing a step change of the bias voltage between the mercury and the bulk electrolyte. A theoretical model has been developed that can account for these observations quantitatively. Comparison between experiments and theory indicates that a no-slip hydrodynamic boundary condition holds at the molecularly smooth mica/electrolyte surface and at the deformable mercury/electrolyte interface. An analysis of the transient response based on the model elucidates the complex interplay between disjoining pressure, hydrodynamic forces, and surface deformations. This study also provides insight into the mechanism and process of droplet coalescence and reveals a novel, counterintuitive mechanism that can lead to film instability and collapse when an attempt is made to thicken the film by pulling the bounding mercury and mica phases apart.


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Physical models and scaled prototypes of architecture play an important role in design. They enable architects and designers to investigate the formal, functional, and material attributes of the design. Understanding digital processes of realizing scaled prototypes is a significant problem confronting design practice. This paper reports on three approaches to the translation of Gaussian surface models into scaled physical prototype models. Based on the geometry of Eladio Dieste’s Gaussian Vaults, the paper reports on the aspects encountered in the process of digital to physical construction using scaled prototypes. The primary focus of the paper is on computing the design geometry, investigating methods for preparing the geometry for fabrication and physical construction. Three different approaches in the translation from digital to physical models are investigated: rapid prototyping, two-dimensional surface models in paper and structural component models using CNC fabrication. The three approaches identify a body of knowledge in the design and prototyping of Gaussian vaults. Finally the paper discusses the digital to fabrication translation processes with regards to the characteristics, benefits and limitations of the three approaches of prototyping the ruled surface geometry of Gaussian Vaults. The results of each of three fabrication processes allowed for a better understanding of the digital to physical translation process. The use of rapid prototyping permits the production of form models that provide a representation of the physical characteristics such as size, shape and proportion of the Gaussian Vault.