79 resultados para recent advances


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This thesis is concerned with the evolution of fraud investigation and prevention in light of the advances in computing technology. These recent advances have impacted upon traditional fraud offences as well as creating a range of new crimes. The financial significance of fraud is growing whereas law enforcement and the judicial system appear to be unable to meet the demands of these emerging crimes and its victims. This research compares the responses of our present and future investigators with those of our current business leaders from the government and the commercial sectors. This research establishes the needs of corporate decision-makers and the attitudes of police with regard to fraud. Data relating to persons arrested and convicted of fraud was also analysed to identify the issues that may be responsible for the non-reporting of offences to police by victims. The research found that victims are seeking solutions that are not available through law enforcement, for example financial compensation. Law enforcement also under-utilises the potential of proactive responses to prevent offences and they are reluctant to acknowledge the benefits of preventative measures and to incorporate this strategy within criminal investigation training programmes. The lack of deterrence offered by the judicial system does not make the situation any better. The police function is still primarily a reactive one. In order to overcome fraud and to be able to adapt to changes there needs to be collaboration between stakeholders. This requires a joint effort from the police, government, commerce and the victims of fraud. An innovative model involving stakeholders has been formulated that represents an alternative to the current system. This approach utilises the financial resources and expertise from the commercial sector as well as the skills of criminal investigators from the police. This means adopting a combined package of both reactive and proactive measures in order to minimise the impact of fraud. This model will be adaptive and will be able to accommodate any future requirements arising out of further inevitable advances in computer technology.


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The thesis examines sources of economies of scale for the manufacture and distribution of Portland cement. Using cost models, it is shown that recent advances in technology have increased the economies of scale for efficient clinker production significantly, and to a lesser degree for finish grinding operations and bulk distribution.


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Equipped with recent advances in electronics and communication, wireless sensor networks gained a rapid development to provide reliable information with higher Quality of Service (QoS) at lower costs. This paper presents a realtime tracking system developed as a part of the ISSNIP BigNet Testbed project. Here a GPS receiver was used to acquire position information of mobile nodes and GSM technology was used as the data communication media. Moreover, Google map based data visualization software was developed to locate the mobile nodes via Internet. This system can be used to accommodate various sensors, such as temperature, pressure, pH etc., and monitor the status of the nodes.


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This paper provides an econometric analysis of Pakistan’s structural adjustment program. Introduced in 1980, this program has been supported by the World Bank and IMF under their policy-based lending regimes. Building on recent advances in modelling the impact of policy reform, the paper applies a smooth transitions model to Pakistani real GDP data for the period 1960–2000. Results of this analysis suggest that the adjustment program has not stimulated growth in Pakistan, and that the origins of Pakistan’s post-program growth performance well pre-date this program.


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Aptamers are a promising class of agents for biomolecules detection due to their small size, chemical stability and cost effectiveness over conventional bioreceptors such as antibodies. Recent advances in micro/nano-fabrication and biotechnology have driven active participation of engineers and molecular biologists in the development of aptasensors. This review examines aptasensors from a developer standpoint discussing surface immobilization techniques and mechanisms used to detect biomolecular interactions in the context of biotechnology and nanomedicine. The factors that affect accuracy, sensitivity and stability of aptasensors are also addressed.


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It is somewhat paradoxical that the malaria parasite’s survival strategy involves spending almost all of its blood-stage existence residing behind a two-membrane barrier in a host red blood cell, yet giving considerable attention to exporting parasite-encoded proteins back across these membranes. These exported proteins are thought to play diverse roles and are crucial in pathogenic processes, such as re-modelling of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton and mediating the export of a major virulence protein known as Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), and in metabolic processes such as nutrient uptake and solute exchange. Despite these varied roles most exported proteins have at least one common link; they share a trafficking pathway that begins with entry into the endoplasmic reticulum and concludes with passage across the vacuole membrane via a proteinaceous translocon known as the Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins (PTEX). In this commentary we review recent advances in our understanding of this export pathway and suggest several models by which different aspects of the process may be interconnected.


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In this review we highlight recent advances in the understanding of biosilica production, biomodification of diatom frustules and their subsequent applications in bio/chemical sensors, and as a model membrane for filtration and separation.


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Urbanization is one of the most evident global changes. Research in the field of urban growth modelling has generated models that explore for drivers and components of the urban growth dynamics. Cellular automata (CA) modeling is one of the recent advances, and a number of CA-based models of urban growth have produced satisfactory simulations of spatial urban expansion over time. Most application and test of CA-based models of urban growth which provide likely and reliable simulations has been developed in urban regions of developed nations; urban regions in the United States, in particular. This is because most of the models were developed in universities and research centers of developed nations, and these regions have the required data, which is extensive. Most of the population growth in the world, however, occurs in the developing world. While some European countries show signs of stabilization of their population, in less developed countries, such as India, population still grows exponentially. And this growth is normally uncoordinated, which results in serious environmental and social problems in urban areas. Therefore, the use of existing dynamic–spatial models of urban growth in regions of developing nations could be a means to assist planners and decision makers of these regions to understand and simulate the process of urban growth and test the results of different development strategies. The pattern of growth of urban regions of developing nations, however, seems to be different of the pattern of developed countries. The former use to be more dense and centralized, normally expanding outwards from consolidated urban areas; while the second is normally more fragmented and sparse. The present paper aims to investigate to how extent existing CA-based urban growth models tested in developed nations can also be applied to a developing country urban area. The urban growth model was applied to Porto Alegre City, Brazil. An expected contiguous expansion from existing urban areas has been obtained as following the historical trends of growth of the region. Moreover, the model was sensitive and able to portray different pattern of growth in the study area by changing the value of its parameters.


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Knowledge of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) status is necessary for determining the optimal treatment of breast cancer patients. At the same time, the discordance between marker profiles (ER/PR and HER2) of primary and metastatic breast cancer is well documented. Whether discordant cases are secondary to “clonal selection” in the face of targeted anti-estrogen or anti-HER2 therapy or whether they are a laboratory artifact is still debated; both scenarios are likely. This article outlines current modalities for ER, PR, and HER2 testing in primary breast carcinoma and its metastases and reviews prospective and retrospective studies that have addressed these issues, as well as recent advances in the field.


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The conventional electrospinning often uses a needle-like nozzle to produce nanofibers with a very low production rate. Despite the enormous application potential, needle electrospun nanofibers meet difficulties in broad applications in practice, due to the lack of an economic and efficient way to scale up the electrospinning process. Recently, needleless electrospinning has emerged as a new electrospinning mode and shown ability to produce nanofibers on large-scales. It has been established that the fiber generator, also referred to as “spinneret” in this paper, in needleless electrospinning plays a key role in scaling up the nanofiber production. This paper summarizes the recent advances in the development of needleless spinnerets and their influences on electrospinning process, nanofiber quality, and productivity.


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Recent advances highlight the potential for predators to restore ecosystems and confer resilience against globally threatening processes, including climate change and biological invasions. However, releasing the ecological benefits of predators entails significant challenges. Here, we discuss the economic, environmental and social considerations affecting predator-driven ecological restoration programmes, and suggest approaches for reducing the undesirable impacts of predators. Because the roles of predators are context dependent, we argue for increased emphasis on predator functionality in ecosystems and less on the identities and origins of species and genotypes. We emphasise that insufficient attention is currently given to the importance of variation in the social structures and behaviours of predators in influencing the dynamics of trophic interactions. Lastly, we outline experiments specifically designed to clarify the ecological roles of predators and their potential utility in ecosystem restoration.


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Introduction: Development of an effective, safe and targeted drug delivery system to fight cancer and other diseases is a prime focus in the area of drug discovery. The emerging field of nanotechnology has revolutionised the way cancer therapy and diagnosis is achieved primarily due to the recent advances in material engineering and drug availability. Further, the recognition of the crucial role played by anti-apoptotic proteins such as survivin, has initiated the development of therapeutics that can target this protein as an attempt to develop alternative cancer therapies. However, a key challenge faced in drug development is the efficient delivery of survivin-targeted molecules to specific areas in the body.Areas covered: This review primarily focuses on the different strategies employing nanotechnology for targeting survivin expressed in human cancers. Different nanomaterials incorporating nucleic molecules or drugs targeted at survivin are discussed and the results obtained from studies are highlighted.Expert opinion: There are extensive studies reporting different treatment regimens for cancer, however, they still result in systemic toxicity, reduced bioavailability and ineffective delivery. Novel approaches involve the use of biocompatible nanomaterials together with gene or drug molecules to target proteins such as survivin, which is overexpressed in cancerous cells. These nanoformulations allow the benefits of protecting easily degradable molecules, allow controlled release, and enhance targeted delivery and effectiveness. Hence, nanotherapy utilizing survivin targeting can be considered to play a key role in the development of personalized nanomedicine for cancer.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide and originates in early life. The exact mechanisms of this early-life origin are unclear, but a likely mediator at the molecular level is epigenetic dysregulation of gene expression. Epigenetic factors have thus been posited as the likely drivers of early-life programming of adult-onset diseases. This review summarizes recent advances in epidemiology and epigenetic research of CVD risk in children, with a particular focus on twin studies. Classic twin studies enable partitioning of phenotypic variance within a population into additive genetic, shared, and nonshared environmental variances, and are invaluable in research in this area. Longitudinal cohort twin studies, in particular, may provide important insights into the role of epigenetics in the pathogenesis of CVD. We describe candidate gene and epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs) and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of CVD, and discuss the potential for evidence-based interventions. Identifying epigenetic changes associated with CVD-risk biomarkers in children will provide new opportunities to unravel the underlying biological mechanism of the origins of CVD and enable identification of those at risk for early-life interventions to alter the risk trajectory and potentially reduce CVD incidence later in life.


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Diel vertical migration (DVM) by zooplankton is a universal feature in all the World's oceans, as well as being common in freshwater environments. The normal pattern involves movement from shallow depths at night to greater depths during the day. For many herbivorous and omnivorous mesozooplankton that feed predominantly near the surface on phytoplankton and microzooplankton, minimising the risk of predation from fish seems to be the ultimate factor behind DVM. These migrants appear to use deep water as a dark daytime refuge where their probability of being detected and eaten is lower than if they remained near the surface. Associated with these vertical movements of mesozooplankton, predators at higher trophic levels, including invertebrates, fish, marine mammals, birds and reptiles, may modify their behaviour to optimise the exploitation of their vertically migrating prey. Recent advances in biotelemetry promise to allow the interaction between migrating zooplankton and diving air-breathing vertebrates to be explored in far more detail than hitherto.


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Recent advances in telemetry technology have created a wealth of tracking data available for many animal species moving over spatial scales from tens of meters to tens of thousands of kilometers. Increasingly, such data sets are being used for quantitative movement analyses aimed at extracting fundamental biological signals such as optimal searching behavior and scale-dependent foraging decisions. We show here that the location error inherent in various tracking technologies reduces the ability to detect patterns of behavior within movements. Our analyses endeavored to set out a series of initial ground rules for ecologists to help ensure that sampling noise is not misinterpreted as a real biological signal. We simulated animal movement tracks using specialized random walks known as Lévy flights at three spatial scales of investigation: 100-km, 10-km, and 1-km maximum daily step lengths. The locations generated in the simulations were then blurred using known error distributions associated with commonly applied tracking methods: the Global Positioning System (GPS), Argos polar-orbiting satellites, and light-level geolocation. Deviations from the idealized Lévy flight pattern were assessed for each track after incrementing levels of location error were applied at each spatial scale, with additional assessments of the effect of error on scale-dependent movement patterns measured using fractal mean dimension and first-passage time (FPT) analyses. The accuracy of parameter estimation (Lévy μ, fractal mean D, and variance in FPT) declined precipitously at threshold errors relative to each spatial scale. At 100-km maximum daily step lengths, error standard deviations of ≥10 km seriously eroded the biological patterns evident in the simulated tracks, with analogous thresholds at the 10-km and 1-km scales (error SD ≥ 1.3 km and 0.07 km, respectively). Temporal subsampling of the simulated tracks maintained some elements of the biological signals depending on error level and spatial scale. Failure to account for large errors relative to the scale of movement can produce substantial biases in the interpretation of movement patterns. This study provides researchers with a framework for understanding the limitations of their data and identifies how temporal subsampling can help to reduce the influence of spatial error on their conclusions.