98 resultados para readers


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Anxious doctoral researchers can now call on a proliferation of advice books telling them how to produce their dissertations. This article analyzes some characteristics of this self-help genre, including the ways it produces an expert–novice relationship with readers, reduces dissertation writing to a series of linear steps, reveals hidden rules, and asserts a mix of certainty and fear to position readers "correctly." The authors argue for a more complex view of doctoral writing both as text work/identity work and as a discursive social practice. They reject transmission pedagogies that normalize the power-saturated relations of protégé and master and point to alternate pedagogical approaches that position doctoral researchers as colleagues engaged in a shared, unequal, and changing practice


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This paper investigates the high-earning children's series, A Series of Unfortunate Events, in relation to the skills young people require to survive and thrive in what Ulrich Beck calls risk society. Children's textual culture has been traditionally informed by assumptions about childhood happiness and the need to reassure young readers that the world is safe. The genre is consequently vexed by adult anxiety about children's exposure to certain kinds of knowledge. This paper discusses the implications of the representation of adversity in the Lemony Snicket series via its subversions of the conventions of children's fiction and metafictional strategies. Its central claim is that the self-consciousness or self-reflexivity of A Series of Unfortunate Events} models one of the forms of reflexivity children need to be resilient in the face of adversity and to empower them to undertake the biographical project risk society requires of them.


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Engineering contributions have played an important role in the rise and evolution of cellular biology. Engineering technologies have helped biologists to explore the living organisms at cellular and molecular levels, and have created new opportunities to tackle the unsolved biological problems. There is now a growing demand to further expand the role of engineering in cellular biology research. For an engineer to play an effective role in cellular biology, the first essential step is to understand the cells and their components. However, the stumbling block of this step is to comprehend the information given in the cellular biology literature because it best suits the readers with a biological background. This paper aims to overcome this bottleneck by describing the human cell components as micro-plants that form cells as micro-bio-factories. This concept can accelerate the engineers’ comprehension of the subject. In this paper, first the structure and function of different cell components are described. In addition, the engineering attempts to mimic various cell components through numerical modelling or physical implementation are highlighted. Next, the interaction of different cell components that facilitate complicated chemical processes, such as energy generation and protein synthesis, are described. These complex interactions are translated into simple flow diagrams, generally used by engineers to represent multi-component processes.


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In the literacy classroom, students have few opportunities to use their literacy practices to contest narratives of race, class, gender and sexuality. Instead, extensive time is spent completing literacy activities associated with what “good” readers and writers do. Students’ literacy practices are often formulaic, repetitive, and serve classroom management strategies producing a mythic narrative of good literacy teaching. This paper introduces a queer literacy curriculum that poses pedagogy as a series of questions: What does being taught, what does knowledge do to students? How does knowledge become understood in the relationship between teacher/text and student? (Lusted, 1986) It emphasizes developing critical analyses of heterosexism, heteronormativity and normativity with the goal of helping students understand binary categories are not givens, rather social constructions we are often forced to perform (Butler, 1990) through available discourses. The paper highlights an interruption into the literacy curriculum where, through collective memory work, students investigated, analysed and contested the usually-not-noticed ways a small understanding of heterosexuality has come to structure their lives.


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Net metering is generally a consumer-based incentive for renewable sources such as wind or solar power systems also referred to as dasiacogenerationdasia. It is still a grey area for container terminals with large electric machines, such as quay cranes, automatic stacking cranes, that can operate in the regenerative mode and export electric energy to the grid. With actual measured electrical data presented for discussion, this paper provides information for the readers to provide a better understanding of their access to net metering, ultilizing their electrical equipment capabilities and be informed for their next negotiation with the power supply company.


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In disciplines other than IS, the use of covariance-based structural equation modelling (SEM) is the mainstream method for SEM analysis, and for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Yet a body of IS literature has developed arguing that PLS regression is a superior tool for these analyses, and for establishing reliability and validity. Despite these claims, the views underlying this PLS literature are not universally shared. In this paper the authors review the PLS and mainstream SEM literatures, and describe the key differences between the two classes of tools. The paper also canvasses why PLS regression is rarely used in management, marketing, organizational behaviour, and that branch of psychology concerned with good measurement – psychometrics. The paper offers some practical options to Australasian researchers seeking greater mastery of SEM, and also acts as a roadmap for readers who want to check for themselves what the mainstream SEM literature has to say.


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David Cadman’s Property Development has long been the standard textbook on the commercial property development process in the UK, and with this fifth edition the book is brought completely up to date for a new generation of readers. Accessible to students of all disciplines within the built environment, the book is geared directly towards students of property development at undergraduate or graduate levels. It provides a clear and practical overview of the property development process, together with critical analysis of the key issues faced by property professionals today.

The fifth edition retains the established structure of previous editions, by focusing on land acquisition, development appraisal, finance, planning, construction, market research and promotion. Additionally, reflecting changes in practice, there is also new material on the environmental impacts of property development, with a chapter on Sustainable Property Development, and on the growth of international working in the property sector. Excellent case studies, which are enhanced by discussion questions, illustrate the process at work. This fully revised and updated edition of a classic text for all property development students will also be of interest to early career professionals and those pursuing a professional degree in the industry.


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This book is a folk tale about how cats and mice came to dislike each other.


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This story explains how Zadig became the king and queen's advisor.


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By the end of this chapter, readers will be able to:
• describe the nature and role of sponsorship as part of a company's marketing mix;
• be familiar with terminology relating to sponsorship and integrated sponsorship marketing;
• discuss the background and growth of sponsorship as a marketing discipline globally and in New Zealand;
• understand corporate methodology for measuring sponsorship effectiveness;
• identify models for sponsorship selection, planning, management and evaluation;
• understand the role of research in sponsorship;
• describe techniques for developing a sponsorship proposal;
• be familiar with global and local trends in sponsorship;
• understand legal implications, including contracts/agreements, ambush marketing and cause-related sponsorship.


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By the end of this chapter, readers will be able to:
• appreciate that sport marketing follows basic marketing principles but with a change of emphasis to suit particular sporting contexts;
• recount how marketing's role can be applied to sport and sport organisations with special emphasis on marketing's '4 Ps';
• evaluate the application of marketing strategies and tactics to chosen sport codes;
• identify different groups of sport fans;
• understand the role marketing planning and marketing management play in staging a sport event.


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This is a history of illustrated Australian children's books published between 1845 and 2008 that emphasises the lesser known elements of the Australian child's literary history. Beyond the icons, such as May Gibbs' Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and Dorothy Wall's Blinky Bill, lie a wealth of illustrated books that broaden the potential for further research. Bottersnikes and Other Lost Things with over 400 full colour illustrations, is a tangible resource giving researchers the potential to expand our understanding of Australian children's literature: Advertising and ephemeral children's books provide insight into the varied nature children's reading from the turn of the 20th century; The educational reading reveals the expectations of the adults who wrote the School Papers and Readers and the aspirations they had for their readership; Attitudes to cultural difference across this period is remarkable for the overt nature of the racist portrayal of Indigenous Australians during the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. These are some of the aspects of the Australian child's literary heritage explored for the first time in this history of Australian children's literature.


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This paper outlines some examples from an Australian education system, and its classrooms, that provide evidence of practices that are considered as antithetical to establishing and maintaining Communities of Mathematical Inquiry (CoMI). Although some possible solutions are posed, implementation is left open for readers to consider, as contexts vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


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Foregrounding the extent to which 'place' remains resistant to the politics and poetics of 'network culture', this essay approaches place as a boundary ecology rather than as an instance of cultural invariance. It calls on readers to think about attempts to actively recycle cultural 'debris' or 'waste' through an ethics of passage instead of the kind of instrumentalist statics that prevents the development of an ontology of mobility. Con-tending that such a capacity to inhabit passage is compromised by the eschatological language used to communicate the implications of environmental disaster, as well as by languages of consultation that (con-ceptually) empty place of any creative power to incubate alternatives – events, modes of relation –, the essay stresses the mythopoetic techniques that produce places as knots or nodal points within a network of pas-sage. The designer's task is to create the hinge mechanisms that render such boundary ecologies inhabitable imaginatively, and by materialising the nexus between creativity and change to alter our position vis-a-vis our ethical responsibilities as citizens of a shared biosphere.