145 resultados para practice-led research, poetry, autobiography, performance, authenticity


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A studio performance (30 minutes) - to include a brief discussion post performance of the practice, experience and further direction of the solo hybrid dance practice and performance

The solo WORK represents an investigation and inquiry into hybrid practice and performance in dance. WORK is the product and register of the author's Master of Arts by Research project undertaken at Deakin University (2010-2012). The embodied inquiry into the nature and potential of hybridity begins and returns to the body in both the physical and written performances. Rather than viewing hybridity and the hybrid body as a pastiche of poorly understood practices, processes and aesthetics, this investigation proposes the hybrid body and practices as one of positive expansion, inquiry, and development for both art form and artist alike.

WORK developed a new approach to movement practice and performance through a solo performance that used physical paradigms of endurance and work to integrate the normally divergent movement practices of contemporary dance, circus and improvisation. Through experiments of endurance in practice and performance WORK engaged in an experiment that placed the author's body as researcher, dancer, choreographer, performer, acrobat and more into the centre of her inquiry. The author's inquiry posed questions as to the potential or otherwise of the hybrid body in the creation of an individual idiom in dance, and challenged bodily endurance in solo performance practice.

This was a performance demonstration of what training-practice, performance-practice and performance might be from a hybrid perspective and also the physical and psychological performance of WORK. WORK is presented as functional, critical, challenging, demanding, and as an endurance event.

The discussion post performance focused on a new choreographic methodology (Studio-led practice as research for PhD study) for extending the potentiality of hybrid work physically - looking forward to removing bias and habitués and potentially creating a new paradigm aesthetically, physically, practically and critically.


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The effects of different amounts of mental practice on the performance of a motor skill were studied. Research supports the effectiveness of mental practice on performance; however, little is known about how much practice is needed and whether there is an optimal amount for these practice effects. Participants, 209 students ages 18 to 44 years (M = 20.5, SD = 2.9), completed a pre- and posttest of dart throwing with the nonpreferred hand. In the practice phase, participants completed either 25 (Mental Practice 25), 50 (Mental Practice 50), or 100 (Mental Practice 100) trials of the darts task or 50 trials of a catching task (Catching Task). Performance for all groups improved from pre- to posttest. Improvements for the three mental practice groups were greater than for the Catching Task group; however, there were no differences for the three Mental Practice groups. The findings support the positive effect of mental practice over a control condition and suggest that small amounts of mental practice may be sufficient for performance improvements, at least for a simple motor skill.


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This article discusses the process of writing through devising in performance. It takes as a case study Apart of and A Part From in which muscle and sense memory – touch, smell, taste, sound and sight – were the points of departure for a contemporary performance piece on migration and identity. This was a practice-as-research project aimed to better understand the artist’s body (myself) in improvisation with memory fragments. Working from a non-verbal frame the writing experience began as actions in space, then new memories in my body, to maps on paper, to key word and some staging patterns, to systematic capturing of the textual, rhythmic and spatial structures in the emerging 30-minute performance. Various objects were incorporated to give aesthetic coherence of the piece. The article reports on the processes of writing in action, the writing and performing as lived experience and how the writing emerged from the spaces in between – self and other, self and object, self and space, present self and past self.


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This paper emerges from current work related to a number of research projects across several creative arts disciplines. It poses the following questions: What implication does creative arts research have for extending our understandings of the role of experiential, problem-based learning and multiple intelligences in the production of knowledge? How can the application of such understandings influence policy and enhance opportunities for support of creative arts research in the university and the broader arena? In a previous paper examining the function of the exegesis (Barrett, 2004), I referred to the suggestion made by Lauchlan Chipman that: in a knowledge economy, it is necessary for a large number of people to comprehend the creative output of others in order for such output to be sufficiently taken up for the enhancement of society. This paper is an extension of the previous one in its attempt to promote wider understanding of the value of creative arts research. I will focus on the dialogic relationship between the exegesis and studio practice in painting, creative writing, performance and dance, in order to demonstrate that creative arts enquiry can promote a more profound understanding of how knowledge is revealed, acquired and expressed. Four successful research projects will be examined as 'case studies' to show how creative arts research methodologies may be applied in the development of more critical and innovative pedagogies and to argue that the role of creative arts research is still to be fully realized and acknowledged in the knowledge economy.


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The health field is being subjected to a dictate that policy, practice and research should be informed by evidence. The mere generation of evidence, however, does not mean that policy and practice will act upon it. Utilisation and application of research findings (often equalled with 'evidence') is a political process following rationalities that are not necessarily similar to those of researchers. In response to this issue that evidence does not naturally finds its way into policy and practice (and back into research), the concept of 'knowledge translation' is becoming increasingly popular. In this article we demonstrate that 'translation' can have different meanings, and that current perspectives (both Knowledge Translation and the Actor-Network Theory) do not reflect appropriately on actions that can be taken at the nexus between research, policy and practice in order to facilitate more integration. We have developed seven conceptual categories suggesting different action modalities. Actors and actants in this game should be aware of the complex political nature of these modalities.


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There are natural synergies between action research as a method of inquiry and the practice of cooperative education. In the search to integrate theory and practice, action research is underpinned by a philosophy of experiential learning. Similarly, cooperative education is underpinned by the belief that in order to learn, there also needs to be action. The work of cooperative education students is also founded on data-based reflection is highly context based and usually collaborative; important characteristics of action research (Cardno, 2003). These similarities between action research and cooperative education provide a starting point in conceptualizing the adoption of action research for sport cooperative education projects. How can action research be integrated within cooperative education projects? This paper will discuss the theoretical basis of action research and illustrate through the use of case studies why and how action research has been utilized in cooperative education projects in sport and recreation. Sport students undertake a range of activities in the cooperative education setting. Some complete basic day to day tasks in recreation centers and with sports teams and others act as volunteers in major events. While these types of roles can fulfill desired outcomes for cooperative education program (for student, industry organization and institution), the adoption of action research can add a further dimension because it aims to create change within the setting under investigation. Through the use of cooperative education projects, students are in a unique position to frame a problem, integrate theory, determine action, and implement and evaluate that action. This paper explores how action research is used in cooperative education projects to help develop capabilities for improving practice.


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This paper presented at the 2010 ADSA Conference held at the Australian National University draws upon my practice based research submitted for a Master of Animateuring (Cross Modal Performance) at the faculty of the Victorian College of the Arts- Melbourne University. Aviary which premiered at the Living Museum of the West in 2006 (a visual space-specific performance during which only one word was uttered) was used as an exemplar of my practice revealing how ontological terror can only be artistically represented through carefully chosen veils, two of which can be made explicit through an analysis of the aesthetic conventions of the liminal uncanny and the traumatic sublime.


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Aims:  This article presents a proposal for the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant, a new nursing role. Background:  Although healthcare delivery continues to evolve, nursing has lacked highly specialized clinical and research leadership that, as a primary responsibility, drives evidence-based practice change in collaboration with bedside clinicians. Data sources:  International literature published over the last 25 years in the databases of CINAHL, OVID, Medline Pubmed, Science Direct, Expanded Academic, ESBSCOhost, Scopus and Proquest is cited to create a case for the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant. Discussion:  The Clinical Nurse Research Consultant will address the research/practice gap and assist in facilitating evidence-based clinical practice. To fulfil the responsibilities of this proposed role, the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant must be a doctorally prepared recognized clinical expert, have educational expertise, and possess advanced interpersonal, teamwork and communication skills. This role will enable clinical nurses to maintain and share their clinical expertise, advance practice through research and role model the clinical/research nexus. Implications for nursing:  Critically, the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant must be appointed in a clinical and academic partnership to provide for career progression and role support. Conclusion:  The creation of the Clinical Nurse Research Consultant will advance nursing practice and the discipline of nursing.


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Increasingly planning practice and research are having to engage with Indigenous communities in Australia to empower and position their knowledge in planning strategies and arguments. But also to act as articulators of their cultural knowledge, landscape aspirations and responsibilities and the need to ensure that they are directly consulted in projects that impact upon their ‘country’ generally and specifically. This need has changed rapidly over the last 25 years because of land title claim legal precedents, state and Commonwealth legislative changes, and policy shifts to address reconciliation and the consequences of the fore-going precedents and enactments. While planning instruments and their policies have shifted, as well as research grant expectations and obligations, many of these Western protocols do not recognise and sympathetically deal with the cultural and practical realities of Indigenous community management dynamics, consultation practices and procedures, and cultural events much of which are placing considerable strain upon communities who do not have the human and financial resources to manage, respond, co-operate and inform in the same manner expected of non-Indigenous communities in Australia. This paper reviews several planning formal research, contract research and educational engagements and case studies between the authors and various Indigenous communities, and highlights key issues, myths and flaws in the way Western planning and research expectations are imposed upon Indigenous communities that often thwart the quality and uncertainty of planning outcomes for which the clients, research agencies, and government entities were seeking to create.


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Practice as research is now an accepted mode whereby artists can obtain a higher degree in our universities. But what conditions pertain for them there? Daily experiences of the misfit between the university, particularly in its current corporate guise, and the embodied practices upon which I draw have helped me, paradoxically, to clarify certain dance values which can perhaps have wider resonance. These values relate to concepts and ideas that can be found articulated by many practising artists and a number of other thinkers and practitioners including Winnicott, Alexander and Arendt. Focusing on here and now practicalities and issues, such as the nature of the studio floor, this article explores and argues for the importance of aesthetic experience and attention to life as we are living it: to experience, paradox, action, and sensation.


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The following paper explores practice based research as a means of identifying issues within current urban design methods. It considers the application of parametric systems as a means of addressing these issues. These systems are developed and tested across both Australian and international urban design projects within Grimshaw Architects. A methodology is proposed for the development and application of these parametric tools across multiple scales of design resolution. It reports on the application of a set of parametric urban scale massing tools in real world design projects. This exploration is carried out in distinct phases of design defined by the scale of resolution. The phasing allows for discrete problems to be addressed more effectively at different stages of the design process while still encouraging a seamless, bi directional workflow through a digital master model.


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This research is a practice led investigation of large-scale site specific performance installation works that respond to local and historical trauma, place making, and belonging for communities and audiences. The research is part of an ongoing PhD which is primarily questioning how layers of history and lived experience manifest or ‘imprint’ upon natural landscapes and urban sites using the driving concepts of landscape, archaeology, and community immersion to inform the practice. The site of the primary research investigation was Anthology www.anthology.net.au- a major site-specific theatrical journey through Westlake, now known as Stirling Park – Ngunawal land, a traditional pathway and the site of one of the camps created to house the workers building the new city of Canberra. Tents and a hall were erected followed by 61 cottages built in 1923, for married tradesmen building the infrastructure for the new Federal Capital of Australia. These families lived at Westlake for 50 years until the 1960’s when the families were relocated, the houses sold and removed. A community demolished. Westlake is now parkland (and prime real estate), nestled between the lake and the Embassies of Yarralumla. The event took place between 26th November and the 6th December 2014. The performance installation was created and produced over a 3-year period with $45,000.00 in funding provided by ArtsACT and the Centenary of Canberra. Anthology alluded to the power of immersive, site-sympathetic performance as a regenerative force for communities right now. What lies in wait for artists in sites, in places…to be uncovered…with its final form revealed through careful excavation? Anthology centralised rituals of remembrance and the importance of place as vital to the restoration and regeneration of community through processing and transcending what has been lost, hidden, suppressed or in the case of Westlake or Stirling Park ‘vanished’.


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Digitally projected improvised creative writing performance art.


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This article shares an experimental poem created by three poet-researchers using an online word processor to collaboratewithin a single document. We attempt to blur the line between creative and academic writing, focusing on the possibilities for writing as a method of inquiry and the opportunities for different perceptions of being that it suggests. Our project unfolds as we also produce a brief diffractive reading that does not mirror or deconstruct the poem, but thinks it in an alternative way, as a broader collaboration, or intra-action between entities, both human and non-human. We avoid determining how our purported individual voices merge to form any united voice. Rather, we are alert to agencies and flows that complicate understandings of us as three rational, discrete, fully formed human figures articulating coherent narratives. We therefore offer a response to theoretical calls to explore collaborative writing as inquiry, through sharing our practice.